You nailed the hammer right on the head my good friend! Sorry this part was so confusing, I tried my best not to make this whole thing not confusing but it seems I could have done a slightly better job at explaining things! XD
Caine seems rather heavy handed, doesn't he? I am not sure what to make of what is happening at the moment with Claires "possession". I real… morely do not. I am actually somewhat confused.
Correct me if I am wrong:
So Caine has possessed Claire in order to kill Dracula and has made it so that he could do it without interfearence from Kieron but also manipulated things to ensure that Kieron does arrive after he has finished the job and given up Claires body?
It sounds as if a great standoff is about to begin. I shall await the next chapter in alacrity.
You nailed the hammer right on the head my good friend! Sorry this part was so confusing, I tried my best not to make this whole thing not confusing but it seems I could have done a slightly better job at explaining things! XD
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Something told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the barn. All the kids pour out from the back and look onto the curious crowd. Rosie noticed a lot of Elves and Grendels, too. Junior and Mary's children, minus Sheila, were there. Jersey and Katie's thirteen girls took to the fence and waited for their next move. Little Josiah, standing beside Lily Faith, gives a thumbs up. Lily was in her true form, fists clentched and pounding the ground. Rosie wondered what excuse she made to get here. She was taken back by the support. The quads walked up, stood on a stump and looked out.
Seraphina folds her hands and tucks them behind her back. "I'm glad you all could make it out here today. As you all know, we are in the middle of a war. My mommy was taken down and for the time being, she is gone. My daddy, however, is in the works of bringing her home, so she can defeat this awful lady. My uncle Junior has a clone with my daddy; Michelle and Hades, along with Mr. Nick, are beside my daddy and looking for my mommy. I have seen my grandma Calla-my siblings have as well, as did my uncle Robert and uncle Isaiah-and she comes before me and the others to assure this WILL be beat! My parents are strong and no one like Carla can ever take that away."
"You speak of lies!" A Grendel raises his voice, pointing at Seraphina. "You all claim to know of this plan shall work, yet neither of us have seen it. Your mother and father clearly failed the first time! What makes you so sure this will work and Carla will not rise on top?"
Liam changes before everyone's eyes. He sits on a Horse, wearing a simple armor made of pure gold. In his hands a Harpe. The very sword was given to Liam by Hades. This sword was used by Perseus to kill Medusa and the God felt strongly enough to give the young Grendel this wonderful gift. Weilding the Harpe, the Horse neighs. It bucks up, leaving a trail of fire in his path.
"My sister speaks to thee and thou mocks with your serpent tongue! Thou has seen the likes of my grandmother and father, yet you speak to use as if we know so little ourselves! We are the grandchildren of Calla and Thomas. Two very powerful beings that once graced thy lands with their presence. They bore five sons, one of whom is my father. He and my mother are destined to defeat Carla, for my grandmother made it a point to keep them together with a single knife. A thread of connection. My mother holds thy bow, using it to protect and defeat! My father has taken his place as Alpha, yet you stand before us and mock his very name! You dare question my sister?"
"You will never be what your grandmother use to be! Neither of you! You claim she came to you, yet this very war continues and-"
Liam began to change before the eyes of the Fables and the Grendel questioning him and the others. Rosie noticed she too began to feel the need to protect. Her palms turned silver as she watched her younger siblings take on their forms. Liam holds the sword out; serpents slither from his blade and tangle along the male Grendel. They hiss and flare their sharp fangs.
As the man struggles against the snakes, Liam begins to chirp and click. Viviana lowers her head and growls. Seraphina remains still, hands tucked away and Chloe releasing shadows and fear upon the soul caught in the crossfire.
Liam speaks. "Thou shall see the very power we were gifted with. Even this foul creature challenging thou is of use to us. We shall fight and defend! My siblings and I do not wish to harm thee but thou speaks to us as if we are mere trash laying in the gutters of Fabletown. My father's name is Grendel, Alpha to this clan and posseses the very powers thou has seen and heard my grandmother perform. My mother's name is Emily Caitlynn Grendel, daughter of Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith. She knows no fear and has dealt with many broken nights, yet thou dare challenges her position. She holds the bow of Artemis, the very thing our grandmother use to own. You shall take back your words, good sir or face the consequences...."
The sword flames out; it licks the side of the Grendel's face, causing a burn near his eyes and nose. The stop smokes for a few seconds before turning blue. The beast begins to panic as the Fables, Grendels and Elves around him back away. The man swats at his face, looks over at
Liam and falls to his knees. The Elves KNEW of this method; only so few knew how to handle without causing severe destruction or even death. It was a simple technique used by the powerful Elves in the woods to bring out information from their enemies. Liam was blessed with this secretive gift and used it to his richest advantage.
The Grendel kicks about before bowing towards the quads. "Please, Liam! I beg you of mercy and my life! I did not mean to say these things about your family or grandmother! Please! remove this horrific feeling from my body!"
Liam does so with ease. Waving his sword once more, the magic is removed from the man's face and becomes the same pale toned flesh as before. Touching his face, the beast returns to his feet.
"Thank you, Liam. You are a wonderful young man and forgive me for questioning you or the others." He looks around. "Please....continue as so...."
"You are forgiven." Seraphina speaks. "We do not wish to cast fear but shall cross that path IF needed. I will not fall into the same category as the woman who has caused all this. You all know her name and have seen the damage she has created on us and this town. We must move quickly, for she is coming. I can feel her presence as we speak. Her evil ways and thoughts blow through the trees and mountains. My mother and father are on their way. We must begin the journey back to our home, for the wicked woman will be there to begin the final moves in the battle."
Seraphina looks out to all the faces, each listening to the words of Calla's grandchildren and offspring to Grendel. Rosie, Chloe, Viviana and Liam stood beside their sister and acknowledge the many concerned Fables standing before the child. Although still young at heart, they all knew she spoke deep within with the aide of her grandmother, father and mother. Seraphina continues.
"No one is to fight the devil woman. THAT belongs to my mother and father. We will only take down those she spawns, calls or creates. Be careful, for she uses magic I have yet to comprehend myself. Keep your eyes peeled and watch one another. We are all in this together and from here on out, there are no more groups, seperations or laws. There is to be no more labels or pointing out the differences in this land, for we are ALL as one and must stand together and battle as one. We are Fabes, Wolves, Halfers, Folkers and various creatures all wanting the same purpose in life. I hold out my hand, the blood of my ancestors and the magic within to take down Carla and defeat all that has plagued this world. WHO IS WITH US!?"
The roar from the crowd was enough for all present to know this was the answer everyone needed for so long. Swords, sheilds and weapons of all kinds gleam under the burning afternoon sun. Creatures of all backgrounds raise their fists towards the heavens. Chatter, thundering claps and prayers could be heard throughout the lands. The Grendel children stood proud, mighty and prepared. They noticed, however, two massive Wolves approaching. On the back of the black furred one, sat Georgie and Erica. In her hands, she held a single glass jar. Chloe shields her eyes and glares out towards the on coming group.
"Is that...nana and papa with uncle Peter and Erica?"
Viviana's heart sunk to her knees. "Where...where is uncle Ethan? He is always with uncle Peter..."
The group of creatures split down the middle, allowing the travelers to walk down the path and towards the children. Several remove their hats or helmets and bow in their direction. Peter stands before Seraphina; she could tell in his eyes that things had changed but for the better. He said not a single word, as he placed a single picture of Ethan before the little girl. Seraphina picks it up; it was taken three months ago at a barbecue and at the time before all this occured. He looked so happy....Seraphina only nods to her uncle, tucks the picture into her pocket and looks over to her family. All of them-nothing but smiles-look for Seraphina's next statement. She noticed Erica's change as well and with this, raises her fist high.
"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAARCH! For Fabletown! For the Porgies, Grendels, Elves-TO FAMILY!"
Roaring and cheering one last time, the march begins; Rosie leads the way as her younger siblings follow, not knowing that Gren and Emily were already half way home.
"Have you ever stood beneath the moon, my child and tasted the sweet and richness of the darkness round you?"
Dark stood beside his daughter; Michelle, stiff as stone, looked into the shadows. His slender fingers drapped along her shoulders. The questions was something she often found herself wondering at times. The taste was delicious in her mind, body and soul. But Michelle refused to ever tread over to that path and acknowledge the very thing that gave her life. Produced these vile thoughts and powers.
Dark owned the darkness. He was the monster under your bed, shadow hiding in the closet; the wind blowing through your hair and the feeling of someone 'watching' you when no one was around. Michelle never wanted these feelings for herself or Erica but there was only so much running a person can do. She was trapped in the corner with only one option: join her father.
"Yes." This answer seemed to please Dark. "I've caught myself many of times when Erica was asleep and found myself standing under the moon's light, embracing the hold it had upon me. It felt as if fingers were entwined around my throat, grasping at my very life, trying to choke me. I'd struggle to breath. To open my eyes and face the very thing causing these feelings. One time, I managed to look past the pain and see the world as you did; a desolant wasteland of vast opportunity with doors swinging open at every path I turned. The teeth of mundanes and Fables alike. The many things I could DO with their teeth and the control I longed to finally be consumed by. But I never did and I'm pleased to know I was strong enough to leave those thoughts were it belonged: in the dark, father, with you."
Dark releases his grip on Michelle's shoulders. Despite the years spent away from his own flesh and blood, the strength he felt for those mere minutes was something he treasured and looked highly of. She was indeed him but with a perfect combination of her mother. The Toothfairy was pure as fresh snow. She loved all and wanted to be more in this world. Dark often found himself reliving the days of their time spent together.
She looked identical to Michelle but with shorter hair. Her eyes blue like the fresh springs and skin smooth as silk. Dark wanted to control this beautiful slice of heaven; he often wondered if this alone was the reason why he wanted to envelop himself around something so bright and pure as the Toothfairy. She was opposite to his twisted side and he wanted to control her with fear. She never allowed it. Even their own child produced in grief and fear remaind still and so much of her mother.
"He's gone, isn't he dad?" Michelle was struggling with her tears. "Ethan...?"
"Why the sudden question, my child?"
"You mentioned him to me and here we stand. In the darkness. He DIED because of me..."
"He passed because he wanted to save you. Do not be selfish, Michelle."
"Selfish!?" Michelle pushes Dark. "YOU, of all people, should NOT talk to me about being selfish! All mom wanted was to love you and have a family, yet all you saw were those fucking teeth! I had no one! You have the odacity to call me selfish! He died because of me! Carla....she used me. Noah...they all knew of this and yet, I somehow did not see any of their plans. To use me in hopes of Erica becoming something so evil, they could use it during this war. And he sacrificed himself...."
"To protect you, my child. But fate is a funny thing like this; Ethan Porgie was always meant to die but for reasons no one was sure of. He, unlike me, saw more then just the 'power' you had inside. I'm sorry, for I was not there to protect you, for I too was being selfish. Not Ethan. He saw the thing Carla had done, the life Noah took from you and Erica. The very thing you once were-your mother-was stripped away. The fire he fell in love with was burning away and he wanted that back. He gave Erica a second chance."
"Erica?" Michelle clings to Dark's cloak. ", dad? Is my Erica still safe?"
"Safe forever in the arms of love, my child." It ached to say these words. "I for one will never truly understand the powers of love but I can applaude a man who can. You have the opportunity now to take what Carla wanted out of you and your daughter and use it against her. She no longer controls you, Michelle. No one does."
Miichelle bows her head. "No....not my Ethan....I love him so much..."
"As he loves you, for it will never die. He left you two gifts. One, I've told you of. The second comes later but right now, we must train you, for the time I have with you is draining away. Here-" Dark hands her a skull. "Take the teeth, them."
"No..." She pushes the skull back, blinded with tears. "Please. No. Don't make me..."
"You'll have the opportunity to USE this against Carla when the time comes. To avenge both your daughter and Ethan, for their lives were being led by this woman. TAKE the teeth and let me show you JUST what we can do, my child...."
Michelle cups the skull in her hand. She stared deeply into the empty eye sockets and began to picture the power controlling her mind. She recalled doing this as a child; after murdering her mother, the urge to collect teeth and make familiars of her mother. To CONTROL the Toothfairy, when so many could not. Chew on her teeth one by one and spit them out; create clones of her dead mother and do anything she wanted to them.
Now, here was Michelle, glaring into the sockets of the skull. Dark touches his daughter's head one last time before planting a kiss on the top. He had no other choice. The fear inside his daughter was a strange and sickening taste in his mouth. He wanted to protect the very thing he took part in creating but his future was not beside his daughter. It was up to Michelle now.
Dark grabs her right hand. Michelle was shaking violently in her father's fingers. The confusion. Mixed feelings she had for this man. Dark leans forward and kisses Michelle's forehead.
"Trust your heart..." This burned as Dark spoke but it was worth it. "It will guide you. It knows whats good for you, Michelle."
"What is this, dad....?" Michelle looks at three velvet bags. "What...they are teeth. Who's teeth are they?"
"Carla thinks she won but is so wrong. You'll know when the time comes, my daughter. I love you...."
Dark was gone before Michelle could speak. Curious, Michelle stood in the dark. She began to hear Nick's raspy voice and Gren's sudden pleas. A shadow, one of Junior's shape, circled her body. Still holding the teeth, Michelle looks up. Her time here was through. But before she did, Michelle needed to 'test' her father's theory out. Taking one of the velvey bags, Michelle reaches inside and pulls out a molar.
The white gleamed against the darkness. It called to hear. Beckoned to embrace the dark. Placing the tooth in her mouth, Michelle chews. It was a glorious feeling. closing her eyes, Michelle leans her head back; the calls of Nick, Gren and Junior growing louder as she moved her jaws, crunching down on the tooth. The sweet, juicy flavors of control dancing along her tongue.
Pulling back, Michelle spits into the dirt. A figure stands before her; tall, burly and decomposing. There was no life in his eyes. No spoken words or understanding. He stood their, moaning, staring blankly into Michelle's face. She could feel the warmth of the Underworld and Gren's rough hands along her face. Beaming, Michelle folds her arms.
"Hello, old friend....I have a job for you...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Leave for my old hometown in two hours. Heading to my mom for Mother's Day. Enjoy this day; call your mom, stop by, give her a hug, etc.
I love Gertraud and even with her inhuman snoring, you can't help but feel for the woman. This chap was short, sweet but to the point; it left you feeling relaxed while it gave me just enough to know that this is the calm before the stroms. I felt bad for Alfred; even just the simple humming of the engine was drowning out his thoughts of the issues developing around him. He didn't even notice the wire at first.
However you decide to take this path with Gertraud and Alfred, I shall be there to read and enjoy. I see the Cuban Missle Crisis and Vietnam war shall be mentioned and I'll be a happy man either way. I figured Al and Gertraud may not be invlved directly but it would interesting to see their point on the issue, for Gertraud has little moments of sarcasm and I love it!
Just a short bite of a chapter to overcome my writers block.
Chapter 23: Ich schlafe kann nicht. August 13. 1961.
I awoke that morning… more prior to dawn. Gertraud was still asleep, as was indicated by her inhuman snoring.
I clumsily dressed into my suit, coat, hat and riding gloves with as much effort I could muster in my state of tiredness. I gave my hair a quick slick back with my comb, not bothering with product this time. I needed fresh air.
Walking outside, I felt the cold of the early morning slap my face, energising me and eroding the tiredness within.
I would find myself in the position of being unable to sleep some nights. The buzzing and scents of the city, while it no longer tortured my senses as it did when I and she first arrived, I found can excite them and render me restless . On these nights, I would go out for some time and return sometime later. Gertraud knew of this and thus had no issues waking up only to find m… [view original content]
It was you that suggested music
I was thinking that the content of that seduction scene would be too much for this forum, but I haven't … morebeen banned yet (then again Pie has written more risqué stuff than me)
Death is furious that Nick let something so simple infect him... he may come around though
Damien is used to this sort of behaviour by now, though Nick will be the one paying for his new wall :P
Nick's curse only affects him at night... I mentioned this in a comment to Tetra not too long ago, the curse aggravates Nick's aggression and fills him with a desire for blood. Anyone before him could be a victim, even close friends and family...
This is my favourite Alice Cooper song! XD
This was so awesome! Go Liam! You protect your family! And Seraphina, you have certainly grown on me. You're speech and your call to war is definitely a virtue, even Kieron would follow your lead! And Michelle, I feel bad for her...although maybe Ethan will be able to fight by her side again, but as a one of the molar teeth spawns instead? I do also feel bad for Mr. Dark, he seems to be trying to atone for what he did or maybe I'm comepletely wrong! XD
This was awesome and fit perfectly with the Resident Evil 3 Save Theme Free from Fear. You feel safe yet you can feel the fear you left behind grabbing at your legs.
Earlier part 3
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Some… morething told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the … [view original content]
Nah she will understand and I'll explain why in the next Chap. (possibly tomorrow I'll write. Heading out in a bit. )
Sadly, I wanted to incorporate what I myself went through: some were okay and others, like Rose, not so much.
Liam and Seraphina are the dynamic, asskicking duo of the Gremily kids! Both have that leader mentality but in their own way, as it will be shown from here on out. Ethan WILL be fighting beside her but in another form...:) Mr. Dark is confused; he is a vile man but has shown some sympathy in the past and now, towards his daughter. He loves her but not how a father should....
I have never played Resident Evil 3 but if you say it fits, then I'll take it!!
This was so awesome! Go Liam! You protect your family! And Seraphina, you have certainly grown on me. You're speech and your call to war is … moredefinitely a virtue, even Kieron would follow your lead! And Michelle, I feel bad for her...although maybe Ethan will be able to fight by her side again, but as a one of the molar teeth spawns instead? I do also feel bad for Mr. Dark, he seems to be trying to atone for what he did or maybe I'm comepletely wrong! XD
This was awesome and fit perfectly with the Resident Evil 3 Save Theme Free from Fear. You feel safe yet you can feel the fear you left behind grabbing at your legs.
I look forward to more! Brofist
That's so cool! I knew Liam would be badass and I always saw Seraphina as the leader of the quads but knowing their both leaders in their own way, Carlas spawn are so screwed! XD I knew it! Ah I see.
It was my favorite out of the older Resident Evils! The save theme makes you feel safe but at the same time it let you know that there is nothing but horror outside that safe room! XD
Liam and Seraphina are the dynamic, asskicking duo of the Gremily kids! Both have that leader mentality but in their own way, as it will be… more shown from here on out. Ethan WILL be fighting beside her but in another form...:) Mr. Dark is confused; he is a vile man but has shown some sympathy in the past and now, towards his daughter. He loves her but not how a father should....
I have never played Resident Evil 3 but if you say it fits, then I'll take it!!
Thanks, my good man! -brofis-
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
This chapter was an apetiser for the next chapter. I could not get myself to write an entire chapter last night (I was tired) so I decided to do a short teaser of sorts.
The Cuban Missile Crisis HAS to be mentioned at least. It is the closest the USSR and USA came to a full-out nuclear war, and hence everyone was on the edge of their seats.
Did you get what was happening when Alfred mentioned not noticing the barbed wire and fences being erected?
I love Gertraud and even with her inhuman snoring, you can't help but feel for the woman. This chap was short, sweet but to the point; it le… moreft you feeling relaxed while it gave me just enough to know that this is the calm before the stroms. I felt bad for Alfred; even just the simple humming of the engine was drowning out his thoughts of the issues developing around him. He didn't even notice the wire at first.
However you decide to take this path with Gertraud and Alfred, I shall be there to read and enjoy. I see the Cuban Missle Crisis and Vietnam war shall be mentioned and I'll be a happy man either way. I figured Al and Gertraud may not be invlved directly but it would interesting to see their point on the issue, for Gertraud has little moments of sarcasm and I love it!
Alfred still gets restless from city life huh? At least Gertraud understands it, as opposed to a case of him not talking to her about his restlessness and then an argument breaks out between them (man, I would not want to be on the receiving end of an argument with Gertraud)
Just a short bite of a chapter to overcome my writers block.
Chapter 23: Ich schlafe kann nicht. August 13. 1961.
I awoke that morning… more prior to dawn. Gertraud was still asleep, as was indicated by her inhuman snoring.
I clumsily dressed into my suit, coat, hat and riding gloves with as much effort I could muster in my state of tiredness. I gave my hair a quick slick back with my comb, not bothering with product this time. I needed fresh air.
Walking outside, I felt the cold of the early morning slap my face, energising me and eroding the tiredness within.
I would find myself in the position of being unable to sleep some nights. The buzzing and scents of the city, while it no longer tortured my senses as it did when I and she first arrived, I found can excite them and render me restless . On these nights, I would go out for some time and return sometime later. Gertraud knew of this and thus had no issues waking up only to find m… [view original content]
Short but sweet as always :P
Alfred still gets restless from city life huh? At least Gertraud understands it, as opposed to a case of him… more not talking to her about his restlessness and then an argument breaks out between them (man, I would not want to be on the receiving end of an argument with Gertraud)
I await the next chapter! XD
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He woke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her arms
Kieron put the hood of his cloak down and crossed his arms. "Shoot! I thought I would have beat you!" He pouted.
Ride picked Kieron up and kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe one day you will!" She smiled "Do you know what today is?" She asked
Kieron began to put his hands together and spin his thumbs. "I don't want to say until I get your present ready!" He said
Ride smiled "And what is my little man getting for me this year?" She asked
Kieron pointed at her "I can't tell you! Then it'd spoil the surprise!"
Ride laughed "Alright alright, be sure to be home soon alright? Or can I come with you?" She asked
Kieron began to think. "Sure I guess!"
Ride put her red cloak on and smiled. "Sounds good!"
Kieron held his Rides hand "Is Dad awake? Is he feeling better?"
"Nope he's still sleeping. He caught some cold huh?" She said
"Yeah! I hope he gets better soon!" Kieron said
They began to walk out the door. "He'll be up later, then we'll spend the day together as a family!" Ride smiled
They walked out of the cabin there was a bright morning sunlight. Kieron and Ride decided to keep their hoods down as they walked through the forest. While they walked through the forest Kieron began looking for the white rose. He looked left and right while he walked with his mother.
"So what are we looking for?" Ride asked
Kieron almost said white rose but he caught himself "We are looking for a flower. And when I find it, you have to keep your eyes closed!" He smiled at her
Ride smiled back. "Okay I can do that I guess. Or you could hide it behind your back." She suggested
Kieron nodded. "I'll do that then!"
Kieron was unsure at first bringing his mother to get her the last flower, but if he didn't he wouldn't be having this much fun doing it. Plus there were people in the forest who would bully and beat him, then he'd have to meet the man with crimson eyes to heal his wounds so his mother wouldn't notice. He always kept this a secret, he didn't want his mom to worry and the mean people said they'd hurt his family if he did speak up, so Kieron stayed quiet. He figured the pain was worth going through to keep his family safe, and when the mean people in the forest left he'd see the man with crimson eyes to make sure his mother wouldn't ask questions. While thinking this they began to head into the village.
"So are we going to buy this flower instead?" Ride asked
Kieron had comepletely forgotten to keep an eye out for the rose! However he knew there would be able to buy one, there was a woman who sold flowers in the market. "Yeah, sorry I got sidetracked from having fun spending time with you!" He smiled hugging her and then went to holding her hand again.
Ride laughed "It's fine, C'mon let's go to the flourist." She smiled
Kieron and Ride began to walk through the market, there was a surprising amount of people there. Kieron thought that it wouldn't have that many people in it. Kieron saw a woman on the street, she had blonde hair and light blue eyes. Kieron frowned.
"Mommy can we help that woman?" He asked
Ride noticed the woman and nodded. "Of course."
Kieron and Ride walked over to the bakery and bought bread and vegetables for the woman and brought it over to the woman. Kieron smiled.
"Here you go miss!" He said
The woman smiled "Thank you so much, young man! May I have your name?" She asked
Kieron nodded and told her his name. The woman smiled "My name is Celeste, nice to meet you."
Kieron nodded again. "Nice to meet you too! I wish I could help more, but this is all I can do." He said in a dissapointed voice.
"Oh no its fine! Here take it as a trade!" She said handing him a white rose.
Kierons face lit up he hugged the woman. "Thank you so much!"
The woman gave a weak smile "Glad I could help."
Kieron waved and said his goodbyes to the woman. Kieron ran back and held his mother's hand, he told her it was alright for them to head back home now. When Ride and Kieron got back home, Kieron ran straight to his room. He pulled out the vase and placed the white rose right in the middle. He placed the vase on the ground. He peaked out of his door.
"Mom! Close your eyes!" He said
Ride put her hands over her eyes. "Alright if you say so!" She smiled
Kieron picked up the vase walked outside his door and handed her the vase. "Happy Mothers Day Mom!" He said hugging her.
Rides face was extremely happy and tears began to form. "Oh Kieron this is beautiful! How long did it take you to get all of these?" She asked
"Ummm" Kieron began to count on his fingers "Four months." He said
Ride knelt down and gave him a hug. "I love you sweetie." She said
Kieron gave her a hug back "I love you too mom!"
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
Liam: defender of kin and Seraphina: the articulator of oratory. A truely epic scene.
I still have yet to adujust to Ethan's death (I am just used to his prescence in this story), and thus Michelles discovery of his death caused a wave of emotion to wash over me. I am glad to see that Dark is being so selfless (particularly after what happened in Fables) and supportive of his daughter.
Earlier part 3
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Some… morething told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the … [view original content]
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
Sometimes those shorter tales explain and paint vivid images and I like JUST enough to get my curiosity going.
I figured you'd have some idea of how to slide that entire mess into your story. I look forward to that but lately, you never cease to trap me into a world of History and I applaude you for doing so.
Wasn't this the time when east and west Berlin were divided? I assumed this is what was taking place but please correct me if this was meant to be something else.
This chapter was an apetiser for the next chapter. I could not get myself to write an entire chapter last night (I was tired) so I decided t… moreo do a short teaser of sorts.
The Cuban Missile Crisis HAS to be mentioned at least. It is the closest the USSR and USA came to a full-out nuclear war, and hence everyone was on the edge of their seats.
Did you get what was happening when Alfred mentioned not noticing the barbed wire and fences being erected?
This was really cute and perfect for today. Ride is such a caring and devoted mother to her son. Now, forgive me for asking because I'm drawing a blank IF you mentioned it before but who is Kieron's father? Also, nice white Rose there, considering the trouble he'll face with Wonderland and all.
Kieron is too freaking cute in this as well. And then there is Celeste. Sounded so sad, yet, had a smile in her eyes. I just pictured Ride in her red cloak with this adorable little boy. The feels but good ones. :')
Mother's Day...
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He w… moreoke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her ar… [view original content]
Glad you liked it man! I always enjoy doing themed chapters Your guess is as good as mine XD that's one thing I haven't really put any thought into when I really should, I guess for now he's just a simple fable average husband who loved his wife and kid until the tragic day he passed away. Oh yes, he'll never forget those days in wonderland
Oh yes when she saw this young boy reach out to her and give her food while everyone else walked by, she was really grateful. Glad they were good feels and not bad
This was really cute and perfect for today. Ride is such a caring and devoted mother to her son. Now, forgive me for asking because I'm dra… morewing a blank IF you mentioned it before but who is Kieron's father? Also, nice white Rose there, considering the trouble he'll face with Wonderland and all.
Kieron is too freaking cute in this as well. And then there is Celeste. Sounded so sad, yet, had a smile in her eyes. I just pictured Ride in her red cloak with this adorable little boy. The feels but good ones. :')
Very astute. That night was when the wall was erected.
That night, the ministry of the GDR (German Democratic Republic, or East Germany) met to initiate the plan to erect the wall. By sunrise, the first stage (barbed-wire and fencing) was completed, effectively errecting the wall overnight.
Sometimes those shorter tales explain and paint vivid images and I like JUST enough to get my curiosity going.
I figured you'd have some… more idea of how to slide that entire mess into your story. I look forward to that but lately, you never cease to trap me into a world of History and I applaude you for doing so.
Wasn't this the time when east and west Berlin were divided? I assumed this is what was taking place but please correct me if this was meant to be something else.
Thank god his senses aee not as honed as Bigby's. Otherwise, I am sure Alfred would have been driven to insanity.
Arguing with Gertraud is a death sentance. Do so at your own peril.
Ah! Feels again, but the good type! (I see no end to this thread-wide feels epidemic in sight)
I found this lovely and cute: a welcome break from the usual (not that the usual is bad, I just liked having something different for a change). Ride and Kieron in this chapter were cute with their mother/child dynamic. It makes everything that is happening now in the Vampire Challenge seem all the more sad.
I guess that Celeste may play a role in the future yet. If I am incorrect, remind me to try and leave my wishfull thinking out of it.
Mother's Day...
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He w… moreoke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her ar… [view original content]
I actually thought Kieron was dead, and I agree with Rammstein that you could've explained the plan better, but I THINK I got the gist of it in the end...
Caine vs Dracula, a fight to rock the ages
And Ride can use Blood Magic?! Well well, this is new
The Assault... Finale
Caine stood in Claires body but that didn't mean he couldn't hear her. He summoned a glass vial and filled it with … morehis blood.
"What are you doing?" Claire asked
"I'm going to help your love of course." He smiled
"Is it safe!? What if it kills him!?" She said in a worried tone.
"Your, I hope for your sake, future husband will not be hurt. The only trait that can be passed to him is being able to stand in sunlight. This would hurt no vampire." He said "However getting him to comprise will be complicated."
If Claire was in her body instead of her own head her cheeks would probably be red due to the husband comment but she was more focused on the 'getting him to compromise' part worried her. "What are you going to do!?" She said
Caine began to make Claires body move out of the Crypt...
Outside of the Crypt...
Ride and Kieron heard the gate open. Ride watched as Kieron ran over and stand in front of… [view original content]
That whole segment during the speech did throw me off at times, mainly cuz of Liam speaking in an older form of English, but I think I got it in the end. Though what he did to that Grendel, did he just put a strong burning sensation into his face? I was kinda confused by what he was doing to him
My uncle Junior has a clone with my daddy; Michelle and Hades, along with Mr. Nick
Mr. Nick, lol :P
My mother's name is Emily Caitlynn Grendel
Isn't it technically Amelia Caitlynn Grendel??
That segment with Mr Dark was informative, and showed a side of Dark that I would never have guessed could even be a thing. The Boogeyman knows what love is... And I guess that Michelle's new Familiar is Noah
Earlier part 3
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Some… morething told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the … [view original content]
Earlier part 3
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Some… morething told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the … [view original content]
If you mentioned that detail about Alfred in an earlier chapter then I do apologise because I had forgotten it entirely
Hmmm, Nick wouldn't back down from her, cuz chances are that if an argument starts between them, it's because Nick is right and Gertraud is just being her stubborn self. Even Nick knows when an argument is lost :P
But he would try his best to intimidate her, and he won't stop trying, he'll progressively get worse and worse until she either gives up or starts trembling with fear. Nick won't ever let someone with no magical powers or advantages to speak of scare him into submission...
Oh, no. Alfred HATES tobacco smoke. It is one of the things that are prominent among the city smells that cause him to become restless.
… more I doubt that even Nick would want to argue with Gertraud! XP
Ha! How do you think he would cope in an argument with her?
I have not mentioned that detail at all. I was to use it in a future chapter, though. You forgot nought, my friend.
Gertraud would either give up (unlikely) or piss Nick off (most likely). It is not like her to show fear and I doubt that she would be to comerned with her safety if it means being proven correct. One of the disadvantages with Gertrauds personality is her inability to give up in the face of defeat. If proven beyond ALL doubt to be incorrect, she might yield.
If you mentioned that detail about Alfred in an earlier chapter then I do apologise because I had forgotten it entirely
Hmmm, Nick would… moren't back down from her, cuz chances are that if an argument starts between them, it's because Nick is right and Gertraud is just being her stubborn self. Even Nick knows when an argument is lost :P
But he would try his best to intimidate her, and he won't stop trying, he'll progressively get worse and worse until she either gives up or starts trembling with fear. Nick won't ever let someone with no magical powers or advantages to speak of scare him into submission...
I have not mentioned that detail at all. I was to use it in a future chapter, though. You forgot nought, my friend.
Gertraud would either… more give up (unlikely) or piss Nick off (most likely). It is not like her to show fear and I doubt that she would be to comerned with her safety if it means being proven correct. One of the disadvantages with Gertrauds personality is her inability to give up in the face of defeat. If proven beyond ALL doubt to be incorrect, she might yield.
Ok then
Hmmm, good thing she and Nick aren't together then, NOTHING would get decided!!! XP
Nick would start yelling if she pisses him off, but he wouldn't hit her at least...
I was saddened to hear that Kieron was bullied and beaten by those men in the woods, hopefully they get what is coming to them... And who is the 'Man with crimson eyes' I wonder?
Celeste of all people!!! I know so little of her character so the effect of seeing her there is probably lost on me compared to other users on here
"Oh no its fine! Here take it as a trade!" She said handing him a white rose.
Just like The Legend of Zelda :P You trade a mushroom for a broken sword!
One small thing to criticise though: jeans and t-shirts in the Homelands??....
Mother's Day...
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He w… moreoke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her ar… [view original content]
I can picture it already. An argument to end all arguments. A fury of oratory swordplay. Exchanged barrages of insults.
You and I would go through mountains of movie popcorn before it ended.
I kinda want us to do a collaboration now, both of us write a HUGE argument over something like "Who broke this vase?" between Nick and Gertraud!! XD
I'd regain all the weight I lost over 2 weeks with the amount of popcorn I'd consume! XP
You nailed the hammer right on the head my good friend! Sorry this part was so confusing, I tried my best not to make this whole thing not confusing but it seems I could have done a slightly better job at explaining things! XD
Well, at least it was done well enough that my understanding was well enough to peice it together, even if I was not sure about my analysis.
Earlier part 3
"Fate only takes you so far. Once you're there, it's up to you to make it happen." -Unknown
Fabletown. The Farm
Something told Woody this was going to be bigger then just 'hiding' out and waiting. How could Rosie and the quads simply stand back, when family is all they had? Although small children, Woody could sense the feelings of tenacity in their eyes. Woody respected that and although it broke him to picture such young ones wishing to seek vengeance, he could not blame them. The roads they took would always lead these children back home and at the end of the day, they wanted their family back. To have Emily and Gren walk through those doors.
Rosie wanted her father to smile. Forget everything that occured before Emily and start fresh. He was honored to drive Rosie and the quads to the Farm. Arriving, they were greeted by Sunflower and a few other Fables. While closing the gates, Woody parks not too far from the barn. All the kids pour out from the back and look onto the curious crowd. Rosie noticed a lot of Elves and Grendels, too. Junior and Mary's children, minus Sheila, were there. Jersey and Katie's thirteen girls took to the fence and waited for their next move. Little Josiah, standing beside Lily Faith, gives a thumbs up. Lily was in her true form, fists clentched and pounding the ground. Rosie wondered what excuse she made to get here. She was taken back by the support. The quads walked up, stood on a stump and looked out.
Seraphina folds her hands and tucks them behind her back. "I'm glad you all could make it out here today. As you all know, we are in the middle of a war. My mommy was taken down and for the time being, she is gone. My daddy, however, is in the works of bringing her home, so she can defeat this awful lady. My uncle Junior has a clone with my daddy; Michelle and Hades, along with Mr. Nick, are beside my daddy and looking for my mommy. I have seen my grandma Calla-my siblings have as well, as did my uncle Robert and uncle Isaiah-and she comes before me and the others to assure this WILL be beat! My parents are strong and no one like Carla can ever take that away."
"You speak of lies!" A Grendel raises his voice, pointing at Seraphina. "You all claim to know of this plan shall work, yet neither of us have seen it. Your mother and father clearly failed the first time! What makes you so sure this will work and Carla will not rise on top?"
Liam changes before everyone's eyes. He sits on a Horse, wearing a simple armor made of pure gold. In his hands a Harpe. The very sword was given to Liam by Hades. This sword was used by Perseus to kill Medusa and the God felt strongly enough to give the young Grendel this wonderful gift. Weilding the Harpe, the Horse neighs. It bucks up, leaving a trail of fire in his path.
"My sister speaks to thee and thou mocks with your serpent tongue! Thou has seen the likes of my grandmother and father, yet you speak to use as if we know so little ourselves! We are the grandchildren of Calla and Thomas. Two very powerful beings that once graced thy lands with their presence. They bore five sons, one of whom is my father. He and my mother are destined to defeat Carla, for my grandmother made it a point to keep them together with a single knife. A thread of connection. My mother holds thy bow, using it to protect and defeat! My father has taken his place as Alpha, yet you stand before us and mock his very name! You dare question my sister?"
"You will never be what your grandmother use to be! Neither of you! You claim she came to you, yet this very war continues and-"
Liam began to change before the eyes of the Fables and the Grendel questioning him and the others. Rosie noticed she too began to feel the need to protect. Her palms turned silver as she watched her younger siblings take on their forms. Liam holds the sword out; serpents slither from his blade and tangle along the male Grendel. They hiss and flare their sharp fangs.
As the man struggles against the snakes, Liam begins to chirp and click. Viviana lowers her head and growls. Seraphina remains still, hands tucked away and Chloe releasing shadows and fear upon the soul caught in the crossfire.
Liam speaks. "Thou shall see the very power we were gifted with. Even this foul creature challenging thou is of use to us. We shall fight and defend! My siblings and I do not wish to harm thee but thou speaks to us as if we are mere trash laying in the gutters of Fabletown. My father's name is Grendel, Alpha to this clan and posseses the very powers thou has seen and heard my grandmother perform. My mother's name is Emily Caitlynn Grendel, daughter of Georgie Porgie and Lyla Smith. She knows no fear and has dealt with many broken nights, yet thou dare challenges her position. She holds the bow of Artemis, the very thing our grandmother use to own. You shall take back your words, good sir or face the consequences...."
The sword flames out; it licks the side of the Grendel's face, causing a burn near his eyes and nose. The stop smokes for a few seconds before turning blue. The beast begins to panic as the Fables, Grendels and Elves around him back away. The man swats at his face, looks over at
Liam and falls to his knees. The Elves KNEW of this method; only so few knew how to handle without causing severe destruction or even death. It was a simple technique used by the powerful Elves in the woods to bring out information from their enemies. Liam was blessed with this secretive gift and used it to his richest advantage.
The Grendel kicks about before bowing towards the quads. "Please, Liam! I beg you of mercy and my life! I did not mean to say these things about your family or grandmother! Please! remove this horrific feeling from my body!"
Liam does so with ease. Waving his sword once more, the magic is removed from the man's face and becomes the same pale toned flesh as before. Touching his face, the beast returns to his feet.
"Thank you, Liam. You are a wonderful young man and forgive me for questioning you or the others." He looks around. "Please....continue as so...."
"You are forgiven." Seraphina speaks. "We do not wish to cast fear but shall cross that path IF needed. I will not fall into the same category as the woman who has caused all this. You all know her name and have seen the damage she has created on us and this town. We must move quickly, for she is coming. I can feel her presence as we speak. Her evil ways and thoughts blow through the trees and mountains. My mother and father are on their way. We must begin the journey back to our home, for the wicked woman will be there to begin the final moves in the battle."
Seraphina looks out to all the faces, each listening to the words of Calla's grandchildren and offspring to Grendel. Rosie, Chloe, Viviana and Liam stood beside their sister and acknowledge the many concerned Fables standing before the child. Although still young at heart, they all knew she spoke deep within with the aide of her grandmother, father and mother. Seraphina continues.
"No one is to fight the devil woman. THAT belongs to my mother and father. We will only take down those she spawns, calls or creates. Be careful, for she uses magic I have yet to comprehend myself. Keep your eyes peeled and watch one another. We are all in this together and from here on out, there are no more groups, seperations or laws. There is to be no more labels or pointing out the differences in this land, for we are ALL as one and must stand together and battle as one. We are Fabes, Wolves, Halfers, Folkers and various creatures all wanting the same purpose in life. I hold out my hand, the blood of my ancestors and the magic within to take down Carla and defeat all that has plagued this world. WHO IS WITH US!?"
The roar from the crowd was enough for all present to know this was the answer everyone needed for so long. Swords, sheilds and weapons of all kinds gleam under the burning afternoon sun. Creatures of all backgrounds raise their fists towards the heavens. Chatter, thundering claps and prayers could be heard throughout the lands. The Grendel children stood proud, mighty and prepared. They noticed, however, two massive Wolves approaching. On the back of the black furred one, sat Georgie and Erica. In her hands, she held a single glass jar. Chloe shields her eyes and glares out towards the on coming group.
"Is that...nana and papa with uncle Peter and Erica?"
Viviana's heart sunk to her knees. "Where...where is uncle Ethan? He is always with uncle Peter..."
The group of creatures split down the middle, allowing the travelers to walk down the path and towards the children. Several remove their hats or helmets and bow in their direction. Peter stands before Seraphina; she could tell in his eyes that things had changed but for the better. He said not a single word, as he placed a single picture of Ethan before the little girl. Seraphina picks it up; it was taken three months ago at a barbecue and at the time before all this occured. He looked so happy....Seraphina only nods to her uncle, tucks the picture into her pocket and looks over to her family. All of them-nothing but smiles-look for Seraphina's next statement. She noticed Erica's change as well and with this, raises her fist high.
"MAAAAAAAAAAAAAARCH! For Fabletown! For the Porgies, Grendels, Elves-TO FAMILY!"
Roaring and cheering one last time, the march begins; Rosie leads the way as her younger siblings follow, not knowing that Gren and Emily were already half way home.
"Have you ever stood beneath the moon, my child and tasted the sweet and richness of the darkness round you?"
Dark stood beside his daughter; Michelle, stiff as stone, looked into the shadows. His slender fingers drapped along her shoulders. The questions was something she often found herself wondering at times. The taste was delicious in her mind, body and soul. But Michelle refused to ever tread over to that path and acknowledge the very thing that gave her life. Produced these vile thoughts and powers.
Dark owned the darkness. He was the monster under your bed, shadow hiding in the closet; the wind blowing through your hair and the feeling of someone 'watching' you when no one was around. Michelle never wanted these feelings for herself or Erica but there was only so much running a person can do. She was trapped in the corner with only one option: join her father.
"Yes." This answer seemed to please Dark. "I've caught myself many of times when Erica was asleep and found myself standing under the moon's light, embracing the hold it had upon me. It felt as if fingers were entwined around my throat, grasping at my very life, trying to choke me. I'd struggle to breath. To open my eyes and face the very thing causing these feelings. One time, I managed to look past the pain and see the world as you did; a desolant wasteland of vast opportunity with doors swinging open at every path I turned. The teeth of mundanes and Fables alike. The many things I could DO with their teeth and the control I longed to finally be consumed by. But I never did and I'm pleased to know I was strong enough to leave those thoughts were it belonged: in the dark, father, with you."
Dark releases his grip on Michelle's shoulders. Despite the years spent away from his own flesh and blood, the strength he felt for those mere minutes was something he treasured and looked highly of. She was indeed him but with a perfect combination of her mother. The Toothfairy was pure as fresh snow. She loved all and wanted to be more in this world. Dark often found himself reliving the days of their time spent together.
She looked identical to Michelle but with shorter hair. Her eyes blue like the fresh springs and skin smooth as silk. Dark wanted to control this beautiful slice of heaven; he often wondered if this alone was the reason why he wanted to envelop himself around something so bright and pure as the Toothfairy. She was opposite to his twisted side and he wanted to control her with fear. She never allowed it. Even their own child produced in grief and fear remaind still and so much of her mother.
"He's gone, isn't he dad?" Michelle was struggling with her tears. "Ethan...?"
"Why the sudden question, my child?"
"You mentioned him to me and here we stand. In the darkness. He DIED because of me..."
"He passed because he wanted to save you. Do not be selfish, Michelle."
"Selfish!?" Michelle pushes Dark. "YOU, of all people, should NOT talk to me about being selfish! All mom wanted was to love you and have a family, yet all you saw were those fucking teeth! I had no one! You have the odacity to call me selfish! He died because of me! Carla....she used me. Noah...they all knew of this and yet, I somehow did not see any of their plans. To use me in hopes of Erica becoming something so evil, they could use it during this war. And he sacrificed himself...."
"To protect you, my child. But fate is a funny thing like this; Ethan Porgie was always meant to die but for reasons no one was sure of. He, unlike me, saw more then just the 'power' you had inside. I'm sorry, for I was not there to protect you, for I too was being selfish. Not Ethan. He saw the thing Carla had done, the life Noah took from you and Erica. The very thing you once were-your mother-was stripped away. The fire he fell in love with was burning away and he wanted that back. He gave Erica a second chance."
"Erica?" Michelle clings to Dark's cloak. ", dad? Is my Erica still safe?"
"Safe forever in the arms of love, my child." It ached to say these words. "I for one will never truly understand the powers of love but I can applaude a man who can. You have the opportunity now to take what Carla wanted out of you and your daughter and use it against her. She no longer controls you, Michelle. No one does."
Miichelle bows her head. "No....not my Ethan....I love him so much..."
"As he loves you, for it will never die. He left you two gifts. One, I've told you of. The second comes later but right now, we must train you, for the time I have with you is draining away. Here-" Dark hands her a skull. "Take the teeth, them."
"No..." She pushes the skull back, blinded with tears. "Please. No. Don't make me..."
"You'll have the opportunity to USE this against Carla when the time comes. To avenge both your daughter and Ethan, for their lives were being led by this woman. TAKE the teeth and let me show you JUST what we can do, my child...."
Michelle cups the skull in her hand. She stared deeply into the empty eye sockets and began to picture the power controlling her mind. She recalled doing this as a child; after murdering her mother, the urge to collect teeth and make familiars of her mother. To CONTROL the Toothfairy, when so many could not. Chew on her teeth one by one and spit them out; create clones of her dead mother and do anything she wanted to them.
Now, here was Michelle, glaring into the sockets of the skull. Dark touches his daughter's head one last time before planting a kiss on the top. He had no other choice. The fear inside his daughter was a strange and sickening taste in his mouth. He wanted to protect the very thing he took part in creating but his future was not beside his daughter. It was up to Michelle now.
Dark grabs her right hand. Michelle was shaking violently in her father's fingers. The confusion. Mixed feelings she had for this man. Dark leans forward and kisses Michelle's forehead.
"Trust your heart..." This burned as Dark spoke but it was worth it. "It will guide you. It knows whats good for you, Michelle."
"What is this, dad....?" Michelle looks at three velvet bags. "What...they are teeth. Who's teeth are they?"
"Carla thinks she won but is so wrong. You'll know when the time comes, my daughter. I love you...."
Dark was gone before Michelle could speak. Curious, Michelle stood in the dark. She began to hear Nick's raspy voice and Gren's sudden pleas. A shadow, one of Junior's shape, circled her body. Still holding the teeth, Michelle looks up. Her time here was through. But before she did, Michelle needed to 'test' her father's theory out. Taking one of the velvey bags, Michelle reaches inside and pulls out a molar.
The white gleamed against the darkness. It called to hear. Beckoned to embrace the dark. Placing the tooth in her mouth, Michelle chews. It was a glorious feeling. closing her eyes, Michelle leans her head back; the calls of Nick, Gren and Junior growing louder as she moved her jaws, crunching down on the tooth. The sweet, juicy flavors of control dancing along her tongue.
Pulling back, Michelle spits into the dirt. A figure stands before her; tall, burly and decomposing. There was no life in his eyes. No spoken words or understanding. He stood their, moaning, staring blankly into Michelle's face. She could feel the warmth of the Underworld and Gren's rough hands along her face. Beaming, Michelle folds her arms.
"Hello, old friend....I have a job for you...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Leave for my old hometown in two hours. Heading to my mom for Mother's Day. Enjoy this day; call your mom, stop by, give her a hug, etc.
I love Gertraud and even with her inhuman snoring, you can't help but feel for the woman. This chap was short, sweet but to the point; it left you feeling relaxed while it gave me just enough to know that this is the calm before the stroms. I felt bad for Alfred; even just the simple humming of the engine was drowning out his thoughts of the issues developing around him. He didn't even notice the wire at first.
However you decide to take this path with Gertraud and Alfred, I shall be there to read and enjoy. I see the Cuban Missle Crisis and Vietnam war shall be mentioned and I'll be a happy man either way.
I figured Al and Gertraud may not be invlved directly but it would interesting to see their point on the issue, for Gertraud has little moments of sarcasm and I love it! 
XD Make it sound like I wrote porn! lol Silly romance novels, my good man.
Hahaha, too true
This was so awesome! Go Liam! You protect your family! And Seraphina, you have certainly grown on me. You're speech and your call to war is definitely a virtue, even Kieron would follow your lead! And Michelle, I feel bad for her...although maybe Ethan will be able to fight by her side again, but as a one of the molar teeth spawns instead? I do also feel bad for Mr. Dark, he seems to be trying to atone for what he did or maybe I'm comepletely wrong! XD
This was awesome and fit perfectly with the Resident Evil 3 Save Theme Free from Fear. You feel safe yet you can feel the fear you left behind grabbing at your legs.
I look forward to more!
Nah she will understand and I'll explain why in the next Chap. (possibly tomorrow I'll write. Heading out in a bit.
Sadly, I wanted to incorporate what I myself went through: some were okay and others, like Rose, not so much.
You mean, these novels? XD (Horrible, I know)
Ok then, have fun with Chad and the family!
....WTF.....? XD
Liam and Seraphina are the dynamic, asskicking duo of the Gremily kids!
Both have that leader mentality but in their own way, as it will be shown from here on out.
Ethan WILL be fighting beside her but in another form...:) Mr. Dark is confused; he is a vile man but has shown some sympathy in the past and now, towards his daughter. He loves her but not how a father should....
I have never played Resident Evil 3 but if you say it fits, then I'll take it!!
Thanks, my good man! -brofis-
That's so cool!
I knew Liam would be badass and I always saw Seraphina as the leader of the quads but knowing their both leaders in their own way, Carlas spawn are so screwed! XD I knew it!
Ah I see.
It was my favorite out of the older Resident Evils! The save theme makes you feel safe but at the same time it let you know that there is nothing but horror outside that safe room! XD
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
See ya around Stone!
Hope you come back soon, dude!
This chapter was an apetiser for the next chapter. I could not get myself to write an entire chapter last night (I was tired) so I decided to do a short teaser of sorts.
The Cuban Missile Crisis HAS to be mentioned at least. It is the closest the USSR and USA came to a full-out nuclear war, and hence everyone was on the edge of their seats.
Did you get what was happening when Alfred mentioned not noticing the barbed wire and fences being erected?
Short but sweet as always :P
Alfred still gets restless from city life huh? At least Gertraud understands it, as opposed to a case of him not talking to her about his restlessness and then an argument breaks out between them (man, I would not want to be on the receiving end of an argument with Gertraud)
I await the next chapter! XD
Thank god his senses aee not as honed as Bigby's. Otherwise, I am sure Alfred would have been driven to insanity.
Arguing with Gertraud is a death sentance. Do so at your own peril.
Mother's Day...
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He woke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her arms
Kieron put the hood of his cloak down and crossed his arms. "Shoot! I thought I would have beat you!" He pouted.
Ride picked Kieron up and kissed him on the cheek. "Maybe one day you will!" She smiled "Do you know what today is?" She asked
Kieron began to put his hands together and spin his thumbs. "I don't want to say until I get your present ready!" He said
Ride smiled "And what is my little man getting for me this year?" She asked
Kieron pointed at her "I can't tell you! Then it'd spoil the surprise!"
Ride laughed "Alright alright, be sure to be home soon alright? Or can I come with you?" She asked
Kieron began to think. "Sure I guess!"
Ride put her red cloak on and smiled. "Sounds good!"
Kieron held his Rides hand "Is Dad awake? Is he feeling better?"
"Nope he's still sleeping. He caught some cold huh?" She said
"Yeah! I hope he gets better soon!" Kieron said
They began to walk out the door. "He'll be up later, then we'll spend the day together as a family!" Ride smiled
They walked out of the cabin there was a bright morning sunlight. Kieron and Ride decided to keep their hoods down as they walked through the forest. While they walked through the forest Kieron began looking for the white rose. He looked left and right while he walked with his mother.
"So what are we looking for?" Ride asked
Kieron almost said white rose but he caught himself "We are looking for a flower. And when I find it, you have to keep your eyes closed!" He smiled at her
Ride smiled back. "Okay I can do that I guess. Or you could hide it behind your back." She suggested
Kieron nodded. "I'll do that then!"
Kieron was unsure at first bringing his mother to get her the last flower, but if he didn't he wouldn't be having this much fun doing it. Plus there were people in the forest who would bully and beat him, then he'd have to meet the man with crimson eyes to heal his wounds so his mother wouldn't notice. He always kept this a secret, he didn't want his mom to worry and the mean people said they'd hurt his family if he did speak up, so Kieron stayed quiet. He figured the pain was worth going through to keep his family safe, and when the mean people in the forest left he'd see the man with crimson eyes to make sure his mother wouldn't ask questions. While thinking this they began to head into the village.
"So are we going to buy this flower instead?" Ride asked
Kieron had comepletely forgotten to keep an eye out for the rose! However he knew there would be able to buy one, there was a woman who sold flowers in the market. "Yeah, sorry I got sidetracked from having fun spending time with you!" He smiled hugging her and then went to holding her hand again.
Ride laughed "It's fine, C'mon let's go to the flourist." She smiled
Kieron and Ride began to walk through the market, there was a surprising amount of people there. Kieron thought that it wouldn't have that many people in it. Kieron saw a woman on the street, she had blonde hair and light blue eyes. Kieron frowned.
"Mommy can we help that woman?" He asked
Ride noticed the woman and nodded. "Of course."
Kieron and Ride walked over to the bakery and bought bread and vegetables for the woman and brought it over to the woman. Kieron smiled.
"Here you go miss!" He said
The woman smiled "Thank you so much, young man! May I have your name?" She asked
Kieron nodded and told her his name. The woman smiled "My name is Celeste, nice to meet you."
Kieron nodded again. "Nice to meet you too! I wish I could help more, but this is all I can do." He said in a dissapointed voice.
"Oh no its fine! Here take it as a trade!" She said handing him a white rose.
Kierons face lit up he hugged the woman. "Thank you so much!"
The woman gave a weak smile "Glad I could help."
Kieron waved and said his goodbyes to the woman. Kieron ran back and held his mother's hand, he told her it was alright for them to head back home now. When Ride and Kieron got back home, Kieron ran straight to his room. He pulled out the vase and placed the white rose right in the middle. He placed the vase on the ground. He peaked out of his door.
"Mom! Close your eyes!" He said
Ride put her hands over her eyes. "Alright if you say so!" She smiled
Kieron picked up the vase walked outside his door and handed her the vase. "Happy Mothers Day Mom!" He said hugging her.
Rides face was extremely happy and tears began to form. "Oh Kieron this is beautiful! How long did it take you to get all of these?" She asked
"Ummm" Kieron began to count on his fingers "Four months." He said
Ride knelt down and gave him a hug. "I love you sweetie." She said
Kieron gave her a hug back "I love you too mom!"
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Very well. I await your return.
Liam: defender of kin and Seraphina: the articulator of oratory. A truely epic scene.
I still have yet to adujust to Ethan's death (I am just used to his prescence in this story), and thus Michelles discovery of his death caused a wave of emotion to wash over me. I am glad to see that Dark is being so selfless (particularly after what happened in Fables) and supportive of his daughter.
I await more with alacrity.
Take your time and I'll be here waiting, Stone!
Sometimes those shorter tales explain and paint vivid images and I like JUST enough to get my curiosity going.
I figured you'd have some idea of how to slide that entire mess into your story. I look forward to that but lately, you never cease to trap me into a world of History and I applaude you for doing so.
Wasn't this the time when east and west Berlin were divided? I assumed this is what was taking place but please correct me if this was meant to be something else.
This was really cute and perfect for today.
Ride is such a caring and devoted mother to her son. Now, forgive me for asking because I'm drawing a blank IF you mentioned it before but who is Kieron's father? Also, nice white Rose there, considering the trouble he'll face with Wonderland and all. 
Kieron is too freaking cute in this as well. And then there is Celeste. Sounded so sad, yet, had a smile in her eyes.
I just pictured Ride in her red cloak with this adorable little boy. The feels but good ones. :')
Glad you liked it man! I always enjoy doing themed chapters
Your guess is as good as mine XD that's one thing I haven't really put any thought into when I really should, I guess for now he's just a simple fable average husband who loved his wife and kid until the tragic day he passed away. Oh yes, he'll never forget those days in wonderland 
Oh yes when she saw this young boy reach out to her and give her food while everyone else walked by, she was really grateful.
Glad they were good feels and not bad 
Very astute. That night was when the wall was erected.
That night, the ministry of the GDR (German Democratic Republic, or East Germany) met to initiate the plan to erect the wall. By sunrise, the first stage (barbed-wire and fencing) was completed, effectively errecting the wall overnight.
I'm sure Alfred would just pick up chain smoking as a habit instead :P
I doubt that even Nick would want to argue with Gertraud!! XP
Ah! Feels again, but the good type! (I see no end to this thread-wide feels epidemic in sight)
I found this lovely and cute: a welcome break from the usual (not that the usual is bad, I just liked having something different for a change). Ride and Kieron in this chapter were cute with their mother/child dynamic. It makes everything that is happening now in the Vampire Challenge seem all the more sad.
I guess that Celeste may play a role in the future yet. If I am incorrect, remind me to try and leave my wishfull thinking out of it.
A lovely chapter. So tender and sweet!
Oh man, this chapter was tense
I actually thought Kieron was dead, and I agree with Rammstein that you could've explained the plan better, but I THINK I got the gist of it in the end...
Caine vs Dracula, a fight to rock the ages
And Ride can use Blood Magic?! Well well, this is new
I look forward to more! XD
Oh, no. Alfred HATES tobacco smoke. It is one of the things that are prominent among the city smells that cause him to become restless.
Ha! How do you think he would cope in an argument with her?
Cool chapter
That whole segment during the speech did throw me off at times, mainly cuz of Liam speaking in an older form of English, but I think I got it in the end. Though what he did to that Grendel, did he just put a strong burning sensation into his face? I was kinda confused by what he was doing to him
Mr. Nick, lol :P
Isn't it technically Amelia Caitlynn Grendel??
That segment with Mr Dark was informative, and showed a side of Dark that I would never have guessed could even be a thing. The Boogeyman knows what love is... And I guess that Michelle's new Familiar is Noah
I await more! XD
Without reading your previous stories, this seems a bit confusing, but I like it and I'll wait for more
If you mentioned that detail about Alfred in an earlier chapter then I do apologise because I had forgotten it entirely
Hmmm, Nick wouldn't back down from her, cuz chances are that if an argument starts between them, it's because Nick is right and Gertraud is just being her stubborn self. Even Nick knows when an argument is lost :P
But he would try his best to intimidate her, and he won't stop trying, he'll progressively get worse and worse until she either gives up or starts trembling with fear. Nick won't ever let someone with no magical powers or advantages to speak of scare him into submission...
I have not mentioned that detail at all. I was to use it in a future chapter, though. You forgot nought, my friend.
Gertraud would either give up (unlikely) or piss Nick off (most likely). It is not like her to show fear and I doubt that she would be to comerned with her safety if it means being proven correct. One of the disadvantages with Gertrauds personality is her inability to give up in the face of defeat. If proven beyond ALL doubt to be incorrect, she might yield.
Ok then
Hmmm, good thing she and Nick aren't together then, NOTHING would get decided!!! XP
Nick would start yelling if she pisses him off, but he wouldn't hit her at least...
I can picture it already. An argument to end all arguments. A fury of oratory swordplay. Exchanged barrages of insults.
You and I would go through mountains of movie popcorn before it ended.
Awww, isn't Kieron such a lovely kid? :')
I was saddened to hear that Kieron was bullied and beaten by those men in the woods, hopefully they get what is coming to them... And who is the 'Man with crimson eyes' I wonder?
Celeste of all people!!! I know so little of her character so the effect of seeing her there is probably lost on me compared to other users on here
Just like The Legend of Zelda :P You trade a mushroom for a broken sword!
One small thing to criticise though: jeans and t-shirts in the Homelands??....
This was really nice dude! XD
I kinda want us to do a collaboration now, both of us write a HUGE argument over something like "Who broke this vase?" between Nick and Gertraud!! XD
I'd regain all the weight I lost over 2 weeks with the amount of popcorn I'd consume! XP
I do not think that is a bad idea. I might seriously consider that. I will need to think it over, though. Would you be willing to do it?