I wouldn't do it right now, and it would require us to talk through a PM about our ideas and scripts. It will be a challenge in itself, but let's not make the whole thing too long
I wouldn't do it right now, and it would require us to talk through a PM about our ideas and scripts. It will be a challenge in itself, but let's not make the whole thing too long
I'm up for it basically, just not now.
It was basically burning the guy's face, It's a tactic the Elves would use with their enemies if they needed information or held one of their own in captive. But it came from the Harpe, so it would have been 10x's worse for the guy, for this was the sword used to kill Medusa. The old English comes with his transformation.
Seraphina is like that.
Wow, I applaude you, my good man, for that IS Emily's actual name but for some reason, Liam won't say Amelia and no one is sure as to why....:) Gren thinks it's because no one really uses it.
He showed sympathy for Nurse Spratt in the comics and it seemed appropriate for him to show sympathy for his own child but even when he was, Dark was feeling sick the entire time. And you're right once again. This was Noah. His teeth were contained in one bag, while the other two mysterious people are in the other.
Cool chapter
That whole segment during the speech did throw me off at times, mainly cuz of Liam speaking in an older form of English, bu… moret I think I got it in the end. Though what he did to that Grendel, did he just put a strong burning sensation into his face? I was kinda confused by what he was doing to him
My uncle Junior has a clone with my daddy; Michelle and Hades, along with Mr. Nick
Mr. Nick, lol :P
My mother's name is Emily Caitlynn Grendel
Isn't it technically Amelia Caitlynn Grendel??
That segment with Mr Dark was informative, and showed a side of Dark that I would never have guessed could even be a thing. The Boogeyman knows what love is... And I guess that Michelle's new Familiar is Noah
I await more! XD
Glad you liked it! (I don't think it will either XD)
I liked the change as well This helped me build their relationship before Kierons life took a turn, which was nice.
As awesome as it would be to have Celeste helping Kieron in this time of need but sadly she will not. Maybe later on in a different chapter of Kierons life, they will meet again though!
Ah! Feels again, but the good type! (I see no end to this thread-wide feels epidemic in sight)
I found this lovely and cute: a welcome br… moreeak from the usual (not that the usual is bad, I just liked having something different for a change). Ride and Kieron in this chapter were cute with their mother/child dynamic. It makes everything that is happening now in the Vampire Challenge seem all the more sad.
I guess that Celeste may play a role in the future yet. If I am incorrect, remind me to try and leave my wishfull thinking out of it.
A lovely chapter. So tender and sweet!
Ok I get it Don't remember that sword from the story of how Medusa was killed by Perseus, I just remember he had a shield that was polished to a mirror sheen so he could see where Medusa was without turning to stone :P
Mr. Nick, that's quite cute actually
I remember little details like that my good man. Yeah it's a nice name but Emily sounds better.
Dark showed sympathy to Spratt because she would be a benefit to him in the future... Noah, that fucker >:(
Thank you.
It was basically burning the guy's face, It's a tactic the Elves would use with their enemies if they needed information or he… moreld one of their own in captive. But it came from the Harpe, so it would have been 10x's worse for the guy, for this was the sword used to kill Medusa. The old English comes with his transformation.
Seraphina is like that.
Wow, I applaude you, my good man, for that IS Emily's actual name but for some reason, Liam won't say Amelia and no one is sure as to why....:) Gren thinks it's because no one really uses it.
He showed sympathy for Nurse Spratt in the comics and it seemed appropriate for him to show sympathy for his own child but even when he was, Dark was feeling sick the entire time. And you're right once again. This was Noah. His teeth were contained in one bag, while the other two mysterious people are in the other.
They hopefully did, and the man with the crimson eyes. He certainly is a familiar character
It must be a Legend of Zelda game that I have not played because I do not remember that XD
Celeste was homeless in her times in the homelands, her mother Bloody Mary had left to Fabletown already and her father wanted nothing to do with her so she left and lived on the streets until she was brought to Fabletown.
Damn lol I don't know what a young boy in the homelands would wear so Jean's and a Tshirt sounded right! XD
Awww, isn't Kieron such a lovely kid? :')
I was saddened to hear that Kieron was bullied and beaten by those men in the woods, hopefully … morethey get what is coming to them... And who is the 'Man with crimson eyes' I wonder?
Celeste of all people!!! I know so little of her character so the effect of seeing her there is probably lost on me compared to other users on here
"Oh no its fine! Here take it as a trade!" She said handing him a white rose.
Just like The Legend of Zelda :P You trade a mushroom for a broken sword!
One small thing to criticise though: jeans and t-shirts in the Homelands??....
This was really nice dude! XD
Yeah lol after rereading it for myself I see that it is confusing. It was so hard writing it so I did the best that I could XD I'll be sure to do better next time
Oh man, this chapter was tense
I actually thought Kieron was dead, and I agree with Rammstein that you could've explained the plan bette… morer, but I THINK I got the gist of it in the end...
Caine vs Dracula, a fight to rock the ages
And Ride can use Blood Magic?! Well well, this is new
I look forward to more! XD
He tries!
They hopefully did, and the man with the crimson eyes. He certainly is a familiar character
It must be a Legend of Zelda g… moreame that I have not played because I do not remember that XD
Celeste was homeless in her times in the homelands, her mother Bloody Mary had left to Fabletown already and her father wanted nothing to do with her so she left and lived on the streets until she was brought to Fabletown.
Damn lol I don't know what a young boy in the homelands would wear so Jean's and a Tshirt sounded right! XD
Glad you liked it!
Yeah lol after rereading it for myself I see that it is confusing. It was so hard writing it so I did the best that I … morecould XD I'll be sure to do better next time
Oh yes! >:D
Kieron had to have started learning somewhere
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle looks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. "Emily....is she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla."
Hades folds his arms. "I'm doing the best I can, my lady but I can't control everything here. This is more of their choice until they make their own decisions."
Gren glances at Michelle one last time before floating over to a large boulder. He could feel his precious Emily. Her love showering him, opeing his eyes. Gren closes them, inhales and holds out his left hand. The golden arm begins to glow, causing the boulder to tremble and shake. The world around them paused for the marvelous magic Gren was performing; he clung to what his mother and father taught him and used this to locate his wife.
The connection between the two could never be broken; the thread between them was something no one would ever come between. He could hear her voice through the mountains, paint her face with the wind and look through the barriers keeping them apart. Her intoxicating smell filled his mind and soul and warmed the beast. The Underworld, fates or their past could never keep this line between them....
"I feel her." Gren lifts the rock with a powerful cloud of magic. "I can sense her beyond this wall."
The boulder breaks into tiny chunks of stone, scattering along the dusty path. Gren's cloudy eyes scan the area and when the dust settled, began his journey down the beaten path. Hades and the others walked closely and followed the Fable. He walked among the hundred upon hundreds of footsteps before him; the grinning stars above gave the travelers some light and guidance through the Underworld. Closing his eyes and pausing near a brook, Gren picked her scent up. He could taste the sweetness that was Emily. He knew that smell all too well.
The others continued to follow Gren as he walked towards a hut just beyond the tall weeds and broken trees.
"Hungry, child?" Agda digs her wooden spoon into the Cauldron. "Here you go. A nice helping of some stew."
Emily peeks over and sniffs the bowl. The mush inside looked horrid and it made her stomach turn but the babies growing inside seemed to be pleased with the mysterious soup. Taking the bowl out of Agda's hands, Emily dips her spoon into the soup. The smell was horrific but the taste was pleasently pleasing. Emily was famished and the babies were enjoying the warmth of their mother's meal. Vivian, sitting beside Emily, was pleased to see Emily's spirits picking up.
The three fates join the angel and her companion. The roaring fire before them cracked and blistered. Embers flew from various directions every couple of minutes, as Jacomina pokes the flames with a stick. The feeling of comfort from both the meal and Vivian did keep her spirits high and mind occupied. She knew Gren would be here. She could feel it.
"Tasty?" Nada looks over at Emily. "This is our own special recipe for good wholesome soup."
Emily slurps the remaing liquid, wipes her mouth and nods. "Ah fook. That was bloody good. They loved it...Woot was that?"
"Mundane version of Chicken and Dumplings." Jacomina continues to poke the fire as she speaks to Emily. "The trick is, to find the juciest Chicken, flavorful herbs and JUST enough dough to make the perfect dumplings. Mundies seem to rush this process and forget cooking is about love and taking the time to create a marvelous meal as such."
"It was very good. I love a good soup. My father is the same way. My mum can make this tasty Chicken and rice dish. So fookin' good."
"Excellent." Nadia smiles, taking a sip from her spoon. "The children seem to be enjoying their meal as well. Have to keep Grendels full, now don't we?"
"Grendels you say?" Vivian touches Emily's belly. "We were searching earlier for a hard spot indicating the cocoon but-"
"The magic down here never applies to the 'laws' and 'rules' in your world. The child that is Grendel has masked this usual take in creating the offspring of a massive swamp beast. The child is fine."
"So, just ONE is a Grendel? Woot 'bout the others?"
"Can't say." Agda begins collecting the empty bowls. "We told you that one and this shall be it for the night. We wish to see the reaction you and Grendel receive once they arrive. Would spoil the surprise for you both and the others."
"Not even another hint?" Emily chuckles. "I mean, how 'bout the oth-"
"No more questions!" Agda playfully smacks Emily on the hand. "You ask too many things when the answer shall always remain the same-NO! Now, it's time to rest, deary, until Grendel arrives to take you back."
"The horns have been sounding all morning and afternoon." Vivian stands and peers out the window. "I can feel it all along my body and mind. He must be near. I hope he comes soon, or else the War shall begin without us. Carla will not wait and she will take down more lives."
"Impossible." Jacomina tosses the eye up into the air. It begins to glow. "Carla may jump the gun and begin this chaos but in the end, Grendel and Emily shall overcome and defeat. The way the dice were rolled and how their lives entertwine with one another. Very charming, actually, how these connections work. Carla can flap her gums, raise the dead and act mighty and proud but at the end, even she knows of her fate. We've sensed her fears, Emily..."
Hearing these words were comforting. Holding Vivian's hands, the young woman lays before the fire, glaring deep into the dancing colors. They mixed with the wood, licking the ends and twirling along with their heat. Closing her eyes, Emily pictured her life prior to Gren. It was a circus. There was nothing below to catch Emily, should she fall. So many people feared her. Secretly, Emily wanted arms that knew how to rock her. Protect and make her feel safe.
So many relationships were colliding into Emily's memories. Each had a name. Experation date. The works. Her heartaches were hung out to dry and each night, day, week and year, the line collected. Nothing felt right to Emily; scooting closer to Vivian, Emily touches her stomach and begins to trace her steps of the path behind. A trail of breadcrumbs left by the many broken hearts and lives Emily touched along the way. Despite attemting to create love, it was never there.
There was only one person whom had claimed Emily's heart and soul and she was too blind and careless to see it. It had always been there. Even before her time began, it was there. The connection and affection. The passion and loyalty both she and Gren craved and desired; longing to belong and feel something that neither thought was ever possible for Fables such as themselves. As Emily traces her hand along the lump, her senses pick up a ever familiar odor. Sniffing the air, Emily's eyes dart around. Vivian and the fates took notice of Emily's behavior. The three fates sat in their crooked chairs, rocking back and forth. They began knitting little onsies, each a brilliant color.
"Something there, Emily?" Jacomina points with her needle. "You perched up rather quickly there, child. Smell anything you like?"
"Gren..." Emily's heart flutters, as she lifts up from the ground. "It's Grendel! He's here! I knew he'd fookin' make it! Gren...." His name was honey to her lips. "Gren...Gren!"
Emily uses the nearby chair to lift herself up. Racing out the door, the fates simply sit back into their chairs and beam. Vivian, however, is quick on her feet. Chasing the pregnant Fable down, Vivian begins to picture the horrible truth waiting for them on the surface. The golden staff returns to Vivian's hands. The need to protect once more returned to the guardian angel.
But Emily's feet, along with her heart, would not stop. The smell of her loving husband just over the hill. Her arms waiting to hold him, lips to cover his forehead and love to forever pour. The babies inside noticed their mother's behavior and rapidly kicked. Clutching her unborn children, Emily stands on a hill, looking out. There, along with Hades, Nick, Michelle and her brother, was Gren. His apperance did not startle the young woman, for he finally accepted his place. No longer did Gren cover his eyes to the world he desperatly tried to ignore. Gren, noticing Emily, continues to run, both arms out and ready to collect his wife.
"Emily..." Gren became blind with emotions. "Emily! EMILY!"
"Gren, ya' made it!" Emily begins to run down the hill. "I knew ya' would come back fa' me, Grendel! You always come back fa' me, no matta' woot!"
Like Emily, Gren pictured his past with her. Slow motion around the Fables, as each head for the other. Gren began to picture his past with Emily. Always there beside him. He, along with the others, thought nothing until she turned fourteen. It all changed for the both of them; their
hidden emotions made sense and why their bond was stronger then the others. She was to always remain his. Eyes for only Emily.
Gren finally scoops his wife into his arms, spins in a circle and crumbles to the soil. Emily craddles his head, rocking to and fro like the many years before. Gren buries his face into the forest of hair, touching her stomach. He was astounded by the girth of her belly and the development since he'd last seen her.
"My....my baby." Gren leans forward. "It's...the baby is alright!"
"THEY are just fine, love." Emily wipes away Gren's tears. "They were neva' harmed during the battle, love. The fates said since they are living souls, they develop quicker down here and-"
Gren continues to hold Emily, smothering her in kisses. "They...." Gren places both hands on Emily. "I'm having multiples.... Look at you..." More lingering tears. "I thought I lost you! I thought Carla finally took you away from me. But she was wrong....I WAS wrong for fuckin' believing anything that horrible bitch ever said to me. To us. She thought the plan to remove you would work but it only made us stronger, Emily. Our babies are going to be alright...."
"The quads-" Emily touches Gren's arms. "Woot about our babies, Gren?"
"They are with Rosie." Gren assists lifting Emily from up the ground. "We must hurry, though. The final trumpet has been released. We must return to Fabletown before Carla takes another step."
Vivian finally catches up to Emily. Gren was astonished to finally see the lost Fable from his past. "Vivian....wow. You DO look like an angel now."
"You....you can SEE me, Gren?"
"We all can." Hades and the others stand behind Gren. "Your time alone in the darkness is nearing the end, Vivian. Soon, you shall be heavily rewarded for the things you've done for both Gren and Emily. What those maybe, well, is up to you in the end. I'm not sure of the process but I must say, the title suits you perfectly, my dear."
"I can be seen..." Vivian touches her face. "I can finally be seen, Emily! I...I no longer walk alone....."
"Ya' neva' were along, Vivian." Emily holds out her hand. "And ya' did one hell of a fookin job protectin' me..."
As Emily spoke these words, a pair of massive wings place themselves between Vivian's shoulders. They were the most beautiful pair Emily had ever seen. Flapping them, the staff glows gold one final time.
"What is this...." Vivian looks around.
"We can answer that." Everyone turns to see the fates. They smile and nod at Hades. "By staying beside your assigned soul and guiding not only Emily but Gren as well, you have finally accepted your place as an angel. Through it all, you never gave into Carla or anyone that stood in your way. Scared of what you didn't know, Vivian, yet with your love, you held Emily's hand and walked her to this moment. Stronger and ready to defend. As a a reward, you now have your own set of wings...."
Vivian touches the white, delicate feathers lining her back. The emotions were a combination of so many; Vivian was swept away by the centuries spent alone and the thousand of heartaches she encountered. The trouble at the Crooked Man's lair was a reminder to Vivian. Being Emily's personal guardian was the foremost feeling she'd even developed. Emily had given her the largest pair of wings she'd even seen.
"Ya' look good, Viv." Emily holds Vivian's hand. "Ya' look like a true angel, now."
Vivian was lost for words but the smile on her face told the others her answer. The three fates look back to their hut.
"Come. You must all quickly follow us. There is one last thing to do before you leave."
Gren lifts Emily into his arms, rubbing his face along her cheeks; he was in his true form and the touch of his rough skin alone soothed Emily. No one would ever tear them apart. Carla made a huge mistake...As the couple inched closer to the hut, however, their desire to destroy Carla grew stronger, both her arm and bow glowing.
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Feeling a bit better today. Start my fulltime job today!! Getting close to the end, folks. Wonder how Gren & Emily will handle Carla. After the final chapter, I'll have a small Q&A, so if there is anything you wish to ask, I will (along with the Porgies) answer them for you.
I've heard some stories where it was just the shield and others with both sword and shield. The Harpe sounds like a acool weapon and fits Liam.
All the quads address Nick as such. Glad you like it and it's good that you recall little details as so. I prefer Emily, too, as does she.
And Michelle will benefit Dark in the future as well. Michelle can pretty much control Noah now, as he did to noth her and Erica for so long. We've encountered the other two who's teeth Michelle now has.
Ok I get it Don't remember that sword from the story of how Medusa was killed by Perseus, I just remember he had a shield that was polished… more to a mirror sheen so he could see where Medusa was without turning to stone :P
Mr. Nick, that's quite cute actually
I remember little details like that my good man. Yeah it's a nice name but Emily sounds better.
Dark showed sympathy to Spratt because she would be a benefit to him in the future... Noah, that fucker >:(
Wonder who the other 2 are??
I've heard some stories where it was just the shield and others with both sword and shield. The Harpe sounds like a acool weapon and fits Li… moream.
All the quads address Nick as such. Glad you like it and it's good that you recall little details as so. I prefer Emily, too, as does she.
And Michelle will benefit Dark in the future as well. Michelle can pretty much control Noah now, as he did to noth her and Erica for so long. We've encountered the other two who's teeth Michelle now has.
Glad you liked it! (I don't think it will either XD)
I liked the change as well This helped me build their relationship before Kierons … morelife took a turn, which was nice.
As awesome as it would be to have Celeste helping Kieron in this time of need but sadly she will not. Maybe later on in a different chapter of Kierons life, they will meet again though!
I'm taking a short break from writing folks. I plan to continue sometime and I'll stop by to visit daily or so. See ya around, and happy writing Fables!
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of mine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
Yeah, never trust a Tremere in the first place. Hopefully Claire will soon break out of Caine's possession regardless. Been reading the other responses and it's interesting to see that Ride can use blood magic too? Seems fitting concerning her name, after all. :P
The Assault... Finale
Caine stood in Claires body but that didn't mean he couldn't hear her. He summoned a glass vial and filled it with … morehis blood.
"What are you doing?" Claire asked
"I'm going to help your love of course." He smiled
"Is it safe!? What if it kills him!?" She said in a worried tone.
"Your, I hope for your sake, future husband will not be hurt. The only trait that can be passed to him is being able to stand in sunlight. This would hurt no vampire." He said "However getting him to comprise will be complicated."
If Claire was in her body instead of her own head her cheeks would probably be red due to the husband comment but she was more focused on the 'getting him to compromise' part worried her. "What are you going to do!?" She said
Caine began to make Claires body move out of the Crypt...
Outside of the Crypt...
Ride and Kieron heard the gate open. Ride watched as Kieron ran over and stand in front of… [view original content]
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of m… moreine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
Trying is good
I hope Kieron kills them :P A familiar character??? Hmmm...
I was referencing the quest to acquire the Biggoron's Swor… mored in Ocarina of Time XP
Oh, that's tragic Who is/was her Father then? Damn though, Bloody Mary has like 20 kids on this thread!!!! XD
It's ok, I was making an observation as always, I find it difficult to describe 'older' clothing as well
The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Kitsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only one reason... Bigby. Since Bigby was his only rival that kept beating him, Kitsune was forced into the shadows of Fabletown. He would keep changing his appearance and scent so that Bigby could not track him.
One day Kitsune found a wizard dealing with a strange potion, that is supposed to cause fables that isn't that strong (physically or mentally) become stronger. He tried some of this potion...SUDDENLY, his true form started to show a little in his eyes, but he got back into control. In that moment Bigby was investigating a fable murder close by in the murdered victims house( Kitsune visited). When Kitsune's true form showed a little some of his scent went off. As Bigby cought his scent he said in a growled like voice "You again."
Kitsune was at the wizard, he felt much more powerful and intellegent as ever. Kitsune asked the wizard how much for the recipe, but the wizard refused to sell the potion, since it is his only income. Just as Bigby set foot outside the of the house, Kitsune grabbed the wizard and ran straight into the shadows of an alleyway.
Bigby started to run after him but couldn't catch up, because of Kitsune's boosted abbilities. Since Bigby knew that he couldn't track the fox he kept the murder case aside for later.
...That was 5 years ago
Unfortunately now in Fabletown crime rate sky rocketed by 30%. Bigby can't keep up with the crime and his boss is breathing down his neck because of it. All that the know this far, is that these crimes was each so well thought out that they bearly left enouth clues to the declare them as a crime.To be continued...
Please comment and like if you want to read further...I'm also open to suggestions to add to the story.
Kitsune will look more or less like this with the potion.
Especially when they are really good at manipulation magic XD Yup she can use blood magic as well but more supportive role in healing. Although extremely painful it gets the job done! It was either have her have blood magic or her carrying Kieron all the way back to the business office all the way back in New York which would not work XD not even vampires have that much blood XD
Yeah, never trust a Tremere in the first place. Hopefully Claire will soon break out of Caine's possession regardless. Been reading the othe… morer responses and it's interesting to see that Ride can use blood magic too? Seems fitting concerning her name, after all. :P
The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Ki… moretsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only… [view original content]
Just a short bite of a chapter to overcome my writers block.
Chapter 23: Ich schlafe kann nicht. August 13. 1961.
I awoke that morning… more prior to dawn. Gertraud was still asleep, as was indicated by her inhuman snoring.
I clumsily dressed into my suit, coat, hat and riding gloves with as much effort I could muster in my state of tiredness. I gave my hair a quick slick back with my comb, not bothering with product this time. I needed fresh air.
Walking outside, I felt the cold of the early morning slap my face, energising me and eroding the tiredness within.
I would find myself in the position of being unable to sleep some nights. The buzzing and scents of the city, while it no longer tortured my senses as it did when I and she first arrived, I found can excite them and render me restless . On these nights, I would go out for some time and return sometime later. Gertraud knew of this and thus had no issues waking up only to find m… [view original content]
Oh man its so cool to see these two lovebirds together again! :') and Vivian is now a full fledged Angel! Carla is in for a rude awakening when everyone returns! >:D
Glad you're feeling a bit better! And I hope you enjoy that job! I need to get one as well lol. And a Q&A!? Oh man awesome!
Earlier part 4 the final piece
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle … morelooks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. "Emily....is she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla… [view original content]
Agree with the others before me. Ride is a wonderful mother. I too, wonder who the father is to Kieron. It broke my heart to know Kieron was bullied by those awful men in the woods but he gets his in the future, as I like to see it. And Celeste! I read your response to Hman. I had no idea she was alone and Homeless; neat that her father is Charming anf mother is Mary. I agree. Every OC has banged Mary and produced children. XD Reading this Kieron compared to the Vampire challenge and then some breaks my heart. So much coruption around him! Neat to see Ride back, though and beside her son! The feels will never end but these were good feels this time!
Mother's Day...
Years Ago when Kieron was just a kid and still living with his mother and father, he was preparing for Mother's Day. He w… moreoke up early in the morning thinking he could finish his project before his mother awakens. He hopped out of bed, he checked the vase he had kept secret from Ride. He had been collecting flowers from around the homelands, it consisted of many flowers as you could find many different types of flowers around the homelands. There was one flower that he needed and that was a white rose. It was not only his favorite flower but also Rides favorite flower, and he knew exactly where to get it. He put the vase back in its hiding place that he had created, and begun to get dressed. He threw on a simple white shirt with jeans, and he threw on the red cloak Ride made for him. He began to head outside, when Ride stepped in front of the door.
"And where do you think you are heading to young man?" Ride crossed her ar… [view original content]
I'll have to work on his father because where the story is now he has passed away. But I want to do more stories that are around Kierons childhood, so I'll have to think of who the father would be! It is sad that he was bullied but he came out stronger for it and made a bond with a fable for it which I will get around to Yes, Celeste saves the day! Mary and Charming left her in the homelands sadly This is true XD. He's going through a lot right now but I promise things will get better for him soon! At least there are the good feels that combat the bad! XD
Agree with the others before me. Ride is a wonderful mother. I too, wonder who the father is to Kieron. It broke my heart to know Kieron was… more bullied by those awful men in the woods but he gets his in the future, as I like to see it. And Celeste! I read your response to Hman. I had no idea she was alone and Homeless; neat that her father is Charming anf mother is Mary. I agree. Every OC has banged Mary and produced children. XD Reading this Kieron compared to the Vampire challenge and then some breaks my heart. So much coruption around him! Neat to see Ride back, though and beside her son! The feels will never end but these were good feels this time!
Anyways, I loved this chapter. It's glad to know Gren and Emily were reunited. It thought their flashbacks were a nice touch, considering the situation they are in. The scene with the fates, Emily and Vivan was neat, too; I pictured this really pregnant Emily, sitting beside viv and eating that God awful mess. XP Seems like she enjoyed it, though.
And they got back together! FINALLY! XD I love these two together and it broke my heart to know Gren was away from Emily. Even when she was a kid, as you explained and we've read, they were always together. And Vivian getting her wings had me tearing up, especially after the explanation. She was alone for so long, lost and confused but this gave Vivian a chance to be in control for one! :') Does that mean she will leave, Pie? Think Nick (your Nick, btw) XD said that if an angel gets their wings, they leave.
I hope they just destroy Carla!!! Look forward to the battle, ending and that Q&A section! I'll ask when you get home if they can be serious, funny or both. Can't believe we are nearing the end!!!
Earlier part 4 the final piece
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle … morelooks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. "Emily....is she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla… [view original content]
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of m… moreine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
The end is near, and I feel a strange sense of utter guilt for not reading this story from the very beginning last year. Perhaps when I have the time, I shall go back and read/comment on everything, I need to see these things blossom before my eyes! :'D
I'm happy to see the reunion between Emily and Gren, they've been apart for too long! And now Vivian is an angel -sigh- good for her Does this mean Vivian is gone or is she like Nicholas now?
One thing to point out, Gren's right arm is the golden one, not the left :P
I can't wait for more! XD (but at the same time I am sad to see it all come to a close...) T_T
Earlier part 4 the final piece
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle … morelooks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. "Emily....is she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla… [view original content]
During the final days of WWII in Europe, Alfred and Gertraud, whom were seeking refuge inside die stumpfe Klinge (the tavern), were brought out into the street by the Greifkommando to be executed for "desertion". They escaped this fate, but only after Alfred lost his left ring finger to a bullet and Gertraud had taken that same bullet to the shoulder.
In the chapter before this most recent one, they decided to try and have a picnic by the river Spree for Valentines Day 1950, where they entered a discussion over the war and what transpired. They both became emotional and had a moment of reconcile through hugging.
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of m… moreine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Ki… moretsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only… [view original content]
Kieron stood on what seemed to be the roof of a buliding. All the blood from his wounds were cleaned even his clothes. He looked around him and saw a full moon with a blood red sky. He looked back in front of him and saw his shadow sitting on a rail shaking his head. There was an shadowy aura coming off of him. Kieron crossed his arms and looked unimpressed.
"What do you want?" He asked
The shadow stood. "I'm sick of saving your ass from near death experiences!" He growled "If you can't handle a fight then let me do it!"
Kieron shook his head. "I don't think so."
The shadow hit itself in the head. "Then for fuck sake use your real strength! It's embarrassing when you get slapped around like some ball! It's like when you were a child!"
Kieron was interested in what his shadow meant. "What do you mean when I was a kid?"
The shadow turned and sighed "You don't even remember your own childhood!? Your a lost cause, look when you were a kid you used to go out and try and play in the forest near your mother's cabin. When you did there were other kids and teens who would kick the shit out of you because you never stood up for yourself! Instead you got it stuck in your head that you deserved it! Yet you had the strength to kill them, maime them and yet. You took your beatings, you even went to the point where you hid it! You got help from Maximillian!!! He healed your wounds, but there was a price. Just like a witch he told you 'For each wound I heal your life will have more and more hardships' but you didn't care. Between you wanting to see your mother smile and some strange feeling you needed to get beaten you sewed your own goddamn fate!" The shadow began to cry.
While Kierons shadow was talking about this Kieron felt like a kid again. He began to remember everything and yet again his shadow was right. When he was a kid he felt like he had done something wrong and so he took his beatings, and then he went to Maximillian the man he hated for treating Claire so bad for help. Kieron too began to cry. The shadow turned.
"You didn't deserve any of that! Or any of THIS! But you brought it upon yourself! Do you want to know how much it hurt ME! To see you take such beatings. To hate yourself. To lie to yourself. I get it, it was worth it to keep your family smiling, but if you just spoke up..." His shadow walked over and hugged him "None of this would have happened, your life would have been happier and not full of loss, depression, and hate Kieron." The shadow sobbed
Kieron smiled and hugged the shadow back "I know it must've been hard but we learned a lot right? If I hadn't have done what I did we never would've experienced those hardships and learned to overcome them. When I look back...yeah I could've spoke up in fact I should've but in some strange way...I think it was worth it."
The Shadow backed off and wiped it's tears. It drew a sword and threw it at Kieron and summoned another. "I'm happy for you. Really I am...but I won't allow you to make such decisions. I can't stand the pain anymore!"
Kieron looked down and watched his tears hit the ground, he lifted his head and stood ready. He was in for a fight for control of his body, he already knew what the outcome would be though...
On the Rocky Mountains...
Caine threw Dracula at lightning speed into the mountain. He flew to where he threw him and dug him out. Caine put Dracula down and stood towering over him. Dracula began to laugh.
"How is Claire mentally? Can you fight straight with a woman screaming bloody murder?" Dracula smirked.
Caine punched Dracula in the gut. He then lifted Dracula and summoned a metal bat. Caine swung the bat breaking every bone in Dracula chest. Draculas body began to take Claires childhood form, Dracula has done this before against another man who was trained by the great Belmonts. He took on the form of a child named Malus. That muscled idiot had no idea that he was being followed by the real Dracula until he killed the fake! Dracula has perfected this craft over the years, so when he took Claires childhood form he had gotten every detail down even her voice. Dracula spat blood on the dress that he wore and then he began to play out the scene where her mother was slaughtered by her father.
"MOMMY!!! MOM PLEASE! DAD! DAD STOP IT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? DAD!!!" Dracula began to mimic Claires exact words and emotions.
Caine could feel Claires emotions towards this act, she began to breakdown and feel fear. She began to sob and cry out stop multiple times. This infuriated Caine. Caine began to move towards Dracula but Claire began to shout louder as she felt like she was in the role of her father when he attacked her mother and it terrified her. Caine began to back off. Dracula chuckled.
"What's the matter Caine? Afraid to put the girl through more trauma!" Dracula smiled
Caine growled. He tried getting Claire to calm down. "Claire? Claire! You need to listen to me!" He shouted to her
"Mom I'm sorry. I should have tried to stop him but he was so scary! I...I couldn't do it!" She sobbed
"Claire, you have to fight through this or we are both going to die here!" Caine said
Dracula began to advance and shook his head "Poor Caine brought down because of some weak deception!"
Dracula punched Caine in the stomach, he followed up with a knee into Caines face. While Caine stumbled he dropped the metal bat. Dracula walked towards him and picked up the metal bat, he swung straight into Caines chest. Caine let out a small cry of pain, he was losing the advantage. He had to take her mind off of that part of her life.
"Claire if you don't snap out of this, we will die! And then who will Kieron fight for? Kieron will die shortly after we do! Don't you want him to live a happy life? Don't you want to be with him when he lives that happy life?" Caine said
Dracula took the opportunity to strike Caine in the chest again. He then went for one of Caines legs making him kneel. Dracula walked up to Caine.
"It's such a shame that a Deity such as yourself turned out to be such a push over." Dracula said standing.
Dracula took two steps back and then began to run and kicked Caine in the chin sending him into a mountain.
Caine began to think he would be losing this fight...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know! Another refrence to Castlevania 64! XD Also if this chapter is confusing like the last please let me know and I'll explain what it going on! An update on the whole college thing as well, it seems I'll be taking the year off. It sucks but it could be worse. Hope you guys are having an awesome start of the week!
I wouldn't do it right now, and it would require us to talk through a PM about our ideas and scripts. It will be a challenge in itself, but let's not make the whole thing too long
I'm up for it basically, just not now.
Very well. Let me know sometime when you are in a pisition to do it.
Thank you, my good man.
Hopefully the next chap will explain but if not, I'll explain if you need me to. 
Thank you.
It was basically burning the guy's face, It's a tactic the Elves would use with their enemies if they needed information or held one of their own in captive. But it came from the Harpe, so it would have been 10x's worse for the guy, for this was the sword used to kill Medusa. The old English comes with his transformation.
Seraphina is like that.
Wow, I applaude you, my good man, for that IS Emily's actual name but for some reason, Liam won't say Amelia and no one is sure as to why....:) Gren thinks it's because no one really uses it.
He showed sympathy for Nurse Spratt in the comics and it seemed appropriate for him to show sympathy for his own child but even when he was, Dark was feeling sick the entire time. And you're right once again. This was Noah.
His teeth were contained in one bag, while the other two mysterious people are in the other.
Glad you liked it!
(I don't think it will either XD)
I liked the change as well
This helped me build their relationship before Kierons life took a turn, which was nice.
As awesome as it would be to have Celeste helping Kieron in this time of need but sadly she will not.
Maybe later on in a different chapter of Kierons life, they will meet again though!
Ok I get it
Don't remember that sword from the story of how Medusa was killed by Perseus, I just remember he had a shield that was polished to a mirror sheen so he could see where Medusa was without turning to stone :P
Mr. Nick, that's quite cute actually
I remember little details like that my good man. Yeah it's a nice name but Emily sounds better.
Dark showed sympathy to Spratt because she would be a benefit to him in the future... Noah, that fucker >:(
Wonder who the other 2 are??
He tries!
They hopefully did, and the man with the crimson eyes. He certainly is a familiar character
It must be a Legend of Zelda game that I have not played because I do not remember that XD
Celeste was homeless in her times in the homelands, her mother Bloody Mary had left to Fabletown already and her father wanted nothing to do with her so she left and lived on the streets until she was brought to Fabletown.
Damn lol I don't know what a young boy in the homelands would wear so Jean's and a Tshirt sounded right! XD
Glad you liked it!
Yeah lol after rereading it for myself I see that it is confusing. It was so hard writing it so I did the best that I could XD I'll be sure to do better next time
Oh yes! >:D
Kieron had to have started learning somewhere
Awesome!
Trying is good
I hope Kieron kills them :P A familiar character??? Hmmm...
I was referencing the quest to acquire the Biggoron's Sword in Ocarina of Time XP
Oh, that's tragic
Who is/was her Father then? Damn though, Bloody Mary has like 20 kids on this thread!!!! XD
It's ok, I was making an observation as always, I find it difficult to describe 'older' clothing as well
You can only do your best
I think I got it so not to worry.
True, but Ride can use Blood Magic?! :O
Earlier part 4 the final piece
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle looks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. "Emily....is she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla."
Hades folds his arms. "I'm doing the best I can, my lady but I can't control everything here. This is more of their choice until they make their own decisions."
Gren glances at Michelle one last time before floating over to a large boulder. He could feel his precious Emily. Her love showering him, opeing his eyes. Gren closes them, inhales and holds out his left hand. The golden arm begins to glow, causing the boulder to tremble and shake. The world around them paused for the marvelous magic Gren was performing; he clung to what his mother and father taught him and used this to locate his wife.
The connection between the two could never be broken; the thread between them was something no one would ever come between. He could hear her voice through the mountains, paint her face with the wind and look through the barriers keeping them apart. Her intoxicating smell filled his mind and soul and warmed the beast. The Underworld, fates or their past could never keep this line between them....
"I feel her." Gren lifts the rock with a powerful cloud of magic. "I can sense her beyond this wall."
The boulder breaks into tiny chunks of stone, scattering along the dusty path. Gren's cloudy eyes scan the area and when the dust settled, began his journey down the beaten path. Hades and the others walked closely and followed the Fable. He walked among the hundred upon hundreds of footsteps before him; the grinning stars above gave the travelers some light and guidance through the Underworld. Closing his eyes and pausing near a brook, Gren picked her scent up. He could taste the sweetness that was Emily. He knew that smell all too well.
The others continued to follow Gren as he walked towards a hut just beyond the tall weeds and broken trees.
"Hungry, child?" Agda digs her wooden spoon into the Cauldron. "Here you go. A nice helping of some stew."
Emily peeks over and sniffs the bowl. The mush inside looked horrid and it made her stomach turn but the babies growing inside seemed to be pleased with the mysterious soup. Taking the bowl out of Agda's hands, Emily dips her spoon into the soup. The smell was horrific but the taste was pleasently pleasing. Emily was famished and the babies were enjoying the warmth of their mother's meal. Vivian, sitting beside Emily, was pleased to see Emily's spirits picking up.
The three fates join the angel and her companion. The roaring fire before them cracked and blistered. Embers flew from various directions every couple of minutes, as Jacomina pokes the flames with a stick. The feeling of comfort from both the meal and Vivian did keep her spirits high and mind occupied. She knew Gren would be here. She could feel it.
"Tasty?" Nada looks over at Emily. "This is our own special recipe for good wholesome soup."
Emily slurps the remaing liquid, wipes her mouth and nods. "Ah fook. That was bloody good. They loved it...Woot was that?"
"Mundane version of Chicken and Dumplings." Jacomina continues to poke the fire as she speaks to Emily. "The trick is, to find the juciest Chicken, flavorful herbs and JUST enough dough to make the perfect dumplings. Mundies seem to rush this process and forget cooking is about love and taking the time to create a marvelous meal as such."
"It was very good. I love a good soup. My father is the same way. My mum can make this tasty Chicken and rice dish. So fookin' good."
"Excellent." Nadia smiles, taking a sip from her spoon. "The children seem to be enjoying their meal as well. Have to keep Grendels full, now don't we?"
"Grendels you say?" Vivian touches Emily's belly. "We were searching earlier for a hard spot indicating the cocoon but-"
"The magic down here never applies to the 'laws' and 'rules' in your world. The child that is Grendel has masked this usual take in creating the offspring of a massive swamp beast. The child is fine."
"So, just ONE is a Grendel? Woot 'bout the others?"
"Can't say." Agda begins collecting the empty bowls. "We told you that one and this shall be it for the night. We wish to see the reaction you and Grendel receive once they arrive. Would spoil the surprise for you both and the others."
"Not even another hint?" Emily chuckles. "I mean, how 'bout the oth-"
"No more questions!" Agda playfully smacks Emily on the hand. "You ask too many things when the answer shall always remain the same-NO! Now, it's time to rest, deary, until Grendel arrives to take you back."
"The horns have been sounding all morning and afternoon." Vivian stands and peers out the window. "I can feel it all along my body and mind. He must be near. I hope he comes soon, or else the War shall begin without us. Carla will not wait and she will take down more lives."
"Impossible." Jacomina tosses the eye up into the air. It begins to glow. "Carla may jump the gun and begin this chaos but in the end, Grendel and Emily shall overcome and defeat. The way the dice were rolled and how their lives entertwine with one another. Very charming, actually, how these connections work. Carla can flap her gums, raise the dead and act mighty and proud but at the end, even she knows of her fate. We've sensed her fears, Emily..."
Hearing these words were comforting. Holding Vivian's hands, the young woman lays before the fire, glaring deep into the dancing colors. They mixed with the wood, licking the ends and twirling along with their heat. Closing her eyes, Emily pictured her life prior to Gren. It was a circus. There was nothing below to catch Emily, should she fall. So many people feared her. Secretly, Emily wanted arms that knew how to rock her. Protect and make her feel safe.
So many relationships were colliding into Emily's memories. Each had a name. Experation date. The works. Her heartaches were hung out to dry and each night, day, week and year, the line collected. Nothing felt right to Emily; scooting closer to Vivian, Emily touches her stomach and begins to trace her steps of the path behind. A trail of breadcrumbs left by the many broken hearts and lives Emily touched along the way. Despite attemting to create love, it was never there.
There was only one person whom had claimed Emily's heart and soul and she was too blind and careless to see it. It had always been there. Even before her time began, it was there. The connection and affection. The passion and loyalty both she and Gren craved and desired; longing to belong and feel something that neither thought was ever possible for Fables such as themselves. As Emily traces her hand along the lump, her senses pick up a ever familiar odor. Sniffing the air, Emily's eyes dart around. Vivian and the fates took notice of Emily's behavior. The three fates sat in their crooked chairs, rocking back and forth. They began knitting little onsies, each a brilliant color.
"Something there, Emily?" Jacomina points with her needle. "You perched up rather quickly there, child. Smell anything you like?"
"Gren..." Emily's heart flutters, as she lifts up from the ground. "It's Grendel! He's here! I knew he'd fookin' make it! Gren...." His name was honey to her lips. "Gren...Gren!"
Emily uses the nearby chair to lift herself up. Racing out the door, the fates simply sit back into their chairs and beam. Vivian, however, is quick on her feet. Chasing the pregnant Fable down, Vivian begins to picture the horrible truth waiting for them on the surface. The golden staff returns to Vivian's hands. The need to protect once more returned to the guardian angel.
"Wait, Emily!" Vivian carefully watches Emily. "STOP! Wait for me! EMILY!"
But Emily's feet, along with her heart, would not stop. The smell of her loving husband just over the hill. Her arms waiting to hold him, lips to cover his forehead and love to forever pour. The babies inside noticed their mother's behavior and rapidly kicked. Clutching her unborn children, Emily stands on a hill, looking out. There, along with Hades, Nick, Michelle and her brother, was Gren. His apperance did not startle the young woman, for he finally accepted his place. No longer did Gren cover his eyes to the world he desperatly tried to ignore. Gren, noticing Emily, continues to run, both arms out and ready to collect his wife.
"Emily..." Gren became blind with emotions. "Emily! EMILY!"
"Gren, ya' made it!" Emily begins to run down the hill. "I knew ya' would come back fa' me, Grendel! You always come back fa' me, no matta' woot!"
Like Emily, Gren pictured his past with her. Slow motion around the Fables, as each head for the other. Gren began to picture his past with Emily. Always there beside him. He, along with the others, thought nothing until she turned fourteen. It all changed for the both of them; their
hidden emotions made sense and why their bond was stronger then the others. She was to always remain his. Eyes for only Emily.
Gren finally scoops his wife into his arms, spins in a circle and crumbles to the soil. Emily craddles his head, rocking to and fro like the many years before. Gren buries his face into the forest of hair, touching her stomach. He was astounded by the girth of her belly and the development since he'd last seen her.
"My....my baby." Gren leans forward. "It's...the baby is alright!"
"THEY are just fine, love." Emily wipes away Gren's tears. "They were neva' harmed during the battle, love. The fates said since they are living souls, they develop quicker down here and-"
Gren continues to hold Emily, smothering her in kisses. "They...." Gren places both hands on Emily. "I'm having multiples.... Look at you..." More lingering tears. "I thought I lost you! I thought Carla finally took you away from me. But she was wrong....I WAS wrong for fuckin' believing anything that horrible bitch ever said to me. To us. She thought the plan to remove you would work but it only made us stronger, Emily. Our babies are going to be alright...."
"The quads-" Emily touches Gren's arms. "Woot about our babies, Gren?"
"They are with Rosie." Gren assists lifting Emily from up the ground. "We must hurry, though. The final trumpet has been released. We must return to Fabletown before Carla takes another step."
Vivian finally catches up to Emily. Gren was astonished to finally see the lost Fable from his past. "Vivian....wow. You DO look like an angel now."
"You....you can SEE me, Gren?"
"We all can." Hades and the others stand behind Gren. "Your time alone in the darkness is nearing the end, Vivian. Soon, you shall be heavily rewarded for the things you've done for both Gren and Emily. What those maybe, well, is up to you in the end. I'm not sure of the process but I must say, the title suits you perfectly, my dear."
"I can be seen..." Vivian touches her face. "I can finally be seen, Emily! I...I no longer walk alone....."
"Ya' neva' were along, Vivian." Emily holds out her hand. "And ya' did one hell of a fookin job protectin' me..."
As Emily spoke these words, a pair of massive wings place themselves between Vivian's shoulders. They were the most beautiful pair Emily had ever seen. Flapping them, the staff glows gold one final time.
"What is this...." Vivian looks around.
"We can answer that." Everyone turns to see the fates. They smile and nod at Hades. "By staying beside your assigned soul and guiding not only Emily but Gren as well, you have finally accepted your place as an angel. Through it all, you never gave into Carla or anyone that stood in your way. Scared of what you didn't know, Vivian, yet with your love, you held Emily's hand and walked her to this moment. Stronger and ready to defend. As a a reward, you now have your own set of wings...."
Vivian touches the white, delicate feathers lining her back. The emotions were a combination of so many; Vivian was swept away by the centuries spent alone and the thousand of heartaches she encountered. The trouble at the Crooked Man's lair was a reminder to Vivian. Being Emily's personal guardian was the foremost feeling she'd even developed. Emily had given her the largest pair of wings she'd even seen.
"Ya' look good, Viv." Emily holds Vivian's hand. "Ya' look like a true angel, now."
Vivian was lost for words but the smile on her face told the others her answer. The three fates look back to their hut.
"Come. You must all quickly follow us. There is one last thing to do before you leave."
Gren lifts Emily into his arms, rubbing his face along her cheeks; he was in his true form and the touch of his rough skin alone soothed Emily. No one would ever tear them apart. Carla made a huge mistake...As the couple inched closer to the hut, however, their desire to destroy Carla grew stronger, both her arm and bow glowing.
Any questions, you know the drill.
Had time before work. Feeling a bit better today. Start my fulltime job today!! Getting close to the end, folks. Wonder how Gren & Emily will handle Carla.
After the final chapter, I'll have a small Q&A, so if there is anything you wish to ask, I will (along with the Porgies) answer them for you. 
I've heard some stories where it was just the shield and others with both sword and shield. The Harpe sounds like a acool weapon and fits Liam.
All the quads address Nick as such.
Glad you like it and it's good that you recall little details as so. I prefer Emily, too, as does she. 
And Michelle will benefit Dark in the future as well. Michelle can pretty much control Noah now, as he did to noth her and Erica for so long. We've encountered the other two who's teeth Michelle now has.
I agree
They do? Yeah Emily is a nice name
I can't guess who's teeth they are tbh :P
Sehr gut. Ich warte für es. (Very good, I await it.)
Have fun doing whatever you're going to do, Draco!
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of mine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
Yeah, never trust a Tremere in the first place. Hopefully Claire will soon break out of Caine's possession regardless. Been reading the other responses and it's interesting to see that Ride can use blood magic too? Seems fitting concerning her name, after all. :P
That's awesome!
its cool to find unexpected things XD
Oh awesome!
I look forward to seeing it! 
Yup, but in a more supportive role, although I haven't come up with any backstory as to how she learned it XD
Lol if only he had the chance XD
Oh okay, its been a long time since I've played Ocarina of Time XD
Her father was Prince Charming, he had a one night stand with Mary and whoops! He was gone. That's because bloody Mary is awesome! XD
Same here, I'll have to figure out how to describe it for my next story in the homelands XD
The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Kitsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only one reason... Bigby. Since Bigby was his only rival that kept beating him, Kitsune was forced into the shadows of Fabletown. He would keep changing his appearance and scent so that Bigby could not track him.
One day Kitsune found a wizard dealing with a strange potion, that is supposed to cause fables that isn't that strong (physically or mentally) become stronger. He tried some of this potion...SUDDENLY, his true form started to show a little in his eyes, but he got back into control. In that moment Bigby was investigating a fable murder close by in the murdered victims house( Kitsune visited). When Kitsune's true form showed a little some of his scent went off. As Bigby cought his scent he said in a growled like voice "You again."
Kitsune was at the wizard, he felt much more powerful and intellegent as ever. Kitsune asked the wizard how much for the recipe, but the wizard refused to sell the potion, since it is his only income. Just as Bigby set foot outside the of the house, Kitsune grabbed the wizard and ran straight into the shadows of an alleyway.
Bigby started to run after him but couldn't catch up, because of Kitsune's boosted abbilities. Since Bigby knew that he couldn't track the fox he kept the murder case aside for later.
...That was 5 years ago
Unfortunately now in Fabletown crime rate sky rocketed by 30%. Bigby can't keep up with the crime and his boss is breathing down his neck because of it. All that the know this far, is that these crimes was each so well thought out that they bearly left enouth clues to the declare them as a crime.To be continued...
Please comment and like if you want to read further...I'm also open to suggestions to add to the story.
Kitsune will look more or less like this with the potion.

Especially when they are really good at manipulation magic XD Yup she can use blood magic as well but more supportive role in healing. Although extremely painful it gets the job done!
It was either have her have blood magic or her carrying Kieron all the way back to the business office all the way back in New York which would not work XD not even vampires have that much blood XD
Very intriguing, I'm sure he'll be a fine Fable. Also, I can't see the picture you posted in your comment.
Nevertheless, welcome to the thread!
Yeah, I may need a rundown on what's been happening in your story. For the past 5 chapters or so - if you don't mind, that is.
Oh man its so cool to see these two lovebirds together again! :') and Vivian is now a full fledged Angel!
Carla is in for a rude awakening when everyone returns! >:D
Glad you're feeling a bit better!
And I hope you enjoy that job!
I need to get one as well lol. And a Q&A!? Oh man awesome! 
Awesome as always man! Brofist
Agree with the others before me. Ride is a wonderful mother. I too, wonder who the father is to Kieron. It broke my heart to know Kieron was bullied by those awful men in the woods but he gets his in the future, as I like to see it. And Celeste! I read your response to Hman. I had no idea she was alone and Homeless; neat that her father is Charming anf mother is Mary. I agree. Every OC has banged Mary and produced children. XD Reading this Kieron compared to the Vampire challenge and then some breaks my heart.
So much coruption around him! Neat to see Ride back, though and beside her son!
The feels will never end but these were good feels this time! 
I'll have to work on his father because where the story is now he has passed away. But I want to do more stories that are around Kierons childhood, so I'll have to think of who the father would be! It is sad that he was bullied but he came out stronger for it and made a bond with a fable for it which I will get around to
Yes, Celeste saves the day!
Mary and Charming left her in the homelands sadly
This is true XD. He's going through a lot right now but I promise things will get better for him soon!
At least there are the good feels that combat the bad! XD
Love that picture!
Anyways, I loved this chapter. It's glad to know Gren and Emily were reunited. It thought their flashbacks were a nice touch, considering the situation they are in. The scene with the fates, Emily and Vivan was neat, too; I pictured this really pregnant Emily, sitting beside viv and eating that God awful mess. XP Seems like she enjoyed it, though.
And they got back together! FINALLY! XD I love these two together and it broke my heart to know Gren was away from Emily. Even when she was a kid, as you explained and we've read, they were always together.
And Vivian getting her wings had me tearing up, especially after the explanation. She was alone for so long, lost and confused but this gave Vivian a chance to be in control for one! :') Does that mean she will leave, Pie? Think Nick (your Nick, btw) XD said that if an angel gets their wings, they leave. 
I hope they just destroy Carla!!! Look forward to the battle, ending and that Q&A section! I'll ask when you get home if they can be serious, funny or both.
Can't believe we are nearing the end!!!
I look forward to it
Btw, why is Rammstein linked as 2279500?
The end is near, and I feel a strange sense of utter guilt for not reading this story from the very beginning last year. Perhaps when I have the time, I shall go back and read/comment on everything, I need to see these things blossom before my eyes! :'D
I'm happy to see the reunion between Emily and Gren, they've been apart for too long! And now Vivian is an angel -sigh- good for her
Does this mean Vivian is gone or is she like Nicholas now?
One thing to point out, Gren's right arm is the golden one, not the left :P
I can't wait for more! XD (but at the same time I am sad to see it all come to a close...) T_T
Very well.
During the final days of WWII in Europe, Alfred and Gertraud, whom were seeking refuge inside die stumpfe Klinge (the tavern), were brought out into the street by the Greifkommando to be executed for "desertion". They escaped this fate, but only after Alfred lost his left ring finger to a bullet and Gertraud had taken that same bullet to the shoulder.
In the chapter before this most recent one, they decided to try and have a picnic by the river Spree for Valentines Day 1950, where they entered a discussion over the war and what transpired. They both became emotional and had a moment of reconcile through hugging.
annnnnnnd that is the last five chapters.
I await your work with alacrity!
Also, why dafuq am I a sequence of numbers?
You have my attention with this. I await what work you might turn out.
Oh, and welcome!
Your username doesn't exactly spell Furlmmer either dude :P
Maybe just a glitch.
it is actually, specifically, FürImmer.
Now that that is out of the way, I think your theory sounds about right.
Forgive me for not including an umlaut U, please?
Maybe ask a Mod about how you can fix it
BlindSniper or OzzyUK, they're both good Mods for this part of the forum
"You ask me to forgive you? No!!"
Du fragst mich dich vergeben? NEIN!! (I'm joking. Your cool.)
I might ask Blind sometime.
OK. Ich vergebe dich. (OK, I forgive you)
I'll Face Myself... Part: One
In Kierons mind...
Kieron stood on what seemed to be the roof of a buliding. All the blood from his wounds were cleaned even his clothes. He looked around him and saw a full moon with a blood red sky. He looked back in front of him and saw his shadow sitting on a rail shaking his head. There was an shadowy aura coming off of him. Kieron crossed his arms and looked unimpressed.
"What do you want?" He asked
The shadow stood. "I'm sick of saving your ass from near death experiences!" He growled "If you can't handle a fight then let me do it!"
Kieron shook his head. "I don't think so."
The shadow hit itself in the head. "Then for fuck sake use your real strength! It's embarrassing when you get slapped around like some ball! It's like when you were a child!"
Kieron was interested in what his shadow meant. "What do you mean when I was a kid?"
The shadow turned and sighed "You don't even remember your own childhood!? Your a lost cause, look when you were a kid you used to go out and try and play in the forest near your mother's cabin. When you did there were other kids and teens who would kick the shit out of you because you never stood up for yourself! Instead you got it stuck in your head that you deserved it! Yet you had the strength to kill them, maime them and yet. You took your beatings, you even went to the point where you hid it! You got help from Maximillian!!! He healed your wounds, but there was a price. Just like a witch he told you 'For each wound I heal your life will have more and more hardships' but you didn't care. Between you wanting to see your mother smile and some strange feeling you needed to get beaten you sewed your own goddamn fate!" The shadow began to cry.
While Kierons shadow was talking about this Kieron felt like a kid again. He began to remember everything and yet again his shadow was right. When he was a kid he felt like he had done something wrong and so he took his beatings, and then he went to Maximillian the man he hated for treating Claire so bad for help. Kieron too began to cry. The shadow turned.
"You didn't deserve any of that! Or any of THIS! But you brought it upon yourself! Do you want to know how much it hurt ME! To see you take such beatings. To hate yourself. To lie to yourself. I get it, it was worth it to keep your family smiling, but if you just spoke up..." His shadow walked over and hugged him "None of this would have happened, your life would have been happier and not full of loss, depression, and hate Kieron." The shadow sobbed
Kieron smiled and hugged the shadow back "I know it must've been hard but we learned a lot right? If I hadn't have done what I did we never would've experienced those hardships and learned to overcome them. When I look back...yeah I could've spoke up in fact I should've but in some strange way...I think it was worth it."
The Shadow backed off and wiped it's tears. It drew a sword and threw it at Kieron and summoned another. "I'm happy for you. Really I am...but I won't allow you to make such decisions. I can't stand the pain anymore!"
Kieron looked down and watched his tears hit the ground, he lifted his head and stood ready. He was in for a fight for control of his body, he already knew what the outcome would be though...
On the Rocky Mountains...
Caine threw Dracula at lightning speed into the mountain. He flew to where he threw him and dug him out. Caine put Dracula down and stood towering over him. Dracula began to laugh.
"How is Claire mentally? Can you fight straight with a woman screaming bloody murder?" Dracula smirked.
Caine punched Dracula in the gut. He then lifted Dracula and summoned a metal bat. Caine swung the bat breaking every bone in Dracula chest. Draculas body began to take Claires childhood form, Dracula has done this before against another man who was trained by the great Belmonts. He took on the form of a child named Malus. That muscled idiot had no idea that he was being followed by the real Dracula until he killed the fake! Dracula has perfected this craft over the years, so when he took Claires childhood form he had gotten every detail down even her voice. Dracula spat blood on the dress that he wore and then he began to play out the scene where her mother was slaughtered by her father.
"MOMMY!!! MOM PLEASE! DAD! DAD STOP IT WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS!? DAD!!!" Dracula began to mimic Claires exact words and emotions.
Caine could feel Claires emotions towards this act, she began to breakdown and feel fear. She began to sob and cry out stop multiple times. This infuriated Caine. Caine began to move towards Dracula but Claire began to shout louder as she felt like she was in the role of her father when he attacked her mother and it terrified her. Caine began to back off. Dracula chuckled.
"What's the matter Caine? Afraid to put the girl through more trauma!" Dracula smiled
Caine growled. He tried getting Claire to calm down. "Claire? Claire! You need to listen to me!" He shouted to her
"Mom I'm sorry. I should have tried to stop him but he was so scary! I...I couldn't do it!" She sobbed
"Claire, you have to fight through this or we are both going to die here!" Caine said
Dracula began to advance and shook his head "Poor Caine brought down because of some weak deception!"
Dracula punched Caine in the stomach, he followed up with a knee into Caines face. While Caine stumbled he dropped the metal bat. Dracula walked towards him and picked up the metal bat, he swung straight into Caines chest. Caine let out a small cry of pain, he was losing the advantage. He had to take her mind off of that part of her life.
"Claire if you don't snap out of this, we will die! And then who will Kieron fight for? Kieron will die shortly after we do! Don't you want him to live a happy life? Don't you want to be with him when he lives that happy life?" Caine said
Dracula took the opportunity to strike Caine in the chest again. He then went for one of Caines legs making him kneel. Dracula walked up to Caine.
"It's such a shame that a Deity such as yourself turned out to be such a push over." Dracula said standing.
Dracula took two steps back and then began to run and kicked Caine in the chin sending him into a mountain.
Caine began to think he would be losing this fight...
That's it! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Another refrence to Castlevania 64! XD Also if this chapter is confusing like the last please let me know and I'll explain what it going on!
An update on the whole college thing as well, it seems I'll be taking the year off. It sucks but it could be worse. Hope you guys are having an awesome start of the week!