The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Ki… moretsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only… [view original content]
At last. They have been reunited. A truely wonderful thing indeed! Ah, and there are multiple spawns on the way no less!
So, even Carla is aware of her immediate fate? She is not going to go down without a fight, and a very bloody one at that. I just have one thing to request: When she recieves her due, can it be long and painful, please?
So Vivian has sprouted her wings. Just one more test, Vivian. Just one more.
Now that we are aware of Carla's immediate demise......
Bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen, bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen........
Earlier part 4 the final piece
"What the hell was that?" Gren holds up Michelle, as Nick fans her down. "You alright there?"
Michelle … morelooks around. They were searching for a sign. Anything. They looked terrified. Gren touches her face once more. She reacted differently to his touch; it seemed to burn her flesh as Gren's fingers gently pressed against her cheek. Looking into his milky eyes, Michelle was worried she'd allow the 'be true to your heart' speech go directly to her head. Michelle did not feel evil but what sort of signs do you see in someone meant to be as such?
"Did you find her?" Michelle looks around. " she here?"
"Gren can sense her." Hades speaks above, sitting on a rock. "The fates tend to 'move' around, so I can't point you in their direction. Something those sick, twisted ladies do from time to time."
"Cute..." Michelle stands up. "We have jokesters holding the one thing that we need to defeat Carla… [view original content]
Funny you should mention that because around last week - I just so happened to find my sketch pencils from high school behind a dresser of m… moreine. Luckily I managed to drop something of importance behind it, otherwise I wouldn't have found the case of pencils at all! XD I also might use them for future drawings if I feel like it.
By the way, Tetra, @2279500, @HazzatheMan, @pudding_pie - the progress of the picture is already coming along quite nicely. It should be done later this week, still contemplating on what I should add or change in the picture. :P
Of course! You can't keep Gremily apart. That's impossible. Yes! Vivian has indeed earned her wings. IF she plans on staying, well, that's on her.....but Carla has no idea what she's done. She thinks this battle has been won but she 's wrong. Oh so wrong....
Oh man its so cool to see these two lovebirds together again! :') and Vivian is now a full fledged Angel! Carla is in for a rude awakening … morewhen everyone returns! >:D
Glad you're feeling a bit better! And I hope you enjoy that job! I need to get one as well lol. And a Q&A!? Oh man awesome!
Awesome as always man! Brofist
I do warn you, if you DO go back and read from the beginning, so much has changed from there up until now. Like, a fudge ton. XD I have a Q&A for the finale, so if there are questions, now would be the time.
Yes, Vivian has finally earned her wings but what she chooses to do after it is up to her....but Gremily apart is a no no to me. They love one another too much. Their connection has seen worse, though.
No the golden one is on his left arm. His left. XD I get confused. lol
I'm sad to see it end, too but all good things must come to an end. The Porgies will live on, though, even after this.
The end is near, and I feel a strange sense of utter guilt for not reading this story from the very beginning last year. Perhaps when I have… more the time, I shall go back and read/comment on everything, I need to see these things blossom before my eyes! :'D
I'm happy to see the reunion between Emily and Gren, they've been apart for too long! And now Vivian is an angel -sigh- good for her Does this mean Vivian is gone or is she like Nicholas now?
One thing to point out, Gren's right arm is the golden one, not the left :P
I can't wait for more! XD (but at the same time I am sad to see it all come to a close...) T_T
Carla has always known of her demise, which is one of the reasons why she's so hell bent on taking down both Gren and Emily. I promise you, she'll get what is coming. Now and always.
Vivian has indeed gained her wings and that's exactly how I'd like to see it: one final test.
I shall join you in the chant. Now, where did I put that book....
At last. They have been reunited. A truely wonderful thing indeed! Ah, and there are multiple spawns on the way no less!
So, even Carla i… mores aware of her immediate fate? She is not going to go down without a fight, and a very bloody one at that. I just have one thing to request: When she recieves her due, can it be long and painful, please?
So Vivian has sprouted her wings. Just one more test, Vivian. Just one more.
Now that we are aware of Carla's immediate demise......
Bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen, bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen........
Welcome to the thread and hopefully we see more of Kitsune. He seems like a devious person with a heart of gold, in an odd way. I love his true form, too. Really neat!
The character I wish to add is a Kitsune. The mythical tailed beast. My character is none other than a nine tailed demon fox in disguise. Ki… moretsune is a fox that have lived for centuries. He has the abillity to wield lightnig with its tails and has incredible instinctive power. Kitsune is intelligent and just as the tale goes, the wolf and fox doesn't pair up well. They were enemies for a very long time. Kitsune can either be friend or foe depending how well the situation benefits him. Since Kitsune has incredible healing, bullets doesn't affect him much.
He is a schemer and will trick you. This will be an all out fight to the death for Bigby, followed by the incredible plot to the perfect crime, since Kitsune is a shapeshifter.
Living amongst the modern world Kitsune became quite bored. He took advantage against everyone, stealing their money under their noses. In the modern world Kitsune became a con-artist. He layed low because of only… [view original content]
I've heard some stories where it was just the shield and others with both sword and shield. The Harpe sounds like a acool weapon and fits Li… moream.
All the quads address Nick as such. Glad you like it and it's good that you recall little details as so. I prefer Emily, too, as does she.
And Michelle will benefit Dark in the future as well. Michelle can pretty much control Noah now, as he did to noth her and Erica for so long. We've encountered the other two who's teeth Michelle now has.
I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.
I do warn you, if you DO go back and read from the beginning, so much has changed from there up until now. Like, a fudge ton. XD I have a Q&… moreamp;A for the finale, so if there are questions, now would be the time.
Yes, Vivian has finally earned her wings but what she chooses to do after it is up to her....but Gremily apart is a no no to me. They love one another too much. Their connection has seen worse, though.
No the golden one is on his left arm. His left. XD I get confused. lol
I'm sad to see it end, too but all good things must come to an end. The Porgies will live on, though, even after this.
This is just a heads up.
I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.
I found your first post on page 4 with Lyla Smith meeting Georgie for the first time... yeeeeeeaaaahhh things were definitely different! XP
… more
Vivian is a good person. Gremily are the BigbyxSnow that never stay apart for too long lol
So his right arm is still intact? I thought his right arm had been removed cuz that was his weakness....
This is true
This is just a heads up.
I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The war of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stand beside their uncles; Liam remians on his horse, holding up the Harpe and wearing the Helm of Darkness. Chloe glares at Carla; both hands open and communicating with the shadows of the past. Little demonic figures, eyes wide and bare, are summoned from the ground and skies. Viviana was in her true form. All three heads with their lips curled back, teeth shimmering in the sun and drool seeping from their anxious tongues. Viviana sniffs the air, releasing an ear piercing howl towards the heavens. Seraphina, with Sunflower by her side, prepare to battle with her many plants.
"How fucking precious are you, you pathetic monsters. It's a damn shame your blood will spill upon the very Earth your feet touch."
"You can do whatever you please, Carla but you'll never break down these walls!" Lyla speaks, stepping beside her grandchildren. "You have taken our trust and created a path of lies and destruction. Your heart is black as the night sky and soul full of awful thoughts. You will NEVER take our pride, joy and strength."
Carla laughs. "YOU speak as if you've won, my dear sister. OPEN your fucking eyes-WHERE is your savior, this 'gift' that has been given to you all? Emily and Grendel are DEAD to me and they will be of no use to any of you. Look around, for this is the last family reuinion you'll have."
"Fook ya', cunt!" Gerogie steps forward, bracing for the next step. "Ya' have taken so much from my family but I've seen the light and people like YA' need ta' stay hidden and never know woot love and family is....I've learned ova' these centuries that monsters do not just live unda' ya' bed but are the very people that know ya' the most."
"Awww that is SO fucking cute, Georgie! Standing there, giving me a speech. Damn shame Bigby did not rid of you. Pity Sunflower wished to aide you and my sister fucked you...."
Carla waves her arms, creating a tumbling force of air. The children were nearly swept away; Robert and Gren, along with several other Grendels, managed to catch the children. Katie, sitting on Jersey's back, rose into the heavens. She had her own to deal with, when it came to Carla; she recruited Echidna and the Wolf brothers, Romulus and Remus to murder her family. Junior, shards of glass and blood pouring from his eyes, glares at Carla. His teeth were bare and sharp. The thirst inside his body was consumed with the aguish and hate that corrupted Carla's soul. He would not let another member of his family die; clinging to Peter's fur, Junior jumps upon his brother's back and rides towards Carla. She begins to spawn several groups of warriors, each with a different weapon and stature to their character.
Lyla remained in her Wolf form, growling, sneering and howling into the afternoon sky. The sun shined brightly down, beating the warmth against the creature's exposed fur. Her eyes never peeled away from Carla. The thought of her own child sacrificing himself to protect his own caused Lyla's claws to dig deeper into the soil. Georgie, standing beside Lyla, held his stance like a statue. The Fable longed to purge this world of Carla's presence; her immortal soul graced his family and left several piles of destruction along the way.
He, along with the others, could feel her life slipping away. He disired to battle Carla alone. Black magic against Dark but in his heart, he knew this was his daughter's fight alone. Only the bow of Artemis could send Carla into the ground. Looking over, however, Georgie notices Erica's sudden change: pale, chalky skin, yellow eyes and slender fingers; each raised high, pressing the magic long enough keep a mysterious cloud above her head.
The groups of spawned warriors march towards the awaiting Fables. "STAND YOUR GROUND!" Robert holds up his hand. "Not YET! WAIT on my command...."
It was the least Robert could do; he was still beside Gren's body, awaiting for their souls to return with Emily. Isaiah, standing a few feet to the left, nods at Robert. With a single twirl of his finger, Isaiah was charging towards the group. Now, in his Grendel form, the beast would leap into the mess and while distracting the few soldiers, the others could attack. Carla did, however, take notice of this little plan. Grinning, she pauses to think of something to stop this foul creature from attempting to control her spawns. Hecate leans over and whispers something devilish in Carla's ear.
"Ah of course, Hecate..." Carla opens her fingers, blood pouring from the tips. "I had NEVER thought of this. Hope you're hungry, you disgusting creature..."
A wave of red pours from Carla's fingers. Everyone pauses to see what this would possibly spawn into but it did nothing to them. Only to Isaiah. He stops, with half of a warrior in his mouth and began to struggle against the smell. Under the heat of the sun the blood gained a harsh smell of copper but to Isaiah, it was waving a piece of fresh meat to a Lion's den. He drops the deceased soilder, grabs his head and screams. Robert and the others took notice of Isaiah's behavior and were confused.
"Isaiah!" Robert attempts to grab his brother's attention. "ISAIAH! Why did you stop!? Go, before she spawns more!"
The fresh human blood was causing Isaiah's head to spin and fangs to petrude through his gums. The beast falls to his knees as spears and arrows plummeted into his body. The pain was a mere tickle to Isaiah but it was the scent of the blood, still pouring from Carla's fingers, that caused him to become vulnerable and in control of the woman. The others, worried he had become lost in a sudden spell, charge. Katie dips from the heavens, still perched on Jersey's backs, while Wolves followed, howling at their prey. Georgie tosses several balls of purple magic at several minions following behind. Isaiah, trying to lift himself from the ground, could feel his world colliding.
Glancing over, his worried brother could not move. He had Gren's body to protect but alas, where there is a will, there is always a way. There was another Fable who took notice of Isaiah's odd behavior and she was not the least bit thrilled with Carla's 'dirty' plays. Sheila Porgie was too much like her mother; it had to be a certain way and if she called the shots. With no weapon in her hands, the little girl heads for Isaiah.
"Sheila, stop!" Her brother George calls out, hoping to stop his sister in time. "It's too dangerous! Let dad and the others handle this. SHEILA!"
But the little Mary copy refused to stop in her tracks and obey. Those were mere words Sheila allowed to pass right over her head. Isaiah was well on his way to destroy half of the spawned warriors but like usual, Carla paniced. She knew this war had already been won before returning to Gren and Emily's place. But like all the others before her, she was going to play the 'weakness' card. And Sheils did not like this. Changing into her true form, Sheila yanks out several shards of glass from her arms, neck and forehead; they grew back like weeds in an unkept garden and one by one, she sends the shards flying.
Several pin into the heads of the soldiers, while others strike their legs, causing them to fall. The Wolves then leapt in, tore their heads clean off and advanced to the next target. Joining the Wolves in this task were Jersey and a few other Grendels. With their fists, the swamp beasts would crash their thunderous knuckles into the backs of the spawned warriors. All would tumble, turn into dust and sink back into the Earth.
Shiela looks over at Isaiah, still having difficulty avoiding the smell of fresh human blood. Sheila looks over at her sisters Aubrey and Sophia.
"NOW!" She points to the blood. "NOW, DO IT NOW!"
The girls obey their older sister. Each of the twin girls' hands becomes a vast color of orange, yellow and red. The fire grows rapidly and are sent into the blood. Along the way, several soldiers are caught and perish within the flames. The blood begins to burn and turn into a thick, crusty black slab. Isaiah begins to inhale fresh air and before long, returns to his feet. Sheila embraces the Grendel, leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"How did you know..." Isaiah leans closer into Sheila's ear. "....About the blood and that I'm, you know...."
"I won't say anything." Sheila jumps back and returns to the others. "It's what we do, Isaiah. Learn about these things for the future!"
Isaiah did not have time to question Sheila's reasoning, for another wave of soldiers were spawned.
"FUCK!" Carla looks around. "I was not expecting those brats to control the bloodlust! He should have been consuming it and hailing on MY side!"
"Allow me, my lady."
"What nonsense are you planning on doing NOW, Hecate!? Nothing you have delievered is taking these fucking assholes down!"
"You need to think bigger, my lady! This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what awaits you! You can't rush these wars, my lady. You-"
"Fuck you!" Carla pushes Hecate down. "You have been nothing but trouble! Standing in my way! I was told you want to do something right, fucking do it yourself..."
Carla scans the area. Think bigger, she thought. Looking around, she spots the very person needed to conjur up the one person she needed to finally end this pathetic war. To control not only the others but this town, the worlds and all the creatures within it. Leaping over two Grendels,
Carla lands beside Georgie and elbows him in the stomach. Coughing, Georgie finds his footing and prepares to defend. Carla laughs, walking around the Fable.
"Hello, Georgie. Nice to see you still walking around. I'm still pretty pissed about earlier. You know....your bitch wife ripping my arm off and all. Then, you getting in my way. I didn't appreciate that."
"Fook off, ya' bitch." Georgie lowers his arms. "Ya' killed my son! Used my family fa' ya' own sick games but no more...if Emily won't stop ya', I WILL...."
"That so, Porgie? Well, while the others fight off the never ending supply of warriors, you and I can handle this little issue we have."
"Fine by me...." Georgie creates several pods of magic. "Ya' and me. Right now..."
"I'm going to ENJOY splitting you open like a fucking Turkey on Thanksgiving, Georgie. Finish what that fucktard Bigby couldn't do. Pathetic..."
Nothing would ever stop Georgie from taking Carla down. That was a given. Even as she began sending waves of powerful magic at him, he was determined to keep her away. Even if he died right now, Georgie knew he did his best to protect what was his and this time, it mattered to him. Carla use to be the sweetest girl ever; she never showed anger or hostility towards Georgie and seemed to have accepted the children. His love with Lyla. It broke his heart to see his sister-in-law, lost in the powerful world that once held the mightiest postition in the world, in shambles. Lyla peers over long enough to see Georgie and Carla. Her heart dropped and soon, the mighty wolf was on her way.
"MOM, no!" Peter yelps in her direction. "You can't DO that, mom! She'll kill you!"
"I'm not losing your father, Peter!" Lyla climbs up the rocks and towards Carla and Georgie. "I can't lose anymore of my family members! There are too many blood stains on this family!"
But Lyla was gone. Peter did not have another opportunity to speak; a massive warrior with rusted armor and decaying flesh rose before the Wolf and sent his mighty shield across Peter's head. Katie, Junior and Penny noticed their brother's current status. Grinding his teeth, Juniors creates several groups of himself; each clone hissed, inching closer to their tragets and slashing each into the ground. Erica noticed several rotten teeth scattered around. The stench was horrible and the taste was ten times worse but Erica needed every single one of these teeth. She was behind Lyla, hiding along the edges and tracing her footsteps. Erica knew it had to be done. Her mother would understand....
"Georgie!" Lyla searches for her hunsband. She could still smell him..."Georgie! Georgie!"
The black Wolf, shoulder high and paws deep into the soft sand, tries to sniff out the location of both Georgie and Carla. The roaring battle below caused Lyla's head to spin. The anguish thoughts and feelings, living in this hateful world and knowing the damage Carla already caused was testing Lyla's patience. She tried to hold back the need to ripe Carla's throat out; she did not want to be burdened with her sister's death and have her blood tainted along her lips. But the more Lyla heard to the fight below, pictured her son and family, the more the desire grew inside.
"Georgie!" Lyla tilts her head back and whines. "GEORGIE!"
Taking another step forward, Lyla notices the black lump buried in the dirt. Her heart dropped.
"No...please..." Lyla runs towards the familiar object. "Please God no....No...."
Lyla ends at the foot of the Bowler hat. Georgie's hat. Alarmed, Lyla seeks for her husband. The tears began spurting through Lyla's eyes. She assumed the worse; a burnt corpse beyond recognition or his entire insides pouring from the gaping wound created by Carla. Lyla climbs the rocks, caves and weeds. Nothing. Inhaling, Lyla tries to pick up the scent of Georgie. The Bowler hat lined her lips, secured in her teeth.
"Georgie!" As seconds pass, the images return. "Oh God Georgie, answer me! Georgie!!"
Lyla stops near the edge of the cliff; looking down, she notices a river and several ponds. Nothing. No Georgie or Carla. Nearing the ends, however, Lyla notices miles of weeds, vines and thorns. At first, she thought Emily until the smell of Georgie returns. Jumping down, she only hears the scretch of a woman and nothing more until she finds two figures, one tall, the other short, near a clearing.
Purple clouds rising from the middle and the Earth beginning to tremble....
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work.
Man I really hate Carla but the dialogue you give her just makes me like her! XD I was worried about Isaiah due to his condition, but now I'm more worried about Georgie The man has worked too hard to where he is now but like he said if he died there he knows that he did his best. I hope for the best though
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The … morewar of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stan… [view original content]
Carla is such a bitch! XD Her dialouge was fun to write and Isaiah was doomed but thakfully, he had little miss Sheila there! Georgie is fine, I promise you this but I won't spoil what he does next. But I agree.....he knows at the end of the day, family is all he has.
Woah talk about intense! :O
Man I really hate Carla but the dialogue you give her just makes me like her! XD I was worried about Isaiah d… moreue to his condition, but now I'm more worried about Georgie The man has worked too hard to where he is now but like he said if he died there he knows that he did his best. I hope for the best though
Awesome stuff as always man! Brofist
Sweet! That's what I'm going for!
Carla is such a bitch! XD Her dialouge was fun to write and Isaiah was doomed but thakfully, he had li… morettle miss Sheila there! Georgie is fine, I promise you this but I won't spoil what he does next. But I agree.....he knows at the end of the day, family is all he has.
Thanks, my good man1 Glad you liked it! -brofist-
I loved this post so freaking much. The intense feeling from beginning to end. Carla is playing dirty and luckily Sheila was there to stop it! >:( The Porgie kids are kick ass, man! I loved the description of the battle scenes as well. I agree with Tetra: the dialouge you created for Carla was hilarious but in a good way!
I was worried about Georgie. I thought he was dead but I know you too well. You'd never harm Georgie, so the two figures must be him and I'm assuming the other is Erica but that's just a guess. I wonder what happens to Carla because I KNOW she's not dead. Hmmmm.
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The … morewar of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stan… [view original content]
This is just a heads up.
I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.
Wow, this thread is really slowing down isn't it? I remember the good old days back in January when I joined -sigh- good times man :')
I think the reason I'm struggling with the Vampire Challenge so much is because I didn't have much time to think the story up before I started it, which is of course my fault. I may just finish it at the Chapter 10 mark because that is the minimum requirement for the Challenge, but we'll see...
I'm writing this in case anyone wants an idea of how much is left for me to write for that Challenge. Still not quite in the writing spirit but it is SLOWLY coming back to me.
Hope every one is having a nice day though! It's really hot and sunny (and very windy as well) in England!!! XD
Wow, this thread is really slowing down isn't it? I remember the good old days back in January when I joined -sigh- good times man :')
I… more think the reason I'm struggling with the Vampire Challenge so much is because I didn't have much time to think the story up before I started it, which is of course my fault. I may just finish it at the Chapter 10 mark because that is the minimum requirement for the Challenge, but we'll see...
I'm writing this in case anyone wants an idea of how much is left for me to write for that Challenge. Still not quite in the writing spirit but it is SLOWLY coming back to me.
Hope every one is having a nice day though! It's really hot and sunny (and very windy as well) in England!!! XD
Hey it'll spike again! Just gotta give it time, I want to say its because summer can be a busy time but hell everyone's been busy anyways XD… more.
Glad the writing spirit has been slowly coming back to you man!
My day has been alright, got my room all cleaned up and sorted. Almost finished RE3. Its pretty tame here in North Carolina for once! XD
This is the thing though: Isn't Summer supposed to be a holiday for everyone?! XP
Yeah slowly but surely
Cool man, I've sent off my Driver's License application at last, might finally play TFTB later today
Everyone is busy, Hman. 'Tis life, dude. Even with Summer time, you still have work. No one else will take care of your things, sadly. We all try, though.
Good to hear you have your writing spark back at least. I might write a chap today. We'll see.
My day is going pretty good. Just got back from the park and going out this Friday! Woot Woot! XD Love this city!
Wow, this thread is really slowing down isn't it? I remember the good old days back in January when I joined -sigh- good times man :')
I… more think the reason I'm struggling with the Vampire Challenge so much is because I didn't have much time to think the story up before I started it, which is of course my fault. I may just finish it at the Chapter 10 mark because that is the minimum requirement for the Challenge, but we'll see...
I'm writing this in case anyone wants an idea of how much is left for me to write for that Challenge. Still not quite in the writing spirit but it is SLOWLY coming back to me.
Hope every one is having a nice day though! It's really hot and sunny (and very windy as well) in England!!! XD
Trying is all we can do... I think I will go back and read all the chapters I missed out on over the months I wasn't here later this year, get a better understanding of things. It's not like I do much else with my day right now :P
It's not quite back yet, but it is coming back, how long for is a mystery to me. I look forward to that chapter
Friday night really is the highlight of your week isn't it? XP That and Wet n' Wild Wednesdays!!! XD
Everyone is busy, Hman. 'Tis life, dude. Even with Summer time, you still have work. No one else will take care of your things, sadly. We a… morell try, though.
Good to hear you have your writing spark back at least. I might write a chap today. We'll see.
My day is going pretty good. Just got back from the park and going out this Friday! Woot Woot! XD Love this city!
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apartment. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs. "Oh yeah. Those were...interesting days."
"So what's up? I know you didn't just call me for the fuck of it."
"Are you busy?" His heart was racing. "Like, right now?"
"Is everything alright, Robert? Is our son okay?"
Robert was shaking, still holding the phone. "RJ is fine, Lyla. He left about fifteen minutes ago for school."
"Good because when I called this morning-"
"He's fine, Lyla. I just....need you to come by right now."
Silence. "Robert, you know I can't do that."
Sex, thought Robert. She thinks I want to fuck her. "No, no, Lyla. Not....that. I need to talk to you."
A sigh of relief. "Oh man, Robert. You had me worried there. I was getting ready to nut up on you or something. What do you need to talk to me about? Can't it wait until tomorrow when we see RJ practice?"
"This won't take no more then ten minutes, Lyla. Then you can go about your day."
"I'm actually not that far from your place, Robert. If this is seriously important, then-"
"Yes." Robert did not give her a chance to finish. "I need you to come over now, Lyla. This HAS to be discussed."
Lyla did not give a warning she was disconnecting the call. Robert heard the tone and then silence. He knew the thoughts that must be running through Lyla's head. Robert's mind began to fill with the possible outcomes for the ten minutes he and Lyla would have, talking about his sexual prefference. The biggest one so far: How did you know and why didn't you say anything? Robert would not lie to the mother of his only son. She deserved to know, too.
Right on time, Lyla knocks on the door. Reaching for the door knob was Robert's final moments. He could have ignored the knocks. Given an excuse later when she called but this was child's play and both were adults now. Neither had the time to waste and Gren would be home in any minute. He was not hiding anything from Gren but this was between him and Lyla.
Her smile allowed those agnuished thoughts to vanish. She was beautiful as always; her short chestnut brown hair, amber eyes, long legs and glorious skin. She wore a yellow sundress with black wedges. Placing he rpurse on the counter, Lyla takes a seat on robert's couch.
"Place looks really good, Robert."
"Thanks. Can I get you a cold soda or some water perhaps?"
"A soda would be nice. Not too bad outside but my throat is parched from walking up those stairs."
"Dr. Pepper alright with you?"
"Of course, Robert."
Lyla glances around the room, looking at all the things packed into thw tiny two bedroom apartment. She noticed Gren's suitcase sitting upright along the wall. It broke her heart and spirit for a moment. Noticing he stare, Robert laughs nervously.
"He's been here for almost three weeks now, Lyla."
"I know." Lyla pops the top to the soda. "He told us during dinner the other night. The kids, especially Emily, love when he stays over so many nights but I worry about his kids."
Robert picks up a pillow and examines the corners. Anything to avoid 'The talk'. "You know he saked me this odd question the other day. About the kids and all?"
"What did he ask you?"
"Something along the line of, if I've ever felt like something truly wasn't mine but you didn't have the evidence to prove it. Or, it was something like that."
Lyla takes a sip. "He....he asked me the same thing a week ago, too. I'm sure sure what he's talking about, Robert."
"Neither do I. Thouht maybe you did."
"I'm just a clueless as you. I've told me sister to file for divorce. I guess she HAS the papers but....won't do it, for some reason."
"Same with Gren. It's obvious they both want a divorce but they keep saying the kids."
"Gren says the kids. Carla is just being a bitch now. Her thing was, 'We already are divorced'. How does that make sense? Because he sleeps over here now?"
"Guess so, Lyla. You know Carla better then I ever will."
"I just don't know what's gotten into her. She's changed, Robert. And I don't like it."
Robert scratches his face and smiles. "Well, you can't make a person do anything, Lyla. All you can do is sit back and show support."
Lyla was silent. Her eyes focused on the wooden floors. The loud honking, corwds gathering outside and the people upstairs was drowing out the awkwards silence between them. Robert did not mind but he could tell by the look on Lyla's face that she was not ammused with their conversation topic. She takes another sip, wiping her lips and crossing her legs.
"Whay did you really call me over here, Robert? I know this isn't just about Carla and Gren."
Robert smiles, looking at the pillow again."You always were a quick one, Lyla. No one can hide anything from you."
Lyla reaches over and grabs Robert's hand. "What is it, Robert? If this isn't about sex or RJ, then why call me over here?"
Robert inhales, grasping tighter to Lyla's hands. "Lyla, what if I told you something that no one knew of for centuries. Not even Gren and I recently accepted myself and I no longer fear what others will think."
Somewhere in her eyes, Lyla already knew what this was about. She stared long into Robert's face. "What are you trying to tell me, Robert?"
"I'm gay, Lyla. I' RJ knows, Gren knows. You now know and I told Rose but she didn't take it too well."
Lyla sits upright, still holding onto Robert's hand. "I thought you might have been, or, at least bisexual."
"What?" Robert was surprised. "How....when did you think this?"
"You just have this 'feeling', Robert. It's difficult for me to explain. Just how you took care of yourself. How you held yourself, spoke to others. For example, I recall you really touching your coworker, Phil, remember? During the picnic, you had your arms around him, embracing, laughing. Getting close. I assumed you were being friendly but it makes sense, now. What straight man gets that close to another man, especially in public? Unless you're really friendly, Robert, no one."
"What else gave you clues besides that? This is all new to me....I had no idea you thought this."
"I didn't want to say anything incase I was wrong. How awful, to accuse someone of being gay without them telling you. I'd had to start that, especially in Fabletown. We all know eachother some way or another, Robert. You'd have people banging down your door asking if the rumors are true."
"What else, Lyla?"
"Our sex life, Robert. We rarely had it and when we did, it was three times. One I conceived RJ with, obviously. You seemed terrified to jump into bed with me and when we did have intercourse, you were acting as if I 'forced' you into it. You didn't look like you were enjoying yourself, Robert."
Robert sighs. "I WAS enjoying just....not for the right reasons, Lyla. You're beautiful. Stunning, really and Georgie is lucky to have you but I guess, those 'feelings' was more of a comfort thing. Knowing you were there for me. You were my best friend, Lyla. You still are. I feel like, I can talk to you as so, then if we were a couple."
"I agree, Robert. This is why I was not as devestated as you were when we broke up. It was two friends having fun. That's it."
"I see that now." Robert sighs. "Man, do I feel stupid."
"Don't say that, Robert. You didn't have a choice. I understand. What makes me angry, though, is the idea of people like you being forced into these things. Pretending or hiding from the world. Themselves. I'd hate to see my own child go through that and if our son is gay, my heart would break, knowing he's living a lie. Creating children because he 'has to'. Get married to a woman because it's 'the right thing to do.' It kills me and I'm sorry you had to do this."
"Hey, I got my son out of it." Robert pats Lyla's hand. "And you, so, there are two positives to this."
Lyla continues to smile. "So, RJ and Gren know? How did they take it?"
"Well, Gren was stunned at first but was proud that I came out. He was mad at society, not me. RJ was like whatever. He could care less. Got that from you, thank God."
"He loves you, Robert. They both do. You can tell them tomorrow you slaughtered ten people and they'd still love you and never look at you differently."
"Whoa whoa, there. Ten people?! Lets jump over the gay hurdle, then we will talk."
Lyla stands up. She and Robert join in an embrace. "I'm proud to see you happy and finally being okay with yourself, Robert. You're smiling a lot. It's nice to see it."
"I feel like I can jump over the moon, Lyla."
Lyla pats his chest, then grabs her purse and prepares to leave. "So, anyone you've been looking at?"
Robert begins to think of Frank. His heart breaks. Still no returned calls since their night at the Pot o' Gold. "Well, there is ONE guy...."
"Oh who is he, if, you don't mind me asking?"
"I don't kind. His name is Frank. He's, um, the Jersey Devil's brother."
Lyla was shocked. "Jersey has a brother named Frank? I....he never mentioned this to me. I just saw him three days ago and-"
"You did!? No Frank or him being mentioned at all?!"
"No, nothing Robert. He came down to give the quads their gifts and hand deliver his to Katie No Frank. I'm sorry, Robert."
Robert walks Lyla down the stairs, through the halls and outside. The air was heavy and thick. Taking her sunglasse out, Lyla places them on her face. Standing beneath a tree, Robert looks around at all the faces. How many of them wer hiding something, too?
"That's alright. i'll try and reach him again."
"I'm heading to the Pawn shop later to see if he's interested in dinner tonight. I'll ask him for you, if you'd like."
"Please." Robert smiled brightly. "I'd appreciate that. Just....ask Jersey if he knows where Frank is. Don't mention the 'g' word. Jersey....he does not know, yet, about Frank."
"Promise, Robert." Lyla and Robert hug before she heads down the street. "See you tomorrow, Robert. I'll call RJ tonight. And don't worry. You're still the same Robert I knew then and now. Don't let anyone tell you differently."
Robert watches as Lyla waves one final time before heading towards the Cut Above. As he turns to face his apartment, there is Gren. Nothing but smiles. The two brothers embrace, head upstairs and spend the afternoon catching up. But as Robert excuses himself to use the restroom, his phone rings. A text message. Looking down, his heart stops and mind begins to race. The largest smile growing across his face.
'Hey Robert, it's Frank. Meet me at Rosa's in an hour. I wana see's ya's again. xoxo'
Trying is all we can do... I think I will go back and read all the chapters I missed out on over the months I wasn't here later this year, g… moreet a better understanding of things. It's not like I do much else with my day right now :P
It's not quite back yet, but it is coming back, how long for is a mystery to me. I look forward to that chapter
Friday night really is the highlight of your week isn't it? XP That and Wet n' Wild Wednesdays!!! XD
LOL Good luck with going back and reading all those stories. We all changed from last year up until no. lol
Well, I look forward to your … morenext chap and what will happen to Nick, Damien and the sudden bullshit they are dealing with.
I love it! Friday nights are for the single and the 'frisky' people. XD I LOVE Wet n' Wild Wednesdays! That's tomorrow!!!!!
Oh man I knew Lyla was going to be understanding but just like Robert my head was racing of what she could possibly say! XD Thankfully Lyla was nice and understanding about it! And the highlight of this chapter has to be the end! Go Robert! Be happy!
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apart… morement. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs.… [view original content]
They were but it was the foundation for where he's at now. We all went through that on the thread. We all grew. I had a different OC before Robert. He sucked...bad! XD
Oh yes please! Also, gives people that opportunity to get use to her name in your story, especially since Damien just walked in. :0
Hey, I'm a single white male living in San Fran! XD This city is my toy box. :P You'll have fun with me!
Yeah Pie's stories with Lyla and Georgie were.... different :P
I think I'll include Penny into the next chapter, get used to writing her character
Oh man, you are gonna be the death of me with these clubs!!! XP
Yeah wasn't his name Matt? I never read anything with him... Who was he? Why did he suck so much??
I'm kinda worried with using her though, I really don't know that much about Penny. Pie has given me a load of info, but I fear I'll mess up by making her either too nice or too bitchy. I know Penny is a 'wild' one that does her own thing, but she has a heart of gold and is a kind person.... She's basically her Mother right? :P
Indeed it is, enjoy it while you're single I would as well, but then Keisha might kill me
You'll have fun with me!
So long as I'm sober when we have this 'fun' then I won't feel bad about it later XP
They were but it was the foundation for where he's at now. We all went through that on the thread. We all grew. I had a different OC before… more Robert. He sucked...bad! XD
Oh yes please! Also, gives people that opportunity to get use to her name in your story, especially since Damien just walked in. :0
Hey, I'm a single white male living in San Fran! XD This city is my toy box. :P You'll have fun with me!
Lyla was always going to be understanding. She's a total sweetheart with a heart of gold. But I'd be in the same place as Robert, especially after Rose. It's tough but she understood.
Yay! FrankxRobert! I have to brighten up these poor dudes' lives, Tetra! Think Robert is happy for once in his life.
Oh man I knew Lyla was going to be understanding but just like Robert my head was racing of what she could possibly say! XD Thankfully Lyla … morewas nice and understanding about it! And the highlight of this chapter has to be the end! Go Robert! Be happy!
Awesome stuff as usual!
Nah his name was Max and he was a Vampire. No one really liked him. He was boring and tbh, it showed I did not care for the character anymore. Robert was created a month later and me and pie would collaborate later.
Do not worry about Penelope. you'll be just fine. She's basically Lyla. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet but she CAN be a bitch, if you piss her off. Just like Lyla, Penny is willing to avoid conflict but if a fight is needed, so be it. she does not go looking for trouble. You'll be fine, Hman. You got this!!!
YAY! That works for me, dude! you have your cokes and I'll stick to my Cosmopolitans! :S
Yeah wasn't his name Matt? I never read anything with him... Who was he? Why did he suck so much??
I'm kinda worried with using her thou… moregh, I really don't know that much about Penny. Pie has given me a load of info, but I fear I'll mess up by making her either too nice or too bitchy. I know Penny is a 'wild' one that does her own thing, but she has a heart of gold and is a kind person.... She's basically her Mother right? :P
Indeed it is, enjoy it while you're single I would as well, but then Keisha might kill me
You'll have fun with me!
So long as I'm sober when we have this 'fun' then I won't feel bad about it later XP
I see. Max is a Vampire then, that sounds pretty cool, but if you say he sucked then I'll believe you
I think I'll do fine. What I really wanna know is what is she like around a man who she is in love with?! Damien has the same hobbies and interests as Penny, but he doesn't shy away from conflict and likes his weed way too much :P I think Damien knows not to piss her off, he'll probably assume she'll leave him if he does!
Oh no no no NO. I am gonna drink every cocktail in the place, but if I black out and weird stuff happens when I do... you're responsible my good man Nah jk, I won't get smashed, but I won't be drinking nothing either XD
Nah his name was Max and he was a Vampire. No one really liked him. He was boring and tbh, it showed I did not care for the character anymor… moree. Robert was created a month later and me and pie would collaborate later.
Do not worry about Penelope. you'll be just fine. She's basically Lyla. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet but she CAN be a bitch, if you piss her off. Just like Lyla, Penny is willing to avoid conflict but if a fight is needed, so be it. she does not go looking for trouble. You'll be fine, Hman. You got this!!!
YAY! That works for me, dude! you have your cokes and I'll stick to my Cosmopolitans! :S
You'll be fine. Ask him about how Penny acts around the men she loves. I'm sure it's like her mother, too: giddy, silly and chill. I can see Damien and Penny butting heads for awhile but that's the beauty of a relationship that is sturdy.
I see. Max is a Vampire then, that sounds pretty cool, but if you say he sucked then I'll believe you
I think I'll do fine. What I reall… morey wanna know is what is she like around a man who she is in love with?! Damien has the same hobbies and interests as Penny, but he doesn't shy away from conflict and likes his weed way too much :P I think Damien knows not to piss her off, he'll probably assume she'll leave him if he does!
Oh no no no NO. I am gonna drink every cocktail in the place, but if I black out and weird stuff happens when I do... you're responsible my good man Nah jk, I won't get smashed, but I won't be drinking nothing either XD
I can do giddy, silly and chill :P I said to Pie that Nick and Jayne are more of a 'mature' couple that just like to walk and talk, Damien and Penny are a 'young' couple who don't know what 'get a room' means!! XD
Trust me. He sucked and no pun intended. XD
You'll be fine. Ask him about how Penny acts around the men she loves. I'm sure it's like he… morer mother, too: giddy, silly and chill. I can see Damien and Penny butting heads for awhile but that's the beauty of a relationship that is sturdy.
Nothing weird will happen to you. Trust me.
Anyway, this scene between the shadow and Kieron was, again, filled with feels (I swear to god, the feels level on this thread will create its own digit). I am interested in whom this shadow is, or what it is.
Dracula's methods of mind-screwing Claire are quite effective, if nothing else. Crafty indeed. I am going to go on a lam and assume that Kieron is going to show up next chapter in assistance.
As for your references to Castlevania 64, My first gaming experience was in the waning year of the 6th Generation so I would not know a damned thing. Could you point out the reference?
I'll Face Myself... Part: One
In Kierons mind...
Kieron stood on what seemed to be the roof of a buliding. All the blood from his woun… moreds were cleaned even his clothes. He looked around him and saw a full moon with a blood red sky. He looked back in front of him and saw his shadow sitting on a rail shaking his head. There was an shadowy aura coming off of him. Kieron crossed his arms and looked unimpressed.
"What do you want?" He asked
The shadow stood. "I'm sick of saving your ass from near death experiences!" He growled "If you can't handle a fight then let me do it!"
Kieron shook his head. "I don't think so."
The shadow hit itself in the head. "Then for fuck sake use your real strength! It's embarrassing when you get slapped around like some ball! It's like when you were a child!"
Kieron was interested in what his shadow meant. "What do you mean when I was a kid?"
The shadow turned and sighed "You don't even remember… [view original content]
This is a fight between Kieron and his own Shadow or what his inner thoughts are if that helps
He may or may not show up
In Castlevania 64 Dracula fooled one of the main character named Reinhardt Schneider, which was the muscled idiot lol, by shapeshifting his body to a child named Malus.
Damned cliffhangers! (Joking..........still)
Anyway, this scene between the shadow and Kieron was, again, filled with feels (I swear to g… moreod, the feels level on this thread will create its own digit). I am interested in whom this shadow is, or what it is.
Dracula's methods of mind-screwing Claire are quite effective, if nothing else. Crafty indeed. I am going to go on a lam and assume that Kieron is going to show up next chapter in assistance.
As for your references to Castlevania 64, My first gaming experience was in the waning year of the 6th Generation so I would not know a damned thing. Could you point out the reference?
Gut
Interesting Fable we have here! It sounds interesting!
Also welcome to the thread!
At last. They have been reunited. A truely wonderful thing indeed! Ah, and there are multiple spawns on the way no less!
So, even Carla is aware of her immediate fate? She is not going to go down without a fight, and a very bloody one at that. I just have one thing to request: When she recieves her due, can it be long and painful, please?
So Vivian has sprouted her wings. Just one more test, Vivian. Just one more.
Now that we are aware of Carla's immediate demise......
Bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen, bitte Carla stirbt in Schmerzen........
OH MY GURD!
I can't wait....-sits back into chair-
Of course! You can't keep Gremily apart. That's impossible.
Yes! Vivian has indeed earned her wings. IF she plans on staying, well, that's on her.....but Carla has no idea what she's done.
She thinks this battle has been won but she 's wrong. Oh so wrong....
Thanks my good man! -brofist-
I do warn you, if you DO go back and read from the beginning, so much has changed from there up until now. Like, a fudge ton. XD I have a Q&A for the finale, so if there are questions, now would be the time.
Yes, Vivian has finally earned her wings but what she chooses to do after it is up to her....but Gremily apart is a no no to me. They love one another too much. Their connection has seen worse, though.
No the golden one is on his left arm. His left. XD I get confused. lol
I'm sad to see it end, too but all good things must come to an end. The Porgies will live on, though, even after this.
Carla has always known of her demise, which is one of the reasons why she's so hell bent on taking down both Gren and Emily. I promise you, she'll get what is coming. Now and always.
Vivian has indeed gained her wings and that's exactly how I'd like to see it: one final test.
I shall join you in the chant. Now, where did I put that book....
Welcome to the thread and hopefully we see more of Kitsune. He seems like a devious person with a heart of gold, in an odd way.
I love his true form, too. Really neat!
I prefer Emily, too. Amelia is beautiful and all but does not fit that face. BTW, how did that come about, Amelia but the family calls her Emily?
This is just a heads up.
I have a few things happening at the moment so I may not be able to upload another chapter for the rest of this week. Rest assured, I will still be here reading and commenting on the works of others.
I found your first post on page 4 with Lyla Smith meeting Georgie for the first time... yeeeeeeaaaahhh things were definitely different! XP
Vivian is a good person. Gremily are the BigbyxSnow that never stay apart for too long lol
So his right arm is still intact?
I thought his right arm had been removed cuz that was his weakness....
This is true
Hey man hope things work out for ya and hope to see you post your next part as soon as you can!
Told you. Very different. XD It was all over the place because I was not planning on continuing their story.
She is.
She's grown on me since writing her in this fic. I'll have to agree on that comment. 
No it was his left arm.
Whatever needs to dealt with, you handle it, for that is indeed more important.
See ya' around, though.
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The war of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stand beside their uncles; Liam remians on his horse, holding up the Harpe and wearing the Helm of Darkness. Chloe glares at Carla; both hands open and communicating with the shadows of the past. Little demonic figures, eyes wide and bare, are summoned from the ground and skies. Viviana was in her true form. All three heads with their lips curled back, teeth shimmering in the sun and drool seeping from their anxious tongues. Viviana sniffs the air, releasing an ear piercing howl towards the heavens. Seraphina, with Sunflower by her side, prepare to battle with her many plants.
"How fucking precious are you, you pathetic monsters. It's a damn shame your blood will spill upon the very Earth your feet touch."
"You can do whatever you please, Carla but you'll never break down these walls!" Lyla speaks, stepping beside her grandchildren. "You have taken our trust and created a path of lies and destruction. Your heart is black as the night sky and soul full of awful thoughts. You will NEVER take our pride, joy and strength."
Carla laughs. "YOU speak as if you've won, my dear sister. OPEN your fucking eyes-WHERE is your savior, this 'gift' that has been given to you all? Emily and Grendel are DEAD to me and they will be of no use to any of you. Look around, for this is the last family reuinion you'll have."
"Fook ya', cunt!" Gerogie steps forward, bracing for the next step. "Ya' have taken so much from my family but I've seen the light and people like YA' need ta' stay hidden and never know woot love and family is....I've learned ova' these centuries that monsters do not just live unda' ya' bed but are the very people that know ya' the most."
"Awww that is SO fucking cute, Georgie! Standing there, giving me a speech. Damn shame Bigby did not rid of you. Pity Sunflower wished to aide you and my sister fucked you...."
Carla waves her arms, creating a tumbling force of air. The children were nearly swept away; Robert and Gren, along with several other Grendels, managed to catch the children. Katie, sitting on Jersey's back, rose into the heavens. She had her own to deal with, when it came to Carla; she recruited Echidna and the Wolf brothers, Romulus and Remus to murder her family. Junior, shards of glass and blood pouring from his eyes, glares at Carla. His teeth were bare and sharp. The thirst inside his body was consumed with the aguish and hate that corrupted Carla's soul. He would not let another member of his family die; clinging to Peter's fur, Junior jumps upon his brother's back and rides towards Carla. She begins to spawn several groups of warriors, each with a different weapon and stature to their character.
Lyla remained in her Wolf form, growling, sneering and howling into the afternoon sky. The sun shined brightly down, beating the warmth against the creature's exposed fur. Her eyes never peeled away from Carla. The thought of her own child sacrificing himself to protect his own caused Lyla's claws to dig deeper into the soil. Georgie, standing beside Lyla, held his stance like a statue. The Fable longed to purge this world of Carla's presence; her immortal soul graced his family and left several piles of destruction along the way.
He, along with the others, could feel her life slipping away. He disired to battle Carla alone. Black magic against Dark but in his heart, he knew this was his daughter's fight alone. Only the bow of Artemis could send Carla into the ground. Looking over, however, Georgie notices Erica's sudden change: pale, chalky skin, yellow eyes and slender fingers; each raised high, pressing the magic long enough keep a mysterious cloud above her head.
The groups of spawned warriors march towards the awaiting Fables. "STAND YOUR GROUND!" Robert holds up his hand. "Not YET! WAIT on my command...."
It was the least Robert could do; he was still beside Gren's body, awaiting for their souls to return with Emily. Isaiah, standing a few feet to the left, nods at Robert. With a single twirl of his finger, Isaiah was charging towards the group. Now, in his Grendel form, the beast would leap into the mess and while distracting the few soldiers, the others could attack. Carla did, however, take notice of this little plan. Grinning, she pauses to think of something to stop this foul creature from attempting to control her spawns. Hecate leans over and whispers something devilish in Carla's ear.
"Ah of course, Hecate..." Carla opens her fingers, blood pouring from the tips. "I had NEVER thought of this. Hope you're hungry, you disgusting creature..."
A wave of red pours from Carla's fingers. Everyone pauses to see what this would possibly spawn into but it did nothing to them. Only to Isaiah. He stops, with half of a warrior in his mouth and began to struggle against the smell. Under the heat of the sun the blood gained a harsh smell of copper but to Isaiah, it was waving a piece of fresh meat to a Lion's den. He drops the deceased soilder, grabs his head and screams. Robert and the others took notice of Isaiah's behavior and were confused.
"Isaiah!" Robert attempts to grab his brother's attention. "ISAIAH! Why did you stop!? Go, before she spawns more!"
The fresh human blood was causing Isaiah's head to spin and fangs to petrude through his gums. The beast falls to his knees as spears and arrows plummeted into his body. The pain was a mere tickle to Isaiah but it was the scent of the blood, still pouring from Carla's fingers, that caused him to become vulnerable and in control of the woman. The others, worried he had become lost in a sudden spell, charge. Katie dips from the heavens, still perched on Jersey's backs, while Wolves followed, howling at their prey. Georgie tosses several balls of purple magic at several minions following behind. Isaiah, trying to lift himself from the ground, could feel his world colliding.
Glancing over, his worried brother could not move. He had Gren's body to protect but alas, where there is a will, there is always a way. There was another Fable who took notice of Isaiah's odd behavior and she was not the least bit thrilled with Carla's 'dirty' plays. Sheila Porgie was too much like her mother; it had to be a certain way and if she called the shots. With no weapon in her hands, the little girl heads for Isaiah.
"Sheila, stop!" Her brother George calls out, hoping to stop his sister in time. "It's too dangerous! Let dad and the others handle this. SHEILA!"
But the little Mary copy refused to stop in her tracks and obey. Those were mere words Sheila allowed to pass right over her head. Isaiah was well on his way to destroy half of the spawned warriors but like usual, Carla paniced. She knew this war had already been won before returning to Gren and Emily's place. But like all the others before her, she was going to play the 'weakness' card. And Sheils did not like this. Changing into her true form, Sheila yanks out several shards of glass from her arms, neck and forehead; they grew back like weeds in an unkept garden and one by one, she sends the shards flying.
Several pin into the heads of the soldiers, while others strike their legs, causing them to fall. The Wolves then leapt in, tore their heads clean off and advanced to the next target. Joining the Wolves in this task were Jersey and a few other Grendels. With their fists, the swamp beasts would crash their thunderous knuckles into the backs of the spawned warriors. All would tumble, turn into dust and sink back into the Earth.
Shiela looks over at Isaiah, still having difficulty avoiding the smell of fresh human blood. Sheila looks over at her sisters Aubrey and Sophia.
"NOW!" She points to the blood. "NOW, DO IT NOW!"
The girls obey their older sister. Each of the twin girls' hands becomes a vast color of orange, yellow and red. The fire grows rapidly and are sent into the blood. Along the way, several soldiers are caught and perish within the flames. The blood begins to burn and turn into a thick, crusty black slab. Isaiah begins to inhale fresh air and before long, returns to his feet. Sheila embraces the Grendel, leaving a kiss on his forehead.
"How did you know..." Isaiah leans closer into Sheila's ear. "....About the blood and that I'm, you know...."
"I won't say anything." Sheila jumps back and returns to the others. "It's what we do, Isaiah. Learn about these things for the future!"
Isaiah did not have time to question Sheila's reasoning, for another wave of soldiers were spawned.
"FUCK!" Carla looks around. "I was not expecting those brats to control the bloodlust! He should have been consuming it and hailing on MY side!"
"Allow me, my lady."
"What nonsense are you planning on doing NOW, Hecate!? Nothing you have delievered is taking these fucking assholes down!"
"You need to think bigger, my lady! This is the tip of the iceberg compared to what awaits you! You can't rush these wars, my lady. You-"
"Fuck you!" Carla pushes Hecate down. "You have been nothing but trouble! Standing in my way! I was told you want to do something right, fucking do it yourself..."
Carla scans the area. Think bigger, she thought. Looking around, she spots the very person needed to conjur up the one person she needed to finally end this pathetic war. To control not only the others but this town, the worlds and all the creatures within it. Leaping over two Grendels,
Carla lands beside Georgie and elbows him in the stomach. Coughing, Georgie finds his footing and prepares to defend. Carla laughs, walking around the Fable.
"Hello, Georgie. Nice to see you still walking around. I'm still pretty pissed about earlier. You know....your bitch wife ripping my arm off and all. Then, you getting in my way. I didn't appreciate that."
"Fook off, ya' bitch." Georgie lowers his arms. "Ya' killed my son! Used my family fa' ya' own sick games but no more...if Emily won't stop ya', I WILL...."
"That so, Porgie? Well, while the others fight off the never ending supply of warriors, you and I can handle this little issue we have."
"Fine by me...." Georgie creates several pods of magic. "Ya' and me. Right now..."
"I'm going to ENJOY splitting you open like a fucking Turkey on Thanksgiving, Georgie. Finish what that fucktard Bigby couldn't do. Pathetic..."
Nothing would ever stop Georgie from taking Carla down. That was a given. Even as she began sending waves of powerful magic at him, he was determined to keep her away. Even if he died right now, Georgie knew he did his best to protect what was his and this time, it mattered to him. Carla use to be the sweetest girl ever; she never showed anger or hostility towards Georgie and seemed to have accepted the children. His love with Lyla. It broke his heart to see his sister-in-law, lost in the powerful world that once held the mightiest postition in the world, in shambles. Lyla peers over long enough to see Georgie and Carla. Her heart dropped and soon, the mighty wolf was on her way.
"MOM, no!" Peter yelps in her direction. "You can't DO that, mom! She'll kill you!"
"I'm not losing your father, Peter!" Lyla climbs up the rocks and towards Carla and Georgie. "I can't lose anymore of my family members! There are too many blood stains on this family!"
But Lyla was gone. Peter did not have another opportunity to speak; a massive warrior with rusted armor and decaying flesh rose before the Wolf and sent his mighty shield across Peter's head. Katie, Junior and Penny noticed their brother's current status. Grinding his teeth, Juniors creates several groups of himself; each clone hissed, inching closer to their tragets and slashing each into the ground. Erica noticed several rotten teeth scattered around. The stench was horrible and the taste was ten times worse but Erica needed every single one of these teeth. She was behind Lyla, hiding along the edges and tracing her footsteps. Erica knew it had to be done. Her mother would understand....
"Georgie!" Lyla searches for her hunsband. She could still smell him..."Georgie! Georgie!"
The black Wolf, shoulder high and paws deep into the soft sand, tries to sniff out the location of both Georgie and Carla. The roaring battle below caused Lyla's head to spin. The anguish thoughts and feelings, living in this hateful world and knowing the damage Carla already caused was testing Lyla's patience. She tried to hold back the need to ripe Carla's throat out; she did not want to be burdened with her sister's death and have her blood tainted along her lips. But the more Lyla heard to the fight below, pictured her son and family, the more the desire grew inside.
"Georgie!" Lyla tilts her head back and whines. "GEORGIE!"
Taking another step forward, Lyla notices the black lump buried in the dirt. Her heart dropped.
"No...please..." Lyla runs towards the familiar object. "Please God no....No...."
Lyla ends at the foot of the Bowler hat. Georgie's hat. Alarmed, Lyla seeks for her husband. The tears began spurting through Lyla's eyes. She assumed the worse; a burnt corpse beyond recognition or his entire insides pouring from the gaping wound created by Carla. Lyla climbs the rocks, caves and weeds. Nothing. Inhaling, Lyla tries to pick up the scent of Georgie. The Bowler hat lined her lips, secured in her teeth.
"Georgie!" As seconds pass, the images return. "Oh God Georgie, answer me! Georgie!!"
Lyla stops near the edge of the cliff; looking down, she notices a river and several ponds. Nothing. No Georgie or Carla. Nearing the ends, however, Lyla notices miles of weeds, vines and thorns. At first, she thought Emily until the smell of Georgie returns. Jumping down, she only hears the scretch of a woman and nothing more until she finds two figures, one tall, the other short, near a clearing.
Purple clouds rising from the middle and the Earth beginning to tremble....
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work.
Woah talk about intense! :O
Man I really hate Carla but the dialogue you give her just makes me like her! XD I was worried about Isaiah due to his condition, but now I'm more worried about Georgie
The man has worked too hard to where he is now but like he said if he died there he knows that he did his best. I hope for the best though 
Awesome stuff as always man!
Sweet! That's what I'm going for!
Carla is such a bitch! XD Her dialouge was fun to write and Isaiah was doomed but thakfully, he had little miss Sheila there! Georgie is fine, I promise you this but I won't spoil what he does next.
But I agree.....he knows at the end of the day, family is all he has.
Thanks, my good man1 Glad you liked it! -brofist-
You nailed it man! XD
She is! Evil people dialogue is a lot of fun to write! Sheila to the rescue!
Yes! This means he's probably going to do something really awesome! 
I loved this post so freaking much. The intense feeling from beginning to end. Carla is playing dirty and luckily Sheila was there to stop it! >:( The Porgie kids are kick ass, man! I loved the description of the battle scenes as well. I agree with Tetra: the dialouge you created for Carla was hilarious but in a good way!
I was worried about Georgie. I thought he was dead but I know you too well. You'd never harm Georgie, so the two figures must be him and I'm assuming the other is Erica but that's just a guess. I wonder what happens to Carla because I KNOW she's not dead. Hmmmm.
Great job, pie!
Good luck dealing with whatever it may be! We'll be here when your stories do return!
Wow, this thread is really slowing down isn't it?
I remember the good old days back in January when I joined -sigh- good times man :')
I think the reason I'm struggling with the Vampire Challenge so much is because I didn't have much time to think the story up before I started it, which is of course my fault. I may just finish it at the Chapter 10 mark because that is the minimum requirement for the Challenge, but we'll see...
I'm writing this in case anyone wants an idea of how much is left for me to write for that Challenge. Still not quite in the writing spirit but it is SLOWLY coming back to me.
Hope every one is having a nice day though! It's really hot and sunny (and very windy as well) in England!!! XD
Hey it'll spike again! Just gotta give it time, I want to say its because summer can be a busy time but hell everyone's been busy anyways XD.
Glad the writing spirit has been slowly coming back to you man!
My day has been alright, got my room all cleaned up and sorted. Almost finished RE3. Its pretty tame here in North Carolina for once! XD
This is the thing though: Isn't Summer supposed to be a holiday for everyone?! XP
Yeah slowly but surely
Cool man, I've sent off my Driver's License application at last, might finally play TFTB later today
Not this time XD maybe this year its after summer lol! XD
Awesome! I have to get on that as well lol. You'll have to tell me how it is!
Ugh, Summer sucks when you're an adult
I'm a little scared of driving, but you learn these things
Will do! It's Borderlands so I'm expecting humour :P
Everyone is busy, Hman. 'Tis life, dude. Even with Summer time, you still have work. No one else will take care of your things, sadly.
We all try, though.
Good to hear you have your writing spark back at least.
I might write a chap today. We'll see.
My day is going pretty good.
Just got back from the park and going out this Friday! Woot Woot! XD Love this city!
Trying is all we can do... I think I will go back and read all the chapters I missed out on over the months I wasn't here later this year, get a better understanding of things. It's not like I do much else with my day right now :P
It's not quite back yet, but it is coming back, how long for is a mystery to me. I look forward to that chapter
Friday night really is the highlight of your week isn't it? XP That and Wet n' Wild Wednesdays!!! XD
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apartment. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs. "Oh yeah. Those were...interesting days."
"So what's up? I know you didn't just call me for the fuck of it."
"Are you busy?" His heart was racing. "Like, right now?"
"Is everything alright, Robert? Is our son okay?"
Robert was shaking, still holding the phone. "RJ is fine, Lyla. He left about fifteen minutes ago for school."
"Good because when I called this morning-"
"He's fine, Lyla. I just....need you to come by right now."
Silence. "Robert, you know I can't do that."
Sex, thought Robert. She thinks I want to fuck her. "No, no, Lyla. Not....that. I need to talk to you."
A sigh of relief. "Oh man, Robert. You had me worried there. I was getting ready to nut up on you or something. What do you need to talk to me about? Can't it wait until tomorrow when we see RJ practice?"
"This won't take no more then ten minutes, Lyla. Then you can go about your day."
"I'm actually not that far from your place, Robert. If this is seriously important, then-"
"Yes." Robert did not give her a chance to finish. "I need you to come over now, Lyla. This HAS to be discussed."
Lyla did not give a warning she was disconnecting the call. Robert heard the tone and then silence. He knew the thoughts that must be running through Lyla's head. Robert's mind began to fill with the possible outcomes for the ten minutes he and Lyla would have, talking about his sexual prefference. The biggest one so far: How did you know and why didn't you say anything? Robert would not lie to the mother of his only son. She deserved to know, too.
Right on time, Lyla knocks on the door. Reaching for the door knob was Robert's final moments. He could have ignored the knocks. Given an excuse later when she called but this was child's play and both were adults now. Neither had the time to waste and Gren would be home in any minute. He was not hiding anything from Gren but this was between him and Lyla.
Her smile allowed those agnuished thoughts to vanish. She was beautiful as always; her short chestnut brown hair, amber eyes, long legs and glorious skin. She wore a yellow sundress with black wedges. Placing he rpurse on the counter, Lyla takes a seat on robert's couch.
"Place looks really good, Robert."
"Thanks. Can I get you a cold soda or some water perhaps?"
"A soda would be nice. Not too bad outside but my throat is parched from walking up those stairs."
"Dr. Pepper alright with you?"
"Of course, Robert."
Lyla glances around the room, looking at all the things packed into thw tiny two bedroom apartment. She noticed Gren's suitcase sitting upright along the wall. It broke her heart and spirit for a moment. Noticing he stare, Robert laughs nervously.
"He's been here for almost three weeks now, Lyla."
"I know." Lyla pops the top to the soda. "He told us during dinner the other night. The kids, especially Emily, love when he stays over so many nights but I worry about his kids."
Robert picks up a pillow and examines the corners. Anything to avoid 'The talk'. "You know he saked me this odd question the other day. About the kids and all?"
"What did he ask you?"
"Something along the line of, if I've ever felt like something truly wasn't mine but you didn't have the evidence to prove it. Or, it was something like that."
Lyla takes a sip. "He....he asked me the same thing a week ago, too. I'm sure sure what he's talking about, Robert."
"Neither do I. Thouht maybe you did."
"I'm just a clueless as you. I've told me sister to file for divorce. I guess she HAS the papers but....won't do it, for some reason."
"Same with Gren. It's obvious they both want a divorce but they keep saying the kids."
"Gren says the kids. Carla is just being a bitch now. Her thing was, 'We already are divorced'. How does that make sense? Because he sleeps over here now?"
"Guess so, Lyla. You know Carla better then I ever will."
"I just don't know what's gotten into her. She's changed, Robert. And I don't like it."
Robert scratches his face and smiles. "Well, you can't make a person do anything, Lyla. All you can do is sit back and show support."
Lyla was silent. Her eyes focused on the wooden floors. The loud honking, corwds gathering outside and the people upstairs was drowing out the awkwards silence between them. Robert did not mind but he could tell by the look on Lyla's face that she was not ammused with their conversation topic. She takes another sip, wiping her lips and crossing her legs.
"Whay did you really call me over here, Robert? I know this isn't just about Carla and Gren."
Robert smiles, looking at the pillow again."You always were a quick one, Lyla. No one can hide anything from you."
Lyla reaches over and grabs Robert's hand. "What is it, Robert? If this isn't about sex or RJ, then why call me over here?"
Robert inhales, grasping tighter to Lyla's hands. "Lyla, what if I told you something that no one knew of for centuries. Not even Gren and I recently accepted myself and I no longer fear what others will think."
Somewhere in her eyes, Lyla already knew what this was about. She stared long into Robert's face. "What are you trying to tell me, Robert?"
"I'm gay, Lyla. I' RJ knows, Gren knows. You now know and I told Rose but she didn't take it too well."
Lyla sits upright, still holding onto Robert's hand. "I thought you might have been, or, at least bisexual."
"What?" Robert was surprised. "How....when did you think this?"
"You just have this 'feeling', Robert. It's difficult for me to explain. Just how you took care of yourself. How you held yourself, spoke to others. For example, I recall you really touching your coworker, Phil, remember? During the picnic, you had your arms around him, embracing, laughing. Getting close. I assumed you were being friendly but it makes sense, now. What straight man gets that close to another man, especially in public? Unless you're really friendly, Robert, no one."
"What else gave you clues besides that? This is all new to me....I had no idea you thought this."
"I didn't want to say anything incase I was wrong. How awful, to accuse someone of being gay without them telling you. I'd had to start that, especially in Fabletown. We all know eachother some way or another, Robert. You'd have people banging down your door asking if the rumors are true."
"What else, Lyla?"
"Our sex life, Robert. We rarely had it and when we did, it was three times. One I conceived RJ with, obviously. You seemed terrified to jump into bed with me and when we did have intercourse, you were acting as if I 'forced' you into it. You didn't look like you were enjoying yourself, Robert."
Robert sighs. "I WAS enjoying just....not for the right reasons, Lyla. You're beautiful. Stunning, really and Georgie is lucky to have you but I guess, those 'feelings' was more of a comfort thing. Knowing you were there for me. You were my best friend, Lyla. You still are. I feel like, I can talk to you as so, then if we were a couple."
"I agree, Robert. This is why I was not as devestated as you were when we broke up. It was two friends having fun. That's it."
"I see that now." Robert sighs. "Man, do I feel stupid."
"Don't say that, Robert. You didn't have a choice. I understand. What makes me angry, though, is the idea of people like you being forced into these things. Pretending or hiding from the world. Themselves. I'd hate to see my own child go through that and if our son is gay, my heart would break, knowing he's living a lie. Creating children because he 'has to'. Get married to a woman because it's 'the right thing to do.' It kills me and I'm sorry you had to do this."
"Hey, I got my son out of it." Robert pats Lyla's hand. "And you, so, there are two positives to this."
Lyla continues to smile. "So, RJ and Gren know? How did they take it?"
"Well, Gren was stunned at first but was proud that I came out. He was mad at society, not me. RJ was like whatever. He could care less. Got that from you, thank God."
"He loves you, Robert. They both do. You can tell them tomorrow you slaughtered ten people and they'd still love you and never look at you differently."
"Whoa whoa, there. Ten people?! Lets jump over the gay hurdle, then we will talk."
Lyla stands up. She and Robert join in an embrace. "I'm proud to see you happy and finally being okay with yourself, Robert. You're smiling a lot. It's nice to see it."
"I feel like I can jump over the moon, Lyla."
Lyla pats his chest, then grabs her purse and prepares to leave. "So, anyone you've been looking at?"
Robert begins to think of Frank. His heart breaks. Still no returned calls since their night at the Pot o' Gold. "Well, there is ONE guy...."
"Oh who is he, if, you don't mind me asking?"
"I don't kind. His name is Frank. He's, um, the Jersey Devil's brother."
Lyla was shocked. "Jersey has a brother named Frank? I....he never mentioned this to me. I just saw him three days ago and-"
"You did!? No Frank or him being mentioned at all?!"
"No, nothing Robert. He came down to give the quads their gifts and hand deliver his to Katie No Frank. I'm sorry, Robert."
Robert walks Lyla down the stairs, through the halls and outside. The air was heavy and thick. Taking her sunglasse out, Lyla places them on her face. Standing beneath a tree, Robert looks around at all the faces. How many of them wer hiding something, too?
"That's alright. i'll try and reach him again."
"I'm heading to the Pawn shop later to see if he's interested in dinner tonight. I'll ask him for you, if you'd like."
"Please." Robert smiled brightly. "I'd appreciate that. Just....ask Jersey if he knows where Frank is. Don't mention the 'g' word. Jersey....he does not know, yet, about Frank."
"Promise, Robert." Lyla and Robert hug before she heads down the street. "See you tomorrow, Robert. I'll call RJ tonight. And don't worry. You're still the same Robert I knew then and now. Don't let anyone tell you differently."
Robert watches as Lyla waves one final time before heading towards the Cut Above. As he turns to face his apartment, there is Gren. Nothing but smiles. The two brothers embrace, head upstairs and spend the afternoon catching up. But as Robert excuses himself to use the restroom, his phone rings. A text message. Looking down, his heart stops and mind begins to race. The largest smile growing across his face.
'Hey Robert, it's Frank. Meet me at Rosa's in an hour. I wana see's ya's again. xoxo'
Any questions, comments or something you liked, leave below!
LOL Good luck with going back and reading all those stories. We all changed from last year up until no. lol
Well, I look forward to your next chap and what will happen to Nick, Damien and the sudden bullshit they are dealing with.
I love it! Friday nights are for the single and the 'frisky' people. XD I LOVE Wet n' Wild Wednesdays! That's tomorrow!!!!!

Yeah Pie's stories with Lyla and Georgie were.... different :P
I think I'll include Penny into the next chapter, get used to writing her character
Oh man, you are gonna be the death of me with these clubs!!! XP
Oh man I knew Lyla was going to be understanding but just like Robert my head was racing of what she could possibly say! XD Thankfully Lyla was nice and understanding about it!
And the highlight of this chapter has to be the end!
Go Robert! Be happy! 
Awesome stuff as usual!
They were but it was the foundation for where he's at now. We all went through that on the thread. We all grew.
I had a different OC before Robert. He sucked...bad! XD
Oh yes please! Also, gives people that opportunity to get use to her name in your story, especially since Damien just walked in. :0
Hey, I'm a single white male living in San Fran! XD This city is my toy box. :P You'll have fun with me!
Yeah wasn't his name Matt? I never read anything with him... Who was he? Why did he suck so much??
I'm kinda worried with using her though, I really don't know that much about Penny. Pie has given me a load of info, but I fear I'll mess up by making her either too nice or too bitchy. I know Penny is a 'wild' one that does her own thing, but she has a heart of gold and is a kind person.... She's basically her Mother right? :P
Indeed it is, enjoy it while you're single
I would as well, but then Keisha might kill me 
So long as I'm sober when we have this 'fun' then I won't feel bad about it later XP
Lyla was always going to be understanding. She's a total sweetheart with a heart of gold.
But I'd be in the same place as Robert, especially after Rose. It's tough but she understood. 
Yay! FrankxRobert!
I have to brighten up these poor dudes' lives, Tetra! Think Robert is happy for once in his life.
Thanks, dude! Glad you liked it!
Nah his name was Max and he was a Vampire. No one really liked him. He was boring and tbh, it showed I did not care for the character anymore. Robert was created a month later and me and pie would collaborate later.
Do not worry about Penelope. you'll be just fine. She's basically Lyla. She's the sweetest woman you'll ever meet but she CAN be a bitch, if you piss her off. Just like Lyla, Penny is willing to avoid conflict but if a fight is needed, so be it. she does not go looking for trouble. You'll be fine, Hman. You got this!!!
YAY! That works for me, dude! you have your cokes and I'll stick to my Cosmopolitans! :S
I see. Max is a Vampire then, that sounds pretty cool, but if you say he sucked then I'll believe you
I think I'll do fine. What I really wanna know is what is she like around a man who she is in love with?! Damien has the same hobbies and interests as Penny, but he doesn't shy away from conflict and likes his weed way too much :P I think Damien knows not to piss her off, he'll probably assume she'll leave him if he does!
Oh no no no NO. I am gonna drink every cocktail in the place, but if I black out and weird stuff happens when I do... you're responsible my good man
Nah jk, I won't get smashed, but I won't be drinking nothing either XD
Trust me. He sucked and no pun intended. XD
You'll be fine. Ask him about how Penny acts around the men she loves.
I'm sure it's like her mother, too: giddy, silly and chill. I can see Damien and Penny butting heads for awhile but that's the beauty of a relationship that is sturdy.
Nothing weird will happen to you. Trust me.
Lol :P
I can do giddy, silly and chill :P I said to Pie that Nick and Jayne are more of a 'mature' couple that just like to walk and talk, Damien and Penny are a 'young' couple who don't know what 'get a room' means!! XD
Not by you perhaps...
Damned cliffhangers! (Joking..........still)
Anyway, this scene between the shadow and Kieron was, again, filled with feels (I swear to god, the feels level on this thread will create its own digit). I am interested in whom this shadow is, or what it is.
Dracula's methods of mind-screwing Claire are quite effective, if nothing else. Crafty indeed. I am going to go on a lam and assume that Kieron is going to show up next chapter in assistance.
As for your references to Castlevania 64, My first gaming experience was in the waning year of the 6th Generation so I would not know a damned thing. Could you point out the reference?
Lo! XD
This is a fight between Kieron and his own Shadow or what his inner thoughts are if that helps
He may or may not show up
In Castlevania 64 Dracula fooled one of the main character named Reinhardt Schneider, which was the muscled idiot lol, by shapeshifting his body to a child named Malus.