It seems that throughout history, wars are lost simply because they are rushed (USA in Vietneam, Nazi Germany in Europe, etc) . Carla would have done well to heed Hecate. Alas, or rather forunately, she has not.
Speaking of Carla's millitary capibilities, she just assumes absolute control without listening to advisers or having them to begin with. Again, another reason Germany lost WWII. And the way she adresses these issues verbally......
Carla seems to share leadership traits with Shitler. And that is no bad thing, for she will lose hence.
Now, this is an already epic battle. Carla's plans and strategies are crumbling through her fingers and the Porgies are winning through family and determination. It is a rather beautiful metaphor when thought through.
I just hope Carla's punishment is LONG, PAINFUL and BEYOND ALL BOUNDRIES.
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The … morewar of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stan… [view original content]
I must admit, I knew Lyla would be understanding, but that was a lot more smoothly done than I expected at first. Good to see that it ran like proverbial clockwork.
I wonder what Frank has been up to though. I hope he has not caused himself any harm.
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apart… morement. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs.… [view original content]
Lo! XD
This is a fight between Kieron and his own Shadow or what his inner thoughts are if that helps
He may or may not show up
I… moren Castlevania 64 Dracula fooled one of the main character named Reinhardt Schneider, which was the muscled idiot lol, by shapeshifting his body to a child named Malus.
That was a conflict that America should have backed out of a lot earlier... Too many men died because people like Secretary of State Robert McNamara said that sending in more troops would turn the tide, and how wrong he was.
(Puts down the Art of War by Sun Tzu)
It seems that throughout history, wars are lost simply because they are rushed (USA in Vietneam, Na… morezi Germany in Europe, etc) . Carla would have done well to heed Hecate. Alas, or rather forunately, she has not.
Speaking of Carla's millitary capibilities, she just assumes absolute control without listening to advisers or having them to begin with. Again, another reason Germany lost WWII. And the way she adresses these issues verbally......
Carla seems to share leadership traits with Shitler. And that is no bad thing, for she will lose hence.
Now, this is an already epic battle. Carla's plans and strategies are crumbling through her fingers and the Porgies are winning through family and determination. It is a rather beautiful metaphor when thought through.
I just hope Carla's punishment is LONG, PAINFUL and BEYOND ALL BOUNDRIES.
that reminds me..........(picks up death note)
Yes. We had a similar problem here during the war. Many, many people were drafted. Ironically, Australia joined the war to improve our ties with the US, when in the end it actually soured these ties.
They also lacked the stratagies to fight a guerrilla war. All they did was drop a few bombs and expect a show of force to have them capitulate.
USA in Vietneam
That was a conflict that America should have backed out of a lot earlier... Too many men died because people like Secretary of State Robert McNamara said that sending in more troops would turn the tide, and how wrong he was.
Yes. We had a similar problem here during the war. Many, many people were drafted. Ironically, Australia joined the war to improve our ties … morewith the US, when in the end it actually soured these ties.
They also lacked the stratagies to fight a guerrilla war. All they did was drop a few bombs and expect a show of force to have them capitulate.
Wonderful book to read, then come across this little slice of a mess.
Comparing Hitler to Carla is a smart move and I'll take it. She should have read up on all the past wars before biting off more then she could chew. Hecate had some goon pointers to give but alas, Carla's ego is bigger then anything and she refuses to acknowledge she's been beat.
Too bad she won't end up like Hitler and leave the coward's way out, yet that would be too easy on my part and not fun at the least bit. Carla's ending will be acceptable but its the afterlife that will be far worse. The Porgies shall prevail and take this bitch down; Emily and Gren with triumph and end Carla's wretched life. How? Well, that's for another day, my good man. She should have done her homework before entering this war.
Ah yes. Please. Return to Death's note and the forever chants to end her life.
(Puts down the Art of War by Sun Tzu)
It seems that throughout history, wars are lost simply because they are rushed (USA in Vietneam, Na… morezi Germany in Europe, etc) . Carla would have done well to heed Hecate. Alas, or rather forunately, she has not.
Speaking of Carla's millitary capibilities, she just assumes absolute control without listening to advisers or having them to begin with. Again, another reason Germany lost WWII. And the way she adresses these issues verbally......
Carla seems to share leadership traits with Shitler. And that is no bad thing, for she will lose hence.
Now, this is an already epic battle. Carla's plans and strategies are crumbling through her fingers and the Porgies are winning through family and determination. It is a rather beautiful metaphor when thought through.
I just hope Carla's punishment is LONG, PAINFUL and BEYOND ALL BOUNDRIES.
that reminds me..........(picks up death note)
Wow, so Lyla knew there was something 'different' about Robert, eh? Glad you picked up on that little memo I sent to you earlier about her personality. You did beautifully with her in this. My Lyla has the heart of gold and does not care: gay, black, white, Grendel, Fable, Wolf, etc. She tries to see the GOOD in every creature.
My heart was breaking when she mentioned RJ and how she'd hate to have her son pretend, too. That's me. If my daughter or this unborn baby were to come to me as teens, adults, even children and tell me they were gay, I'd never stop loving them. Nothing changes. It's a shame some still think differently but its getting better.
I adore Gren and Robert and you know this already. I just hope Rose and Jersey get their heads out of their asses and understand. THAT was hard for them to hear, yes but its been harder for Robert all these centuries of 'pretending'. Speaking of Jersey, it's nice to see Frank texting back; I'm happy and beyond fangirling right now but I worry this won't go over easy. I hope i'm wrong because seeing the other comments, its a reuinon well overdue!
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apart… morement. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs.… [view original content]
This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move around a lot, he doesn't stay in one place any longer than he needs to. Both of his parents are dead, in fact nobody even knows who his parents are except for himself. He doesn't talk a lot unless if he is addressed by name, he lacks empathy and is heavily apethetic. He wears clip on headphones and rarely ever takes them off if he is alone, but when around others he will take them off so he can keep up with the conversation. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm as well especially in intense situations. He changes outfits between an unbuttoned black suit with a loose red tie, and a black cotton vest with a rolled up collared shirt. He is a light build and is a bit above average height. He walks with his hands in his pocket and leans back slightly when he walks around town. He has not so short brown hair with brown eyes. His name was Zylen.
Zylens apartment...
Zylen had just woke up it was four in the morning when his phone began to ring he got up and answered the phone.
"Who is it?" He had a deep but soft voice.
"This is Snow White of the Fabletown business office, I were wondering if you were on your way to New York yet." She asked
"Yeah I have everything backed I'm going to hop on the train and be there soon." He said
"Alright sounds good. Be sure to come by and grab your key. I'm sure sheriff Bigby will like working with you." She said
"Same here, see you then." He said hanging up the phone.
Zylen walked into his shower and got prepared. He slipped on his black cotton vest with his collared shirt, he rolled up the sleeves, he put on his headphones and turned on the music, he grabbed his bags, and began to head out. He turned in his key at the front desk, he didn't say a word to the person at the front desk and walked out. Holding his suitcase in one hand and putting his other hand in his pocket, he walked down the city's street to the train station. He currently was located in Missouri, the Fabletown business office had Zylen as an on the move detective. He had been all over the world and was very reliable when it came to work as he's never failed a case. He began to head into the first train station that would lead him to Virginia. He handed the man his suitcase and took off his headphones to speak with the man.
"First class?" The man asked
Zylen nodded and put his headphones on, the train was about to leave. For the first train ride Zylen stayed in his cabin, listening to his music and sleeping along the way. When they arrived in Virginia it was already the afternoon. He boarded the second train that would lead him to New York, this time he stayed outside at the far end of the train. He found watching the scenery during a trip fascinating, and so he watched as the afternoon sky turned into the night sky as he arrived in New York. He grabbed his suitcase and began to walk to the woodlands. He always loved night time the best, he enjoyed watching the stars shine in the sky. As he spent most of his time gazing at the stars he saw red and blue lights flashing in front of him. He walked up and was stopped by an officer.
"I'm sorry sir but you can't go past here." The police man said
Zylen stood still and decided to obey the Mundies order. He then noticed sheriff Bigby walk through the police line and he how it would end. He put down his suitcase and walked past the police officer. He grabbed Bigby by the shoulder and shook his head, but it was too late. The cops had gotten a grip on both of them and they were headed to the police station...
That's it! I'm sorry but I am going to take a break with the Vampire challenge as writing it has not been too interesting to me at the moment, as much as I enjoy writing Kierons story. It was only a matter of time before I got comepletely burnt on writing anything for him. So I will go back to him another day, and for now a new OC and TWAU story from another Fables perspective! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Wonderful book to read, then come across this little slice of a mess.
Comparing Hitler to Carla is a smart move and I'll take it. She sho… moreuld have read up on all the past wars before biting off more then she could chew. Hecate had some goon pointers to give but alas, Carla's ego is bigger then anything and she refuses to acknowledge she's been beat.
Too bad she won't end up like Hitler and leave the coward's way out, yet that would be too easy on my part and not fun at the least bit. Carla's ending will be acceptable but its the afterlife that will be far worse. The Porgies shall prevail and take this bitch down; Emily and Gren with triumph and end Carla's wretched life. How? Well, that's for another day, my good man. She should have done her homework before entering this war.
Ah yes. Please. Return to Death's note and the forever chants to end her life.
Zylen sounds like a really interesting character so far. I'm digging the forever trademark headphones your OC's have. I love it because it's so you. Neat that he helped Bigby during the CM trial. Those little fillers are always the best. Is he a regular Fable or some sort of creature? Also, what year does this take place? Just so I know. Great detail on his physical apperance, too!
Hmmm I wonder where he and Bigby were going OR doing that caused the cops to stop them and drag the men off like that? Seems to me they are on a mission of sorts and there is something in that suitcase......hmmmm.
That's me too, for the Vampire challenge. I'm kind of 'stuck' with it; we still have time and no rush. I wanted to finish the Gremily tale before anything is set in stone. I don't blame you for needing a breath of fresh air. You've seem to have found it. I like it so far!
This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move aroun… mored a lot, he doesn't stay in one place any longer than he needs to. Both of his parents are dead, in fact nobody even knows who his parents are except for himself. He doesn't talk a lot unless if he is addressed by name, he lacks empathy and is heavily apethetic. He wears clip on headphones and rarely ever takes them off if he is alone, but when around others he will take them off so he can keep up with the conversation. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm as well especially in intense situations. He changes outfits between an unbuttoned black suit with a loose red tie, and a black cotton vest with a rolled up collared shirt. He is a light build and is a bit above average height. He walks with his hands in his pocket and leans back slightly when he walks around town. He has not so short brown hair with br… [view original content]
I'm glad you like him! Oh yes, always gotta have the headphones! He is a creature what type of creature is a secret for now This story actually takes place right at the end of episode one of TWAU in 1986 Thanks! It's a lot easier to write physical descriptions when it's your own physical descriptions XD
Same, I have no idea how I want the fight scenes I have to end and to me I felt like I just needed to move away from it a bit. We indeed do have a lot of time, maybe I was rushing too much and that's why I needed a break from it as well XD I'm sure we'll figure it out! Yeah I really liked writing this! Finding a name for this guy was a pain though, I wanted something unique that would stand out and found Zylen! Glad to hear it man!
Zylen sounds like a really interesting character so far. I'm digging the forever trademark headphones your OC's have. I love it because it's… more so you. Neat that he helped Bigby during the CM trial. Those little fillers are always the best. Is he a regular Fable or some sort of creature? Also, what year does this take place? Just so I know. Great detail on his physical apperance, too!
Hmmm I wonder where he and Bigby were going OR doing that caused the cops to stop them and drag the men off like that? Seems to me they are on a mission of sorts and there is something in that suitcase......hmmmm.
That's me too, for the Vampire challenge. I'm kind of 'stuck' with it; we still have time and no rush. I wanted to finish the Gremily tale before anything is set in stone. I don't blame you for needing a breath of fresh air. You've seem to have found it. I like it so far!
OH secret! I love it. I thought it took place after but I wanted to make sure and not assume. lol And I thought it was you in the character description. XD Love it!
I understand. That's me, too. Since it's only 10 chaps, I want the final 4 to be awesome and nut rushed. I think the name suits him very well and having unique names makes the person more enjoyable!! Can't wait for more, man!
I'm glad you like him! Oh yes, always gotta have the headphones! He is a creature what type of creature is a secret for now This story ac… moretually takes place right at the end of episode one of TWAU in 1986 Thanks! It's a lot easier to write physical descriptions when it's your own physical descriptions XD
Same, I have no idea how I want the fight scenes I have to end and to me I felt like I just needed to move away from it a bit. We indeed do have a lot of time, maybe I was rushing too much and that's why I needed a break from it as well XD I'm sure we'll figure it out! Yeah I really liked writing this! Finding a name for this guy was a pain though, I wanted something unique that would stand out and found Zylen! Glad to hear it man!
I will give a hint he is a Greek Mythological Creature Zylen is there just at the start and he'll be helping Bigby along the way! Hey glad you caught it!
OH secret! I love it. I thought it took place after but I wanted to make sure and not assume. lol And I thought it was you in the character … moredescription. XD Love it!
I understand. That's me, too. Since it's only 10 chaps, I want the final 4 to be awesome and nut rushed. I think the name suits him very well and having unique names makes the person more enjoyable!! Can't wait for more, man!
I'll Face Myself... Part: One
In Kierons mind...
Kieron stood on what seemed to be the roof of a buliding. All the blood from his woun… moreds were cleaned even his clothes. He looked around him and saw a full moon with a blood red sky. He looked back in front of him and saw his shadow sitting on a rail shaking his head. There was an shadowy aura coming off of him. Kieron crossed his arms and looked unimpressed.
"What do you want?" He asked
The shadow stood. "I'm sick of saving your ass from near death experiences!" He growled "If you can't handle a fight then let me do it!"
Kieron shook his head. "I don't think so."
The shadow hit itself in the head. "Then for fuck sake use your real strength! It's embarrassing when you get slapped around like some ball! It's like when you were a child!"
Kieron was interested in what his shadow meant. "What do you mean when I was a kid?"
The shadow turned and sighed "You don't even remember… [view original content]
OMG you are a rockstar! Hm. There are so many. I'll have to go and look. IF I guess it, I'll let you know! This should make for some interesting tales to come...:)
I will give a hint he is a Greek Mythological Creature Zylen is there just at the start and he'll be helping Bigby along the way! Hey glad you caught it!
Yeah I agree! Glad to hear it man!
So the man that Kieron used to visit to treat his injuries... was Maximillion?! :O HOLY SHIT I NEVER WOULD'VE GUESSED THAT!!!!
Poor Clair… moree, she needs to accept that what happened was beyond her control, and Caine needs to man the fuck up and kick some ass XP
I look forward to the next chapter! XD (Forgive the shorter comment, it's 3am and I'm soldiering through chapters so I don't fall behind tomorrow)
"What are you going to do, when jugdement comes for you? Nowhere to see you at the Crossroads, so you won't be lonely..."
The … morewar of Fabletown part 1
Robert and Isaiah stood before the quads. Behind the quads, their forever growing soldiers and warriors. Each Fable, all from different backgrounds, was prepared to fight. Hecate, golden hair blowing in the wind, casts upon Carla an armor made of black. Her missing limb replaced and in the palm, clutched around her delicate fingers, was a sword. The blade was crimson red and handle resembling the black soul inside her body. Robert and Isaiah transform into their Grendel form. Roaring and pulling up the dirt, both beasts eye the now cackling woman. The spikes along both their backs and shoulders pop through their skin like a fresh flower beneath the blanket of snow. Isaiah hisses, licking his lips and preparing to lunge at the woman's soft flesh.
Each of the quads takes a stan… [view original content]
Yup yup! The very two used to be "friends" and help each other. This will be explained when I want to come back to Kierons story!
Lol indeed I can agree with that! XD
Awesome! Dang dude I would be out like a light! Good luck reading them all!
Wise decision my friend, anything else and you'll be breathing through a straw... for a few seconds :P
I'm glad that Lyla understood and took it so well, she really is a sweet person with a heart of solid gold. Her revelation that she had suspicions was a bit of a shock, cuz I imagined Robert 'really going for it' when he was with Lyla (I mean come on, what warm blooded male wouldn't wanna go for it with her?!) but for her to say that it felt forced and they really didn't do it that often was a bit of a shock to me, but at least Robert can rest easy that Lyla had her suspicions the whole time...
I'm afraid for what will happen when Lyla mentions Frank to Jersey
And that text message.... I'm VERY VERY sorry, but I do not believe that is Frank for one second. I have a bad feeling in my gut that Jersey or someone else has taken Frank's phone and has told Robert to go there so he can be publicly shamed and/or attacked...
It was either now or never. After kissing RJ goodbye and sending his son to school, Robert had an hour before Gren would return to the apart… morement. The peace and quiet was still new to Robert on certain days. Normally, he had Gren or RJ there to keep him company. The beast had forgotten what it was like to be alone with your own thoughts.
Grabbing his phone, Robert finds the final ounce of courage inside to call Lyla. He glanced at the clock. almost nine in the morning. She was out doing her typical Thursaday grocery shopping. He'd catch her just in time. As the dial tone went through, Robert began to worry. Would Lyla really understand or will her reaction be identical to Rose Red's? It was now or never.
"Hello?" Thankfully, she answered the phone.
"Hey, Lyla. It's me. Robert...."
"I know, silly." Lyla chuckles. "I saw your name. The beauty about caller-ID. Can't just prank phone call like you and Gren use to do."
Robert laughs.… [view original content]
This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move aroun… mored a lot, he doesn't stay in one place any longer than he needs to. Both of his parents are dead, in fact nobody even knows who his parents are except for himself. He doesn't talk a lot unless if he is addressed by name, he lacks empathy and is heavily apethetic. He wears clip on headphones and rarely ever takes them off if he is alone, but when around others he will take them off so he can keep up with the conversation. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm as well especially in intense situations. He changes outfits between an unbuttoned black suit with a loose red tie, and a black cotton vest with a rolled up collared shirt. He is a light build and is a bit above average height. He walks with his hands in his pocket and leans back slightly when he walks around town. He has not so short brown hair with br… [view original content]
Who is this Zylen? For he has me intrigued already
You give nice descriptions of him, and I think your trademark is now 'OC's with a fondness for clip-on headphones' dude! :P
I look forward to what comes next! XD
Lyla is stunning an any heterosexual male would jump her bones but sadly, Robert was doing it for show. To put up a front, so no one would question. Plus, its that whole upbringing he had....sadly, when you're raised a certain way, you feel its up to you to uphold that name. She knew something was odd but didn't know it yet until after the sex and their days together. What were you expecting Robert and Lyla to do it everyday? LMAO That's her and Georgie. :P
You are right to beconcerned of that text message but what will happen, who knows.
Oh wow, this chapter :')
"Dr. Pepper alright with you?"
Wise decision my friend, anything else and you'll be breathing through… more a straw... for a few seconds :P
I'm glad that Lyla understood and took it so well, she really is a sweet person with a heart of solid gold. Her revelation that she had suspicions was a bit of a shock, cuz I imagined Robert 'really going for it' when he was with Lyla (I mean come on, what warm blooded male wouldn't wanna go for it with her?!) but for her to say that it felt forced and they really didn't do it that often was a bit of a shock to me, but at least Robert can rest easy that Lyla had her suspicions the whole time...
I'm afraid for what will happen when Lyla mentions Frank to Jersey
And that text message.... I'm VERY VERY sorry, but I do not believe that is Frank for one second. I have a bad feeling in my gut that Jersey or someone else has taken Frank's phone and has told Robert to go there so he can be publicly shamed and/or attacked...
I await more! XD
I also like this new Fable! The name is something else! I'd say it but the key to the first letter is stuck at the moment, so hopefully that little issue is dealt with in time. XD I loved his description and is that you, by any chance? I notice a lot of your characters have your thoughts, desires, personality, etc and its fun to read and see. Pretty cool BG he has, too.
I wonder what he and Bigby are up to. Also, I don't blame you for taking a break. Sometimes, that's all a person needs. I look forward to this new OC.
This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move aroun… mored a lot, he doesn't stay in one place any longer than he needs to. Both of his parents are dead, in fact nobody even knows who his parents are except for himself. He doesn't talk a lot unless if he is addressed by name, he lacks empathy and is heavily apethetic. He wears clip on headphones and rarely ever takes them off if he is alone, but when around others he will take them off so he can keep up with the conversation. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm as well especially in intense situations. He changes outfits between an unbuttoned black suit with a loose red tie, and a black cotton vest with a rolled up collared shirt. He is a light build and is a bit above average height. He walks with his hands in his pocket and leans back slightly when he walks around town. He has not so short brown hair with br… [view original content]
Glad you liked him! Oh no that's not good! XD Hopefully your Z key does get fixed at some point! XD Yup! From physical appearance down to Zylens thoughts, and feelings are Thanks man!
We'll have to see! I just needed a breathe of fresh air like Pie said Awesome! Glad to hear it!
I also like this new Fable! The name is something else! I'd say it but the key to the first letter is stuck at the moment, so hopefully that… more little issue is dealt with in time. XD I loved his description and is that you, by any chance? I notice a lot of your characters have your thoughts, desires, personality, etc and its fun to read and see. Pretty cool BG he has, too.
I wonder what he and Bigby are up to. Also, I don't blame you for taking a break. Sometimes, that's all a person needs. I look forward to this new OC.
What were you expecting Robert and Lyla to do it everyday? LMAO That's her and Georgie. :P
LOL! I doubt even Fables can do it every day, there'll be those moments where they're like "Ugh, too tired" And not to be an expert on anatomy, but soreness still applies to them XP
You are right to beconcerned of that text message but what will happen, who knows.
God-dammit I'm starting to be right with my guesses now Well normally I'd be concerned for their life, but this is Robert so I know nothing fatal could happen. But damaging his image and his mentality... that can happen...
The only good soda to me!
Lyla is stunning an any heterosexual male would jump her bones but sadly, Robert was doing it for show. To put… more up a front, so no one would question. Plus, its that whole upbringing he had....sadly, when you're raised a certain way, you feel its up to you to uphold that name. She knew something was odd but didn't know it yet until after the sex and their days together. What were you expecting Robert and Lyla to do it everyday? LMAO That's her and Georgie. :P
You are right to beconcerned of that text message but what will happen, who knows.
Awesome, dude!
Ugh fuck exercise every morning! The push-ups are definitely not becoming easier, I can do 10 straight before my arms feel like they're about to collapse. The sit-ups are steadily becoming harder along with the squats, but, I gotta keep at it. I'm already starting to see a little more 'definition' in my physique...
And now I REALLY want a pizza! My craving for junk food is on and off, sometimes I could care less but right now it is ALL I WANT!
I'm starting to appreciate salad more however, and my appetite for just wanting to eat and eat is going down. Maybe in the end this will work out :P
Do you make sure to get a day off from working out every week? That may be why, but I'm not that sure about that stuff. You can do it man!
Just think at the end of the third week you can have that pizza! I used to reward myself with a sandwich from a sandwich shop after every month and a half.
Update on the bets:
Ugh fuck exercise every morning! The push-ups are definitely not becoming easier, I can do 10 straight before my arms… more feel like they're about to collapse. The sit-ups are steadily becoming harder along with the squats, but, I gotta keep at it. I'm already starting to see a little more 'definition' in my physique...
And now I REALLY want a pizza! My craving for junk food is on and off, sometimes I could care less but right now it is ALL I WANT!
I'm starting to appreciate salad more however, and my appetite for just wanting to eat and eat is going down. Maybe in the end this will work out :P
Just about 3 weeks left...
Well yeah I do, Saturday I don't do any exercise. But Sunday is when I go to the gym so I do a lot more there than in a regular weekday, so I guess I don't really give my body enough time to recover
The reward for one of the bets is a free sub from SubWay, but I think I'll get a huge Burger King first, gotta go into town to order Black Ops 3 (Thank you @LupineNoir for that blog, otherwise I wouldn't have known it existed until later this year) so I can do 2 things at once
Do you make sure to get a day off from working out every week? That may be why, but I'm not that sure about that stuff. You can do it man!
… more
Just think at the end of the third week you can have that pizza! I used to reward myself with a sandwich from a sandwich shop after every month and a half.
That's really good man!
Keep up the awesome work man!
Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of all to any game console every developed in this world. Growing up, her father placed his daughter in the same category as the game and she never understood until now. She was capable of creating anything she pleased with the plants and the spawns before her as they tried to invade her home. Seraphina needed to protect what was hers and with a final giggle, assembles her army.
Sunflower, pushing off a mutated corpse with a spear, is aware of Seraphina's plan. The idea at first was almost an insult; the game depicted that plants were capable of defending off something twice their stature and could become a tool of war. Sunflower often cringed when he caught Sera playing these games but at this time, he did not have anything to say.
"You got it, Sera!?" Sunflower pins a spawn down, shoves a grenade into his mouth and runs. "Hurry, this way and-" KAAABOOMB! " alright?"
"I'm golden, Sunflower! Trust me! I got this! Ease up on the grenades though, alright?" She kisses his cheek. "We don't need those nasty body parts all over this yard. My mommy will be so mad..."
Sunflower laughs, nods and salutes the little girl. "Got ya', kiddo. Let me know when you need me..."
Sera agrees, watching several Serpents slither beside her and Sunflower. They circle a warrior, devour the corpse in seconds and moves to the next. Liam, still on his Horse, charges through the crowd. Slicing through several of Carla's men, Liam watches the heads roll off and colaspe into the grass. The Horse neighs loudly and kicks into the air. With one swoosh of his hand, the sword cuts through another section of soldiers. Seraphina notices the serpants glare into the eyes of other warriors and turn them into stone. Kicking them to the ground, Liam watches the statues crumble and turn to dust.
Viviana and Chloe sprint past Liam. Sitting on her sister's back is Chloe; she was in shadow form, creating soldiers with the darkness around. They rose to the surface, engulfing their targets in fear and anguish. Viviana's three heads snap close, tearing apart each body. As she did, Seraphina noticed a green orb circle the beast and disappear into Viviana's body. The Cerberus licks her lips and growls.
"Tasty..." Viviana looks at Chloe. "These souls will do glorious...."
"EASY there, Vivi!" Seraphina locks eyes on a few more spawns. "Don't take too much in. Ruin your appetite...."
Seraphina grows several Peapods, Venusfly traps and vines around her body. Twisting, pulling and manuvering, Sera fires several flaming pods into the crowd. Each corpse flares immediatly, screams into the air and falls into the ground. Sunflower jumps upon a Flytrap and points out to his fellow plants. Each taking a step, they begin to fire on their commands. To Seraphina, this was just like the game on her DS, only this time, it was real. Clentching tightly around the hood of her plant, she watches as each takes down several more; Viviana and Chloe, along with Liam, fight off the other spawns.
Her aunts, uncles and cousins, next to the many Grendels and Elves, defend their home, land, town and pride. Looking around, however, Seraphine could not pick up on Carla, Hecate, Georgie or Lyla. In fact, they were nowhere to be found. Heart sinking, Seraphina began thinking horrible thoughts. Even Erica was gone.
"What is it, sweetie?" Sunflower punches a man into the ground. "Everything alright?"
"Where is my nana and papa? Erica? Where-"
Seraphina and the others look over and notice a large cloud of purple in a mushroom shape rise from the rocks. The ground shakes furiously, knocking the young girl off her plant. The quads stare.
"What was that?" Chloe circles the air. "Do think that was mom, or-"
"No..." Viviana sinks her heads low and growls. "That's NOT our mommy. I would have known...but that was bad..."
"Yeah, I agree." Liam leaps off of the Horse. "That is evil magic. Mommy is good magic..."
Sunflower gathers Seraphina, now in tears, into his arms. "Come on, sweetie. Get up! I'm sure that was nothing..."
But looking deeper into the cloud of purple, now blanketing the sky, it was obvious to who it belonged to.
"AHHHHH FOOOOOK!" Emily slides forward, grabbing her belly. The bow beginning to glow. "Fook, no. Not here....not now..."
"Is she going into labor!?" Gren pins Hades into the wall. "I swear to GOD, if my wife dies down here-"
"Emily is experimenting the war from above, Gren, as are the children. We are almost there. Please! You can not rush this process because it can be fatal to all of you!"
"My babies..." Emily pictures her children. "They....they are in severe PAIN, Grendel! I can fookin' feel their sorrow! FOOOOOK! Mommy is coming, babies! Hold on! Take me, Grendel. I need ta' go home! Our babies NEED us! My dad....." Emily needed to vomit. "He...he needs me! He can't fookin' do it alone!"
"What the fuck do you...." Gren grabs Emily. "What ABOUT your dad!?"
"Gren, NOW!" Emily latches onto his arm. "Take us home!"
The fates and Hades did not have a chance; with these words, Gren opens a portal before them. Vivian, holding her staff, flies inside first. The glow bouncing off her body creates a faint light guiding the couple through the dark. Junior's clone and Nick are not too far behind; trying to call their names, Hades reaches in, hoping to bring them back to complete the process but they were gone and heading back to Fabletown. Hades looks at the three women.
"Is EVERYTHING that lives and belongs to them, right back onto their bodies?"
Nadia smiles. "We could never tell that child no and Gren's powers are strong enough, Hades. You know this. Have faith...."
"DON'T fuck with me, you three. ARE they going to be alright and-"
"You know they will, sir. Emily and Gren only needed our blessing. As you saw, Emily took forth her own decisions. Protector. Plus, those three babies in there AND a guardian angel. Psh. We never HAD the chance to keep her here! Grendel's powers of coming forth to our world and returning to his is something we've only seen in the likes of his mother. Calla was never harmed down here and neither will Grendel. They are BOTH safe, Hades. Well on their way to protecting what is their they were always supposed to do."
Hades stood and blinked against the light from the portal. a sense of comfort rose over his body; the three fates chuckle on last time before throwing the eye into the air.
"This is going to be good, eh girls?"
Carla was nowhere to be found. She had vanished through the rocks but was 'kind' enough to leave behind Hecate to finish her dirty work. Like countless times before. Georgie found his way through the crowds of rocks and noticed the Witch. She sat upon a rock, looking at her fingers.
Clouds of magic began to rise from her body; plant life grew around her body, as a friendly Dog pants beside her, eyeing the Fable.
"Where is she?" Georgie looks around. "WHERE is Carla?"
"Don't you worry about that, Georgie. Right now, this is between you and I. I've seen your work and I'm quite impressed by the triggers that send you into this 'beast' before me. No wonder Lyla's panties get all wet for you..."
Georgie tosses a ball of magic into the woman's chest. Landing in flowers, Hecate laughs and stands up. "FOOK ya', Hecate! Why are you even helpin' her?! She's usin' ya' like all the otha's before ya'!"
"Carla promised me a lifetime of protection. I can do my magic and no one will ever suspect a thing. Her plan to take control of you Fables was a well thought up one. I agree with her that none of this would have to happen, should Emily just GIVE up that bow. You'd still be at home, fucking your pretty little bitch, while your children lived their lives with no trouble. Ethan.....Ethan would still be alive, Georgie...."
"Piss off, Hecate!" Another blow of magic. The little demons surface the mess, latching onto Hecate. "Ya' think this shit is funny, huh? Think ya' pal Carla will have ya' back when I'm through with ya'?"
"WHO are you, Georgie and WHAT will you seriously do to me? I am a powerful goddess with abilitites only ever imagined in your wildest dreams. I am stronger then you, more cunning then your daughter and have the ability to take anything I please. I can take every single one of your family members below and leave you with NOTHING like before, Georgie. Just a lonely, pitiful man with a bottle of Jack and a line of cocaine, just waiting for you in the bathroom."
Georgie snickers, walking towards Hecate. "Ya' think ya' can scare me, eh? Play ya' mind games like ya' did before, huh Hecate? But ya' be forgettin' one thing, love. I've SEEN hell. I fookin' know what its like! Taste the bitterness on my fookin' tongue. The nightmares that haunt my very fookin' mind. The dark that sends me cowering in fear in the corner. The beatin', abuse, rapes, humiliation....THAT was fookin' hell, Hecate. This-this fookin' moment right 'ere-a bloody cake walk. I hope Carla plays ya' like the fool ya' be fa' workin'. Believin' she wants ta' help ya' out. She said the same fookin' thing ta' the others...."
"Hm. Sound so confident, Georgie. Pretty sad, actually. I know so much about your story. Cute little song, by the way. Georgie Porgie pudding n' pie..."
The voice inside Georgie's head began to trigger the demons inside. They enveloped his hands and torso. The terrible memories of his youth. His 'father's' deviant smile in the dark. The rough hands stripping away anything 'good' left in his body. Standing tall and glowing a faint purple, Georgie stepped forward and was ready to take down the Witch.
"Funny thing about stories, Hecate. Ya' think ya' know so much about little ol' Georgie Porgie, don't ya'? But not all the stories are true, love, now are they?"
"Wipe that fucking smile off of your face Georgie and come at me then! I'm going to boil your skin right off your bones and pick my teeth while your wife and family watch me!"
Chuckling, Georgie stands still. Annoyed with his laughter, Hecate jumps into the air and heads for Georgie.....
Erica searched for both Lyla and Georgie. In her hands, teeth. She sticks on into her mouth. The taste was putrid at first but a euphoric feeling came over the little girl. She began to feel the change that her mother refused to acknowledge before. A sense of belonging. Chewing onto the morsal, Erica touches the leaves. Branches, rocks and Earth beneath her feet. Continuing to chew on the tooth, Erica hears a screams and a thud. Fearing it was Georgie, Erica spits at the ground. A familiar is created; the corpse, controlled by Erica, follows the little girl. Taking out another, Erica chews and repeats.
She does this five more times, creating a little army of her own. She was able to control familiars but to take down a with like Hecate was impossible. Erica notices Georgie's Bowler hat in the dirt.
"No..." Erica picks it up. "No. Not papa Georgie. Where are you?" Erica looks around. "Where?"
Sending her pack forward, Erica waits to see their next move. Was he alive, thought Erica or had he fallen victim to Hecate, too? Erica peeks around the corner. Her familiars, all standing beside a figure. All were staring into the ground. Erica takes a second to collect her thoughts,
then jumps over the rock, heading towards the figure. If it was either Carla or Hecate, she'd do her best to stop them. But the soldiers were not attacking...Erica was pleased, however, to see the figure; against the dust, the tattoos were never difficult to spot. Each one, Erica had grown
accustomed to, was visible.
"Hello, love. Did not know ya' be followin' ya' papa Georgie."
"You're alright!" Erica leaps into Georgie's arms. "You're alright, papa! I thought you were gone....I saw the hat! Heard the noise and-"
"Nuthin' will eva' take ya' papa Georgie away, ya' hear me, Erica? Not even Hecate...."
Erica and Georgie did not notice the black Wolf behind them. Lyla, pleased to see both alive, runs in their direction. Little did she expect to see Hecate, a bloody mess, before Georgie and Erica.
"How...." Hecate struggles to talk and move. "....How did you do that? I'm....I'm so much more stronger then you,"
Georgie takes his shoe and crunches down on Hecate's hand. The woman screams in pain; Georgie shoves the shoe into her mouth, forcing Hecate's mouth to remain open.
"Funny thing, Hecate...ya' THINK ya' know the tale of Georgie Porgie. Think that silly little song is cute. I'm a pervert. I'm a killa'. I'm this, I'm that. But ya' know WOOT, Hecate. Ya' don't know me OR my family! I hope ya' 'pal' Carla rots fa' this and my daughter tears her apart. I want ta'
see Grendel feast on her flesh, while my daughter sends that wretched soul inta' the depths of hell. Ya' think ya' won, Hecate. But ya' didn't..."
With her mouth still open, Erica touches Hecate's face. The woman thrashes on the ground, screaming in agony.
"WHAAAAA! What are you doing to me!? My face! My face! NOOOOOOOOOO!"
All three watch as hecate's body becomes nothing but bones. Lyla knew all to well, as did Georgie, what Erica had done. Holding out her hand, Erica beams.
Wow dude, this was fucking awesome!!!
Georgie is one mean badass! Gonna take more than a Mundy with magic to take him down
That mome… morent with Isaiah was a pretty neat tactic, thankfully Sheila and the other's (but Sheila especially) were there to help him :')
I can't wait for more! XD
Thank you, my good man.
That dark magic and his curse sure is something. Carla thinks she know what she's doing but like always, she'll … moreend up in the same spot as always.
Gotta hand it to Hecate for that plan but Sheila will never let anyone take down what belongs to her.
Awesome, my good man!
It's alright to take a day or two to yourself to heal your body. Never push yourself beyond what you can handle. TRUST me. I've done that before and its no bueno! But congrats on the results so far. Sound like you're making improvements and that's a positive thing.
Nothing wrong with having 'cheat' days, either but its all about watching how much. That's what people don't understand. It's not just the food that causes weight gain but the lack of physical activity. You can have that slice of pizza or hamburger every know and then, so long as you keep fit and physically active. I like to treat myself to 4x4's, animal fries and a large coke! Or chicken sandwich from Port o' Subs!
Update on the bets:
Ugh fuck exercise every morning! The push-ups are definitely not becoming easier, I can do 10 straight before my arms… more feel like they're about to collapse. The sit-ups are steadily becoming harder along with the squats, but, I gotta keep at it. I'm already starting to see a little more 'definition' in my physique...
And now I REALLY want a pizza! My craving for junk food is on and off, sometimes I could care less but right now it is ALL I WANT!
I'm starting to appreciate salad more however, and my appetite for just wanting to eat and eat is going down. Maybe in the end this will work out :P
Just about 3 weeks left...
The quads are certainly an effective bunch despite their age! I never liked Sunflower in Fables, too much of a whiny bitch and a schemer, but I SUPPOSE I can tolerate him in your stories :P
I've seen your work and I'm quite impressed by the triggers that send you into this 'beast' before me. No wonder Lyla's panties get all wet for you..."
Oh no she didn't! Nice play on what Rose says about Bigby when she gets the ring btw (if that was indeed where the inspiration came from, if not then I do apologise) No one challenges true love like that, NEVER! >:(
I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to see what Georgie really did to Hecate, but that kill would've made Nick smile nonetheless...
The war of Fabletown part 2
Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of al… morel to any game console every developed in this world. Growing up, her father placed his daughter in the same category as the game and she never understood until now. She was capable of creating anything she pleased with the plants and the spawns before her as they tried to invade her home. Seraphina needed to protect what was hers and with a final giggle, assembles her army.
Sunflower, pushing off a mutated corpse with a spear, is aware of Seraphina's plan. The idea at first was almost an insult; the game depicted that plants were capable of defending off something twice their stature and could become a tool of war. Sunflower often cringed when he caught Sera playing these games but at this time, he did not have anything to say.
"You got it, Sera!?" Sunflower pins a spawn down, shoves a grenade into … [view original content]
Seraphina is a monster! But in a good way! I've never played Plants versus Zombies but man oh man it must have helped a ton for her XD and Viviana, she is so awesome being a three headed cerberus Liam is too badass with his horse, hell all the quads are badass! I'm not too excited for the purple cloud o.o
Georgie snickers, walking towards Hecate. "Ya' think ya' can scare me, eh? Play ya' mind games like ya' did before, huh Hecate? But ya' be forgettin' one thing, love. I've SEEN hell. I fookin' know what its like! Taste the bitterness on my fookin' tongue. The nightmares that haunt my very fookin' mind. The dark that sends me cowering in fear in the corner. The beatin', abuse, rapes, humiliation....THAT was fookin' hell, Hecate. This-this fookin' moment right 'ere-a bloody cake walk. I hope Carla plays ya' like the fool ya' be fa' workin'. Believin' she wants ta' help ya' out. She said the same fookin' thing ta' the others...."
Hecate you fucked up really really bad lol XD
"Funny thing, Hecate...ya' THINK ya' know the tale of Georgie Porgie. Think that silly little song is cute. I'm a pervert. I'm a killa'. I'm this, I'm that. But ya' know WOOT, Hecate. Ya' don't know me OR my family! I hope ya' 'pal' Carla rots fa' this and my daughter tears her apart. I want ta' see Grendel feast on her flesh, while my daughter sends that wretched soul inta' the depths of hell. Ya' think ya' won, Hecate. But ya' didn't..."
Georgie is so awesome and badass! You tell her man! >:D
Also did Erica just mortal kombat fatality Hecate!? And on top of that gain really powerful teeth!? Dude Erica is spooky o.o
Awesome stuff as always man! Look forward to more!
The war of Fabletown part 2
Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of al… morel to any game console every developed in this world. Growing up, her father placed his daughter in the same category as the game and she never understood until now. She was capable of creating anything she pleased with the plants and the spawns before her as they tried to invade her home. Seraphina needed to protect what was hers and with a final giggle, assembles her army.
Sunflower, pushing off a mutated corpse with a spear, is aware of Seraphina's plan. The idea at first was almost an insult; the game depicted that plants were capable of defending off something twice their stature and could become a tool of war. Sunflower often cringed when he caught Sera playing these games but at this time, he did not have anything to say.
"You got it, Sera!?" Sunflower pins a spawn down, shoves a grenade into … [view original content]
That'll raise some questions with the family
.......Especially if any of their children come out as Vampires and require blood mixed with their milk. XD Can see Junor freaking out already. XP
I've pushed myself too far before and ended up with muscles so sore and tight that simple movements hurt more than anything!
No, no cheats, I am sticking to my guns with these bets, no exceptions UNLESS we are out for a meal somewhere... My Mum says that if you take regular exercise then you can, in theory. eat what you want. Dude, you're gonna have to take me to every fast food place you visit in Cali, it's all calling to me like a siren at sea :P
Thanks for the support man, hopefully I'll keep this up even after the bets are finished
It's alright to take a day or two to yourself to heal your body. Never push yourself beyond what you can handle. TRUST me. I've done that be… morefore and its no bueno! But congrats on the results so far. Sound like you're making improvements and that's a positive thing.
Nothing wrong with having 'cheat' days, either but its all about watching how much. That's what people don't understand. It's not just the food that causes weight gain but the lack of physical activity. You can have that slice of pizza or hamburger every know and then, so long as you keep fit and physically active. I like to treat myself to 4x4's, animal fries and a large coke! Or chicken sandwich from Port o' Subs!
Either way, congrats, Hman! Well on your way!
The quads are too much like Emily and Gren, with a dash of Lyla, Georgie and even their great grandparents John and Nancy.
never liked Sunflower in Fables, too much of a whiny bitch and a schemer
I get that a lot about him and it's true. In the comics, he did annoy me but I'd like to think people change. He played a huge role in my prolouge a year ago about Georgie's time on the Farm and the connection he'd have in his family, which leads to Seraphina.
Oh shit, she did say that, huh? XD Well, there you go, folks! Referrence to FABLES. I agree but Carla, along with Hecate, loves to play with love....
That's for the readers to picture on their own. It was enough to know that you don't mess with the Porgie Clan and their own.
Shit... :O
The quads are certainly an effective bunch despite their age! I never liked Sunflower in Fables, too much of a whiny bitch and… more a schemer, but I SUPPOSE I can tolerate him in your stories :P
I've seen your work and I'm quite impressed by the triggers that send you into this 'beast' before me. No wonder Lyla's panties get all wet for you..."
Oh no she didn't! Nice play on what Rose says about Bigby when she gets the ring btw (if that was indeed where the inspiration came from, if not then I do apologise) No one challenges true love like that, NEVER! >:(
I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to see what Georgie really did to Hecate, but that kill would've made Nick smile nonetheless...
I look forward to more dude! XD
(Puts down the Art of War by Sun Tzu)
It seems that throughout history, wars are lost simply because they are rushed (USA in Vietneam, Nazi Germany in Europe, etc) . Carla would have done well to heed Hecate. Alas, or rather forunately, she has not.
Speaking of Carla's millitary capibilities, she just assumes absolute control without listening to advisers or having them to begin with. Again, another reason Germany lost WWII. And the way she adresses these issues verbally......
Carla seems to share leadership traits with Shitler. And that is no bad thing, for she will lose hence.
Now, this is an already epic battle. Carla's plans and strategies are crumbling through her fingers and the Porgies are winning through family and determination. It is a rather beautiful metaphor when thought through.
I just hope Carla's punishment is LONG, PAINFUL and BEYOND ALL BOUNDRIES.
that reminds me..........(picks up death note)
I must admit, I knew Lyla would be understanding, but that was a lot more smoothly done than I expected at first. Good to see that it ran like proverbial clockwork.
I wonder what Frank has been up to though. I hope he has not caused himself any harm.
I am awaiting the next part with alacrity. it makes sense (the reference and the shadow thing). Thanks
That was a conflict that America should have backed out of a lot earlier... Too many men died because people like Secretary of State Robert McNamara said that sending in more troops would turn the tide, and how wrong he was.
Yes. We had a similar problem here during the war. Many, many people were drafted. Ironically, Australia joined the war to improve our ties with the US, when in the end it actually soured these ties.
They also lacked the stratagies to fight a guerrilla war. All they did was drop a few bombs and expect a show of force to have them capitulate.
It's like when Russia invaded Afghanistan, they just couldn't adapt to the terrain and because of this they were forced to retreat!
History often repeats itself.
Wonderful book to read, then come across this little slice of a mess.
Comparing Hitler to Carla is a smart move and I'll take it. She should have read up on all the past wars before biting off more then she could chew. Hecate had some goon pointers to give but alas, Carla's ego is bigger then anything and she refuses to acknowledge she's been beat.
Too bad she won't end up like Hitler and leave the coward's way out, yet that would be too easy on my part and not fun at the least bit.
Carla's ending will be acceptable but its the afterlife that will be far worse. The Porgies shall prevail and take this bitch down; Emily and Gren with triumph and end Carla's wretched life. How? Well, that's for another day, my good man. She should have done her homework before entering this war. 
Ah yes. Please. Return to Death's note and the forever chants to end her life.
Wow, so Lyla knew there was something 'different' about Robert, eh?
Glad you picked up on that little memo I sent to you earlier about her personality. You did beautifully with her in this. My Lyla has the heart of gold and does not care: gay, black, white, Grendel, Fable, Wolf, etc. She tries to see the GOOD in every creature. 
My heart was breaking when she mentioned RJ and how she'd hate to have her son pretend, too. That's me. If my daughter or this unborn baby were to come to me as teens, adults, even children and tell me they were gay, I'd never stop loving them. Nothing changes. It's a shame some still think differently but its getting better.
I adore Gren and Robert and you know this already.
I just hope Rose and Jersey get their heads out of their asses and understand. THAT was hard for them to hear, yes but its been harder for Robert all these centuries of 'pretending'. Speaking of Jersey, it's nice to see Frank texting back; I'm happy and beyond fangirling right now but I worry this won't go over easy. I hope i'm wrong because seeing the other comments, its a reuinon well overdue! 
This is the story of a Fable who helped Bigby with The Crooked Man Case back in 1986. This Fable has been known to move around a lot, he doesn't stay in one place any longer than he needs to. Both of his parents are dead, in fact nobody even knows who his parents are except for himself. He doesn't talk a lot unless if he is addressed by name, he lacks empathy and is heavily apethetic. He wears clip on headphones and rarely ever takes them off if he is alone, but when around others he will take them off so he can keep up with the conversation. He is very stoic, reserved, and calm as well especially in intense situations. He changes outfits between an unbuttoned black suit with a loose red tie, and a black cotton vest with a rolled up collared shirt. He is a light build and is a bit above average height. He walks with his hands in his pocket and leans back slightly when he walks around town. He has not so short brown hair with brown eyes. His name was Zylen.
Zylens apartment...
Zylen had just woke up it was four in the morning when his phone began to ring he got up and answered the phone.
"Who is it?" He had a deep but soft voice.
"This is Snow White of the Fabletown business office, I were wondering if you were on your way to New York yet." She asked
"Yeah I have everything backed I'm going to hop on the train and be there soon." He said
"Alright sounds good. Be sure to come by and grab your key. I'm sure sheriff Bigby will like working with you." She said
"Same here, see you then." He said hanging up the phone.
Zylen walked into his shower and got prepared. He slipped on his black cotton vest with his collared shirt, he rolled up the sleeves, he put on his headphones and turned on the music, he grabbed his bags, and began to head out. He turned in his key at the front desk, he didn't say a word to the person at the front desk and walked out. Holding his suitcase in one hand and putting his other hand in his pocket, he walked down the city's street to the train station. He currently was located in Missouri, the Fabletown business office had Zylen as an on the move detective. He had been all over the world and was very reliable when it came to work as he's never failed a case. He began to head into the first train station that would lead him to Virginia. He handed the man his suitcase and took off his headphones to speak with the man.
"First class?" The man asked
Zylen nodded and put his headphones on, the train was about to leave. For the first train ride Zylen stayed in his cabin, listening to his music and sleeping along the way. When they arrived in Virginia it was already the afternoon. He boarded the second train that would lead him to New York, this time he stayed outside at the far end of the train. He found watching the scenery during a trip fascinating, and so he watched as the afternoon sky turned into the night sky as he arrived in New York. He grabbed his suitcase and began to walk to the woodlands. He always loved night time the best, he enjoyed watching the stars shine in the sky. As he spent most of his time gazing at the stars he saw red and blue lights flashing in front of him. He walked up and was stopped by an officer.
"I'm sorry sir but you can't go past here." The police man said
Zylen stood still and decided to obey the Mundies order. He then noticed sheriff Bigby walk through the police line and he how it would end. He put down his suitcase and walked past the police officer. He grabbed Bigby by the shoulder and shook his head, but it was too late. The cops had gotten a grip on both of them and they were headed to the police station...
That's it! I'm sorry but I am going to take a break with the Vampire challenge as writing it has not been too interesting to me at the moment, as much as I enjoy writing Kierons story. It was only a matter of time before I got comepletely burnt on writing anything for him. So I will go back to him another day, and for now a new OC and TWAU story from another Fables perspective! Any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Excellent. I await her death with alacrity.
Zylen sounds like a really interesting character so far. I'm digging the forever trademark headphones your OC's have. I love it because it's so you. Neat that he helped Bigby during the CM trial. Those little fillers are always the best. Is he a regular Fable or some sort of creature? Also, what year does this take place? Just so I know.
Great detail on his physical apperance, too! 
Hmmm I wonder where he and Bigby were going OR doing that caused the cops to stop them and drag the men off like that? Seems to me they are on a mission of sorts and there is something in that suitcase......hmmmm.
That's me too, for the Vampire challenge. I'm kind of 'stuck' with it; we still have time and no rush. I wanted to finish the Gremily tale before anything is set in stone. I don't blame you for needing a breath of fresh air. You've seem to have found it.
I like it so far!
I'm glad you like him!
Oh yes, always gotta have the headphones!
He is a creature what type of creature is a secret for now
This story actually takes place right at the end of episode one of TWAU in 1986
It's a lot easier to write physical descriptions when it's your own physical descriptions XD
Same, I have no idea how I want the fight scenes I have to end and to me I felt like I just needed to move away from it a bit. We indeed do have a lot of time, maybe I was rushing too much and that's why I needed a break from it as well XD I'm sure we'll figure it out! Yeah I really liked writing this! Finding a name for this guy was a pain though, I wanted something unique that would stand out and found Zylen!
Glad to hear it man! 
OH secret! I love it. I thought it took place after but I wanted to make sure and not assume. lol And I thought it was you in the character description. XD Love it!
I understand. That's me, too. Since it's only 10 chaps, I want the final 4 to be awesome and nut rushed. I think the name suits him very well and having unique names makes the person more enjoyable!!
Can't wait for more, man!
I will give a hint he is a Greek Mythological Creature
Zylen is there just at the start and he'll be helping Bigby along the way!
Hey glad you caught it! 
Yeah I agree! Glad to hear it man!
So the man that Kieron used to visit to treat his injuries... was Maximillion?! :O HOLY SHIT I NEVER WOULD'VE GUESSED THAT!!!!
Poor Claire, she needs to accept that what happened was beyond her control, and Caine needs to man the fuck up and kick some ass XP
I look forward to the next chapter! XD (Forgive the shorter comment, it's 3am and I'm soldiering through chapters so I don't fall behind tomorrow)
OMG you are a rockstar!
Hm. There are so many. I'll have to go and look. IF I guess it, I'll let you know! This should make for some interesting tales to come...:)
Yup yup!
The very two used to be "friends" and help each other. This will be explained when I want to come back to Kierons story!
Lol indeed I can agree with that! XD
Awesome! Dang dude I would be out like a light! Good luck reading them all!
Wow dude, this was fucking awesome!!!
Georgie is one mean badass! Gonna take more than a Mundy with magic to take him down
That moment with Isaiah was a pretty neat tactic, thankfully Sheila and the other's (but Sheila especially) were there to help him :')
I can't wait for more! XD
I've got JJ's chapter and your Prologue with Zylen to read yet... I have stayed up later before, but I probably won't wake up till like 11am! XP
Oh wow, this chapter :')
Wise decision my friend, anything else and you'll be breathing through a straw... for a few seconds :P
I'm glad that Lyla understood and took it so well, she really is a sweet person with a heart of solid gold. Her revelation that she had suspicions was a bit of a shock, cuz I imagined Robert 'really going for it' when he was with Lyla (I mean come on, what warm blooded male wouldn't wanna go for it with her?!) but for her to say that it felt forced and they really didn't do it that often was a bit of a shock to me, but at least Robert can rest easy that Lyla had her suspicions the whole time...
I'm afraid for what will happen when Lyla mentions Frank to Jersey
And that text message.... I'm VERY VERY sorry, but I do not believe that is Frank for one second. I have a bad feeling in my gut that Jersey or someone else has taken Frank's phone and has told Robert to go there so he can be publicly shamed and/or attacked...
I await more! XD
Who is this Zylen? For he has me intrigued already
You give nice descriptions of him, and I think your trademark is now 'OC's with a fondness for clip-on headphones' dude! :P
I look forward to what comes next! XD
Glad you like him so far!
Thanks, well since I've been wearing the same type of clip on headphones for who knows how long I've lost track! XD They have to have them
Awesome!
The only good soda to me!
Lyla is stunning an any heterosexual male would jump her bones but sadly, Robert was doing it for show. To put up a front, so no one would question. Plus, its that whole upbringing he had....sadly, when you're raised a certain way, you feel its up to you to uphold that name.
She knew something was odd but didn't know it yet until after the sex and their days together. What were you expecting Robert and Lyla to do it everyday? LMAO That's her and Georgie. :P
You are right to beconcerned of that text message but what will happen, who knows.
Awesome, dude!
I also like this new Fable! The name is something else! I'd say it but the key to the first letter is stuck at the moment, so hopefully that little issue is dealt with in time. XD I loved his description and is that you, by any chance? I notice a lot of your characters have your thoughts, desires, personality, etc and its fun to read and see.
Pretty cool BG he has, too.
I wonder what he and Bigby are up to. Also, I don't blame you for taking a break.
Sometimes, that's all a person needs. I look forward to this new OC.
Glad you liked him!
Oh no that's not good! XD Hopefully your Z key does get fixed at some point! XD Yup! From physical appearance down to Zylens thoughts, and feelings are
Thanks man!
We'll have to see!
I just needed a breathe of fresh air like Pie said
Awesome! Glad to hear it! 
LOL! I doubt even Fables can do it every day, there'll be those moments where they're like "Ugh, too tired" And not to be an expert on anatomy, but soreness still applies to them XP
God-dammit I'm starting to be right with my guesses now
Well normally I'd be concerned for their life, but this is Robert so I know nothing fatal could happen. But damaging his image and his mentality... that can happen...
Update on the bets:
Ugh fuck exercise every morning! The push-ups are definitely not becoming easier, I can do 10 straight before my arms feel like they're about to collapse. The sit-ups are steadily becoming harder along with the squats, but, I gotta keep at it. I'm already starting to see a little more 'definition' in my physique...
And now I REALLY want a pizza! My craving for junk food is on and off, sometimes I could care less but right now it is ALL I WANT!
I'm starting to appreciate salad more however, and my appetite for just wanting to eat and eat is going down. Maybe in the end this will work out :P
Just about 3 weeks left...
Do you make sure to get a day off from working out every week? That may be why, but I'm not that sure about that stuff. You can do it man!
Just think at the end of the third week you can have that pizza! I used to reward myself with a sandwich from a sandwich shop after every month and a half.
That's really good man!
Keep up the awesome work man!
Well yeah I do, Saturday I don't do any exercise. But Sunday is when I go to the gym so I do a lot more there than in a regular weekday, so I guess I don't really give my body enough time to recover
The reward for one of the bets is a free sub from SubWay, but I think I'll get a huge Burger King first, gotta go into town to order Black Ops 3 (Thank you @LupineNoir for that blog, otherwise I wouldn't have known it existed until later this year) so I can do 2 things at once
It'll only get easier I guess
Thanks man.
The war of Fabletown part 2
Seraphina played Plants versus zombies many a times in her young life. It was one of her favorite games of all to any game console every developed in this world. Growing up, her father placed his daughter in the same category as the game and she never understood until now. She was capable of creating anything she pleased with the plants and the spawns before her as they tried to invade her home. Seraphina needed to protect what was hers and with a final giggle, assembles her army.
Sunflower, pushing off a mutated corpse with a spear, is aware of Seraphina's plan. The idea at first was almost an insult; the game depicted that plants were capable of defending off something twice their stature and could become a tool of war. Sunflower often cringed when he caught Sera playing these games but at this time, he did not have anything to say.
"You got it, Sera!?" Sunflower pins a spawn down, shoves a grenade into his mouth and runs. "Hurry, this way and-" KAAABOOMB! " alright?"
"I'm golden, Sunflower! Trust me! I got this! Ease up on the grenades though, alright?" She kisses his cheek. "We don't need those nasty body parts all over this yard. My mommy will be so mad..."
Sunflower laughs, nods and salutes the little girl. "Got ya', kiddo. Let me know when you need me..."
Sera agrees, watching several Serpents slither beside her and Sunflower. They circle a warrior, devour the corpse in seconds and moves to the next. Liam, still on his Horse, charges through the crowd. Slicing through several of Carla's men, Liam watches the heads roll off and colaspe into the grass. The Horse neighs loudly and kicks into the air. With one swoosh of his hand, the sword cuts through another section of soldiers. Seraphina notices the serpants glare into the eyes of other warriors and turn them into stone. Kicking them to the ground, Liam watches the statues crumble and turn to dust.
Viviana and Chloe sprint past Liam. Sitting on her sister's back is Chloe; she was in shadow form, creating soldiers with the darkness around. They rose to the surface, engulfing their targets in fear and anguish. Viviana's three heads snap close, tearing apart each body. As she did, Seraphina noticed a green orb circle the beast and disappear into Viviana's body. The Cerberus licks her lips and growls.
"Tasty..." Viviana looks at Chloe. "These souls will do glorious...."
"EASY there, Vivi!" Seraphina locks eyes on a few more spawns. "Don't take too much in. Ruin your appetite...."
Seraphina grows several Peapods, Venusfly traps and vines around her body. Twisting, pulling and manuvering, Sera fires several flaming pods into the crowd. Each corpse flares immediatly, screams into the air and falls into the ground. Sunflower jumps upon a Flytrap and points out to his fellow plants. Each taking a step, they begin to fire on their commands. To Seraphina, this was just like the game on her DS, only this time, it was real. Clentching tightly around the hood of her plant, she watches as each takes down several more; Viviana and Chloe, along with Liam, fight off the other spawns.
Her aunts, uncles and cousins, next to the many Grendels and Elves, defend their home, land, town and pride. Looking around, however, Seraphine could not pick up on Carla, Hecate, Georgie or Lyla. In fact, they were nowhere to be found. Heart sinking, Seraphina began thinking horrible thoughts. Even Erica was gone.
"What is it, sweetie?" Sunflower punches a man into the ground. "Everything alright?"
"Where is my nana and papa? Erica? Where-"
Seraphina and the others look over and notice a large cloud of purple in a mushroom shape rise from the rocks. The ground shakes furiously, knocking the young girl off her plant. The quads stare.
"What was that?" Chloe circles the air. "Do think that was mom, or-"
"No..." Viviana sinks her heads low and growls. "That's NOT our mommy. I would have known...but that was bad..."
"Yeah, I agree." Liam leaps off of the Horse. "That is evil magic. Mommy is good magic..."
Sunflower gathers Seraphina, now in tears, into his arms. "Come on, sweetie. Get up! I'm sure that was nothing..."
But looking deeper into the cloud of purple, now blanketing the sky, it was obvious to who it belonged to.
"AHHHHH FOOOOOK!" Emily slides forward, grabbing her belly. The bow beginning to glow. "Fook, no. Not here....not now..."
"Is she going into labor!?" Gren pins Hades into the wall. "I swear to GOD, if my wife dies down here-"
"Emily is experimenting the war from above, Gren, as are the children. We are almost there. Please! You can not rush this process because it can be fatal to all of you!"
"My babies..." Emily pictures her children. "They....they are in severe PAIN, Grendel! I can fookin' feel their sorrow! FOOOOOK! Mommy is coming, babies! Hold on! Take me, Grendel. I need ta' go home! Our babies NEED us! My dad....." Emily needed to vomit. "He...he needs me! He can't fookin' do it alone!"
"What the fuck do you...." Gren grabs Emily. "What ABOUT your dad!?"
"Gren, NOW!" Emily latches onto his arm. "Take us home!"
The fates and Hades did not have a chance; with these words, Gren opens a portal before them. Vivian, holding her staff, flies inside first. The glow bouncing off her body creates a faint light guiding the couple through the dark. Junior's clone and Nick are not too far behind; trying to call their names, Hades reaches in, hoping to bring them back to complete the process but they were gone and heading back to Fabletown. Hades looks at the three women.
"Is EVERYTHING that lives and belongs to them, right back onto their bodies?"
Nadia smiles. "We could never tell that child no and Gren's powers are strong enough, Hades. You know this. Have faith...."
"DON'T fuck with me, you three. ARE they going to be alright and-"
"You know they will, sir. Emily and Gren only needed our blessing. As you saw, Emily took forth her own decisions. Protector. Plus, those three babies in there AND a guardian angel. Psh. We never HAD the chance to keep her here! Grendel's powers of coming forth to our world and returning to his is something we've only seen in the likes of his mother. Calla was never harmed down here and neither will Grendel. They are BOTH safe, Hades. Well on their way to protecting what is their they were always supposed to do."
Hades stood and blinked against the light from the portal. a sense of comfort rose over his body; the three fates chuckle on last time before throwing the eye into the air.
"This is going to be good, eh girls?"
Carla was nowhere to be found. She had vanished through the rocks but was 'kind' enough to leave behind Hecate to finish her dirty work. Like countless times before. Georgie found his way through the crowds of rocks and noticed the Witch. She sat upon a rock, looking at her fingers.
Clouds of magic began to rise from her body; plant life grew around her body, as a friendly Dog pants beside her, eyeing the Fable.
"Where is she?" Georgie looks around. "WHERE is Carla?"
"Don't you worry about that, Georgie. Right now, this is between you and I. I've seen your work and I'm quite impressed by the triggers that send you into this 'beast' before me. No wonder Lyla's panties get all wet for you..."
Georgie tosses a ball of magic into the woman's chest. Landing in flowers, Hecate laughs and stands up. "FOOK ya', Hecate! Why are you even helpin' her?! She's usin' ya' like all the otha's before ya'!"
"Carla promised me a lifetime of protection. I can do my magic and no one will ever suspect a thing. Her plan to take control of you Fables was a well thought up one. I agree with her that none of this would have to happen, should Emily just GIVE up that bow. You'd still be at home, fucking your pretty little bitch, while your children lived their lives with no trouble. Ethan.....Ethan would still be alive, Georgie...."
"Piss off, Hecate!" Another blow of magic. The little demons surface the mess, latching onto Hecate. "Ya' think this shit is funny, huh? Think ya' pal Carla will have ya' back when I'm through with ya'?"
"WHO are you, Georgie and WHAT will you seriously do to me? I am a powerful goddess with abilitites only ever imagined in your wildest dreams. I am stronger then you, more cunning then your daughter and have the ability to take anything I please. I can take every single one of your family members below and leave you with NOTHING like before, Georgie. Just a lonely, pitiful man with a bottle of Jack and a line of cocaine, just waiting for you in the bathroom."
Georgie snickers, walking towards Hecate. "Ya' think ya' can scare me, eh? Play ya' mind games like ya' did before, huh Hecate? But ya' be forgettin' one thing, love. I've SEEN hell. I fookin' know what its like! Taste the bitterness on my fookin' tongue. The nightmares that haunt my very fookin' mind. The dark that sends me cowering in fear in the corner. The beatin', abuse, rapes, humiliation....THAT was fookin' hell, Hecate. This-this fookin' moment right 'ere-a bloody cake walk. I hope Carla plays ya' like the fool ya' be fa' workin'. Believin' she wants ta' help ya' out. She said the same fookin' thing ta' the others...."
"Hm. Sound so confident, Georgie. Pretty sad, actually. I know so much about your story. Cute little song, by the way. Georgie Porgie pudding n' pie..."
The voice inside Georgie's head began to trigger the demons inside. They enveloped his hands and torso. The terrible memories of his youth. His 'father's' deviant smile in the dark. The rough hands stripping away anything 'good' left in his body. Standing tall and glowing a faint purple, Georgie stepped forward and was ready to take down the Witch.
"Funny thing about stories, Hecate. Ya' think ya' know so much about little ol' Georgie Porgie, don't ya'? But not all the stories are true, love, now are they?"
"Wipe that fucking smile off of your face Georgie and come at me then! I'm going to boil your skin right off your bones and pick my teeth while your wife and family watch me!"
Chuckling, Georgie stands still. Annoyed with his laughter, Hecate jumps into the air and heads for Georgie.....
Erica searched for both Lyla and Georgie. In her hands, teeth. She sticks on into her mouth. The taste was putrid at first but a euphoric feeling came over the little girl. She began to feel the change that her mother refused to acknowledge before. A sense of belonging. Chewing onto the morsal, Erica touches the leaves. Branches, rocks and Earth beneath her feet. Continuing to chew on the tooth, Erica hears a screams and a thud. Fearing it was Georgie, Erica spits at the ground. A familiar is created; the corpse, controlled by Erica, follows the little girl. Taking out another, Erica chews and repeats.
She does this five more times, creating a little army of her own. She was able to control familiars but to take down a with like Hecate was impossible. Erica notices Georgie's Bowler hat in the dirt.
"No..." Erica picks it up. "No. Not papa Georgie. Where are you?" Erica looks around. "Where?"
Sending her pack forward, Erica waits to see their next move. Was he alive, thought Erica or had he fallen victim to Hecate, too? Erica peeks around the corner. Her familiars, all standing beside a figure. All were staring into the ground. Erica takes a second to collect her thoughts,
then jumps over the rock, heading towards the figure. If it was either Carla or Hecate, she'd do her best to stop them. But the soldiers were not attacking...Erica was pleased, however, to see the figure; against the dust, the tattoos were never difficult to spot. Each one, Erica had grown
accustomed to, was visible.
"Hello, love. Did not know ya' be followin' ya' papa Georgie."
"You're alright!" Erica leaps into Georgie's arms. "You're alright, papa! I thought you were gone....I saw the hat! Heard the noise and-"
"Nuthin' will eva' take ya' papa Georgie away, ya' hear me, Erica? Not even Hecate...."
Erica and Georgie did not notice the black Wolf behind them. Lyla, pleased to see both alive, runs in their direction. Little did she expect to see Hecate, a bloody mess, before Georgie and Erica.
"How...." Hecate struggles to talk and move. "....How did you do that? I'm....I'm so much more stronger then you,"
Georgie takes his shoe and crunches down on Hecate's hand. The woman screams in pain; Georgie shoves the shoe into her mouth, forcing Hecate's mouth to remain open.
"Funny thing, Hecate...ya' THINK ya' know the tale of Georgie Porgie. Think that silly little song is cute. I'm a pervert. I'm a killa'. I'm this, I'm that. But ya' know WOOT, Hecate. Ya' don't know me OR my family! I hope ya' 'pal' Carla rots fa' this and my daughter tears her apart. I want ta'
see Grendel feast on her flesh, while my daughter sends that wretched soul inta' the depths of hell. Ya' think ya' won, Hecate. But ya' didn't..."
With her mouth still open, Erica touches Hecate's face. The woman thrashes on the ground, screaming in agony.
"WHAAAAA! What are you doing to me!? My face! My face! NOOOOOOOOOO!"
All three watch as hecate's body becomes nothing but bones. Lyla knew all to well, as did Georgie, what Erica had done. Holding out her hand, Erica beams.
"Her teeth. teeth..."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Thank you, my good man.
That dark magic and his curse sure is something. Carla thinks she know what she's doing but like always, she'll end up in the same spot as always.
Gotta hand it to Hecate for that plan but Sheila will never let anyone take down what belongs to her.
Awesome, my good man!
So SheilaxIsaiah is gonna be a thing then? That'll raise some questions with the family :P
.......Especially if any of their children come out as Vampires and require blood mixed with their milk. XD Can see Junor freaking out already. XP
It's alright to take a day or two to yourself to heal your body. Never push yourself beyond what you can handle. TRUST me. I've done that before and its no bueno! But congrats on the results so far. Sound like you're making improvements and that's a positive thing.
Nothing wrong with having 'cheat' days, either but its all about watching how much. That's what people don't understand. It's not just the food that causes weight gain but the lack of physical activity. You can have that slice of pizza or hamburger every know and then, so long as you keep fit and physically active. I like to treat myself to 4x4's, animal fries and a large coke! Or chicken sandwich from Port o' Subs!
Either way, congrats, Hman! Well on your way!
Shit... :O
The quads are certainly an effective bunch despite their age! I never liked Sunflower in Fables, too much of a whiny bitch and a schemer, but I SUPPOSE I can tolerate him in your stories :P
Oh no she didn't! Nice play on what Rose says about Bigby when she gets the ring btw (if that was indeed where the inspiration came from, if not then I do apologise) No one challenges true love like that, NEVER! >:(
I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to see what Georgie really did to Hecate, but that kill would've made Nick smile nonetheless...
I look forward to more dude! XD
Dude this was awesome!
Seraphina is a monster! But in a good way! I've never played Plants versus Zombies but man oh man it must have helped a ton for her XD and Viviana, she is so awesome being a three headed cerberus
Liam is too badass with his horse, hell all the quads are badass!
I'm not too excited for the purple cloud o.o
Hecate you fucked up really really bad lol XD
Georgie is so awesome and badass! You tell her man! >:D
Also did Erica just mortal kombat fatality Hecate!? And on top of that gain really powerful teeth!? Dude Erica is spooky o.o
Awesome stuff as always man! Look forward to more!
Ugh stop it! I'm never gonna get over that blood thing with Junior and Mary! XP
... I am scarred for life dude
I've pushed myself too far before and ended up with muscles so sore and tight that simple movements hurt more than anything!
No, no cheats, I am sticking to my guns with these bets, no exceptions UNLESS we are out for a meal somewhere... My Mum says that if you take regular exercise then you can, in theory. eat what you want. Dude, you're gonna have to take me to every fast food place you visit in Cali, it's all calling to me like a siren at sea :P
Thanks for the support man, hopefully I'll keep this up even after the bets are finished
The quads are too much like Emily and Gren, with a dash of Lyla, Georgie and even their great grandparents John and Nancy.
I get that a lot about him and it's true. In the comics, he did annoy me but I'd like to think people change. He played a huge role in my prolouge a year ago about Georgie's time on the Farm and the connection he'd have in his family, which leads to Seraphina.
Oh shit, she did say that, huh? XD Well, there you go, folks! Referrence to FABLES.
I agree but Carla, along with Hecate, loves to play with love....
That's for the readers to picture on their own.
It was enough to know that you don't mess with the Porgie Clan and their own. 
Awesome, dude!