No. Not now. He'll open up a bit after Frank but he's still 'stuck' in his old ways until he has his daughter, Bella. THEN, everything changes for him.
I did not understand it. That's my bad. Guess we'll just let the story answer those questions.
Jersey has went from being unlikable to being contemptible. Seriously Jersey, WTF? Gren will coerce an explanation out of Robert eventually. When he knows something is not as it seems, he will not accept it and move on.
We still have heard nought from Frank and that cannot be a good sign.
The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was ba… morerely after ten. She'd try back in an hour. She had bags of groceries and needed to get home. There were three gallons of Milk and the sun was awfully warm that morning. Lyla makes her way down the street and heads back to her home.
But she had just missed Jersey. He was heading towards Rosa's Italian restaurant, baseball bat in his hands. He would not lose his brother to someone that could be prevented. Jersey was able to tolerate a lot of things. He'd been around for centuries and witnessed many things that would send others hiding under their blankets. Jersey tried to be 'open minded' when it came to certain situations but not this. His brother was not gay and he blamed Robert Grendel for trying seduce his brother to the dark side.
Jersey fought back the urge to transform in the alley behind Rosa'… [view original content]
He is very very laid back XD lol
Was that character by any chance Tohru Adachi? That's where I got the unbuttoned suit loose red tie combo from!
Awesome man!
* Dead parents: check
* (Usually) calm and stoic: check
* Suit and loose red tie: check
* Hands in pockets: check
* Apethetic: check
He reminds me of Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight (it is a Shōjo manga, I know. Plz no kill meh XD).
Phew, thank god for Plants vs. Zombies, eh? Seraphina has the Mundies to thank for giving her the advantage in combat like that. XD
You had me worried since part 1 that Georgie was dead, thankfully it isn't the case!
I do like it! Fayde is so freaking beautiful and I love that she's blushing. After listening to this song, I pictured her seducing someone then going all Banshee on their asses but in Tarantino fashion or something. Blood. Lots of lust and blood. XD I'm a man who lusts after curvy woman and damn, Fayde-you got curves, girl!
Another picture drawn for my Fayde. As most of you know, this is meant to be a racy one. :P
Fayde Everwind's most favorite 'strip s… moreong'.
Concerning the individual that has Fayde strip for them, consider yourself lucky, for she only does it for the ones she really cares for. On the other hand, if she wants to have this particular song play during the moment - it means that whoever the person is has won her heart over, and will do anything to make sure the bond will stay between them for as long as possible. For those that break the bond, well... be prepared to deal with a most angry Banshee.
I've been getting that a lot in regards to Sunflower. Guess I'm one of the few that like either the baddies, annoying or useless characters. He's been in my stories for some time and for good reasons, too.
I did see what you did there and I can only hope for this and the same for Carla. Her demise is coming soon. Gotta build up to that beautiful moment. :')
That aside, I was truely satidfied with the manner of how Hecate was damned, ESPECIALLY after that cute spee… morech she gave to Georgie. May she remain restless without peace (see what I did there?).
Still waiting for Carla to die, though. (Writes down Carla for the 568th time in death note).
OMG...This chapter....I love Jersey. I really do. You've all read about him in my stories but after this. Shit, Jacob. I'm in shock that he would go that far to preventing his brother in seeing Robert and relying on violence like this. To know that people do this shit to another human being all because they are gay, black, disabled, asian, different religion, etc. It tears me apart. This is just fictional characters but knowing it came from YOU-and the shit YOU dealt with-is the reason why I'm so touched and in love with this.
Jersey, that was unacceptable and I read your comments to Hman and I'm going to guess that Bella is gay as she ages. That's just my opinion. I too, worry about Gren; he's too loyal and will do some damage, if needed. I hope I'm wrong and Gren backs away but I have a feeling he'll be the one to seek out Frank. Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you. To anyone that has been pushed around or beaten into the ground. I do not tolerate shit like this and I hope Jersey pulls his head out of his ass and soon.
The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was ba… morerely after ten. She'd try back in an hour. She had bags of groceries and needed to get home. There were three gallons of Milk and the sun was awfully warm that morning. Lyla makes her way down the street and heads back to her home.
But she had just missed Jersey. He was heading towards Rosa's Italian restaurant, baseball bat in his hands. He would not lose his brother to someone that could be prevented. Jersey was able to tolerate a lot of things. He'd been around for centuries and witnessed many things that would send others hiding under their blankets. Jersey tried to be 'open minded' when it came to certain situations but not this. His brother was not gay and he blamed Robert Grendel for trying seduce his brother to the dark side.
Jersey fought back the urge to transform in the alley behind Rosa'… [view original content]
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and he looked over.
"Look I'm uh...sorry I caught you in this mess." Bigby said
Zylen was glad for the apology but he didn't care either. "It's fine." He said turning back away.
The cop looked back and eyed the both of them. "You two keep quiet back there!" He said
Zylen looked at Bigby, he saw hurt in his eyes. Like he had lost a loved one. He felt as if he should tell Bigby that Snow was not really dead rather it was someone else, but he knew Bigby wouldn't listen. People get angry when it comes to loss, and he didn't feel like fighting. He kept it to himself. He looked at the cop.
"Apologies." Zylen said
The cop nodded and kept driving. Bigby looked relieved he didn't want to talk or be bothered, from what Zylen gathered. They pulled up to the police station. Zylen and Bigby were practically thrown out of the cruiser by their torso. The cop stood them up.
"Move." He pointed to Zylen.
"Dispatch called you're going straight in to be interviewed." The cop said shoving him.
Zylen didn't answer, he didn't feel like he needed to. Bigby however put in his two cents. "Hey he just got here, he has no idea what's going on!"
Zylen looked at Bigby and simply said "It's fine."
The cop began to move them again. They walked in the station where Zylen had his cuffs taken off and was separated by Bigby. Zylen was given a location and he arrived on time. He walked into the small room, it was a usual interrogation room nothing special. He sat down and saw a woman walk in. She sat down and put a picture in front of him. It was supposedly 'Snow Whites head'. She looked at Zylen.
"My name is Detective Brannigan, I'd like to ask you a few questions." She said
"Zylen, what can I do?" He said
"Do you know who this woman is?" She said sliding the photo in front of him.
"No." He lied. He found this boring.
"Would you know anyone that does?" She asked
He contemplated on what he should say. He gave her a simple response. "No."
Brannigan was under the impression that he was up to something. "Are you hiding anything? The suitcase you had there implies that you were either leaving or just arriving." She said in an irritated tone.
Zylen looked Brannigan straight in the eyes. "I just arrived."
Brannigan shot him a look back "And how am I supposed to believe you?"
Zylen put up his feet up and put his hands in his pockets "I have no reason to lie, I have done nothing."
Brannigan sat back unimpressed. "We'll see what you say tomorrow after I talk to your friend who came with you."
Zylen stood up and began to walk out, Brannigan kept a close eye on him and escorted him to Bigbys cell. There was only one bed and Bigby was in it. Zylen didn't like the fact that he didn't have his music but he sat in the corner opposite of Bigby and fell fast asleep...
The next morning...
"Wake up this instant!" Crane said
Zylen opened his eyes and saw Bigby and Crane standing at the cell door. Bigby held out his hand. "C'mon were leaving."
Zylen took Bigbys hand and stood. Crane looked irritated and angry already. The three walked out of the Police Station and into Cranes car. There was high tension in the car, Zylen could feel it just by sitting there. He wanted to throw on his headphones and not deal with it but he felt as if it would be rude, plus he was probably going to get a stern talking to anyways. Crane started the car and started driving.
"What you two did was comepletely reckless and unnecessary!" Crane said
Zelyn spoke up before Bigby could trying to keep things calm "We apologize sir."
Crane nodded "Good! Now Bigby, we found tweedle dum tied up. I assume that was your doing?" He asked
"Yeah, he knows something." Bigby said turning his head to the window.
"Tweedle dum? I hope you know what you're doing Bigby..." Crane said
Zelyn saw Bigbys face. He didn't look too happy. "I can do my damn job Crane! We need to figure out what the fuck happened to Snow!"
"I know that Bigby...She was alays fond of you Bigby." Crane said
Bigby ignored him. Crane looked at Zelyn.
"And you, you are not to leave this city until you and the sheriff figure this out." Crane said
Zelyn looked out the window. "Understood."
They pulled up in front of the woodlands. Everyone started to get out. Crane spoke up. "We need to get to the bottom of this! Or else another person will end up on our doorstep TONIGHT!" He said
Bigby got out and slammed the door closed with a crack. "I know!"
Zelyn got out of the car, he sighed and followed Bigby down to their interrogation room. When Bigby opened the door Zelyn was surprised to see Bluebeard standing there polishing his dagger.
"Ah so the mutt and his pup decided to show up did they?" Bluebeard smiled
Zelyn didn't like Bluebeard, he was sneaky and always had an ulterior motive to take part in these cases. He saw Tweedle Dum tied up to a chair. Zelyn sat back to the wall and put his hands in his pockets.
"Cat bite your tongue Zelyn? What a shame I always enjoyed hearing you talk." Bluebeard said turning to Bigby "Go right ahead Sheriff, I'm sure you'll go through with Diplomacy and of course Reasoning right?" He smiled stepping away from Tweedle Dum.
Bigby walked up to Tweedle Dum "Alright Dum, let's talk..."
That's it any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regardless I hope you like it @pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typical Damien always lost track of time. She didn’t feel any differently about him though, he had his flaws to be sure, but he had so much else to offer Penny as a boyfriend. It made her giddy to think about spending time with him, Damien was always up for whatever Penny was up for, even the extreme stuff that would make an adrenaline junkie blush with joy, he did it all for her, and in turn she did it all for him as well.
However, her dreams of her weed-smoking hunk were shattered in an instant when she heard slow but loud banging on her door. Maybe 3 or 4 bangs before silence, Penny got up in her white tank shirt and blue pyjama shorts and huffed her way towards the door of her apartment. “This better be important!” Penny shut up as soon as the door opened however, as Damien fell through it onto the wooden floor with a slam.
“Oh my God! Damien?!” Penny helped the very weak Damien to his feet and led him over to the couch, he fell onto it and exhaled in pain as Penny supported his head with pillows and sat by his side, stroking the hair out of his face “Dame, sweetie, what happened to you?” Damien coughed a little as he grabbed Penny’s free hand with both of his and held them tightly.
He finally managed to speak at a coarse whisper “Water... Please?” Penny nodded and briskly moved to the kitchen, grabbing a clean glass from the cupboard and filling it from the tap. She walked back to Damien and held the glass to his bloodied lips; he drank down in sips and sounded a little better with each one. Eventually when the glass was finished, Damien shuffled himself so he was sitting up straighter and took Penny’s hands again. She sighed and checked over his bloodied and beaten figure “Who did you get in a fight with this time?”
Damien coughed a little as he spoke “I- didn’t start this one...” Penny tilted her head to the side, since when did Damien NOT start a fight?! She patiently waited for him to catch his breath “It was... it was Nick” Penny’s face turned to shock then, Nick and Damien had had many fights in the past, but they were childish scraps that rarely resulted in injuries of any kind, this time Damien looked like he had fought a Pro-Boxer with his hands tied behind his back!
Damien told his tale “I went to Nick’s place...”
O Nick’s Apartment
The feeling was nothing like Nick had experienced before, he wanted blood, no, he NEEDED blood! He needed every last drop of blood in the city, yes, that would quench his hunger for tonight... Nick felt the powers of being a Harbinger be replaced by those of being a Vampire, but one infected by the Prince’s venom no less. Jayne was just a pawn, used to transfer to Nick what the Prince couldn’t, in the end the Prince won this conflict.
Nick looked around, his vision had a slight red hue to it, he was looking for anything with a pulse... and then he found one. “Hey man, how’d the family reunion go?” Damien casually entered through the hole in the wall and flopped onto Nick’s couch, Nick stared at Damien for a while. “Run you idiot, just run!” If only Nick’s mind could speak in the real world, on the inside he wanted his best friend to run far away from him, but on the outside he wanted his blood, every last drop of it.
Damien stood up as Nick walked (well, more like stumbled) towards him “Hey dude, what’s the matter? Where’d Jayne go?” Nick lunged for Damien and grabbed him by the shoulders, Damien tried to shove Nick away, and was surprised at how much easier it was than normal. Nick couldn’t get his teeth into Damien’s neck, and the fire sorcerer had by now noticed the unnaturally large fangs and the hideous red eyes. Damien quickly moved to the side and allowed Nick to fall forward with his own weight; Nick turned back around and tried a different tactic.
He rushed Damien and tackled him to the floor, Damien responded with a sharp headbutt to Nick’s nose, Nick responded with a heavy punch to Damien’s mouth, splitting both of his lips and causing him to hit the back of his head against the shiny wooden floor. Damien struggled to get away as Nick once again tried to sink his teeth into him, he managed to get free enough to kick out Nick’s knee and cause him to fall, giving Damien enough time to wriggle out of Nick’s grasp.
Damien stood up and backed away “Nick, stop it, this isn’t you man! It’s me, your buddy Damien!” Nick could hear everything but couldn’t stop himself, he was almost crying on the inside with the amount of willpower he didn’t have to stop his actions. Nick walked towards Damien again; he wiped his broken nose and spat some stray blood onto the floor. Damien backed up to the dining table and grabbed one of the chairs, smashing it over Nick’s torso; Nick staggered a bit as Damien ran towards him and drop kicked him backwards. Nick fell to the floor as Damien mounted him and pummelled his face with punches.
The fight became a two-way brawl as both men struggled for dominance; constantly shifting whoever was one top and delivering the punches. Eventually Nick threw a battered Damien into the dining table; he once again went for his neck, Damien could barely stand let alone see anything clearly. His head was ringing like a church bell and there was no way he could keep this up any longer. In a desperate attempt, Damien grabbed Nick and threw himself out of the broken window of the apartment, the drop was many stories and the landing would be hard... very hard.
The two men landed against the concrete pavement, Damien landing on top of Nick. Damien slowly rolled off of Nick and felt as though he had just been trampled by an elephant. His chest was so tight that he could barely breathe in a single drop of air; Nick however, slowly got up and cracked out his back with a wince before walking off into the night...
O Penelope Porgie’s apartment, 20 minutes later
“So I finally got up and stumbled my way over here...” Penny listened to every word and even covered her mouth in shock when Damien threw himself out of the window of a 50+ story building. “You nearly killed yourself!” Penny screamed at Damien as she stood up and began to pace around the apartment, Damien couldn’t move an inch he was in so much pain.
“I had to do something! He was gonna kill me or at least turn me into a shit-sucking Vampire...” Penny glared at Damien and pointed a finger at him “Don’t you dare justify this, I could’ve lost you tonight, what would I have done then?!” Damien did admit that he could’ve just thrown Nick through the window instead of going with him, but what happened had happened and here he was now.
“Baby-“ Penny shook her head in anger “Don’t ‘baby’ me! What were you thinking?” Damien couldn’t answer her, but he did let a tear fall from his eye as the pain in his chest got a little worse, it seemed he was finally healing from the encounter. Penny sighed and wiped the tear away from Damien’s grubby cheek, he looked at her with puppy eyes full of sorrow, and she kissed him. She then cupped his face and kissed him hard, maybe a little too hard as Damien moaned in pain.
Penny pulled away and chuckled “Sorry...” Damien smiled and pulled her back in, albeit for a more gentle and passionate kiss. By this time the pain was being replaced by pleasure, and Damien moved his arms around Penny’s back and pulled her on top of him. The weight on his damaged torso wasn’t comfortable, but knowing exactly who it was that was on his torso was more than enough for Damien to keep going. He would bed this Porgie tonight, regardless of his injuries; it’s what they both needed after a day like this...
O Morning
Nick woke up and realised very quickly that he was not alone. He turned from being on his left side to see none other than Jayne sleeping next to him, like him she was also clothed, with blood on her mouth. He stood up and violently pulled the bed sheets out from under the sleeping beauty; Jayne woke up suddenly and took in her surroundings, but her moment was quickly ruined when strong hands grabbed her shoulders and forced her against the railing.
Nick looked so mad that Jayne was too afraid to even consider yelling at him, Nick yelled “What did you do to me?!” He shook Jayne viciously for a response, but she could only let tears fall from her eyes. Eventually she spoke at a shudder “Please don’t hurt me...” Nick let Jayne go and walked downstairs to inspect the damage. The apartment’s city-view window was still smashed open, there was a big hole in the wall next to the front door, one of the dining chairs was broken into pieces and the dining table itself was not looking good.
Nick ran his hands over his face, and felt the amount of dry blood on his mouth, it was a lot. Jayne carefully walked downstairs and switched on the TV with caution, the channel instantly went to the news:
“Breaking news today as 10 homeless people were victim to a savage assault last night near Bullfinch Street. Reports show that the victims were attacked by someone or possibly something, and had their blood drained from their bodies. Some victims were even mutilated in places-”
Nick switched the TV off and remembered what he did last night; he was the one that killed those people. After the fall with Damien, Nick was in a state of confusion and stumbled his way to an alley near Bullfinch Street, there were a whole bunch of people living rough, one was kind enough to offer Nick a blanket and a drink of his liquor, and Nick repaid the man’s kindness by tearing his throat out with his hand and drinking up as much of the spurting blood as he could, before quickly moving on to any other stragglers that stayed for whatever reason.
“I’m a monster because of you” Nick turned to face Jayne, she was checking something on her torso. “What’re you doing?” Jayne turned to Nick and lifted her tank top to reveal horrible brown patches of dead skin on her torso “This is what the morning sun did to me... The Prince wanted me to infect you, I couldn’t resist him”
Nick could only believe Jayne’s words, he noticed how he too couldn’t resist the urge to feed and cause mayhem with his newfound powers. But when Nick felt his teeth and looked in the mirror, they were back to normal again.
To be continued...
Really wanna get back to Isaac and my other 3 Werewolves, neglected them for too long :P So, please Like, and leave your comments/questions below!! I'm off to bed now! XD
Anyways, I really liked this chapter and Penelope was portrayed beautifully, especially in the beginning with the man and his 'busy' hands. I also love how she's yelling at Damien, thinking he went looking for a fight, they argue for a bit about Nick and then it's time for 'bed', even though he has injuries. Nice, dude. XD
I loved the scene with Damien and Nick, too and both power houses struggling to gain up on the other. Damien puts up quite the fight. He and Penny are indeed perfect. Matchmade in heaven. Nick is a beast right now! Thought he was before but now, especially after his little 'snack' during the night. So, it's like a Werewolf then? He only changes at night? Interesting. And poor Jayne. Felt bad for her, too. That little 'sun burn' that Nick has from the sun. Ouch!
I'm intrigued and looking forward to what comes next, especially with Isaac and his merry men.
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regard… moreless I hope you like it @pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typ… [view original content]
Very interesting! The talk with Penelope and Damien was rather funny to me XD and the scrap that he and Nick got into was awesome as well! Ah Nick is scared of what he has done, and poor Jayne being swayed by the princes words And like Pie said, ouch that burn is going to leave it's mark!
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regard… moreless I hope you like it @pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typ… [view original content]
I could not resist posting this in response XD. Good work.
The Irish accent definitely adds to her sexual appeal. I am more of one for Slavic and Bavarian accents, but Irish works.
She'll only go Banshee if someone betrays or takes advantage of her trust for the wrong reasons. No blood is or was involved in her 'previous practices' neither, thank goodness. XD
No doubt, I think I did a pretty good job portraying them - all things considering.
I do like it! Fayde is so freaking beautiful and I love that she's blushing. After listening to this song, I pictured her seducing someone t… morehen going all Banshee on their asses but in Tarantino fashion or something. Blood. Lots of lust and blood. XD I'm a man who lusts after curvy woman and damn, Fayde-you got curves, girl!
@pudding_pie You'll appreciate this piece, dude!
I love this, Dragon! Nice to see your fabulous OC Fayde looking shmexy as always! Love … morethe Irish! This song fits her character, what with her being a Banshee. I'd hate to piss her off when this song plays. XD
Oh Brannigan. You'll only live on in our fanfics. I loved it. Bigby and Zelyn are a pretty awesome team! At first, I was wondering if the picture was of Snow and yup. There she was. That suitcase, though. Has me wondering so many things.
And Bluebeard. Ugh! Hate that guy here and in the comics. I love his little comment to them, though. So, Zelyn lives with Bigby then or does he chill in the office with Bufkin? And that fat bastard, Dum. I hope the synamic duo just GIVE it to him. >:(
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: One
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us… more." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and h… [view original content]
I skimmed through, for I'm preparing to hit the town tonight! I did like how Penny is so in your face! The Silver Star-HEY! She use to work at the Silver Slipper! Also, I did like how you made her stern, yet caring. Reminds me of Lyla with Georgie, or Emily to Gren. I think you did good. I ship her and Daminen. Sorry, Johann. You suck, dude! And Nick can only turn at night? Would this have to do with those Werewolves you mentioned or Isaac? Also, I can't help but feel bad for Jayne. she didn't want this.
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regard… moreless I hope you like it @pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typ… [view original content]
Sadly yes, she will only live on in the fanfics XD Glad to hear it! They really are something, they seem to have each others back for now. Zelyn is an interesting guy, who knows what he could have in that suitcase
I wasn't a big fan of him either, only some of his witty comments kept me at an even scale. Zelyn will have his own room in the woodlands for the time he's there once Snow returns Oh there will be words!
Oh Brannigan. You'll only live on in our fanfics. I loved it. Bigby and Zelyn are a pretty awesome team! At first, I was wondering if the p… moreicture was of Snow and yup. There she was. That suitcase, though. Has me wondering so many things.
And Bluebeard. Ugh! Hate that guy here and in the comics. I love his little comment to them, though. So, Zelyn lives with Bigby then or does he chill in the office with Bufkin? And that fat bastard, Dum. I hope the synamic duo just GIVE it to him. >:(
Welcome to the thread and hopefully we see more of Kitsune. He seems like a devious person with a heart of gold, in an odd way. I love his true form, too. Really neat!
Damien and Penny are a very affectionate couple, they're all over each other usually, but no couple is perfect and of course they do have their moments of arguing :P
Jayne couldn't resist it, poor thing
Jayne is gonna have that sun-burn for a while yet! XP
Very interesting! The talk with Penelope and Damien was rather funny to me XD and the scrap that he and Nick got into was awesome as well! … moreAh Nick is scared of what he has done, and poor Jayne being swayed by the princes words And like Pie said, ouch that burn is going to leave it's mark!
I look forward to more!
So I got Penelope spot on in this one?? :') I know it's meant to be The Silver Slipper now (thank you JJ)
Nick's curse is messed up because he is a Harbinger, Death hasn't taken away all of Nick's powers, just enough that the likes of Damien could have a chance against him. Nick's curse does only affect him at night, and Jayne is the one with the sun-burn dude, not Nick...
Isaac and the Werewolves may collaborate, but the Werewolves are in Fabletown on a contract signed by one of the Horsemen...
Anyways, I really liked this chapter and Penelope was portrayed beautifully, especially in the beginning with the man … moreand his 'busy' hands. I also love how she's yelling at Damien, thinking he went looking for a fight, they argue for a bit about Nick and then it's time for 'bed', even though he has injuries. Nice, dude. XD
I loved the scene with Damien and Nick, too and both power houses struggling to gain up on the other. Damien puts up quite the fight. He and Penny are indeed perfect. Matchmade in heaven. Nick is a beast right now! Thought he was before but now, especially after his little 'snack' during the night. So, it's like a Werewolf then? He only changes at night? Interesting. And poor Jayne. Felt bad for her, too. That little 'sun burn' that Nick has from the sun. Ouch!
I'm intrigued and looking forward to what comes next, especially with Isaac and his merry men.
Oh bollocks, I knew that wasn't right... I knew it was 'The Silver' something and I went with Star, damn... I'll remember for next time
Thnx for saying such nice things about my portrayal of Penny, I was worried I'd fucked up with her, but apparently not
Yeah Nick can only turn at night, it's actually to do with him being a Harbinger, it messes up his curse that way you see...
Nick was ready to place the blame on her, and her cowering and saying 'Don't hurt me' is actually a reference to when she was with her abusive shit of a boyfriend, Nick realised that he was putting her back into a dark place and stopped, but didn't comfort her.
I skimmed through, for I'm preparing to hit the town tonight! I did like how Penny is so in your face! The Silver Star-HEY! She use to work… more at the Silver Slipper! Also, I did like how you made her stern, yet caring. Reminds me of Lyla with Georgie, or Emily to Gren. I think you did good. I ship her and Daminen. Sorry, Johann. You suck, dude! And Nick can only turn at night? Would this have to do with those Werewolves you mentioned or Isaac? Also, I can't help but feel bad for Jayne. she didn't want this.
I thought you made a mistake as far as the club's name went BUT I was not going to make a big deal. Got the silver part right. And yes. Got Penny down perfectly.
His cursed is messed up! lol Damien is the man, man! XD And my bad! The way it was set up, thought NICK had it and not Jayne. Still....Ouch! lol Knowing the Werewolves are signed in a contract with one of the guess is Galen but thats just me.
So I got Penelope spot on in this one?? :') I know it's meant to … morebe The Silver Slipper now (thank you JJ)
Nick's curse is messed up because he is a Harbinger, Death hasn't taken away all of Nick's powers, just enough that the likes of Damien could have a chance against him. Nick's curse does only affect him at night, and Jayne is the one with the sun-burn dude, not Nick...
Isaac and the Werewolves may collaborate, but the Werewolves are in Fabletown on a contract signed by one of the Horsemen...
Awesome stuff
A small update:
I'm not ashamed to say that when I weighed myself on the weekend, I was 232 pounds...
I weighed myself this morning, and I am now 225 pounds! XD
Definitely gotta keep going now!!!!
Nah man! Sleep is for the dead. XD
I thought you made a mistake as far as the club's name went BUT I was not going to make a big deal. Go… moret the silver part right. And yes. Got Penny down perfectly.
His cursed is messed up! lol Damien is the man, man! XD And my bad! The way it was set up, thought NICK had it and not Jayne. Still....Ouch! lol Knowing the Werewolves are signed in a contract with one of the guess is Galen but thats just me.
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducing at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fables towards the hillside. Jersey roars into the sky, indicating to the Carla she had not won yet. Robert grabs Gren's body and shakes.
"C'mon! WAKE UP! Come back!"
"Stop it, Robert!" Isaiah pulls Robert off of Gren. "You NEED to get a fucking grip on this shit!"
"Grendel is not back yet and we're running out of options, Isaiah! We can't keep doing this for much longer! There are children involved!"
"Round them all up!" Isaiah looks at Junior. "You and I need to get the weaker ones off the field! Let's go, Porgie!"
"I'll send clones out to gather them but I won't LEAVE your side! We need to keep these fuckers back long enough for Gren and Emily to return! We-"
"Oh aren't you all so damn cute. Huddled against the weeds and trees like a trapped Deer. Oh. My heart just breaks...."
"You..." Junior and Robert both speak. Junior stands forward. "Think this shit is funny, huh? Won't be funny when Emily is here."
Carla looks around. "And just WHERE is this 'weapon' you all speak of? I don't see anything that resembles Emily OR Grendel.....just that pathetic corpse over there."
The quads themselves began to panic and worry. Just where was their mother and father? The tired faces surrounding them told a different story. Their bodies were still prepared to fight and defend, for however long it took but they could detect the slow and weary feelings each of their souls were taking on. They all could only hold out for so long. Even the toughest Grendel in the field would need a break and rest. To regain their strength. Still, Liam holds up his sword. His siblings follow. They were not going to give in. That's what Carla wanted.
"They WILL return, Carla! I promise you this much!"
Carla laughs, leaning towards Liam. "My, look at you Liam Christopher Georgie. All grown up and so mature for your age. See that little stubby arm of your's gave you no trouble or held you back. That's nice. You seem so confident in your folks, huh?"
"THEY will be back, Carla!" Liam speaks through his teeth. "I PROMISE thou on my own life, my parents shall take thee to the ground and back to the depths of hell were thouest crawled from!"
Carla laughs, kicking Liam in the chest. This force send the little boy flying between Lyla's front legs. The other three children prepare to attack; although still weak from the battle with Hecate, Georgie was ready. Lyla growls, showing her fangs. Junior and Isaiah stood before Robert as he did his best to shield Gren's body.
"I can kill Gren right now if I wanted to. Destroy you ALL and there would be NOTHING left. You all stand before me, ready to save this town. I'll give you just one last chance. Let's make a deal."
"NO deal!" Lyla speaks, her voice carrying into the skies. "YOU lost your chances, Carla. I have NO remaining respect for you! You used this family, the people of this town and for what? To get back at dad all because of HOW things were back then?"
"You're speaking for everyone, dear sister of mine?" Carla looks out towards the others. "Surely there are some fighting among you that would rather live in my world then die in your's, Lyla. I'm looking out right now and I can see countless faces, all losing hope and desire to fight beside you. You've spoken nothing but Emily and Grendel, yet I do not SEE either of them."
"You've known this day would come." Lyla continues to speak, walking towards Carla. "YOU knew of your ending and you tried to stop it. You CAN'T stop fate, Carla." Lyla smirks. "You can only hope it changes before it becomes set in stone and even then, you're out of luck. You've been fucked since day one, Carla. THAT'S why you wanted to take the bow and control this town. Had nothing to do with me or the family. It was you..."
Carla claps. "Think they go US confused again, Lyla, for you've always been the smart one. Mary, yes but nothing like YOU, Lyla. Both book and street smarts. And now, all that knowledge will die with you today."
Lyla leaps just before Carla could cast another spell. Liam uses his sword and like a baseball, knocks the orb into a nearby hill. It crumbles to the ground, causing flocks of birds to scatter along the blood skies. Carla stomps her foot in frustration and looks around. The battle continued; the spawns poured from the cracks of the grounds at an alarming rate.
"Kill them all!" Carla points to the people below her. "I want them ALL dead! I want their blood covering this soil! FIND me Emily! FIND her!"
Viviana did not see it coming. Neither of the children did. It was so quick; their focus was strictly on the warriors before them. With a single stab in the shoulders, Carla sends the beast into a rage. The body collaspes on the ground; Viviana immediatly turns back into a little girl and is scooped up into the arms of Carla. Georgie notices the little blonde lump in Carla's hands.
"No..." He turns and begins running after Carla. "NO! VIVIANA! No, no, no!"
"Viviana?" Lyla and the others pause. "Shit! No!"
"But, no!" Seraphina was startled. "We, we had this planned out! No one was supposed to be injured or...." Seraphina glares up. "NOOOOOOO!"
Leaping off of her plant, Seraphina follows Georgie. Grabbing Chloe onto the Horse, Liam follows. The Grendel children chasing down Carla, still clutching a bleeding Viviana. Georgie attempts to climb the rocks, following Carla's laughter. Lyla, Junior and Isaiah are not too far behind. Robert wanted to join. How he's longed to break Carla's skull and feast upon the goo from inside but he had a job to do. Protect Gren.
"Hurry up, Gren!" Robert taps Gren's chest. "HURRY! Viviana is in trouble!"
Robert could only look on as Carla climbs a nearby ledge. She holds Viviana close to her chest. The little girl attempts to change but fails.
"Wha...what did you do to me?"
"Hush, my little key to ending this world. I just gave you a little something to control your urge to change....."
"Carla, stop!" The quads were right behind, along with Georgie and the others. "Let our sister go!"
"OR what!?" Carla stops and holds the knife to Viviana's neck. "What are you all going to fucking do about it!?"
"Carla, stop!" Lyla stands beside the children. "Let her go! You don't want to take another life, especially a child's! Just...put Viviana down-"
"You KNOW what will happen to her, Lyla, if I slice this pretty little neck open-She DIES! That ribbon was protecting her soul. Keeping her here. Hades won't stop her soul. She'll be gone forever. Lost and away from you all. But, oh....wait. Vivian is not here! Wow! Did you see that? Once again, Vivian has FAILED, Lyla! You trusted THAT whore, to protect your daughter!? I mean, she didn't do a very good job watching over Emily as I killed her and the unborn children she had."
Lyla was drawn to tears. "She monster! How DARE you! I'm going to fucking ripe your throat out and EAT it before you slip away!"
Lyla jumps into the air. Georgie tries to pull her back. The quads shouting at their grandmother; Junior, Peter and Isaiah, all attempting to call out to their mother. Penelope, on the back of a Grendel, rode up the step slope. Even Katie, high above, still on the back of Jersey, did her best to stop Carla's actions. But it was no distraction to the woman. The knife blade slid across Viviana's neck. Seraphina, Liam and Chloe screamed their sister's name, as Georgie's falls to both his knees. Carla's laughter filled the afternoon over the pouring howls and cries. Their pleas drowning in Carla's vile laughter. She expected to hold up a dead child, choking on her own blood. The ribbon was no longer there. Vivian was gone. But as she held up Viviana, to glare into the eyes of the dying child, there it was. The ribbon.
"No...." Carla drops Viviana, who is collected by Lyla. ", how can that be!? GONE! I...I saw her vanish with that skank! That slut Emily! That-"
The Earth became still. The roars from the field below were hushed; against the wind, everyone stood in silence and looked around. Something was coming. It caused the Wolves to cower in the shadows; Chloe's minions too to their usual hiding place, shaking against the wind. The
quads looked around. Junior, however, is smiling.
"What is so funny, Junior?" Peter grabs at his shirt. "Why are you laughing right now?!"
Carla turns around and standing before her, is Emily. Aiming at her face, is the arrow. The bow now into the shape of a crecent moon. Beside her, a Fawn, Dog and Wolf. Enclosing Emily's head were five orbs, each of a different color. Floating above, with massive wings and a golden
halo to match the glowing staff, was Vivian. Behind Junior and the others, walks Gren. Robert, lost for words, points at his brother. Gren's flesh was still a blueish tone, eyes a solid white and fangs piercing through his gums.
"He...he did it." Isaiah looks at his brother. "The bastard did it. I knew it. did it..."
Carla pins herself against a rock. "Emily!''re supposed to be dead! I killed you! I-"
"Give me one good fookin' reason why I should have mercy on ya' arse!"
"Emily, no! It accident! See, Hecate....SHE was the one that told me to kill you! I wasn't going to even attempt! I-"
An arrow flies into Carla's wrist, causing the woman to scream in pain. "Don't fook with me, Carla. I ain't got time fa' this bullshit. Ya' tried killin' my daughter. brother's soul not enough fa' ya'? The blood of ya' own sons or sister not enough ta' feed the beast inside of ya', Carla?"
Gren stands beside Emily. Vivian glows and holds out her staff; the ending sharpening as Emily speak. A trail of blue follows each step Gren makes.
"MOMMY! Daddy!" The quads look at their parents. "You came back! VIVIAN!"
"Hello loves." Emily smiles. "Told ya' mommy, daddy and Viv would be back. Ya' alright, baby?"
Shaking but beaming, Viviana nods. "Yes mommy. It's good to have you and daddy back. Thank you Vivian."
Vivian tries not to cry. "You're welcome, baby. Your mommy's angel is on it!"
"Fuck you!" Carla waves her hand around, creating more spawns. "I will NOT be defeated by either of you pathetic souls! ATTACK!"
As the spawns battle the others, Carla yanks her arm out from the arrow. Emily looks up at Vivian.
"Me and Gren got this, Viv. Watch the others."
"I'll try but if I sense you're in danger, Emily, I have to find you."
"I'll be alright! Just...wootch them fa' me!"
The quads, along with Vivian, watch Emily and Gren run after Carla. A trail of blood leads the couple to her location. Standing along the edge of a rock, Carla holds out her hand. A bloody mess caked upon her palms and fingers, she attempts to create another row of spawns. Shaking her wrist, however, the magic does not respond to the corpses waiting to become animated by Carla's command. Arrow after arrow is sent in her direction. Carla is stabbed numerous times but remains up on her feet.
"Ya' neva' did fight fair." Emily pulls the string back. "Ya' gunna pay fa' woot ya' done ta' this family..."
"Fuck you, Emily and fuck you too, Gren. I will destroy you BOTH and finish off those little brats! Feed them to my spawns below for doing such a good job and then, they'll devour your entire family one by one, Emily, until there is NOTHING left! I WAS meant to have that bow not you! I WAS the one married to that man for YEARS and years, Emily! This was supposed to be for ME and not you! You were supposed to be rotting in the ground..."
"Fates, love." Emily sends another arrow into Carla's leg, causing the woman to cry in agony. "See, the thing ya' be forgettin' is, it wasn't just Gren that allowed me ta' have this bow. But his mum, Calla. SHE knew the woman ya' were meant ta' be, Carla, so it became mine. I had no idea until recently woot this thing was. Ya' were neva' gunna have this bow, Carla or the powers attacthed. Ya' soul is too black, ya' skank."
"Hmm, coming from the woman who's father is Georgie Porgie. Swallowed up in that club. The drugs, alcohol and the many whores you had in your bed. Calla sees that's okay but I'm the bad one, huh?"
"My wife was nothing like you." Gren speaks, looking at Carla. "She was a beautiful person trapped in a world she knew so little of. Sheltered because of the mess YOU created. I never felt with Emily what I fucking did with you, Carla. YOU'RE nothing and my mother knew this."
"We'll see about that." Carla smiles, creating several spwans. "I want to SEE this almighty duo you two have become and once your little show is through, I'll have that bow in my hands."
Gren and Emily stare at the five spawns before them. Holding his hand, Emily beams, as the babies inside of her begin to kick.
"Come at me, bitch...."
Any questions, you know the drill. Had time before work. Going to the Doctor's later but that's no biggie. Nice weather today. Col and windy with a chance of rain. LOVE it!
Zelyn is such a mysterious guy...I love that you picked up during the 2nd episode. I like when writers do this. Give their own slice of a story to the material we know and understand. I did like this a lot and have to agree with JJ. Brannigan shall live on in our stories! I thought he and Bigby were awesome in this. Pictured two grown as men like Whatever and smoking. XD Still trying to figure out WHO Zelyn is and that suitcase is driving me nuts. Watch, we think its magic or something and its full of pornos or something. XD XD
I hated Bluebeard, too. Never liked that guy. Sweet! Dee is going to get a nice little 'talk' with Bigby and Zelyn!!
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: One
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us… more." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and h… [view original content]
This was awesome! When Liam hit that ball of magic it reminded me of Ness from Mother and Super Smash Bros. That dudes bat can reflect anything lol. Oh man I thought Carla had killed Viviana and I was literally about to cry! Gren and Emily are back, and they're about to fight you like a final boss Clara! >:D
Awesome stuff man! Suns shining over here, which is good for today because I have a job interview surprisingly at Starbucks XD Hope the doctors check up goes well! I look forward to more! Brofist
The War of Fabletown part 3
Over my dead body, bitch...
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducin… moreg at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fable… [view original content]
I was about ready to give up to sorrow when Carla slit Viviana's neck, but thank fookin' god that ribbon was there! (I don't quite know how the ribbon saved her, but it did, so it's all good in the end)
Gren and Emily are back and ready to kick some ass!
"Emily, no! It accident! See, Hecate....SHE was the one that told me to kill you! I wasn't going to even attempt! I-"
Bitch please. This was actually quite funny, the typical 'It wasn't my fault' argument... yeah right :P
I can't wait for more! XD And it's raining and cold in England
The War of Fabletown part 3
Over my dead body, bitch...
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducin… moreg at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fable… [view original content]
-Snaps finger- Gremily are here to take down that bitch and she can't stop them now! >:D
The ribbon is there to protect Viviana's soul. Keeps it in her body. She'll remain mortal, so long as its around her neck. Since it returned, Carla could not kill her. She thought....that slut.
Carla will do anything to stay away from trouble. She thought this would work. Pssh! You dealing with Vivian, Gren AND Emily now!
IT'S OOOOOOONNN!!! >:D Love that image btw!
I was about ready to give up to sorrow when Carla slit Viviana's neck, but thank fookin' g… moreod that ribbon was there! (I don't quite know how the ribbon saved her, but it did, so it's all good in the end)
Gren and Emily are back and ready to kick some ass!
"Emily, no! It accident! See, Hecate....SHE was the one that told me to kill you! I wasn't going to even attempt! I-"
Bitch please. This was actually quite funny, the typical 'It wasn't my fault' argument... yeah right :P
I can't wait for more! XD And it's raining and cold in England
Thank you, my good man! I recall the Super Smash Bros but not Ness from Mother! I think it's awesome little things like that remind you of other things. Don't know why. XD My girl thought I just killed Viviana too and she smacked me before reading more! lol Carla has no idea that shit she just started! Gren & Emily are ready....
Man, enjoy that sun, although the humidity down there must be terrible! XD Good luck with that Starbucks job, considering you're not a fan at the moment but I hear they pay a pretty penny. And the Doc's....piece of cake. -brofist-
This was awesome! When Liam hit that ball of magic it reminded me of Ness from Mother and Super Smash Bros. That dudes bat can reflect anyth… moreing lol. Oh man I thought Carla had killed Viviana and I was literally about to cry! Gren and Emily are back, and they're about to fight you like a final boss Clara! >:D
Awesome stuff man! Suns shining over here, which is good for today because I have a job interview surprisingly at Starbucks XD Hope the doctors check up goes well! I look forward to more! Brofist
I'm glad you like the story so far! Poor Brannigan! XD Lol keep trying man! I left a hint near the beginning and it was about Snow White And the suitcase well you'll see Lol I'd find it hilarious if he kept pornos in there! XD
Way too sneaky for my liking but his comments were always witty and sometimes funny! XD Oh yes!
Zelyn is such a mysterious guy...I love that you picked up during the 2nd episode. I like when writers do this. Give their own slice of a st… moreory to the material we know and understand. I did like this a lot and have to agree with JJ. Brannigan shall live on in our stories! I thought he and Bigby were awesome in this. Pictured two grown as men like Whatever and smoking. XD Still trying to figure out WHO Zelyn is and that suitcase is driving me nuts. Watch, we think its magic or something and its full of pornos or something. XD XD
I hated Bluebeard, too. Never liked that guy. Sweet! Dee is going to get a nice little 'talk' with Bigby and Zelyn!!
Ness was hilarious you shot a projectile at him and he'd slap that shit right back at you! XD It is pretty cool! XD Oh gosh lol hopefully she read a bit more and at least gave a small apology! XD Tetra slips on his clip on headphones Gotta play my favorite boss battle music for this! >:D
Oh its the worst lol one thing I hate about living down south! XD I do want to try that Frappuccino I think it's called, but I can't remember XD And they do!? o.o hm that is interesting! Man I wish I could say the same, I hate the doctors and I never know why XD
Thank you, my good man! I recall the Super Smash Bros but not Ness from Mother! I think it's awesome little things like that remind you of o… morether things. Don't know why. XD My girl thought I just killed Viviana too and she smacked me before reading more! lol Carla has no idea that shit she just started! Gren & Emily are ready....
Man, enjoy that sun, although the humidity down there must be terrible! XD Good luck with that Starbucks job, considering you're not a fan at the moment but I hear they pay a pretty penny. And the Doc's....piece of cake. -brofist-
-Goes back and reads noted section over for the 5th time- I THINK I might know but I'll hold onto that theory until I see more clues or hints. When I'm confident in my guess, I'll ask you through a PM. Hey, man! Bigby and his trusty sidekick need a break, too. XD Stressful job and all. Other Fables can understand. XD
I'm glad you like the story so far! Poor Brannigan! XD Lol keep trying man! I left a hint near the beginning and it was about Snow White A… morend the suitcase well you'll see Lol I'd find it hilarious if he kept pornos in there! XD
Way too sneaky for my liking but his comments were always witty and sometimes funny! XD Oh yes!
Ok then...
I still hate Jersey, can't change the past OR people's memories, no matter whether or not he does get married and have kids >:(
Jersey has went from being unlikable to being contemptible. Seriously Jersey, WTF? Gren will coerce an explanation out of Robert eventually. When he knows something is not as it seems, he will not accept it and move on.
We still have heard nought from Frank and that cannot be a good sign.
And that text at the end.........christ.
He reminds me of Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight (it is a Shōjo manga, I know. Plz no kill meh XD).
lol that list! XD
You're good man!
That dude looks badass! XD
Oh, he is a badass indeed. He is the Chuck Norris of shōjo manga.
I loved that game and was actually playing it the other day and instantly thought of Sera.
The mundies did something right for once. XD
I meant to do that and leave you all wondering if pie really just did that but nope. Had you all fooled, that Porgie. :P I can't do that. Never will.
I do like it! Fayde is so freaking beautiful and I love that she's blushing. After listening to this song, I pictured her seducing someone then going all Banshee on their asses but in Tarantino fashion or something. Blood. Lots of lust and blood. XD I'm a man who lusts after curvy woman and damn, Fayde-you got curves, girl!
I've been getting that a lot in regards to Sunflower. Guess I'm one of the few that like either the baddies, annoying or useless characters. He's been in my stories for some time and for good reasons, too.
I did see what you did there and I can only hope for this and the same for Carla. Her demise is coming soon. Gotta build up to that beautiful moment. :')
OMG...This chapter....I love Jersey. I really do. You've all read about him in my stories but after this. Shit, Jacob. I'm in shock that he would go that far to preventing his brother in seeing Robert and relying on violence like this. To know that people do this shit to another human being all because they are gay, black, disabled, asian, different religion, etc. It tears me apart. This is just fictional characters but knowing it came from YOU-and the shit YOU dealt with-is the reason why I'm so touched and in love with this.
Jersey, that was unacceptable and I read your comments to Hman and I'm going to guess that Bella is gay as she ages. That's just my opinion. I too, worry about Gren; he's too loyal and will do some damage, if needed. I hope I'm wrong and Gren backs away but I have a feeling he'll be the one to seek out Frank. Again, I'm so sorry this happened to you. To anyone that has been pushed around or beaten into the ground. I do not tolerate shit like this and I hope Jersey pulls his head out of his ass and soon.
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: One
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and he looked over.
"Look I'm uh...sorry I caught you in this mess." Bigby said
Zylen was glad for the apology but he didn't care either. "It's fine." He said turning back away.
The cop looked back and eyed the both of them. "You two keep quiet back there!" He said
Zylen looked at Bigby, he saw hurt in his eyes. Like he had lost a loved one. He felt as if he should tell Bigby that Snow was not really dead rather it was someone else, but he knew Bigby wouldn't listen. People get angry when it comes to loss, and he didn't feel like fighting. He kept it to himself. He looked at the cop.
"Apologies." Zylen said
The cop nodded and kept driving. Bigby looked relieved he didn't want to talk or be bothered, from what Zylen gathered. They pulled up to the police station. Zylen and Bigby were practically thrown out of the cruiser by their torso. The cop stood them up.
"Move." He pointed to Zylen.
"Dispatch called you're going straight in to be interviewed." The cop said shoving him.
Zylen didn't answer, he didn't feel like he needed to. Bigby however put in his two cents. "Hey he just got here, he has no idea what's going on!"
Zylen looked at Bigby and simply said "It's fine."
The cop began to move them again. They walked in the station where Zylen had his cuffs taken off and was separated by Bigby. Zylen was given a location and he arrived on time. He walked into the small room, it was a usual interrogation room nothing special. He sat down and saw a woman walk in. She sat down and put a picture in front of him. It was supposedly 'Snow Whites head'. She looked at Zylen.
"My name is Detective Brannigan, I'd like to ask you a few questions." She said
"Zylen, what can I do?" He said
"Do you know who this woman is?" She said sliding the photo in front of him.
"No." He lied. He found this boring.
"Would you know anyone that does?" She asked
He contemplated on what he should say. He gave her a simple response. "No."
Brannigan was under the impression that he was up to something. "Are you hiding anything? The suitcase you had there implies that you were either leaving or just arriving." She said in an irritated tone.
Zylen looked Brannigan straight in the eyes. "I just arrived."
Brannigan shot him a look back "And how am I supposed to believe you?"
Zylen put up his feet up and put his hands in his pockets "I have no reason to lie, I have done nothing."
Brannigan sat back unimpressed. "We'll see what you say tomorrow after I talk to your friend who came with you."
Zylen stood up and began to walk out, Brannigan kept a close eye on him and escorted him to Bigbys cell. There was only one bed and Bigby was in it. Zylen didn't like the fact that he didn't have his music but he sat in the corner opposite of Bigby and fell fast asleep...
The next morning...
"Wake up this instant!" Crane said
Zylen opened his eyes and saw Bigby and Crane standing at the cell door. Bigby held out his hand. "C'mon were leaving."
Zylen took Bigbys hand and stood. Crane looked irritated and angry already. The three walked out of the Police Station and into Cranes car. There was high tension in the car, Zylen could feel it just by sitting there. He wanted to throw on his headphones and not deal with it but he felt as if it would be rude, plus he was probably going to get a stern talking to anyways. Crane started the car and started driving.
"What you two did was comepletely reckless and unnecessary!" Crane said
Zelyn spoke up before Bigby could trying to keep things calm "We apologize sir."
Crane nodded "Good! Now Bigby, we found tweedle dum tied up. I assume that was your doing?" He asked
"Yeah, he knows something." Bigby said turning his head to the window.
"Tweedle dum? I hope you know what you're doing Bigby..." Crane said
Zelyn saw Bigbys face. He didn't look too happy. "I can do my damn job Crane! We need to figure out what the fuck happened to Snow!"
"I know that Bigby...She was alays fond of you Bigby." Crane said
Bigby ignored him. Crane looked at Zelyn.
"And you, you are not to leave this city until you and the sheriff figure this out." Crane said
Zelyn looked out the window. "Understood."
They pulled up in front of the woodlands. Everyone started to get out. Crane spoke up. "We need to get to the bottom of this! Or else another person will end up on our doorstep TONIGHT!" He said
Bigby got out and slammed the door closed with a crack. "I know!"
Zelyn got out of the car, he sighed and followed Bigby down to their interrogation room. When Bigby opened the door Zelyn was surprised to see Bluebeard standing there polishing his dagger.
"Ah so the mutt and his pup decided to show up did they?" Bluebeard smiled
Zelyn didn't like Bluebeard, he was sneaky and always had an ulterior motive to take part in these cases. He saw Tweedle Dum tied up to a chair. Zelyn sat back to the wall and put his hands in his pockets.
"Cat bite your tongue Zelyn? What a shame I always enjoyed hearing you talk." Bluebeard said turning to Bigby "Go right ahead Sheriff, I'm sure you'll go through with Diplomacy and of course Reasoning right?" He smiled stepping away from Tweedle Dum.
Bigby walked up to Tweedle Dum "Alright Dum, let's talk..."
That's it any questions or comments or anything else let me know!
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regardless I hope you like it
@pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!! 
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typical Damien always lost track of time. She didn’t feel any differently about him though, he had his flaws to be sure, but he had so much else to offer Penny as a boyfriend. It made her giddy to think about spending time with him, Damien was always up for whatever Penny was up for, even the extreme stuff that would make an adrenaline junkie blush with joy, he did it all for her, and in turn she did it all for him as well.
However, her dreams of her weed-smoking hunk were shattered in an instant when she heard slow but loud banging on her door. Maybe 3 or 4 bangs before silence, Penny got up in her white tank shirt and blue pyjama shorts and huffed her way towards the door of her apartment. “This better be important!” Penny shut up as soon as the door opened however, as Damien fell through it onto the wooden floor with a slam.
“Oh my God! Damien?!” Penny helped the very weak Damien to his feet and led him over to the couch, he fell onto it and exhaled in pain as Penny supported his head with pillows and sat by his side, stroking the hair out of his face “Dame, sweetie, what happened to you?” Damien coughed a little as he grabbed Penny’s free hand with both of his and held them tightly.
He finally managed to speak at a coarse whisper “Water... Please?” Penny nodded and briskly moved to the kitchen, grabbing a clean glass from the cupboard and filling it from the tap. She walked back to Damien and held the glass to his bloodied lips; he drank down in sips and sounded a little better with each one. Eventually when the glass was finished, Damien shuffled himself so he was sitting up straighter and took Penny’s hands again. She sighed and checked over his bloodied and beaten figure “Who did you get in a fight with this time?”
Damien coughed a little as he spoke “I- didn’t start this one...” Penny tilted her head to the side, since when did Damien NOT start a fight?! She patiently waited for him to catch his breath “It was... it was Nick” Penny’s face turned to shock then, Nick and Damien had had many fights in the past, but they were childish scraps that rarely resulted in injuries of any kind, this time Damien looked like he had fought a Pro-Boxer with his hands tied behind his back!
Damien told his tale “I went to Nick’s place...”
O Nick’s Apartment
The feeling was nothing like Nick had experienced before, he wanted blood, no, he NEEDED blood! He needed every last drop of blood in the city, yes, that would quench his hunger for tonight... Nick felt the powers of being a Harbinger be replaced by those of being a Vampire, but one infected by the Prince’s venom no less. Jayne was just a pawn, used to transfer to Nick what the Prince couldn’t, in the end the Prince won this conflict.
Nick looked around, his vision had a slight red hue to it, he was looking for anything with a pulse... and then he found one. “Hey man, how’d the family reunion go?” Damien casually entered through the hole in the wall and flopped onto Nick’s couch, Nick stared at Damien for a while. “Run you idiot, just run!” If only Nick’s mind could speak in the real world, on the inside he wanted his best friend to run far away from him, but on the outside he wanted his blood, every last drop of it.
Damien stood up as Nick walked (well, more like stumbled) towards him “Hey dude, what’s the matter? Where’d Jayne go?” Nick lunged for Damien and grabbed him by the shoulders, Damien tried to shove Nick away, and was surprised at how much easier it was than normal. Nick couldn’t get his teeth into Damien’s neck, and the fire sorcerer had by now noticed the unnaturally large fangs and the hideous red eyes. Damien quickly moved to the side and allowed Nick to fall forward with his own weight; Nick turned back around and tried a different tactic.
He rushed Damien and tackled him to the floor, Damien responded with a sharp headbutt to Nick’s nose, Nick responded with a heavy punch to Damien’s mouth, splitting both of his lips and causing him to hit the back of his head against the shiny wooden floor. Damien struggled to get away as Nick once again tried to sink his teeth into him, he managed to get free enough to kick out Nick’s knee and cause him to fall, giving Damien enough time to wriggle out of Nick’s grasp.
Damien stood up and backed away “Nick, stop it, this isn’t you man! It’s me, your buddy Damien!” Nick could hear everything but couldn’t stop himself, he was almost crying on the inside with the amount of willpower he didn’t have to stop his actions. Nick walked towards Damien again; he wiped his broken nose and spat some stray blood onto the floor. Damien backed up to the dining table and grabbed one of the chairs, smashing it over Nick’s torso; Nick staggered a bit as Damien ran towards him and drop kicked him backwards. Nick fell to the floor as Damien mounted him and pummelled his face with punches.
The fight became a two-way brawl as both men struggled for dominance; constantly shifting whoever was one top and delivering the punches. Eventually Nick threw a battered Damien into the dining table; he once again went for his neck, Damien could barely stand let alone see anything clearly. His head was ringing like a church bell and there was no way he could keep this up any longer. In a desperate attempt, Damien grabbed Nick and threw himself out of the broken window of the apartment, the drop was many stories and the landing would be hard... very hard.
The two men landed against the concrete pavement, Damien landing on top of Nick. Damien slowly rolled off of Nick and felt as though he had just been trampled by an elephant. His chest was so tight that he could barely breathe in a single drop of air; Nick however, slowly got up and cracked out his back with a wince before walking off into the night...
O Penelope Porgie’s apartment, 20 minutes later
“So I finally got up and stumbled my way over here...” Penny listened to every word and even covered her mouth in shock when Damien threw himself out of the window of a 50+ story building. “You nearly killed yourself!” Penny screamed at Damien as she stood up and began to pace around the apartment, Damien couldn’t move an inch he was in so much pain.
“I had to do something! He was gonna kill me or at least turn me into a shit-sucking Vampire...” Penny glared at Damien and pointed a finger at him “Don’t you dare justify this, I could’ve lost you tonight, what would I have done then?!” Damien did admit that he could’ve just thrown Nick through the window instead of going with him, but what happened had happened and here he was now.
“Baby-“ Penny shook her head in anger “Don’t ‘baby’ me! What were you thinking?” Damien couldn’t answer her, but he did let a tear fall from his eye as the pain in his chest got a little worse, it seemed he was finally healing from the encounter. Penny sighed and wiped the tear away from Damien’s grubby cheek, he looked at her with puppy eyes full of sorrow, and she kissed him. She then cupped his face and kissed him hard, maybe a little too hard as Damien moaned in pain.
Penny pulled away and chuckled “Sorry...” Damien smiled and pulled her back in, albeit for a more gentle and passionate kiss. By this time the pain was being replaced by pleasure, and Damien moved his arms around Penny’s back and pulled her on top of him. The weight on his damaged torso wasn’t comfortable, but knowing exactly who it was that was on his torso was more than enough for Damien to keep going. He would bed this Porgie tonight, regardless of his injuries; it’s what they both needed after a day like this...
O Morning
Nick woke up and realised very quickly that he was not alone. He turned from being on his left side to see none other than Jayne sleeping next to him, like him she was also clothed, with blood on her mouth. He stood up and violently pulled the bed sheets out from under the sleeping beauty; Jayne woke up suddenly and took in her surroundings, but her moment was quickly ruined when strong hands grabbed her shoulders and forced her against the railing.
Nick looked so mad that Jayne was too afraid to even consider yelling at him, Nick yelled “What did you do to me?!” He shook Jayne viciously for a response, but she could only let tears fall from her eyes. Eventually she spoke at a shudder “Please don’t hurt me...” Nick let Jayne go and walked downstairs to inspect the damage. The apartment’s city-view window was still smashed open, there was a big hole in the wall next to the front door, one of the dining chairs was broken into pieces and the dining table itself was not looking good.
Nick ran his hands over his face, and felt the amount of dry blood on his mouth, it was a lot. Jayne carefully walked downstairs and switched on the TV with caution, the channel instantly went to the news:
“Breaking news today as 10 homeless people were victim to a savage assault last night near Bullfinch Street. Reports show that the victims were attacked by someone or possibly something, and had their blood drained from their bodies. Some victims were even mutilated in places-”
Nick switched the TV off and remembered what he did last night; he was the one that killed those people. After the fall with Damien, Nick was in a state of confusion and stumbled his way to an alley near Bullfinch Street, there were a whole bunch of people living rough, one was kind enough to offer Nick a blanket and a drink of his liquor, and Nick repaid the man’s kindness by tearing his throat out with his hand and drinking up as much of the spurting blood as he could, before quickly moving on to any other stragglers that stayed for whatever reason.
“I’m a monster because of you” Nick turned to face Jayne, she was checking something on her torso. “What’re you doing?” Jayne turned to Nick and lifted her tank top to reveal horrible brown patches of dead skin on her torso “This is what the morning sun did to me... The Prince wanted me to infect you, I couldn’t resist him”
Nick could only believe Jayne’s words, he noticed how he too couldn’t resist the urge to feed and cause mayhem with his newfound powers. But when Nick felt his teeth and looked in the mirror, they were back to normal again.
To be continued...
Really wanna get back to Isaac and my other 3 Werewolves, neglected them for too long :P So, please Like, and leave your comments/questions below!! I'm off to bed now! XD
Anyways, I really liked this chapter and Penelope was portrayed beautifully, especially in the beginning with the man and his 'busy' hands. I also love how she's yelling at Damien, thinking he went looking for a fight, they argue for a bit about Nick and then it's time for 'bed', even though he has injuries. Nice, dude. XD
I loved the scene with Damien and Nick, too and both power houses struggling to gain up on the other. Damien puts up quite the fight. He and Penny are indeed perfect.
Matchmade in heaven. Nick is a beast right now! Thought he was before but now, especially after his little 'snack' during the night. So, it's like a Werewolf then? He only changes at night? Interesting. And poor Jayne.
Felt bad for her, too. That little 'sun burn' that Nick has from the sun. Ouch!
I'm intrigued and looking forward to what comes next, especially with Isaac and his merry men.
Very interesting! The talk with Penelope and Damien was rather funny to me XD and the scrap that he and Nick got into was awesome as well!
Ah Nick is scared of what he has done, and poor Jayne being swayed by the princes words
And like Pie said, ouch that burn is going to leave it's mark!
I look forward to more!
Haha, nice one. Should've known Quagmire would be stalking one of the Fable ladies in here sooner or later. XD
She'll only go Banshee if someone betrays or takes advantage of her trust for the wrong reasons. No blood is or was involved in her 'previous practices' neither, thank goodness. XD
No doubt, I think I did a pretty good job portraying them - all things considering.
It'd be a major turn off for her if someone were to ruin it. Thankfully, while the song's playing, it hasn't happened yet. :P
Oh Brannigan. You'll only live on in our fanfics.
I loved it. Bigby and Zelyn are a pretty awesome team! At first, I was wondering if the picture was of Snow and yup. There she was. That suitcase, though. Has me wondering so many things.
And Bluebeard. Ugh! Hate that guy here and in the comics. I love his little comment to them, though. So, Zelyn lives with Bigby then or does he chill in the office with Bufkin? And that fat bastard, Dum. I hope the synamic duo just GIVE it to him. >:(
I skimmed through, for I'm preparing to hit the town tonight! I did like how Penny is so in your face!
The Silver Star-HEY! She use to work at the Silver Slipper!
Also, I did like how you made her stern, yet caring. Reminds me of Lyla with Georgie, or Emily to Gren.
I think you did good. I ship her and Daminen. Sorry, Johann. You suck, dude! And Nick can only turn at night? Would this have to do with those Werewolves you mentioned or Isaac? Also, I can't help but feel bad for Jayne. she didn't want this. 
Sadly yes, she will only live on in the fanfics XD Glad to hear it!
They really are something, they seem to have each others back for now. Zelyn is an interesting guy, who knows what he could have in that suitcase 
I wasn't a big fan of him either, only some of his witty comments kept me at an even scale. Zelyn will have his own room in the woodlands for the time he's there once Snow returns
Oh there will be words! 
May he rest in peace (or pieces?)
I like making up charaters and stories.
I like making up charaters and stories.
I like making up charaters and stories.
I like making up charaters and stories.
Damien and Penny are a very affectionate couple, they're all over each other usually, but no couple is perfect and of course they do have their moments of arguing :P
Jayne couldn't resist it, poor thing
Jayne is gonna have that sun-burn for a while yet! XP
So I got Penelope spot on in this one?? :') I know it's meant to be The Silver Slipper now (thank you JJ)
Nick's curse is messed up because he is a Harbinger, Death hasn't taken away all of Nick's powers, just enough that the likes of Damien could have a chance against him. Nick's curse does only affect him at night, and Jayne is the one with the sun-burn dude, not Nick...
Isaac and the Werewolves may collaborate, but the Werewolves are in Fabletown on a contract signed by one of the Horsemen...
Awesome stuff
Hit the Wet n' Wild Wednesday lol :P
Oh bollocks, I knew that wasn't right... I knew it was 'The Silver' something and I went with Star, damn... I'll remember for next time
Thnx for saying such nice things about my portrayal of Penny, I was worried I'd fucked up with her, but apparently not
Yeah Nick can only turn at night, it's actually to do with him being a Harbinger, it messes up his curse that way you see...
Nick was ready to place the blame on her, and her cowering and saying 'Don't hurt me' is actually a reference to when she was with her abusive shit of a boyfriend, Nick realised that he was putting her back into a dark place and stopped, but didn't comfort her.
A small update:
I'm not ashamed to say that when I weighed myself on the weekend, I was 232 pounds...
I weighed myself this morning, and I am now 225 pounds! XD
Definitely gotta keep going now!!!!
Nah man! Sleep is for the dead. XD
I thought you made a mistake as far as the club's name went BUT I was not going to make a big deal. Got the silver part right. And yes. Got Penny down perfectly.
His cursed is messed up! lol Damien is the man, man! XD And my bad! The way it was set up, thought NICK had it and not Jayne. Still....Ouch! lol Knowing the Werewolves are signed in a contract with one of the guess is Galen but thats just me.
Congrats, my good man! Keep up that awesome work!! You're doing great so far!
And if you don't sleep at all, you will be dead, I'm serious dude, you can joke about it but no sleep at all is REALLY bad for your mental health...
Galen is a Harbinger :P One of the 4 Horsemen signed the contract, who is still a mystery (even to me!!)
The War of Fabletown part 3
Over my dead body, bitch...
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducing at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fables towards the hillside. Jersey roars into the sky, indicating to the Carla she had not won yet. Robert grabs Gren's body and shakes.
"C'mon! WAKE UP! Come back!"
"Stop it, Robert!" Isaiah pulls Robert off of Gren. "You NEED to get a fucking grip on this shit!"
"Grendel is not back yet and we're running out of options, Isaiah! We can't keep doing this for much longer! There are children involved!"
"Round them all up!" Isaiah looks at Junior. "You and I need to get the weaker ones off the field! Let's go, Porgie!"
"I'll send clones out to gather them but I won't LEAVE your side! We need to keep these fuckers back long enough for Gren and Emily to return! We-"
"Oh aren't you all so damn cute. Huddled against the weeds and trees like a trapped Deer. Oh. My heart just breaks...."
"You..." Junior and Robert both speak. Junior stands forward. "Think this shit is funny, huh? Won't be funny when Emily is here."
Carla looks around. "And just WHERE is this 'weapon' you all speak of? I don't see anything that resembles Emily OR Grendel.....just that pathetic corpse over there."
The quads themselves began to panic and worry. Just where was their mother and father? The tired faces surrounding them told a different story. Their bodies were still prepared to fight and defend, for however long it took but they could detect the slow and weary feelings each of their souls were taking on. They all could only hold out for so long. Even the toughest Grendel in the field would need a break and rest. To regain their strength. Still, Liam holds up his sword. His siblings follow. They were not going to give in. That's what Carla wanted.
"They WILL return, Carla! I promise you this much!"
Carla laughs, leaning towards Liam. "My, look at you Liam Christopher Georgie. All grown up and so mature for your age. See that little stubby arm of your's gave you no trouble or held you back. That's nice. You seem so confident in your folks, huh?"
"THEY will be back, Carla!" Liam speaks through his teeth. "I PROMISE thou on my own life, my parents shall take thee to the ground and back to the depths of hell were thouest crawled from!"
Carla laughs, kicking Liam in the chest. This force send the little boy flying between Lyla's front legs. The other three children prepare to attack; although still weak from the battle with Hecate, Georgie was ready. Lyla growls, showing her fangs. Junior and Isaiah stood before Robert as he did his best to shield Gren's body.
"I can kill Gren right now if I wanted to. Destroy you ALL and there would be NOTHING left. You all stand before me, ready to save this town. I'll give you just one last chance. Let's make a deal."
"NO deal!" Lyla speaks, her voice carrying into the skies. "YOU lost your chances, Carla. I have NO remaining respect for you! You used this family, the people of this town and for what? To get back at dad all because of HOW things were back then?"
"You're speaking for everyone, dear sister of mine?" Carla looks out towards the others. "Surely there are some fighting among you that would rather live in my world then die in your's, Lyla. I'm looking out right now and I can see countless faces, all losing hope and desire to fight beside you. You've spoken nothing but Emily and Grendel, yet I do not SEE either of them."
"You've known this day would come." Lyla continues to speak, walking towards Carla. "YOU knew of your ending and you tried to stop it. You CAN'T stop fate, Carla." Lyla smirks. "You can only hope it changes before it becomes set in stone and even then, you're out of luck. You've been fucked since day one, Carla. THAT'S why you wanted to take the bow and control this town. Had nothing to do with me or the family. It was you..."
Carla claps. "Think they go US confused again, Lyla, for you've always been the smart one. Mary, yes but nothing like YOU, Lyla. Both book and street smarts. And now, all that knowledge will die with you today."
Lyla leaps just before Carla could cast another spell. Liam uses his sword and like a baseball, knocks the orb into a nearby hill. It crumbles to the ground, causing flocks of birds to scatter along the blood skies. Carla stomps her foot in frustration and looks around. The battle continued; the spawns poured from the cracks of the grounds at an alarming rate.
"Kill them all!" Carla points to the people below her. "I want them ALL dead! I want their blood covering this soil! FIND me Emily! FIND her!"
Viviana did not see it coming. Neither of the children did. It was so quick; their focus was strictly on the warriors before them. With a single stab in the shoulders, Carla sends the beast into a rage. The body collaspes on the ground; Viviana immediatly turns back into a little girl and is scooped up into the arms of Carla. Georgie notices the little blonde lump in Carla's hands.
"No..." He turns and begins running after Carla. "NO! VIVIANA! No, no, no!"
"Viviana?" Lyla and the others pause. "Shit! No!"
"But, no!" Seraphina was startled. "We, we had this planned out! No one was supposed to be injured or...." Seraphina glares up. "NOOOOOOO!"
Leaping off of her plant, Seraphina follows Georgie. Grabbing Chloe onto the Horse, Liam follows. The Grendel children chasing down Carla, still clutching a bleeding Viviana. Georgie attempts to climb the rocks, following Carla's laughter. Lyla, Junior and Isaiah are not too far behind. Robert wanted to join. How he's longed to break Carla's skull and feast upon the goo from inside but he had a job to do. Protect Gren.
"Hurry up, Gren!" Robert taps Gren's chest. "HURRY! Viviana is in trouble!"
Robert could only look on as Carla climbs a nearby ledge. She holds Viviana close to her chest. The little girl attempts to change but fails.
"Wha...what did you do to me?"
"Hush, my little key to ending this world. I just gave you a little something to control your urge to change....."
"Carla, stop!" The quads were right behind, along with Georgie and the others. "Let our sister go!"
"OR what!?" Carla stops and holds the knife to Viviana's neck. "What are you all going to fucking do about it!?"
"Carla, stop!" Lyla stands beside the children. "Let her go! You don't want to take another life, especially a child's! Just...put Viviana down-"
"You KNOW what will happen to her, Lyla, if I slice this pretty little neck open-She DIES! That ribbon was protecting her soul. Keeping her here. Hades won't stop her soul. She'll be gone forever. Lost and away from you all. But, oh....wait. Vivian is not here! Wow! Did you see that? Once again, Vivian has FAILED, Lyla! You trusted THAT whore, to protect your daughter!? I mean, she didn't do a very good job watching over Emily as I killed her and the unborn children she had."
Lyla was drawn to tears. "She monster! How DARE you! I'm going to fucking ripe your throat out and EAT it before you slip away!"
Lyla jumps into the air. Georgie tries to pull her back. The quads shouting at their grandmother; Junior, Peter and Isaiah, all attempting to call out to their mother. Penelope, on the back of a Grendel, rode up the step slope. Even Katie, high above, still on the back of Jersey, did her best to stop Carla's actions. But it was no distraction to the woman. The knife blade slid across Viviana's neck. Seraphina, Liam and Chloe screamed their sister's name, as Georgie's falls to both his knees. Carla's laughter filled the afternoon over the pouring howls and cries. Their pleas drowning in Carla's vile laughter. She expected to hold up a dead child, choking on her own blood. The ribbon was no longer there. Vivian was gone. But as she held up Viviana, to glare into the eyes of the dying child, there it was. The ribbon.
"No...." Carla drops Viviana, who is collected by Lyla. ", how can that be!? GONE! I...I saw her vanish with that skank! That slut Emily! That-"
The Earth became still. The roars from the field below were hushed; against the wind, everyone stood in silence and looked around. Something was coming. It caused the Wolves to cower in the shadows; Chloe's minions too to their usual hiding place, shaking against the wind. The
quads looked around. Junior, however, is smiling.
"What is so funny, Junior?" Peter grabs at his shirt. "Why are you laughing right now?!"
"She's back...." Junior points behind Carla. "Welcome home, Emily."
Carla turns around and standing before her, is Emily. Aiming at her face, is the arrow. The bow now into the shape of a crecent moon. Beside her, a Fawn, Dog and Wolf. Enclosing Emily's head were five orbs, each of a different color. Floating above, with massive wings and a golden
halo to match the glowing staff, was Vivian. Behind Junior and the others, walks Gren. Robert, lost for words, points at his brother. Gren's flesh was still a blueish tone, eyes a solid white and fangs piercing through his gums.
"He...he did it." Isaiah looks at his brother. "The bastard did it. I knew it. did it..."
Carla pins herself against a rock. "Emily!''re supposed to be dead! I killed you! I-"
"Give me one good fookin' reason why I should have mercy on ya' arse!"
"Emily, no! It accident! See, Hecate....SHE was the one that told me to kill you! I wasn't going to even attempt! I-"
An arrow flies into Carla's wrist, causing the woman to scream in pain. "Don't fook with me, Carla. I ain't got time fa' this bullshit. Ya' tried killin' my daughter. brother's soul not enough fa' ya'? The blood of ya' own sons or sister not enough ta' feed the beast inside of ya', Carla?"
Gren stands beside Emily. Vivian glows and holds out her staff; the ending sharpening as Emily speak. A trail of blue follows each step Gren makes.
"MOMMY! Daddy!" The quads look at their parents. "You came back! VIVIAN!"
"Hello loves." Emily smiles. "Told ya' mommy, daddy and Viv would be back. Ya' alright, baby?"
Shaking but beaming, Viviana nods. "Yes mommy. It's good to have you and daddy back. Thank you Vivian."
Vivian tries not to cry. "You're welcome, baby. Your mommy's angel is on it!"
"Fuck you!" Carla waves her hand around, creating more spawns. "I will NOT be defeated by either of you pathetic souls! ATTACK!"
As the spawns battle the others, Carla yanks her arm out from the arrow. Emily looks up at Vivian.
"Me and Gren got this, Viv. Watch the others."
"I'll try but if I sense you're in danger, Emily, I have to find you."
"I'll be alright! Just...wootch them fa' me!"
The quads, along with Vivian, watch Emily and Gren run after Carla. A trail of blood leads the couple to her location. Standing along the edge of a rock, Carla holds out her hand. A bloody mess caked upon her palms and fingers, she attempts to create another row of spawns. Shaking her wrist, however, the magic does not respond to the corpses waiting to become animated by Carla's command. Arrow after arrow is sent in her direction. Carla is stabbed numerous times but remains up on her feet.
"Ya' neva' did fight fair." Emily pulls the string back. "Ya' gunna pay fa' woot ya' done ta' this family..."
"Fuck you, Emily and fuck you too, Gren. I will destroy you BOTH and finish off those little brats! Feed them to my spawns below for doing such a good job and then, they'll devour your entire family one by one, Emily, until there is NOTHING left! I WAS meant to have that bow not you! I WAS the one married to that man for YEARS and years, Emily! This was supposed to be for ME and not you! You were supposed to be rotting in the ground..."
"Fates, love." Emily sends another arrow into Carla's leg, causing the woman to cry in agony. "See, the thing ya' be forgettin' is, it wasn't just Gren that allowed me ta' have this bow. But his mum, Calla. SHE knew the woman ya' were meant ta' be, Carla, so it became mine. I had no idea until recently woot this thing was. Ya' were neva' gunna have this bow, Carla or the powers attacthed. Ya' soul is too black, ya' skank."
"Hmm, coming from the woman who's father is Georgie Porgie. Swallowed up in that club. The drugs, alcohol and the many whores you had in your bed. Calla sees that's okay but I'm the bad one, huh?"
"My wife was nothing like you." Gren speaks, looking at Carla. "She was a beautiful person trapped in a world she knew so little of. Sheltered because of the mess YOU created. I never felt with Emily what I fucking did with you, Carla. YOU'RE nothing and my mother knew this."
"We'll see about that." Carla smiles, creating several spwans. "I want to SEE this almighty duo you two have become and once your little show is through, I'll have that bow in my hands."
Gren and Emily stare at the five spawns before them. Holding his hand, Emily beams, as the babies inside of her begin to kick.
"Come at me, bitch...."
Any questions, you know the drill.
Had time before work. Going to the Doctor's later but that's no biggie.
Nice weather today. Col and windy with a chance of rain. LOVE it!
Zelyn is such a mysterious guy...I love that you picked up during the 2nd episode. I like when writers do this. Give their own slice of a story to the material we know and understand. I did like this a lot and have to agree with JJ. Brannigan shall live on in our stories! I thought he and Bigby were awesome in this. Pictured two grown as men like Whatever and smoking. XD Still trying to figure out WHO Zelyn is and that suitcase is driving me nuts. Watch, we think its magic or something and its full of pornos or something. XD XD
I hated Bluebeard, too. Never liked that guy.
Sweet! Dee is going to get a nice little 'talk' with Bigby and Zelyn!!
This was awesome! When Liam hit that ball of magic it reminded me of Ness from Mother and Super Smash Bros. That dudes bat can reflect anything lol. Oh man I thought Carla had killed Viviana and I was literally about to cry!
Gren and Emily are back, and they're about to fight you like a final boss Clara! >:D
Awesome stuff man!
Suns shining over here, which is good for today because I have a job interview surprisingly at Starbucks XD Hope the doctors check up goes well! I look forward to more! Brofist
IT'S OOOOOOONNN!!! >:D Love that image btw!
I was about ready to give up to sorrow when Carla slit Viviana's neck, but thank fookin' god that ribbon was there! (I don't quite know how the ribbon saved her, but it did, so it's all good in the end)
Gren and Emily are back and ready to kick some ass!
Bitch please. This was actually quite funny, the typical 'It wasn't my fault' argument... yeah right :P
I can't wait for more! XD And it's raining and cold in England
-Snaps finger- Gremily are here to take down that bitch and she can't stop them now! >:D
The ribbon is there to protect Viviana's soul. Keeps it in her body. She'll remain mortal, so long as its around her neck. Since it returned, Carla could not kill her.
She thought....that slut.
Carla will do anything to stay away from trouble. She thought this would work. Pssh! You dealing with Vivian, Gren AND Emily now!
Awesome, my good man!
Thank you, my good man! I recall the Super Smash Bros but not Ness from Mother! I think it's awesome little things like that remind you of other things.
Don't know why. XD My girl thought I just killed Viviana too and she smacked me before reading more! lol Carla has no idea that shit she just started!
Gren & Emily are ready....
Man, enjoy that sun, although the humidity down there must be terrible! XD Good luck with that Starbucks job, considering you're not a fan at the moment but I hear they pay a pretty penny.
And the Doc's....piece of cake. -brofist-
I'm glad you like the story so far!
Poor Brannigan! XD Lol keep trying man! I left a hint near the beginning and it was about Snow White
And the suitcase well you'll see
Lol I'd find it hilarious if he kept pornos in there! XD
Way too sneaky for my liking but his comments were always witty and sometimes funny! XD Oh yes!
Ness was hilarious you shot a projectile at him and he'd slap that shit right back at you! XD It is pretty cool! XD Oh gosh lol hopefully she read a bit more and at least gave a small apology! XD Tetra slips on his clip on headphones Gotta play my favorite boss battle music for this! >:D
Oh its the worst lol one thing I hate about living down south! XD I do want to try that Frappuccino I think it's called, but I can't remember XD And they do!? o.o hm that is interesting! Man I wish I could say the same, I hate the doctors and I never know why XD
-Goes back and reads noted section over for the 5th time- I THINK I might know but I'll hold onto that theory until I see more clues or hints. When I'm confident in my guess, I'll ask you through a PM.
Hey, man! Bigby and his trusty sidekick need a break, too. XD Stressful job and all. Other Fables can understand. XD
Sweet! I hope for the best! >:D