I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?
I find that quite Offensive. I'm Noah Taylor btw, And also, There's a lot more than that. We set up the channel, set up the equipment, Edit … morethe video, And we go through A LOT of emotional stress which Makes us want to start the channel, We become overworked, And the fact that you think not enough work goes into it is offensive to people who actually do that everyday. Which, Guess what! You don't!
I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?
I actually think that them shying away from their normality and changing it up a little with the autotune instead of layering was a nice adjustment to the song.
My friend broke up with his girlfriend a few days ago. Now she's turned fucking loco, she is threatening him and saying she hates all men an… mored still kissing him and hugging him and saying it isn't over till she says it. Now she's threatening him and saying she'll beat up anyone near him...
Tomorrow should be fun.
OH I know a kid just like that! He says the SAME fucking shit just about Judaism and when my religions teacher makes fun of his radicalism he gets all butthurt and I'm never able to keep myself from laughing LMFAO
Eh, he's the type of kid to follow anything blindly and tell gay people that they're going to burn in Hell because they like dick so I didn't really mind.
Why do I even bother to still occasionally watch NCIS anymore? It's the same thing over and over and then they'll kill a minor character in… moretroduced the season before and blablabla, Season Finale wasn't that good in my opinion but I doomed the whole children terrorist angle.
I hate it because you go to click it again to unlike it but the website is like "haha!!! you already liked that, silly!!! )" like uh no fuck off roll back the attitude and lemme unlike this shit
I found a Waluigi song
It's to the tune
Of hallelujah
Now I’ve heard there was a secret cart
That you had p… morelayed, and it pleased the toads
But you don’t really care for races, do you?
It goes like this
a way I can’t miss
Lost my best friend, to a plumber prince
The super bros controlling Waluigi
Our faith was strong but you needed proof
You saw Peach dancing on the roof
Her beauty and the castle overthrew you
She told you she liked your moustache
Showed you the throne, and she gave you cash
From your purple she drew the Waluigi
You say I never talked to them
I can’t even name one of Daisy’s gems
But if I did, well really, what’s it to you?
There’s not a blaze of light In any word
It doesn’t matter which you heard
The Warios or now broken Waluigis
Wa… [view original content]
I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?
In the end scroll a bit to the bottom to read your full results. You don't need to share anything, just c… morelick on the box saying "Start Reading".
Also, DISCLAMER, if you don't like reading a LOT, I would stuggest you skip this one.
I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?
Bless this song.
I actually think that them shying away from their normality and changing it up a little with the autotune instead of layering was a nice adjustment to the song.
I've Decided that I'm going to start a Petition to Cancel Uncle Grandpa, Clarence, and Teen Titans Go, So Cartoon Network doesn't have to be shitty anymore. Anyone care to sign?
You know nothing of my work.
B-but.. I like Teen Titans Go...
She's gotten the hint but she refuses to accept it.
Bless this song.
I actually think that them shying away from their normality and changing it up a little with the autotune instead of layering was a nice adjustment to the song.
aight but like did i ever tell you that you look fuckin great in your profile picture like bless ur face
have you not heard any a7x song then
throw a shoe at her or something
better yet, throw her with the rest of the girls like her
the trash
i swear to fuck if i keep seeing this walugi ass bullshit im gonna fuckin human centipede both you and liam i fucking mean it
OH I know a kid just like that! He says the SAME fucking shit just about Judaism and when my religions teacher makes fun of his radicalism he gets all butthurt and I'm never able to keep myself from laughing LMFAO
Teen Titans Go is actually kinda cool. I miss the old Teen Titans, though. That was a fucking beauty.
you fucking WHAT
So far the second best advice, thanks.
hai tobes
People still watch NCIS? lol
I hate it because you go to click it again to unlike it but the website is like "haha!!! you already liked that, silly!!!
)" like uh no fuck off roll back the attitude and lemme unlike this shit
get the fuck off the internet
ill fucking slit ur throat im done with ur waluigi bullshit liam this is kiLLING ME
probs because i was the almighty star of the chapter and the franchise despite showing in a bonus part
And I regret it, it's shit now.
Plz, TTGO is amazing.
I did it.
You're welcome.
Saying that the old Teen Titans is heaven doesn't do the show justice. The show is BETTER THAN HEAVEN.
goddamn it rachelle
Please CN, get rid of TTGo, it's an insult to the original show.
It's definitely an underrated song, not a huge fan of the auto tune, but the rest of it is great.
Yeah, I am. Just been a bumpy ride.
Ray Ray! Hello!
Been a long time, man!
Hey Elian, nice to see you again.
Hai Dawn!
Hey, Joker Bro. Good to see ya!
WAH! Hey Salt!