Episode 3 Release Date Discussion - PC/Mac/PS4&3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Android Out Now



  • Really, because based on what I've seen, the choices matter just about the same as any Telltale game I've played, a few dialogue changes here and there but the story still plays out. Yeah you had the big choice with Kate, but depending on what they do in future episodes, she might just become another Nick, pushed to the background and rarely seen from again.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    the ambiance, I kinda like it...yeah the characters are a bit too High School Musical, but I enjoy the game nonetheless. I love the idea of

  • Some of the voice acting is pretty good, while I don't like the character, I like the person who does Chloe, but the majority is really bad. Not to mention the terrible lip-synching in the game, my God, Telltale does a better job at that than Dontnod. The characters suck, all of them are the stereotypical high school students and are all completely one dimensional. The only character in this game I actually like is Kate, and the two I hate the most are Chloe and Max.

    Don't even get me started on the dialogue. I don't know who wrote the script but whoever paid them deserves their money back plus compensati

  • Remind me again, why is LiS so "popular" again?

    Can someone tell me as well, because I'm just not getting it. This game has gotten so much praise and I can't for the life of me understand why, almost everything about is terrible except for a few things.

  • indeed

    Crips posted: »


  • because not everyone thinks the same way as you. cause... Opinions

    Remind me again, why is LiS so "popular" again? Can someone tell me as well, because I'm just not getting it. This game has gotten s

  • edited May 2015

    Who doesn't want to be a teenage girl in a small American town... Well I personally don't, but that's not the point. xD I guess it's just that case where you find everything odd but still keep playing/watching but can't even say why.

    Remind me again, why is LiS so "popular" again? Can someone tell me as well, because I'm just not getting it. This game has gotten s

  • Look you have your opinion I have mine, if you consider I'm stupid enough to believe that choices matter, by all means consider it, I cannot control you. I liked the game itself, the story, the art. If choices didn't matter, it didn't stop you from playing any telltales games either, did it?

    I consider that Kate has a major part in the story(even if she won't have screen time anymore) as she's a victim of, yep, Max. Max saved Chloe but triggered a whole lot of events that weren't supposed to happen, which led to, you guessed it, the massive tornado.

    And lets not forget that these are graphic novels both LiS and telltale games, they tell stories, of course they won't have a thousand endings.

    If you're complaining about it "not being a game" or "choices don't matter".I gotta say, Telltale never promised multiple endings, and the choices do shape the story. It's like adaptions, 1 story, 1 ending, yet it's still different. I saw many people complain about this, but never considered that sometimes the small things can give a different perspective to the bigger image.

    Sorry but had to get it out of my system. They all work hard on these games, to give us a new thing, a new story. Sometimes it's just frustrating, you know?But, yeah there will always be mixed opinions in every fandom/community and nobody can change that.

    Really, because based on what I've seen, the choices matter just about the same as any Telltale game I've played, a few dialogue changes her

  • edited May 2015

    I don't think that "you're stupid for liking the game" or that "choices don't matter" was what anyone was saying, just that it subjectively hasn't proven itself superior to telltale yet

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    Look you have your opinion I have mine, if you consider I'm stupid enough to believe that choices matter, by all means consider it, I cannot

  • Hm, usually, when mentioning current Telltale games, it usually would say TFTB and not Game of thrones...

    Pipas posted: »

    Telltale at E3. No mention of TftB. cries forever

  • I actually was referring to what MetallicaRules said... he did say choices are irrelevant(so I may have used the wrong expression but the answer won't be any different than the one above) but yeah as I said there are mixed opinions, and the "stupid" thing was for dramatic reasons. Also the answer above was mostly a rant.You rant, I rant, we all rant (pretty much every review of a game). Then everything will go out of hand, then there will be war, then it dies out, then it won't matter anymore. Been there already...

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    I don't think that "you're stupid for liking the game" or that "choices don't matter" was what anyone was saying, just that it subjectively hasn't proven itself superior to telltale yet

  • Well what can I say LiS is not a bad game....it's just shows that the writers lack experience with that kind of material, it has few interesting premises and I personally enjoy it. Yet saying that it's better than TT games is slightly inaccurate. YEs your choices matter and I hail to the creators for that option, TT could take few thing from their notebooks but the rest...Well TT beats Dontnod at almost every front from story telling to technical stuff. Like I said Dontnod needs more experienced crew for this kind of stuff.
    But what also should be noticed is that TT works on the ready universes while the other company make something themselves, which is more risky than let's say WD or GoT since you don't have a fanbase ready to buy it.
    I only bought LiS becasue of the wait between ep1&2 and I can't say I regreat that, it's enjoyable if you can overlook few relativly minor things.

    Some of the voice acting is pretty good, while I don't like the character, I like the person who does Chloe, but the majority is really bad.

  • Tales my sweet tales....

    Alt text

    Ehhh....ok one question to our community are ,,Dreamfall Chapters" any good? I'm considering to buy them.

  • Why you do this Telltale? Why?

    Alt text

  • edited May 2015

    I've been watching Cry play it... I like the concept just some of the voice acting is a bit... Bleh! But that's just my opinion. :P

    I'm contemplating whether to get it myself, I'm still undecided.

    EDIT : Disregard the comment about the voice acting... It's awesome. :)

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tales my sweet tales.... Ehhh....ok one question to our community are ,,Dreamfall Chapters" any good? I'm considering to buy them.

  • I actually was referring to what MetallicaRules said... he did say choices are irrelevant

    No I didn't, I said that they matter just as much as a Telltale game, which is dialogue changes, relationship with characters, and even the death or survival of one of the characters. Never did I say I expect the choices I make to completely alter the story, I expect it to play out the same way, but I see people say the choices are really having a huge impact in LiS and I'm not seeing it, it's about the same as any Telltale game. I've been playing Telltale games for a while, I get the limitations of both Telltale and Dontnod when it comes to the choices, and I have never said the lack of affect my choices have as a complaint of these games (I love TWD S2 just as much as S1 even though the choices don't matter that much), what I'm saying is that Dontnod has not done more with the choices and their impacts than Telltale has, it's about the same. So to say that choices do matter in this game compared to a Telltale game, like you did, is a bit much.

    XDJulieXD posted: »

    I actually was referring to what MetallicaRules said... he did say choices are irrelevant(so I may have used the wrong expression but the an

  • edited May 2015

    Ehhh....ok one question to our community are ,,Dreamfall Chapters" any good? I'm considering to buy them.

    Well, it depends. If I had to choose between the most resent games, I'd say go for Broken age or even LIS but... it's just me. I mean yeah, the story is interesting and it's one of the rare games where your choices seem to matter but gosh dammit, it feels like playing with cardboard boxes because everything feels like it's 2000 again. Also, both voice acting and face animation kinda suck tbh. But if you're into the story and especially if you played previous game I think you'll be ok with it.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    Tales my sweet tales.... Ehhh....ok one question to our community are ,,Dreamfall Chapters" any good? I'm considering to buy them.

  • edited May 2015

    Yep. My bad.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    especially if you played previous game *games

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    especially if you played previous game


    DeityD posted: »

    Ehhh....ok one question to our community are ,,Dreamfall Chapters" any good? I'm considering to buy them. Well, it depends. If I had

  • Still no news... How surprising...

  • edited May 2015

    Alright guys, let's all agree not to skip the credits for the next episode.

    Maybe then we'll actually get Ep4 a lot earlier.

    [?] Telltale Games will remember your loyalty.

  • edited May 2015

    Nah, episode 4 might take longer than this one. They need the penultimate episode to be PERFECT. So we can all suffer the wait for episode 5.

    For now though, just focus on this episode...

    May19, May19, May19, May19, May19...

    Alright guys, let's all agree not to skip the credits for the next episode. Maybe then we'll actually get Ep4 a lot earlier. [?] Telltale Games will remember your loyalty.

  • Maybe we'll get official news next week?....hopefully..:/

  • I thought the voice acting was awesome especially the religous warrior guy (can't remember his name I haven't actually played the game) he sounds so cool.

    I've been watching Cry play it... I like the concept just some of the voice acting is a bit... Bleh! But that's just my opinion. :P I'm c

  • Well dear sir, it seems that I've misread your opinion, thou the way you wrote it gave the impression that the choices were irrelevant for you. Sorry if I had offended you, but what I said still stands, at least for me as there are pros and cons to each game, that people agree and disagree on. And "a bit too much" is very subjective, as LiS isn't even finished yet, while telltale already has a lot of experience in this domain.

    I actually was referring to what MetallicaRules said... he did say choices are irrelevant No I didn't, I said that they matter just

  • As much as I want episode 3, I can't help but feel good about it, though. Like, we are all so in love with a story and its characters, and it's only 2/5ths of the way done! We still have 3 episodes left of an awesome game remaining, to play and theorize and hype and enjoy.... that's so exciting to me :)

  • edited May 2015

    Are you talking about the guy Dave Fennoy voice acts? Yeah, he's great!

    Actually you're right the voice acting is great! I don't know what I was thinking! :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I thought the voice acting was awesome especially the religous warrior guy (can't remember his name I haven't actually played the game) he sounds so cool.

  • I don't know who the voice actor was but it sounded like I've heard his voice before.

    Are you talking about the guy Dave Fennoy voice acts? Yeah, he's great! Actually you're right the voice acting is great! I don't know what I was thinking!

  • edited May 2015

    Telltale just updated their facebook status that "Episode four is not far away!" for Game of Thrones, so I'm betting that will come first. Hopefully we'll get Tales a week or so after that, either late May or early June.

  • I saw "episode four not far away" and I was ecstatic with happiness... until I saw it was for Game of Thrones.

    My day has just been ruined.

    LoseMyHome posted: »

    Telltale just updated their facebook status that "Episode four is not far away!" for Game of Thrones, so I'm betting that will come first. Hopefully we'll get Tales a week or so after that, either late May or early June.

  • Ouch I feel you.

    I had to pull out 4 of my molar teeth (at the same time!) before I could get my braces. Hurt like hell afterwards.

    I'm fine, thanks, it was just a baby tooth. 17 years old and I had to get a fucking baby tooth removed, that's not something you hear everyday, but that's what happens when you're missing 9 permanent teeth.

  • Damn man, that's tough.

    Quiff posted: »

    Ouch I feel you. I had to pull out 4 of my molar teeth (at the same time!) before I could get my braces. Hurt like hell afterwards.

  • You expected TFTB? xD

    Lol, you should know that this game is cursed

    AChicken posted: »

    I saw "episode four not far away" and I was ecstatic with happiness... until I saw it was for Game of Thrones. My day has just been ruined.

  • dave fennoy is lee from the walking dead :)

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    I don't know who the voice actor was but it sounded like I've heard his voice before.

  • Thanks for telling me :)

    xfuriouss posted: »

    dave fennoy is lee from the walking dead

  • Alt text

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    Thanks for telling me

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