-Snaps finger- Gremily are here to take down that bitch and she can't stop them now! >:D
The ribbon is there to protect Viviana's soul… more. Keeps it in her body. She'll remain mortal, so long as its around her neck. Since it returned, Carla could not kill her. She thought....that slut.
Carla will do anything to stay away from trouble. She thought this would work. Pssh! You dealing with Vivian, Gren AND Emily now!
Awesome, my good man!
I'll have to look into this Ness character! Sounds interesting, considering he reminds you of Liam. And she did apologies after reading the rest. Emotions got to her. XD You and those headphones! I love it! So you, man!
I hear that's the #1 thing people can not stand! I'd melt! lol Oh yes! The Java Chip Frap! THE best!! I hate the doctors, too and at least here in Cali, the employees get paid pretty well, plus tips. Good luck either way! You got this!
Ness was hilarious you shot a projectile at him and he'd slap that shit right back at you! XD It is pretty cool! XD Oh gosh lol hopefully sh… moree read a bit more and at least gave a small apology! XD Tetra slips on his clip on headphones Gotta play my favorite boss battle music for this! >:D
Oh its the worst lol one thing I hate about living down south! XD I do want to try that Frappuccino I think it's called, but I can't remember XD And they do!? o.o hm that is interesting! Man I wish I could say the same, I hate the doctors and I never know why XD
Ness certainly is something XP Lol! XD Thanks man, always gotta have them around
It's so bad lol, walk out for one second and you really do feel like you're going to melt! Oh, that's what it's called! I'll probably order try that today then! Ah okay, man makes me wish I lived in a bigger city! XD Thanks man!
I'll have to look into this Ness character! Sounds interesting, considering he reminds you of Liam. And she did apologies after reading the … morerest. Emotions got to her. XD You and those headphones! I love it! So you, man!
I hear that's the #1 thing people can not stand! I'd melt! lol Oh yes! The Java Chip Frap! THE best!! I hate the doctors, too and at least here in Cali, the employees get paid pretty well, plus tips. Good luck either way! You got this!
To any anime enthusiasts on here, how many of you have watched this one:
I haven't watched this series in ages, but I recently rediscovered it's badass theme song Red Fraction by MELL. Then I remembered how badass every character with a weapon is in this series!
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
To any anime enthusiasts on here, how many of you have watched this one:
I haven't watched this series in ages, but I recently redisc… moreovered it's badass theme song Red Fraction by MELL. Then I remembered how badass every character with a weapon is in this series!
Definitely need to watch it again sometime
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? Robert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies.
“Listen young dhampir, the man Obrecht.. He killed many off many of my clan, to the point where we had to go into hiding. Some suggested we seek council with Fabletown, but even them or their guard dog couldn't help us escaped eradication. This is one reason why we’re so, hostile to outsiders.” The Lycan said
“I understand your hardship, no one deserve such a thing. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy. Obrecht must pay for his crimes, against my father, your clan and everyone that bastard brought pain upon. You have my word, we will stop him and make him pay.” Marco sealing the deal and coming to a clear agree with the lycan leader. He will find Obrecht and make him pay, but of course there will be some complication on the ahead.
The Vampire Council
Obrecht entered the chamber of the fatally ill Count. He went over to his bedside and listened to what the withering vampire had to say.
“Where is Ademar… Obrecht? The count said in a cracking voice.
“He stayed behind to seek out his nephew, I believe he wants to bring him here to meet you, my lord..” Ademar said.
“Excellent, Ademar. With him on arrival, we can make preparations to whom would lead the council.. You or the young dhampir, Marcolta…”
“Yes my lord.”
“It is a disappointment Urdumar couldn't be here. I still to this… wondered… why he would commit such… treason. I still wonder to this day Obrecht…. and I know it was painful to carry out the execution of your friend..”
“‘Twas my lord, ‘twas…”
10 years ago The Crooked Man's Office
Obrecht and Urdumar enter the office of the evil business. On the left was Jersey and Georgie and on the right was the Dum’s along with Mary. The two vampires weren't intimidated by the Crooked man’s goons, in fact they were itching for a little brawl, but decided to stick to the objective of being here.
The Crooked Man enters and immediately addresses the issue with him and a vampire that stolen something from him.
“You see, Urdumar. Your son, Marco and his delinquent dragon, Draco stolen something from me. My employees were tasked to retrieve it from them, politely. However they misinterpreted how annoying, oh excuse me. How troublesome these two can be. Instead of taking further measures to retrieve my belongings I was hoping you could talk some sense into your son his friend.”
“I see Mr. Crooked. My son and his friend are quite the duo. Always causing some sort of mischief, and doing the casual things teenagers would do. We were all teenagers right? Yeah, I’ll contact my son, I bring back your stolen goodies and what not.”
“You seem flustered, Urdumar? Perhaps you could use a drink” Crooked Man offered.
“No, I was expecting more than a simple retrieval mission. You do know what me and Obrecht do? We’re the hands of the Vampire Council, we don’t have time for such pointless errands.”
“I understand Urdumar. I assure you that what your son stolen from me will put quite the penny in your pocket, it will be quite beneficial.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it will. Let’s go Obrecht.”
As the two leave they set out to find Marco and Draco. The duo are chilling on a rooftop of an abandon building drinking wine coolers and smoking cannabis.
“So Marco what is thing anyway. It looks like a gargoyle or something” Draco asked.
“It’s a vampire charm. I think it belongs to the Vampire council.. Any idea how much it’s worth.” Marco asking.
Then suddenly, Urdumar and Obrecht leaps onto the roof using vampire ability. He walks over to his son and hoist him up in the by his collar in disappointment.”
“Marcolta, what the hell were you thing. Stealing from someone as dangerous as Crooked. He sent his goons after you, what if something happened?” Urdurmar scolding his son.
“I’m sure they're not as dangerous as you and Mr. Obrecht, Mr. Urdumar.” Draco said.
“Thank you Draco, wait.. Shouldn't you two be in school right now? Why why are you smoking pot?”
“Dad, it’s Saturday..”
“He’s right Urdumar..” Obrecht grabbing a drink from the cooler.
“Whatever, Marcolta, give me what you stole from Crooked. Now.”
“Fine, here.. Shit”
“Now back to whatever.. Please stay out of trouble, both of you.”
“We will..”
As Urdumar and Obrecht returned to the Crooked Man’s hideout, Urdumar realized that the item he sent to retrieve was an ancient and forbidden vampire charm. Punishment for its possession was punishable by death. When the two arrived, Urdumar stormed into the office and demand to know where exactly did Crooked Man acquire such a thing.
Crookman looks at Obrecht, then signals the mysterious assassins and their leader, Sadira to enter and apprehend Urdumar by impaling his limbs with several small daggers.
The vampire falls to floor in agonizing pain of his flesh burning from the silver tips of the daggers as the lied in his flesh. The artifact dropped on the floor and the mysterious assassin Sadira picks and walks over towards Urdumar and whispers into his ear.
“I have you..”
Then orders her assassins to carry him away to vampire council. Upon arrival he was brought to the mercy of the council and Count Dadi Doku.
Urdumar awoken and realized where he was and what happened earlier. He then see’s the Count holding the artifact in his cold hands, looking at Urdumar is utter disappointment and disgust.
“What were, you to do with this Urdumar? Did you realize what dangerous powers it held, did you realized you could start another hundred year war between clans if this was to go public? Do you? Answer me dammit!” The count as he smacks Urdumar, causing saliva and blood to fly onto the marble floor.
Urdumar looks up at the count.
“I was set up. I would never go against your law our councils law and steal such power, let alone use it to jeopardize my family or my ascension to the throne. I would never my lord. “
“Sadira caught you red handed with it Urdumar. Your false pleading is getting you know where..”
“My lord, I WAS SET UP. You’re being blinded by lies! The dreadful bitch is lying, she’s working with the one who set me up!”
The count leaves Urdumar and returns to his throne among the other council members.
“You were to be my heir, Urdumar. Instead you defile that honor and commit high treason.. As much as this pains my old cold heart. You know what must be done. Council, this man has committed a high level of treason, in which it would spark another long war among our fellow clans. All in favor, of this traitor's death… Show… thy hand.”
With an unanimous decision, for committing such a crime Urdumar would immediately by put to death by holy rays, here in now. The count asked Obrecht to carry out Urdumar’s execution, which he humbly accepted.
Two soldiers moved Urdumar to the center of the hall. Obrecht, carrying a glowing dagger that burned bright as the sun approached Urdumar, one last time. Before he would execute the vampire he leaned in close and whispered something sinister.
“Sorry old friend… There can only be one Count.. Surely your son and brother will follow in you path. Death will come knocking at their door.. I promise you that..”
Realizing that Obrecht was the one who set him up. Urdumar attempts to break from his chains and kill Obrecht for his treachery, but he his stab in the heart by the powerful dagger. As he turns ashes, he have a glimpse of the future. A vision of his son Marco and Obrecht having a bloody duel..
In the present(Or 1994...)
Marco and Nisa return to Ademar’s house. Before saying goodbye, Marco ask Nisa for a favor.
“While I’m gone Nisa, could you watch over Irene for me? I will pay whatever for you to do so.” Marco ask.
“It’s fine, I’ll do it for. Your uncle paid me more than enough. This one is on the house.”
“Thanks Nisa.”
After saying goodbye, Nisa turns into a flaming bird and departs, while Marco enters the house and approach his uncle. Once inside, he see’s Ademar, sharpening a sword in a chair. He walks over to him demanding a talk.
“Uncle, we need to talk. NOW.” Marco demanded.
Ademar gives attention to his nephew.
“I’m sure we do. Ready to kill that bastard I assume?’
After hearing what his uncle said, Marco knew his uncle was on board to stopping Obrecht and getting revenge for the suffering he’s caused. They then on their way to Spain, to the Vampire Council..
That's all I have for now, hope everyone is doing well. The reason I had to step away was because I going through a brief sad movement. Wasn't feeling my usual self, but I'm fine now. I'll see ya around.
Oh yes! I only watched the first episode then watched snippets of other episodes afterwards, but my friend RAVED about it to me so I'm gonna have to watch all of it when I get the chance
A small update:
I'm not ashamed to say that when I weighed myself on the weekend, I was 232 pounds...
I weighed myself this morning, and I am now 225 pounds! XD
Definitely gotta keep going now!!!!
Excuse my language but I fucking LOVE that picture. Emily is clinging to Gren like many times before and the determination in his eyes to protect is awesome.
I see big things for the Gremily quads. All of them, especially little Liam. He has become so much like Gren. I see him being Alpha one day. Sera is someone I'd hate to piss off, Viviana is basically the guard and rightful leader beside Hades for the Underworld and Chloe seems like her and the shadows are going to be trouble but for all the right reasons, considering she and Vivi are connected.
God I was crying when I thought Carla just killed Viviana! I was going to hit you, too! The ribbon! Vivian is on it with her position as Guardian Angel! Gren and Emily are back! >:D I want them to just FUCK Carla up but I have this feeling it won't be easy right away but they are stronger then before! I'd like to see Calla and Thomas again. :') Damn! Robert and Isaiah, too!
I can't wait to meet the new babies!!!! I love this weather, dude!! Let me know what the doc says, alright?Love ya', dude!
The War of Fabletown part 3
Over my dead body, bitch...
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducin… moreg at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fable… [view original content]
To any anime enthusiasts on here, how many of you have watched this one:
I haven't watched this series in ages, but I recently redisc… moreovered it's badass theme song Red Fraction by MELL. Then I remembered how badass every character with a weapon is in this series!
Definitely need to watch it again sometime
Yo Stone! Sadly they have not beaten the Prince yet. Currently taking a break from writing that story at the moment. But the Prince will be taken care of.
This chapter was awesome! The Lycans being nice? I don't know seems like a trap to me. Also leave it to that Crooked bastard to screw someone over, poor udumar And I am excited to see this partnership of Ademar and Marco >:D
I'm sorry to hear about that man, hope everything is better than it was! I look forward to more!
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
There are so many connections in this! I love that you added the Crooked Man and his goon squad with Orbrecht and Urdumar. At first, I thought they were the ones involved with the Prince but it shows I was wrong. I agree. The Lycans seemed to eager to help unless there is something they are secretly planning with the Vampires and we just don't know it yet! Take that, Prince!
The Crooked Man is a dick. Excuse me but he made Udumar look stupid. >:( Also, Marco is awesom as ever and Nisa, too! I like her character a lot and I see her, Marco and Ademar doing some kickass moves during this fight!
I hope everything is alright, dude. I'm sorry to hear you're in a terrible position but it will get better. We're here, if you need to talk...Also, Frank and Robert are still fighting to see one another at the moment.
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
Oh I see, It will be one helluva fight when it gets there.
It does seem strange, but at least Marco has another powerful ally on his shoulders, even if it's temporarily. Urdumar was played by
Obrecht like the rest, but he'll get his, uncle and nephew working together will surely bring down the house.:)
Yo Stone! Sadly they have not beaten the Prince yet. Currently taking a break from writing that story at the moment. But the Prince will be… more taken care of.
This chapter was awesome! The Lycans being nice? I don't know seems like a trap to me. Also leave it to that Crooked bastard to screw someone over, poor udumar And I am excited to see this partnership of Ademar and Marco >:D
I'm sorry to hear about that man, hope everything is better than it was! I look forward to more!
I try to connect as much as possible. In fact.. this story is actually kind of a prequel to my very first story, which connects to my others.
I wouldn't call Obrecht a prince, he's just a hier with cruel intentions and worse ) But there are some other things to come to light later. Marco still doesn't know what hapened to his father but, when he finds out, the inner demon inside would have a ball at the council.
I'm much better now, just need to spend some time with family and visit my dog As for Frank and Robert, I'm sure that struggle between them won't last. Surely they will find a way past the bs.
There are so many connections in this! I love that you added the Crooked Man and his goon squad with Orbrecht and Urdumar. At first, I thoug… moreht they were the ones involved with the Prince but it shows I was wrong. I agree. The Lycans seemed to eager to help unless there is something they are secretly planning with the Vampires and we just don't know it yet! Take that, Prince!
The Crooked Man is a dick. Excuse me but he made Udumar look stupid. >:( Also, Marco is awesom as ever and Nisa, too! I like her character a lot and I see her, Marco and Ademar doing some kickass moves during this fight!
I hope everything is alright, dude. I'm sorry to hear you're in a terrible position but it will get better. We're here, if you need to talk...Also, Frank and Robert are still fighting to see one another at the moment.
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter as the person standing before her. Carla. She wore a two piece bikini. It was pink to Emily's memories and she wore enormous sunglasses over her eyes. She refused to participate in the celebration and looking back now, she seemed 'forced' and was not enjoying herself. The kids tried to grab her attention but Carla shooed them away as if they were pesky bugs floating around her head. Annoyed. Yes, thought Emily. That was the proper word to describe Carla that day and years after.
Emily remembers her reaction to the family. Wandering around, flirting with the Lifeguards and single fathers who brought their children along to escape the heat. Gren tried several times to enjoy the day with her but like always, she caused a fight. They always fought. Emily, however, did not have the vocabulary or understanding of adult relationships and the trouble Carla caused. She did not know what 'cheating' was or 'divorce.' She had never heard of these words. She did, however, pick up on the raw emotions that led Gren into a depressed slop of a mess. He often snuck alchohol and Emily once caught him drinking his pain and anguish away near the Jantor's closet. Emily was devestated and did not know
why. At ten, she did not understand these 'feelings' of remorse for Gren. She'd grown up around him and now, he was hiding from the world and drowing his tears in a brown liquid that came in a fancy bottle.
He'd pretend, like always and snake his way up from the shadows and join the festive guests and family members. Emily did, however, pick up on the hostility Carla showed Gren the entire party. Not a single hug, kiss or conversation with Gren. He stood the entire time either alone or eating another plate of food. Emily lost count of the amount of food he consumed that afternoon. Her parents laughed, embraced and spoke heavily of one another; sure, they've had issues in the past and did have arguments but it was nothing compared to Carla and Gren. Emily KNEW her parents were in love. This before her, was fake. Emily joined Gren as her siblings and the other children played in the Lagoon.
As Emily and Gren faced off in the clearing just above the setting sun, the memories became a thick coating of grisly reminders of just WHO Carla truly was. The battle between the three had begun; Carla creates spawn after spawn, circling her hands and sending waves of dark magic in their path. All the while, Emily focused on the woman who created this all on her own. The many lies and stories fabricated in order to conceal her dark ways....Emily made her way back to that afternoon at the Waterslides, just as Carla flies through the air in Emily's direction....
"What are ya' doin' here all by yourself, Gren?" Emily finds Gren sitting under a shady tree, feet touching the water. "You can come swimming with us if ya' want ta'..."
Looking up, Emily could tell Gren had been crying. He'd probably blame either the sun or chlorine for the iritation and redness. Sadly, everyone would believe him. Except for Emily and as Gren looks deep into the child's eyes, he knew those options were not available to use when it came to Emily. He sighs, splashing the cool water with his toes.
"Oh I'm just...taking a break, sweetie. I've been all over the place and my feet are getting tired. What about you-don't you wanna go swimming with the others?"
"I do." Emily takes a seat beside Gren. "BUT I want ya' ta' go with me, too."
Gren tries to smile but Emily could see the hurt and pain in his eyes. "Go ahead, baby girl. I just want to sit here."
"Then I'll join ya'." Emily grabs Gren's hand. "I like this little beach thing, too. The waves feel good on my toes."
"They do, don't they?" Gren wiggles his toes. "Would be cool if we had sand to go with the water. A cold soda. Some chairs..."
"AND pails, ta' make castles with!" Emily points to the sky. "A bright sun, lots of clouds but no birds."
Gren laughs. "There are Seagulls at the beach, baby. You know this."
"They poop everywhere and steal my sandwiches!" Emily leans into Gren's arm. "I don't like them!"
Gren chuckles, lifts Emily and places her in his lap. Both watched the many waves roll in. Back and forth. Back and forth. The screams of children as they rode their air tubes against the oncoming currents. Parents dipped their baby's feet into the water. The child would kick and laugh, the coolness nipping at their toes. Not too far in Pirate's Cove, her siblings and cousins play.
"Why don't you go play, Emily?" Gren points to the others. "Looks like fun."
"So is this." Emily snuggles closer. "I want ya' ta' come play with me, Gren! I don't want ta' see ya' alone like this. It's no fun."
Gren looks around. All those happy faces. Not a care in the world. He took notice of Carla, carrying on her traditional 'flirting'; she rubs the lifeguard's chest and touches his arms, squealing like a schoolgirl. Gren was flustered and embarresed. Emily could feel the tension in his arms. His smoldering eyes glaring at Carla. Emily at that moment began to lose respect for Carla. She was making Gren angry and Emily did not like to see Gren angry or sad. Growing closer to his chest, Emily beams.
"Come on, Gren. Please..." She could feel the change slowly taking over...."Please. Come play with me."
Like times before, she was able to bring Gren back. The Fable lifts the little girl into his arms; she chuckles, clings closer to his neck and is carried to the others. All the while, Carla glaring at Emily. So much hate in her eyes...
Another arrow and one final scream before Carla rolls down the hill. Blood lines the rocks and many weeds that passed her by. Gren, in true form, glares at Carla. He stood, fists stiff as stone, grunting. Carla leans against a nearby tree and holds out her hand. Emily, not too far
behind, slides down a slope. Trails of freshly grown grass and flowers were her feet touched the earth. Clutching the bow in her palms, the powers begin to jet through her veins. Emily had visions. She was unsure of these sudden images; the area was black and the only person before her was Carla. The very eyes that longed to purge this world of the Porgies. Emily could feel the fear in her immortal soul.
Pulling the bow back, it creates the shape of a crecent moon. The Wolf, Deer and flocks of Crows flutter beside Emily. They caw in the woman's direction. Certainty. This is what Nick and Hades, along with Calla and even Thomas, were trying to tell her. It was certain Carla was always going
to be this: nothing but pure evil and looking to take those around her down. Emily was certain to take the bow and Calla's place; Gren was always going to be the next Alpha and gain his abilitites. He was always certain to become ten times stronger and use his spirit possesion, just as his mother once used.
Create an 'out of body' experience. It was certain his left hand, the one that use to cause him grief and pain, always a reminder of his past and now, a sturdy golden one, was to carry his element. Earth. It was certain that combined, Emily and Gren were unstoppable. It was certain now, to Emily, that Carla knew more of the bow then she was willing to explain. Emily and Gren were ALWAYS going to destroy Carla...
Certainty, as Emily aims at Carla's neck. The arrow pins into her flesh, making the woman bleed. She yanks it out, breaks the item in two and runs towards the lake. It was like a house Cat chasing an injured Rat. Gren and Emily scurried after the vermin until she came to the glades. Just a mile away, the continuing battle. Emily could hear the fighters nearby; the spawns bellowing into the air, casting their demonic faces into the crowd. Carla was running out of options. There was only one method left...
"Emily, wait!" Carla holds up a bloody palm. "Sweetie, look at me-you wouldn't kill your auntie Carla, would you?"
"Ya' be nuthin' ta' me, Carla..." Emily glances, pulling the string back. "Ya' be a savage. No different then the Vultures circling the skies above. Ya' turned ya' back on us. Became the enemy."
"But we're FAMILY, Emily. I've made mistakes. Don't we FORGIVE family?"
Another arrow into the chest. "We are NOT family, Carla! Ya' lost that when ya' tried ta' kill my grandfather. Tried ta' pull my parents apart. Helped Decimus, Romulus and Remus. Used Echidna. Promised her power, if she killed Jersey, Katie and the girls. Tried ta' kill Penny. Junior. Attepted ta' take Peter on YOUR side and use as a weapon. Ethan. Michelle and Erica. Mary...." Emily sends several vines around Carla's legs. "...Gren. All those fookin' years...."
Carla smirks. "You think your PRECIOUS Grendel is so sweet and kind. Hm. You know NOTHING, you foolish girl. You want to talk about forgiveness, yet you've become a hyporicte, too."
"The fook are ya' talkin' 'bout, cunt?"
"This-" With her loose hand, Carla creates the Mead Halls. Emily's heart sinks, as she and Gren watch his old self enter the halls and devour the countless souls inside. "THIS is what you've been fighting for, Emily...."
Gren observes his old self. He cringed; Emily stood still, cupping her stomach. The babies danced inside, moving around, playfully kicking her sides. She watched him eat several warriors and then some. He was hideous. Angry and vile. But even as Emily watched, nothing changed. Clutching to her babies and the bow, Emily smiles. Even in Carla's method to 'change' Emily's mind, it all remained the same: their love was forever. Nothing would change. Carla knew she had failed and began to feel the vines growing tighter around her ankles, wrist and torso.
"Nice try, Carla." Emily turns around. Her eyes blacker then the night sky. "But ya' forgot one thing-Certainty. I WON before ya' knew it, bitch Ya' think by showing me Gren's past, I'd LET ya' win? I already KNEW, ya' cunt and so did ya'...."
Terror, as the vines grew tighter...
Any questions, you know the drill. Well, I'm off until Tuesday. lol Stupid arm...So, I came home and here I am. Want to get as much as I can done for the Porgie Clan and Gremily tale. We're nearing the end, folks. Oh what a glorious feeling.
Oh man the Crooked bastard and his goons. I can see this mess has been going on for some time before this takes place with Marco and Nisa. I don't like Obrecht and he's getting on my nerves because he's so sure and smug. >:( I hope Maro gets the answer he needs and can figure all this out. The Lycans being nice sound like a trap to me but I'll have to wait and see what that plan is.
Carl is getting close to dying in my tale. I'm sorry to hear you're going through some shit, man. If you ever need tochat, I and countless others are here. Taking a much needed break is the only way to clear your mind. Feel better soon, man. -brofist-
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
The beginning was very sad but at the same time very sweet And that fight scene was awesome! Emily and Gren being badass Oh she pulled the 'but we are family, we should forgive each other speech' Lmao! Oh Carla maybe if you didn't take shit the whole time and you weren't that evil to your own family then maybe you'd have a one percent chance of living! XD
Awesome stuff man! Went beautifully with battle music I hope your arm heals quick man! And as always I look forward to more! Brofist
The war of Fabletown part 4
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything h… moreappen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter a… [view original content]
I'm sure, as you are doped up on pain pills, this song replaying over and over. I love this song and it fits these two from beginning to end. PERFECT for reading this tale.
That first part broke my heart and made me hate Carla even more. That was sick what she did. God, I hate her so much. >:( Beside Echidna, Carla is the best villian you've created for the Porgie Clan stories. Emily is too fucking cute and it shows with that section at the Waterslides how connected they both already were. The talk about the beac was cute.
All the while, Carla glaring at Emily. So much hate in her eyes...
Ugh. God, this left a bad taste. >:( To hate a child like that. She did it to herself, that stupid ho. Sorry, Carla just....UGH!
and then tries to pull the family card! >:0 Freaking stupid! She did it to herself! And the tries to distract Emily with Gren's BG. Please, ho! She loves that man, even after all that crap. You thought! Stupid....That ending! NOO! I wanted to read more! The suspense!
I loved those pictures, too. The first one: they have three babies! I;m wondering about the past, present and future written on them. And that last one. GOD I love these two!!!
The war of Fabletown part 4
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything h… moreappen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter a… [view original content]
Hey everyone, this'll be like my fourth post today, and I hope it's not my last...
Basically my laptop is acting REALLY weird, I cannot (literally cannot) search ANYTHING on AVG Secure Search, it all comes up with is 'we cannot find what you're looking for'. I managed to get back on this site by typing telltalegames.com into the website search bar and choosing this part of the forum. Just in case my laptop does continue to fuck up, I may not be on for extended periods of time anymore, lord knows what the problem is
I also cannot 'backtrack' on my feed much, I can backtrack to like, the start of today and then it says 'No new notifications' but sometimes I cannot backtrack at all! I have no idea what is up with this piece of shit...
So if I disappear for a while, it isn't because I've left without saying goodbye or because I'm dead or whatever, it's my laptop being shit.
Hopefully I'll have another chapter up today, but we'll see.
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
First of all, rest means rest, it doesn't mean exercise :P
That flashback was something, I had no idea how much of a bitch Carla was back then. Though I have to ask you this, when did you decide that Carla was a true villain? Those images I saw on the Fanart thread told a story of love between her and Gren, so what made you think 'Carla should be the epitome of evil'??
I wonder how much time is left for Carla now, the ending suggests she is done for, yet you haven't depicted her death just yet...
The war of Fabletown part 4
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything h… moreappen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter a… [view original content]
Anyways, I like to go back and just show how things use to be. I was always going to make Carla this evil bitch. Like I say all the time....its the people that know you the most that you have to watch out for. She played everyone for a fool....
First of all, rest means rest, it doesn't mean exercise :P
That flashback was something, I had no idea how much of a bitch Carla was back… more then. Though I have to ask you this, when did you decide that Carla was a true villain? Those images I saw on the Fanart thread told a story of love between her and Gren, so what made you think 'Carla should be the epitome of evil'??
I wonder how much time is left for Carla now, the ending suggests she is done for, yet you haven't depicted her death just yet...
I look forward to more! XD
I like to go back and show what's been going for the longest time. Gren and Emily are something together! Carla will do anything she can to take their minds off of the battle but Emily is no fool. She didn't fall for the 'your husband use to be a bad man' trick, either.
Thank you, my good man. It's alright now. Have pain pills, so we good. XD -brofist-
Oh man cliffhangers! XD
The beginning was very sad but at the same time very sweet And that fight scene was awesome! Emily and Gren bein… moreg badass Oh she pulled the 'but we are family, we should forgive each other speech' Lmao! Oh Carla maybe if you didn't take shit the whole time and you weren't that evil to your own family then maybe you'd have a one percent chance of living! XD
Awesome stuff man! Went beautifully with battle music I hope your arm heals quick man! And as always I look forward to more! Brofist
Thank you for telling my business, Hman. :P
Anyways, I like to go back and just show how things use to be. I was always going to make Car… morela this evil bitch. Like I say all the time....its the people that know you the most that you have to watch out for. She played everyone for a fool....
Nope, not yet. That follows.
Awesome, dude!
Hmm, Brannigan seemed rather forthcoming in her accusations. She barely knew anything of his involvement (which is none) amd she was already questioning him ferociously.
"Sorry, sometimes you have to shake the tree to see what falls out." - Cole Phelps, L.A.Noire.
Zylen's attitude towards eveyone is rather polite, in spite of his general disinterest. I have taken a liking to his character. I look forward to more.
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: One
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us… more." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and h… [view original content]
I'm on a roll! Got another chapter written, this one is kinda graphic at the start, but at least I have the story planned out now (I think) So please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 5 – We Have Work To Do
Nick felt his teeth with both his fingers and his tongue, even his eyes had turned back to their usual heterochromatic selves. He looked back at Jayne and marched towards her, Jayne froze a little “What are you-” she gasped as Nick grabbed her face and checked over her features. Her skin was still cold, her eyes were still a disgusting red, and her incisors were still sharper and longer than usual.
The morning sun began to peek through the apartment and Jayne used Nick’s body as a shield against it, the problem with Nick’s apartment was that its large city-view window was North facing, and as a result it caught most of the sun’s rays when it rose each morning in New York. Nick knew that Vampires burned in the sun and was willing to shield his ‘love’ for the time being. The couple awkwardly shuffled to the kitchen where they were safe from the sun’s rays, but Nick wasn’t ready to forgive Jayne just yet.
“I don’t know whether to kill you or make you suffer first, my dear” The last part of Nick’s sentence was not sincere; Jayne took notice of this and resumed her cowering from earlier. Multiple lifetimes of abuse had taught Jayne that fear was a cruel master, and right now Nick was no better than Alex. “Nick please, I didn’t infect you on purpose!” Nick stared Jayne down and she backed up against the fridge, she was starting to tremble and her breath was becoming shaky. Nick gripped her shoulders and studied her face, he was barely an inch away from it “You, are the reason why 10 innocent people are dead”.
Jayne struggled but Nick was still stronger than her, even without his incredible powers. She started to cry as the pain of his hands was becoming even more unbearable “Please, you’re hurting me!” Nick looked less impressed “I wonder if those people yelled that when I ripped them apart for their blood” Nick dragged Jayne towards the sunshine and held her a few inches away from its rays “Maybe I should pay them back...” Jayne started to cry, but before Nick could move her any further, he felt a hand on his shoulder “Let her go, now”
O Penny’s Apartment
Waking up on her sofa was not new to Penny, nor was the manner in which she woke up. She was being covered by a thick red plaid blanket, and Damien’s nude form was serving as a warm and fleshy pillow for her own naked body. She shifted herself up onto her elbows, digging them ever so slightly into each of Damien’s Pectorals; Damien groaned into consciousness and remembered why it was so amazing to wake up next to a beautiful lady, especially when said lady’s incredible boobs were brushing against his chest.
“My eyes are up here you perv” Damien smirked as he reached slowly for Penny’s chest “But I missed these bunker busters so much” Penny sat up and moved her chest away from Damien’s very awake fingers, he sighed and put his hands behind his head “Well if my hands can’t have those then at least my crotch can have yours” Penny slapped Damien across the face, but he pulled her back down for a kiss. Damien was always cheeky around Penny, especially after they had made love, but it was one of those things that made him different, he wanted Penny to know that he was all over her, and in return Penny made it apparent that Damien was her man.
She pulled away but gave him another quick kiss immediately afterwards before stroking some stray hair from his forehead “How do you feel? You look ok” Damien stroked Penny’s cheek “My chest still feels a little tight, but otherwise I feel super” Penny nodded and stood up straight, stretching out in the morning sun as Damien admired her from the sofa. His moment was shirt lived as she silently went into her bathroom and turned on the shower, Damien would normally join her but he needed food, right now.
He got off the sofa and threw on his Union Jack boxers, moving to Penny’s kitchen he opened the fridge and pulled out what was left of a pizza, with Penny’s favourite toppings on it: pepperoni, extra cheese, olives and mushrooms. If this was Nick’s place then Damien would have dug right in, but he had made the mistake of eating from Penny’s fridge before without asking; it wasn’t that he ate from her fridge, but there were certain items of food that needed to be cleared with Penny before they could be consumed by Damien. He moved to the half closed bathroom door and knocked on it twice “Hey babe, can I have some of your pizza?”
Penny yelled from the steamy shower “How much is left?” Damien checked the fridge again, 3 slices, he went back to the bathroom door “There’s 3 slices left” Penny yelled back “Leave me one and I won’t kill you” Damien was very proud of himself as he grabbed 2 slices of the pizza and placed them both on a plate and put them into the microwave. As they reheated, he threw on his stonewashed jeans and turned on the TV, it showed the same news report that Nick had seen about the murdered homeless people.
Damien didn’t hear the microwave ding or the shower turn off as the news story played out; he knew that alley and made a guess that Nick had killed those people. Penny came back in and leaned against the back of the couch “Whoa, what happened?” Damien’s face turned sour as he replied “Nick killed them...” Damien stood up and threw on his grey, long sleeved cotton shirt and Army jacket and headed for the door. Penny was wearing a white towel around her torso and had a second one in her hair as she stepped in front of Damien “Wait, what’re you going to do?”
Damien didn’t lie “I’m gonna ask Nick some very serious questions”
O Nick’s Apartment
Nick looked back to see Death was the one behind him, Death spoke again “Let her go, Nick, don’t do this to her” Nick was still spiteful of what Death had done to him, but he was taking all of his anger out on the only person he would give his life for. Nick pulled Jayne away from the sun and she stepped away from her ‘lover’ as she composed herself. Death folded his arms and clicked his tongue “I see the curse has been affected by what you are” Nick sighed and paced around in the sunshine “It would seem I only turn at night, and when night comes I kill and devour the blood out of any human with a pulse”
Death spoke “How can you be sure it’s just humans?” Nick responded “Because I remember passing by a cat and a dog before I reached the alley, their blood didn’t smell great to me” Death nodded and looked at Jayne “Are you ok my dear?” Jayne nodded slightly, Nick was in some bewilderment “You didn’t refer to her as such last night, I believe you called her a whore” Death looked back at Nick “I was angry Nick, even I can get so angry that I don’t think about the consequences of my actions, I apologise for calling Jayne a whore, but I am not sorry for striking you”
Nick got defensive as he pointed a finger at Death “I couldn’t resist it! That power was nothing I had experienced before, and it was Jayne, I wasn’t going to fight her off...”
Death smirked “Yet you were ready to send her to her maker just now” Nick shrugged in response “People do stupid things when they’re angry” A voice came from the hole in Nick’s wall “Yeah they do” Nick turned around and saw Damien standing in the hole, he looked pissed and marched up to Nick. Nick put his arms up as a gesture for Damien to calm down “Dame, calm down, I didn’t-”
Damien punched Nick across the face hard enough for Nick to hit the floor, Damien mounted Nick and punched him again and again until Death pulled him off by the collar of his jacket. “That is enough, Damien” Nick stood up and wiped his mouth “I didn’t plan on becoming a Vampire you meathead!” Damien pointed at Nick “You killed 10 innocent people!”
The 2 men started arguing as Penny ran into the apartment, also through the hole in the wall. She turned to look at it, and then looked at Jayne “Why is there a big hole in your wall?” Jayne edged her way over to Penny and hugged her “Harbinger stuff, don’t ask” Penny chuckled as she hugged her friend; Penny had opted for a blue summer dress and a pair of cream coloured flats, to be honest they were the quickest things to put on as Damien didn’t bother waiting for her.
Death broke the two men apart and stood in between them “Do I have to spank you both like the naughty brats you’re imitating or can we talk like adults?” Nick and Damien were both huffing from their arguing, but they both agreed that this was childish, even for them. Death finally got his words in “Now, Jayne, your curse is linked to the Vampire Prince, Algol. If he dies then your curse is revoked, until then you cannot allow fire to consume you, or anything made of silver to pierce your brain or your heart, and stay out of direct sunlight as well” Jayne nodded “I understand”
Death looked at Nick “You are also linked to Algol through Jayne, thankfully your curse has been affected by your heritage as a Harbinger, I couldn’t take away all of your powers, just enough so that you would know what being ‘more normal’ feels like, it’s the reason Damien has been able to cause you so much damage and knock you down. Your curse will activate when the sun goes down, and will recede when it starts to rise; during that time you will actively seek out any non-Vampire humans and consume their blood, it’s a power thing you see...”
Nick was concerned “Can you help me, Father?” Death shook his head in defeat “I cannot, the Prince’s power puts him in par with the likes of the Great Powers, he has been alive for a longer time than you, and his knowledge of Black Magic rivals my own. But he can be defeated just like any Vampire can, it’s his Achilles Hell really” Nick nodded as he held Jayne’s hand; she was more ready to accept him now that things had calmed down “Where can I find him?” Death shook his head again “I do not know, he is located in New York that much I know... I also know that a Daywalker by the name of Isaac is looking for him”
Nick was interested then “Where can I find Isaac?” Death grinned as he faded into dust “Go to a club filled with Vampires tonight...”
O The South-side of New York, later that day
Isaac woke up and noticed that the sun was in the beginning stages of setting, the rays were steadily changing from yellow to orange, it wouldn’t be more than an hour now before he could resume his nights of hunting the Vampire scum. He heard a couple arguing upstairs, something about not being able to pay rent and how someone was cheating, he heard a thud and a cry of pain and could only assume that one and struck the other.
“I hate this diseased city” Isaac truly hated New York, he really didn’t want to be there. It was full of violence and pain... but the Prince was here, and Isaac had a score to settle with him, it had been over 2,000 years, but he never forgot what happened.
To be continued...
I hope I write another chapter tomorrow, I think my spark is coming back to me at last Please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I will see you all later! XD
With each chapter that passes, my anticipation of Carla's death increases. If this goes on, I think her death would provide a pleasure beyond the amorous type.
She will die, and I will post a comment filled with so many celebratory memes and gifs that your computers will crash and catch fire.
The War of Fabletown part 3
Over my dead body, bitch...
"Pull back!" Liam holds up his sword. "Pull back, now! They are reproducin… moreg at an alarming rate!"
"No, sire!" One of the Grendels looks over at the boy. "We must fight them back! We have this, sire! Please!"
"I said pull back!" Liam holds ip his sword, hissing at the Grendel. "PULL back! NOW! There are too many of them! We need to seperate into
groups! They are herding us all in the middle like Cattle! Now! Do as I say!"
The Grendel nods, turns to his companions and Elves. They seperate into one group, leading a trail of spawns behind them. More and more erect through the ground, clawing at the soil and moaning in agony. Carla was nowhere to be found but her vile magic was still playing as she vanished. The quads, along with Isaiah and Robert, head towards the lake. Katie, Jersey and the others head east; riding his back, Katie leads her pack of Wolves and other Fable… [view original content]
Obrecht, you dick. I have a new villian of whom I hate. There are villians I love to hate, then there are those I just hate, then there is Joffrey. Obrecht is hated. I enjoy having villians of whom to just hate (like pie's Carla).
Now, that camoe involving the Crooked Man was appreciated. I liked his character and wish that he could have been more explored.
Also, nothing has happened with Gertraud and Alfred lately, I have little time to write as of now.
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? R… moreobert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies… [view original content]
The war of Fabletown part 4
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything h… moreappen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter a… [view original content]
These were certainly unexpected twists, no doubt you're getting good at this! Jersey boy will get his grey ass handed to him, it'll be only a matter of time.
The Pawn shop was closed. Lyla peers inside through the window. Nothing. She knew Jersey closed his shop early or at odd hours but it was ba… morerely after ten. She'd try back in an hour. She had bags of groceries and needed to get home. There were three gallons of Milk and the sun was awfully warm that morning. Lyla makes her way down the street and heads back to her home.
But she had just missed Jersey. He was heading towards Rosa's Italian restaurant, baseball bat in his hands. He would not lose his brother to someone that could be prevented. Jersey was able to tolerate a lot of things. He'd been around for centuries and witnessed many things that would send others hiding under their blankets. Jersey tried to be 'open minded' when it came to certain situations but not this. His brother was not gay and he blamed Robert Grendel for trying seduce his brother to the dark side.
Jersey fought back the urge to transform in the alley behind Rosa'… [view original content]
Eh, I was expecting you'd do more with Brannigan - but then again, this is only the first part. Fascinating to see how Zelyn was 'smart' about saying no to her questions regardless. If it was your other Fables, they'd probably be revealing all sorts of answers to her the way I see it. :P
Smoke and Mirrors... Part: One
"Hey what the fuck do you think you're doing!?" Bigby said.
"Sir I'm sorry but you need to come with us… more." The police man said
"Fuck you, I need to find out who did this!" Bigby replied.
Zylen looked at Bigby. "We need to go with them."
"Listen to your pal sir, he's saving you from breaking more rules." Another cop said
Zylen got shoved into a police cruiser with Bigby. Zylen got a look at Crane walking out the door, he look mortified at what he saw. He then saw Bigby and himself in the distance and his face grew angry. Zylen looked up to the sky and watched the stars, as he had no interest for what Crane wanted nor what Bigby wanted. He did know that Snow was not dead. The cop cruiser turned on and began to head for the police station. During the ride Zylen looked at the neon signs and how they looked with the night sky, this was one of the things he loved about New York. Bigby nudged him and h… [view original content]
So it seems Carla was always an "annoyance"? All the better for when her death comes about.
Speaking of which, why did you deny me here d… moreeath with that cliffhanger? You are so cruel! < joke.
Carla's attempts to save herself are simply pathetic, she is rather audacious to think she can weave her way out of this now.
I await the chapter upon which she dies, please let her die pain, please let ger die in pain, please let her die in pain.......
To any anime enthusiasts on here, how many of you have watched this one:
I haven't watched this series in ages, but I recently redisc… moreovered it's badass theme song Red Fraction by MELL. Then I remembered how badass every character with a weapon is in this series!
Definitely need to watch it again sometime
Nick, please guilt trip Jayne as much as you can. Those poor hobos didn't deserve it. But unfortunately, it's what the hunger does to vampires, especially those that are like Nick.
Nice touch with the Damien and Penny ship, wasn't expecting that at all and I agree that they're a good couple! Johann is Penny's husband in pie's earlier stories if you didn't know already.
Well after 2 hours I got another chapter written, you can probably tell I was tired when I wrote this cuz the end is a little abrupt. Regard… moreless I hope you like it @pudding_pie PLEASE tell me I got Penny right in this!!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 4 – Embrace the Power
The silence of the night was very welcoming to Penelope; she was about ready to finally drift off into the land of dreams after a painfully long day at the Silver Star. Some guy had tried to grope her and in response the heel of Penny’s shoe ‘accidently’ collided with his crotch, and not in the fun way. She innocently passed it off as a mistake and the guy reluctantly accepted her apology, though the look in her eyes afterwards, that look of ‘don’t you fucking dare’ was enough for him to not try again.
Though she didn’t fail to notice the amount of space she had in her bed. Damien hadn’t come over when she got off her shift, she’d even managed to get off early, but typ… [view original content]
I think you mean she'll remain immortal, mortals can be killed :P
Carla is fucked
Yeah that one. My head is everywhere today. XD
Hell yes she is....that bitch. XD
I'll have to look into this Ness character! Sounds interesting, considering he reminds you of Liam. And she did apologies after reading the rest. Emotions got to her. XD You and those headphones! I love it!
So you, man!
I hear that's the #1 thing people can not stand! I'd melt! lol Oh yes! The Java Chip Frap! THE best!! I hate the doctors, too and at least here in Cali, the employees get paid pretty well, plus tips.
Good luck either way! You got this!
And this is why you need sleep :P
Ness certainly is something XP Lol! XD Thanks man, always gotta have them around
It's so bad lol, walk out for one second and you really do feel like you're going to melt! Oh, that's what it's called! I'll probably order try that today then! Ah okay, man makes me wish I lived in a bigger city! XD Thanks man!
To any anime enthusiasts on here, how many of you have watched this one:
I haven't watched this series in ages, but I recently rediscovered it's badass theme song Red Fraction by MELL. Then I remembered how badass every character with a weapon is in this series!
Definitely need to watch it again sometime
(I will read this in a bit) Nick and Jayne have not had a baby yet :P
So much cursing than usual in that anime. Lol
Hey Fables, I've got some catching up to do I see (Is Carla ded? Did Nick and Jayne have a baby yet? Did Kieron and Co. defeat the Prince? Robert and Frank finally settled down? Are move Fables being taken? What are Gertraud and Alfred up to now?)
I manage to squeeze out another chapter for my vampire challenge. I was thinking of making it at least 25 chapters long or so. This one shows some like on what happened to Marco's father, and a brief cameo of some very bad people.
Vampire Challenge- Chapter 6
As much as those lycan’s wanted to kill those Nisa and Marco, they couldn't pass on the offer they was offered. Apparently, there’s bad blood with this clan and Obrecht. He killed several of its members and its leader was itching to get his claws on that treacherous vampire for so long, but they couldn't keep up him with despite their efforts. The lycan leader acknowledge Marco’s worlds and took in consideration of them being allies.
“Listen young dhampir, the man Obrecht.. He killed many off many of my clan, to the point where we had to go into hiding. Some suggested we seek council with Fabletown, but even them or their guard dog couldn't help us escaped eradication. This is one reason why we’re so, hostile to outsiders.” The Lycan said
“I understand your hardship, no one deserve such a thing. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy. Obrecht must pay for his crimes, against my father, your clan and everyone that bastard brought pain upon. You have my word, we will stop him and make him pay.” Marco sealing the deal and coming to a clear agree with the lycan leader. He will find Obrecht and make him pay, but of course there will be some complication on the ahead.
The Vampire Council
Obrecht entered the chamber of the fatally ill Count. He went over to his bedside and listened to what the withering vampire had to say.
“Where is Ademar… Obrecht? The count said in a cracking voice.
“He stayed behind to seek out his nephew, I believe he wants to bring him here to meet you, my lord..” Ademar said.
“Excellent, Ademar. With him on arrival, we can make preparations to whom would lead the council.. You or the young dhampir, Marcolta…”
“Yes my lord.”
“It is a disappointment Urdumar couldn't be here. I still to this… wondered… why he would commit such… treason. I still wonder to this day Obrecht…. and I know it was painful to carry out the execution of your friend..”
“‘Twas my lord, ‘twas…”
10 years ago
The Crooked Man's Office
Obrecht and Urdumar enter the office of the evil business. On the left was Jersey and Georgie and on the right was the Dum’s along with Mary. The two vampires weren't intimidated by the Crooked man’s goons, in fact they were itching for a little brawl, but decided to stick to the objective of being here.
The Crooked Man enters and immediately addresses the issue with him and a vampire that stolen something from him.
“You see, Urdumar. Your son, Marco and his delinquent dragon, Draco stolen something from me. My employees were tasked to retrieve it from them, politely. However they misinterpreted how annoying, oh excuse me. How troublesome these two can be. Instead of taking further measures to retrieve my belongings I was hoping you could talk some sense into your son his friend.”
“I see Mr. Crooked. My son and his friend are quite the duo. Always causing some sort of mischief, and doing the casual things teenagers would do. We were all teenagers right? Yeah, I’ll contact my son, I bring back your stolen goodies and what not.”
“You seem flustered, Urdumar? Perhaps you could use a drink” Crooked Man offered.
“No, I was expecting more than a simple retrieval mission. You do know what me and Obrecht do? We’re the hands of the Vampire Council, we don’t have time for such pointless errands.”
“I understand Urdumar. I assure you that what your son stolen from me will put quite the penny in your pocket, it will be quite beneficial.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it will. Let’s go Obrecht.”
As the two leave they set out to find Marco and Draco. The duo are chilling on a rooftop of an abandon building drinking wine coolers and smoking cannabis.
“So Marco what is thing anyway. It looks like a gargoyle or something” Draco asked.
“It’s a vampire charm. I think it belongs to the Vampire council.. Any idea how much it’s worth.” Marco asking.
Then suddenly, Urdumar and Obrecht leaps onto the roof using vampire ability. He walks over to his son and hoist him up in the by his collar in disappointment.”
“Marcolta, what the hell were you thing. Stealing from someone as dangerous as Crooked. He sent his goons after you, what if something happened?” Urdurmar scolding his son.
“I’m sure they're not as dangerous as you and Mr. Obrecht, Mr. Urdumar.” Draco said.
“Thank you Draco, wait.. Shouldn't you two be in school right now? Why why are you smoking pot?”
“Dad, it’s Saturday..”
“He’s right Urdumar..” Obrecht grabbing a drink from the cooler.
“Whatever, Marcolta, give me what you stole from Crooked. Now.”
“Fine, here.. Shit”
“Now back to whatever.. Please stay out of trouble, both of you.”
“We will..”
As Urdumar and Obrecht returned to the Crooked Man’s hideout, Urdumar realized that the item he sent to retrieve was an ancient and forbidden vampire charm. Punishment for its possession was punishable by death. When the two arrived, Urdumar stormed into the office and demand to know where exactly did Crooked Man acquire such a thing.
Crookman looks at Obrecht, then signals the mysterious assassins and their leader, Sadira to enter and apprehend Urdumar by impaling his limbs with several small daggers.
The vampire falls to floor in agonizing pain of his flesh burning from the silver tips of the daggers as the lied in his flesh. The artifact dropped on the floor and the mysterious assassin Sadira picks and walks over towards Urdumar and whispers into his ear.
“I have you..”
Then orders her assassins to carry him away to vampire council. Upon arrival he was brought to the mercy of the council and Count Dadi Doku.
Urdumar awoken and realized where he was and what happened earlier. He then see’s the Count holding the artifact in his cold hands, looking at Urdumar is utter disappointment and disgust.
“What were, you to do with this Urdumar? Did you realize what dangerous powers it held, did you realized you could start another hundred year war between clans if this was to go public? Do you? Answer me dammit!” The count as he smacks Urdumar, causing saliva and blood to fly onto the marble floor.
Urdumar looks up at the count.
“I was set up. I would never go against your law our councils law and steal such power, let alone use it to jeopardize my family or my ascension to the throne. I would never my lord. “
“Sadira caught you red handed with it Urdumar. Your false pleading is getting you know where..”
“My lord, I WAS SET UP. You’re being blinded by lies! The dreadful bitch is lying, she’s working with the one who set me up!”
The count leaves Urdumar and returns to his throne among the other council members.
“You were to be my heir, Urdumar. Instead you defile that honor and commit high treason.. As much as this pains my old cold heart. You know what must be done. Council, this man has committed a high level of treason, in which it would spark another long war among our fellow clans. All in favor, of this traitor's death… Show… thy hand.”
With an unanimous decision, for committing such a crime Urdumar would immediately by put to death by holy rays, here in now. The count asked Obrecht to carry out Urdumar’s execution, which he humbly accepted.
Two soldiers moved Urdumar to the center of the hall. Obrecht, carrying a glowing dagger that burned bright as the sun approached Urdumar, one last time. Before he would execute the vampire he leaned in close and whispered something sinister.
“Sorry old friend… There can only be one Count.. Surely your son and brother will follow in you path. Death will come knocking at their door.. I promise you that..”
Realizing that Obrecht was the one who set him up. Urdumar attempts to break from his chains and kill Obrecht for his treachery, but he his stab in the heart by the powerful dagger. As he turns ashes, he have a glimpse of the future. A vision of his son Marco and Obrecht having a bloody duel..
In the present(Or 1994...)
Marco and Nisa return to Ademar’s house. Before saying goodbye, Marco ask Nisa for a favor.
“While I’m gone Nisa, could you watch over Irene for me? I will pay whatever for you to do so.” Marco ask.
“It’s fine, I’ll do it for. Your uncle paid me more than enough. This one is on the house.”
“Thanks Nisa.”
After saying goodbye, Nisa turns into a flaming bird and departs, while Marco enters the house and approach his uncle. Once inside, he see’s Ademar, sharpening a sword in a chair. He walks over to him demanding a talk.
“Uncle, we need to talk. NOW.” Marco demanded.
Ademar gives attention to his nephew.
“I’m sure we do. Ready to kill that bastard I assume?’
After hearing what his uncle said, Marco knew his uncle was on board to stopping Obrecht and getting revenge for the suffering he’s caused. They then on their way to Spain, to the Vampire Council..
That's all I have for now, hope everyone is doing well. The reason I had to step away was because I going through a brief sad movement. Wasn't feeling my usual self, but I'm fine now. I'll see ya around.
Oh yes! I only watched the first episode then watched snippets of other episodes afterwards, but my friend RAVED about it to me so I'm gonna have to watch all of it when I get the chance
Wooo! Yeah! That's the spirit, Haz!
Excuse my language but I fucking LOVE that picture. Emily is clinging to Gren like many times before and the determination in his eyes to protect is awesome.
I see big things for the Gremily quads. All of them, especially little Liam. He has become so much like Gren. I see him being Alpha one day. Sera is someone I'd hate to piss off, Viviana is basically the guard and rightful leader beside Hades for the Underworld and Chloe seems like her and the shadows are going to be trouble but for all the right reasons, considering she and Vivi are connected.
God I was crying when I thought Carla just killed Viviana! I was going to hit you, too! The ribbon!
Vivian is on it with her position as Guardian Angel! Gren and Emily are back! >:D I want them to just FUCK Carla up but I have this feeling it won't be easy right away but they are stronger then before! I'd like to see Calla and Thomas again. :') Damn! Robert and Isaiah, too!
I can't wait to meet the new babies!!!!
I love this weather, dude!! Let me know what the doc says, alright?Love ya', dude!
Is the main character in that show named Revy? If so I wanted to watch it but have put it off for the longest! XD
Yo Stone!
Sadly they have not beaten the Prince yet. Currently taking a break from writing that story at the moment. But the Prince will be taken care of. 
This chapter was awesome!
The Lycans being nice? I don't know seems like a trap to me. Also leave it to that Crooked bastard to screw someone over, poor udumar
And I am excited to see this partnership of Ademar and Marco >:D
I'm sorry to hear about that man, hope everything is better than it was! I look forward to more!
There are so many connections in this! I love that you added the Crooked Man and his goon squad with Orbrecht and Urdumar. At first, I thought they were the ones involved with the Prince but it shows I was wrong. I agree. The Lycans seemed to eager to help unless there is something they are secretly planning with the Vampires and we just don't know it yet!
Take that, Prince!
The Crooked Man is a dick. Excuse me but he made Udumar look stupid. >:( Also, Marco is awesom as ever and Nisa, too! I like her character a lot and I see her, Marco and Ademar doing some kickass moves during this fight!
I hope everything is alright, dude. I'm sorry to hear you're in a terrible position but it will get better.
We're here, if you need to talk...Also, Frank and Robert are still fighting to see one another at the moment. 
Oh, I can't wait to see. Hopefully they're twins. XD
Oh I see, It will be one helluva fight when it gets there.
It does seem strange, but at least Marco has another powerful ally on his shoulders, even if it's temporarily. Urdumar was played by
Obrecht like the rest, but he'll get his, uncle and nephew working together will surely bring down the house.:)
To tell the truth, I did plan 3 children. 2 boys and a girl...
BUT I'm still not decided on giving them children yet, chances are I won't
I try to connect as much as possible. In fact.. this story is actually kind of a prequel to my very first story, which connects to my others.
I wouldn't call Obrecht a prince, he's just a hier with cruel intentions and worse
) But there are some other things to come to light later. Marco still doesn't know what hapened to his father but, when he finds out, the inner demon inside would have a ball at the council.
I'm much better now, just need to spend some time with family and visit my dog
As for Frank and Robert, I'm sure that struggle between them won't last. Surely they will find a way past the bs.
The war of Fabletown part 4
"Life has many ways of testing a person's will. Either having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once." -Unknown
Life prior to this moment flashed around Emily's eyes. She returned to her birthday party at a local Waterslide park. The entire family was there; she and her siblings turned ten and were excited to ride the many open possibilties. Gren was there, along with her grandparents, cousins and parents. The cake was a towering three layer chocolate mess with frosting and sprinkles, provided by her loving mother and nana Nancy. Balloons all around the nine picnic tables. Fried chicken, potato salad, Cole slaw, homemade bisquits and sweet tea on each table. Mountain of gifts on a nearby table.
All that was marvelous and Emily beamed for the moment of bliss and peace. Until, like a movie, fast forwards into the latter part of the afternoon. There she was, just as cold and bitter as the person standing before her. Carla. She wore a two piece bikini. It was pink to Emily's memories and she wore enormous sunglasses over her eyes. She refused to participate in the celebration and looking back now, she seemed 'forced' and was not enjoying herself. The kids tried to grab her attention but Carla shooed them away as if they were pesky bugs floating around her head. Annoyed. Yes, thought Emily. That was the proper word to describe Carla that day and years after.
Emily remembers her reaction to the family. Wandering around, flirting with the Lifeguards and single fathers who brought their children along to escape the heat. Gren tried several times to enjoy the day with her but like always, she caused a fight. They always fought. Emily, however, did not have the vocabulary or understanding of adult relationships and the trouble Carla caused. She did not know what 'cheating' was or 'divorce.' She had never heard of these words. She did, however, pick up on the raw emotions that led Gren into a depressed slop of a mess. He often snuck alchohol and Emily once caught him drinking his pain and anguish away near the Jantor's closet. Emily was devestated and did not know
why. At ten, she did not understand these 'feelings' of remorse for Gren. She'd grown up around him and now, he was hiding from the world and drowing his tears in a brown liquid that came in a fancy bottle.
He'd pretend, like always and snake his way up from the shadows and join the festive guests and family members. Emily did, however, pick up on the hostility Carla showed Gren the entire party. Not a single hug, kiss or conversation with Gren. He stood the entire time either alone or eating another plate of food. Emily lost count of the amount of food he consumed that afternoon. Her parents laughed, embraced and spoke heavily of one another; sure, they've had issues in the past and did have arguments but it was nothing compared to Carla and Gren. Emily KNEW her parents were in love. This before her, was fake. Emily joined Gren as her siblings and the other children played in the Lagoon.
As Emily and Gren faced off in the clearing just above the setting sun, the memories became a thick coating of grisly reminders of just WHO Carla truly was. The battle between the three had begun; Carla creates spawn after spawn, circling her hands and sending waves of dark magic in their path. All the while, Emily focused on the woman who created this all on her own. The many lies and stories fabricated in order to conceal her dark ways....Emily made her way back to that afternoon at the Waterslides, just as Carla flies through the air in Emily's direction....
"What are ya' doin' here all by yourself, Gren?" Emily finds Gren sitting under a shady tree, feet touching the water. "You can come swimming with us if ya' want ta'..."
Looking up, Emily could tell Gren had been crying. He'd probably blame either the sun or chlorine for the iritation and redness. Sadly, everyone would believe him. Except for Emily and as Gren looks deep into the child's eyes, he knew those options were not available to use when it came to Emily. He sighs, splashing the cool water with his toes.
"Oh I'm just...taking a break, sweetie. I've been all over the place and my feet are getting tired. What about you-don't you wanna go swimming with the others?"
"I do." Emily takes a seat beside Gren. "BUT I want ya' ta' go with me, too."
Gren tries to smile but Emily could see the hurt and pain in his eyes. "Go ahead, baby girl. I just want to sit here."
"Then I'll join ya'." Emily grabs Gren's hand. "I like this little beach thing, too. The waves feel good on my toes."
"They do, don't they?" Gren wiggles his toes. "Would be cool if we had sand to go with the water. A cold soda. Some chairs..."
"AND pails, ta' make castles with!" Emily points to the sky. "A bright sun, lots of clouds but no birds."
Gren laughs. "There are Seagulls at the beach, baby. You know this."
"They poop everywhere and steal my sandwiches!" Emily leans into Gren's arm. "I don't like them!"
Gren chuckles, lifts Emily and places her in his lap. Both watched the many waves roll in. Back and forth. Back and forth. The screams of children as they rode their air tubes against the oncoming currents. Parents dipped their baby's feet into the water. The child would kick and laugh, the coolness nipping at their toes. Not too far in Pirate's Cove, her siblings and cousins play.
"Why don't you go play, Emily?" Gren points to the others. "Looks like fun."
"So is this." Emily snuggles closer. "I want ya' ta' come play with me, Gren! I don't want ta' see ya' alone like this. It's no fun."
Gren looks around. All those happy faces. Not a care in the world. He took notice of Carla, carrying on her traditional 'flirting'; she rubs the lifeguard's chest and touches his arms, squealing like a schoolgirl. Gren was flustered and embarresed. Emily could feel the tension in his arms. His smoldering eyes glaring at Carla. Emily at that moment began to lose respect for Carla. She was making Gren angry and Emily did not like to see Gren angry or sad. Growing closer to his chest, Emily beams.
"Come on, Gren. Please..." She could feel the change slowly taking over...."Please. Come play with me."
Like times before, she was able to bring Gren back. The Fable lifts the little girl into his arms; she chuckles, clings closer to his neck and is carried to the others. All the while, Carla glaring at Emily. So much hate in her eyes...
Another arrow and one final scream before Carla rolls down the hill. Blood lines the rocks and many weeds that passed her by. Gren, in true form, glares at Carla. He stood, fists stiff as stone, grunting. Carla leans against a nearby tree and holds out her hand. Emily, not too far
behind, slides down a slope. Trails of freshly grown grass and flowers were her feet touched the earth. Clutching the bow in her palms, the powers begin to jet through her veins. Emily had visions. She was unsure of these sudden images; the area was black and the only person before her was Carla. The very eyes that longed to purge this world of the Porgies. Emily could feel the fear in her immortal soul.
Pulling the bow back, it creates the shape of a crecent moon. The Wolf, Deer and flocks of Crows flutter beside Emily. They caw in the woman's direction. Certainty. This is what Nick and Hades, along with Calla and even Thomas, were trying to tell her. It was certain Carla was always going
to be this: nothing but pure evil and looking to take those around her down. Emily was certain to take the bow and Calla's place; Gren was always going to be the next Alpha and gain his abilitites. He was always certain to become ten times stronger and use his spirit possesion, just as his mother once used.
Create an 'out of body' experience. It was certain his left hand, the one that use to cause him grief and pain, always a reminder of his past and now, a sturdy golden one, was to carry his element. Earth. It was certain that combined, Emily and Gren were unstoppable. It was certain now, to Emily, that Carla knew more of the bow then she was willing to explain. Emily and Gren were ALWAYS going to destroy Carla...
Certainty, as Emily aims at Carla's neck. The arrow pins into her flesh, making the woman bleed. She yanks it out, breaks the item in two and runs towards the lake. It was like a house Cat chasing an injured Rat. Gren and Emily scurried after the vermin until she came to the glades. Just a mile away, the continuing battle. Emily could hear the fighters nearby; the spawns bellowing into the air, casting their demonic faces into the crowd. Carla was running out of options. There was only one method left...
"Emily, wait!" Carla holds up a bloody palm. "Sweetie, look at me-you wouldn't kill your auntie Carla, would you?"
"Ya' be nuthin' ta' me, Carla..." Emily glances, pulling the string back. "Ya' be a savage. No different then the Vultures circling the skies above. Ya' turned ya' back on us. Became the enemy."
"But we're FAMILY, Emily. I've made mistakes. Don't we FORGIVE family?"
Another arrow into the chest. "We are NOT family, Carla! Ya' lost that when ya' tried ta' kill my grandfather. Tried ta' pull my parents apart. Helped Decimus, Romulus and Remus. Used Echidna. Promised her power, if she killed Jersey, Katie and the girls. Tried ta' kill Penny. Junior. Attepted ta' take Peter on YOUR side and use as a weapon. Ethan. Michelle and Erica. Mary...." Emily sends several vines around Carla's legs. "...Gren. All those fookin' years...."
Carla smirks. "You think your PRECIOUS Grendel is so sweet and kind. Hm. You know NOTHING, you foolish girl. You want to talk about forgiveness, yet you've become a hyporicte, too."
"The fook are ya' talkin' 'bout, cunt?"
"This-" With her loose hand, Carla creates the Mead Halls. Emily's heart sinks, as she and Gren watch his old self enter the halls and devour the countless souls inside. "THIS is what you've been fighting for, Emily...."
Gren observes his old self. He cringed; Emily stood still, cupping her stomach. The babies danced inside, moving around, playfully kicking her sides. She watched him eat several warriors and then some. He was hideous. Angry and vile. But even as Emily watched, nothing changed. Clutching to her babies and the bow, Emily smiles. Even in Carla's method to 'change' Emily's mind, it all remained the same: their love was forever. Nothing would change. Carla knew she had failed and began to feel the vines growing tighter around her ankles, wrist and torso.
"Nice try, Carla." Emily turns around. Her eyes blacker then the night sky. "But ya' forgot one thing-Certainty. I WON before ya' knew it, bitch Ya' think by showing me Gren's past, I'd LET ya' win? I already KNEW, ya' cunt and so did ya'...."
Terror, as the vines grew tighter...
Any questions, you know the drill.
Well, I'm off until Tuesday. lol Stupid arm...So, I came home and here I am. Want to get as much as I can done for the Porgie Clan and Gremily tale. We're nearing the end, folks. Oh what a glorious feeling. 
Oh man the Crooked bastard and his goons. I can see this mess has been going on for some time before this takes place with Marco and Nisa. I don't like Obrecht and he's getting on my nerves because he's so sure and smug. >:( I hope Maro gets the answer he needs and can figure all this out. The Lycans being nice sound like a trap to me but I'll have to wait and see what that plan is.
Carl is getting close to dying in my tale.
I'm sorry to hear you're going through some shit, man. If you ever need tochat, I and countless others are here. Taking a much needed break is the only way to clear your mind.
Feel better soon, man. -brofist-
Oh man cliffhangers! XD
The beginning was very sad but at the same time very sweet
And that fight scene was awesome! Emily and Gren being badass
Oh she pulled the 'but we are family, we should forgive each other speech' Lmao! Oh Carla maybe if you didn't take shit the whole time and you weren't that evil to your own family then maybe you'd have a one percent chance of living! XD
Awesome stuff man! Went beautifully with battle music
I hope your arm heals quick man! And as always I look forward to more!
Gremily's song

I'm sure, as you are doped up on pain pills, this song replaying over and over.
I love this song and it fits these two from beginning to end. PERFECT for reading this tale.
That first part broke my heart and made me hate Carla even more. That was sick what she did. God, I hate her so much. >:( Beside Echidna, Carla is the best villian you've created for the Porgie Clan stories. Emily is too fucking cute and it shows with that section at the Waterslides how connected they both already were. The talk about the beac was cute.
Ugh. God, this left a bad taste. >:( To hate a child like that. She did it to herself, that stupid ho. Sorry, Carla just....UGH!
and then tries to pull the family card! >:0 Freaking stupid! She did it to herself! And the tries to distract Emily with Gren's BG. Please, ho! She loves that man, even after all that crap.
You thought! Stupid....That ending! NOO! I wanted to read more! The suspense!
I loved those pictures, too. The first one: they have three babies!
I;m wondering about the past, present and future written on them. And that last one. GOD I love these two!!!
Hey everyone, this'll be like my fourth post today, and I hope it's not my last...
Basically my laptop is acting REALLY weird, I cannot (literally cannot) search ANYTHING on AVG Secure Search, it all comes up with is 'we cannot find what you're looking for'. I managed to get back on this site by typing telltalegames.com into the website search bar and choosing this part of the forum. Just in case my laptop does continue to fuck up, I may not be on for extended periods of time anymore, lord knows what the problem is
I also cannot 'backtrack' on my feed much, I can backtrack to like, the start of today and then it says 'No new notifications' but sometimes I cannot backtrack at all! I have no idea what is up with this piece of shit...
So if I disappear for a while, it isn't because I've left without saying goodbye or because I'm dead or whatever, it's my laptop being shit.
Hopefully I'll have another chapter up today, but we'll see.
Nice to have you back dude!
So this is what you meant by Obrecht sinking even lower, he set up Urdumar... What a prick >:(
Can't wait to see Obrecht meet his demise at the hands of Marco...
I await more dude! XD
First of all, rest means rest, it doesn't mean exercise :P
That flashback was something, I had no idea how much of a bitch Carla was back then. Though I have to ask you this, when did you decide that Carla was a true villain? Those images I saw on the Fanart thread told a story of love between her and Gren, so what made you think 'Carla should be the epitome of evil'??
I wonder how much time is left for Carla now, the ending suggests she is done for, yet you haven't depicted her death just yet...
I look forward to more! XD
Thank you for telling my business, Hman. :P
Anyways, I like to go back and just show how things use to be. I was always going to make Carla this evil bitch. Like I say all the time....its the people that know you the most that you have to watch out for. She played everyone for a fool....
Nope, not yet. That follows.
Awesome, dude!
I like to go back and show what's been going for the longest time. Gren and Emily are something together!
Carla will do anything she can to take their minds off of the battle but Emily is no fool. She didn't fall for the 'your husband use to be a bad man' trick, either. 
Thank you, my good man.
It's alright now. Have pain pills, so we good. XD -brofist-
I changed it, sorry
Ok then
I wait for the moment she dies then >:D
Hmm, Brannigan seemed rather forthcoming in her accusations. She barely knew anything of his involvement (which is none) amd she was already questioning him ferociously.
"Sorry, sometimes you have to shake the tree to see what falls out." - Cole Phelps, L.A.Noire.
Zylen's attitude towards eveyone is rather polite, in spite of his general disinterest. I have taken a liking to his character. I look forward to more.
I'm on a roll! Got another chapter written, this one is kinda graphic at the start, but at least I have the story planned out now (I think) So please enjoy!
Vampire Challenge Chapter 5 – We Have Work To Do
Nick felt his teeth with both his fingers and his tongue, even his eyes had turned back to their usual heterochromatic selves. He looked back at Jayne and marched towards her, Jayne froze a little “What are you-” she gasped as Nick grabbed her face and checked over her features. Her skin was still cold, her eyes were still a disgusting red, and her incisors were still sharper and longer than usual.
The morning sun began to peek through the apartment and Jayne used Nick’s body as a shield against it, the problem with Nick’s apartment was that its large city-view window was North facing, and as a result it caught most of the sun’s rays when it rose each morning in New York. Nick knew that Vampires burned in the sun and was willing to shield his ‘love’ for the time being. The couple awkwardly shuffled to the kitchen where they were safe from the sun’s rays, but Nick wasn’t ready to forgive Jayne just yet.
“I don’t know whether to kill you or make you suffer first, my dear” The last part of Nick’s sentence was not sincere; Jayne took notice of this and resumed her cowering from earlier. Multiple lifetimes of abuse had taught Jayne that fear was a cruel master, and right now Nick was no better than Alex. “Nick please, I didn’t infect you on purpose!” Nick stared Jayne down and she backed up against the fridge, she was starting to tremble and her breath was becoming shaky. Nick gripped her shoulders and studied her face, he was barely an inch away from it “You, are the reason why 10 innocent people are dead”.
Jayne struggled but Nick was still stronger than her, even without his incredible powers. She started to cry as the pain of his hands was becoming even more unbearable “Please, you’re hurting me!” Nick looked less impressed “I wonder if those people yelled that when I ripped them apart for their blood” Nick dragged Jayne towards the sunshine and held her a few inches away from its rays “Maybe I should pay them back...” Jayne started to cry, but before Nick could move her any further, he felt a hand on his shoulder “Let her go, now”
O Penny’s Apartment
Waking up on her sofa was not new to Penny, nor was the manner in which she woke up. She was being covered by a thick red plaid blanket, and Damien’s nude form was serving as a warm and fleshy pillow for her own naked body. She shifted herself up onto her elbows, digging them ever so slightly into each of Damien’s Pectorals; Damien groaned into consciousness and remembered why it was so amazing to wake up next to a beautiful lady, especially when said lady’s incredible boobs were brushing against his chest.
“My eyes are up here you perv” Damien smirked as he reached slowly for Penny’s chest “But I missed these bunker busters so much” Penny sat up and moved her chest away from Damien’s very awake fingers, he sighed and put his hands behind his head “Well if my hands can’t have those then at least my crotch can have yours” Penny slapped Damien across the face, but he pulled her back down for a kiss. Damien was always cheeky around Penny, especially after they had made love, but it was one of those things that made him different, he wanted Penny to know that he was all over her, and in return Penny made it apparent that Damien was her man.
She pulled away but gave him another quick kiss immediately afterwards before stroking some stray hair from his forehead “How do you feel? You look ok” Damien stroked Penny’s cheek “My chest still feels a little tight, but otherwise I feel super” Penny nodded and stood up straight, stretching out in the morning sun as Damien admired her from the sofa. His moment was shirt lived as she silently went into her bathroom and turned on the shower, Damien would normally join her but he needed food, right now.
He got off the sofa and threw on his Union Jack boxers, moving to Penny’s kitchen he opened the fridge and pulled out what was left of a pizza, with Penny’s favourite toppings on it: pepperoni, extra cheese, olives and mushrooms. If this was Nick’s place then Damien would have dug right in, but he had made the mistake of eating from Penny’s fridge before without asking; it wasn’t that he ate from her fridge, but there were certain items of food that needed to be cleared with Penny before they could be consumed by Damien. He moved to the half closed bathroom door and knocked on it twice “Hey babe, can I have some of your pizza?”
Penny yelled from the steamy shower “How much is left?” Damien checked the fridge again, 3 slices, he went back to the bathroom door “There’s 3 slices left” Penny yelled back “Leave me one and I won’t kill you” Damien was very proud of himself as he grabbed 2 slices of the pizza and placed them both on a plate and put them into the microwave. As they reheated, he threw on his stonewashed jeans and turned on the TV, it showed the same news report that Nick had seen about the murdered homeless people.
Damien didn’t hear the microwave ding or the shower turn off as the news story played out; he knew that alley and made a guess that Nick had killed those people. Penny came back in and leaned against the back of the couch “Whoa, what happened?” Damien’s face turned sour as he replied “Nick killed them...” Damien stood up and threw on his grey, long sleeved cotton shirt and Army jacket and headed for the door. Penny was wearing a white towel around her torso and had a second one in her hair as she stepped in front of Damien “Wait, what’re you going to do?”
Damien didn’t lie “I’m gonna ask Nick some very serious questions”
O Nick’s Apartment
Nick looked back to see Death was the one behind him, Death spoke again “Let her go, Nick, don’t do this to her” Nick was still spiteful of what Death had done to him, but he was taking all of his anger out on the only person he would give his life for. Nick pulled Jayne away from the sun and she stepped away from her ‘lover’ as she composed herself. Death folded his arms and clicked his tongue “I see the curse has been affected by what you are” Nick sighed and paced around in the sunshine “It would seem I only turn at night, and when night comes I kill and devour the blood out of any human with a pulse”
Death spoke “How can you be sure it’s just humans?” Nick responded “Because I remember passing by a cat and a dog before I reached the alley, their blood didn’t smell great to me” Death nodded and looked at Jayne “Are you ok my dear?” Jayne nodded slightly, Nick was in some bewilderment “You didn’t refer to her as such last night, I believe you called her a whore” Death looked back at Nick “I was angry Nick, even I can get so angry that I don’t think about the consequences of my actions, I apologise for calling Jayne a whore, but I am not sorry for striking you”
Nick got defensive as he pointed a finger at Death “I couldn’t resist it! That power was nothing I had experienced before, and it was Jayne, I wasn’t going to fight her off...”
Death smirked “Yet you were ready to send her to her maker just now” Nick shrugged in response “People do stupid things when they’re angry” A voice came from the hole in Nick’s wall “Yeah they do” Nick turned around and saw Damien standing in the hole, he looked pissed and marched up to Nick. Nick put his arms up as a gesture for Damien to calm down “Dame, calm down, I didn’t-”
Damien punched Nick across the face hard enough for Nick to hit the floor, Damien mounted Nick and punched him again and again until Death pulled him off by the collar of his jacket. “That is enough, Damien” Nick stood up and wiped his mouth “I didn’t plan on becoming a Vampire you meathead!” Damien pointed at Nick “You killed 10 innocent people!”
The 2 men started arguing as Penny ran into the apartment, also through the hole in the wall. She turned to look at it, and then looked at Jayne “Why is there a big hole in your wall?” Jayne edged her way over to Penny and hugged her “Harbinger stuff, don’t ask” Penny chuckled as she hugged her friend; Penny had opted for a blue summer dress and a pair of cream coloured flats, to be honest they were the quickest things to put on as Damien didn’t bother waiting for her.
Death broke the two men apart and stood in between them “Do I have to spank you both like the naughty brats you’re imitating or can we talk like adults?” Nick and Damien were both huffing from their arguing, but they both agreed that this was childish, even for them. Death finally got his words in “Now, Jayne, your curse is linked to the Vampire Prince, Algol. If he dies then your curse is revoked, until then you cannot allow fire to consume you, or anything made of silver to pierce your brain or your heart, and stay out of direct sunlight as well” Jayne nodded “I understand”
Death looked at Nick “You are also linked to Algol through Jayne, thankfully your curse has been affected by your heritage as a Harbinger, I couldn’t take away all of your powers, just enough so that you would know what being ‘more normal’ feels like, it’s the reason Damien has been able to cause you so much damage and knock you down. Your curse will activate when the sun goes down, and will recede when it starts to rise; during that time you will actively seek out any non-Vampire humans and consume their blood, it’s a power thing you see...”
Nick was concerned “Can you help me, Father?” Death shook his head in defeat “I cannot, the Prince’s power puts him in par with the likes of the Great Powers, he has been alive for a longer time than you, and his knowledge of Black Magic rivals my own. But he can be defeated just like any Vampire can, it’s his Achilles Hell really” Nick nodded as he held Jayne’s hand; she was more ready to accept him now that things had calmed down “Where can I find him?” Death shook his head again “I do not know, he is located in New York that much I know... I also know that a Daywalker by the name of Isaac is looking for him”
Nick was interested then “Where can I find Isaac?” Death grinned as he faded into dust “Go to a club filled with Vampires tonight...”
O The South-side of New York, later that day
Isaac woke up and noticed that the sun was in the beginning stages of setting, the rays were steadily changing from yellow to orange, it wouldn’t be more than an hour now before he could resume his nights of hunting the Vampire scum. He heard a couple arguing upstairs, something about not being able to pay rent and how someone was cheating, he heard a thud and a cry of pain and could only assume that one and struck the other.
“I hate this diseased city” Isaac truly hated New York, he really didn’t want to be there. It was full of violence and pain... but the Prince was here, and Isaac had a score to settle with him, it had been over 2,000 years, but he never forgot what happened.
To be continued...
I hope I write another chapter tomorrow, I think my spark is coming back to me at last
Please Like, leave your comments/questions below, and I will see you all later! XD
With each chapter that passes, my anticipation of Carla's death increases. If this goes on, I think her death would provide a pleasure beyond the amorous type.
She will die, and I will post a comment filled with so many celebratory memes and gifs that your computers will crash and catch fire.
Obrecht, you dick. I have a new villian of whom I hate. There are villians I love to hate, then there are those I just hate, then there is Joffrey. Obrecht is hated. I enjoy having villians of whom to just hate (like pie's Carla).
Now, that camoe involving the Crooked Man was appreciated. I liked his character and wish that he could have been more explored.
Also, nothing has happened with Gertraud and Alfred lately, I have little time to write as of now.
So it seems Carla was always an "annoyance"? All the better for when her death comes about.
Speaking of which, why did you deny me here death with that cliffhanger? You are so cruel! < joke.
Carla's attempts to save herself are simply pathetic, she is rather audacious to think she can weave her way out of this now.
I await the chapter upon which she dies, please let her die pain, please let ger die in pain, please let her die in pain.......
These were certainly unexpected twists, no doubt you're getting good at this! Jersey boy will get his grey ass handed to him, it'll be only a matter of time.
Eh, I was expecting you'd do more with Brannigan - but then again, this is only the first part. Fascinating to see how Zelyn was 'smart' about saying no to her questions regardless. If it was your other Fables, they'd probably be revealing all sorts of answers to her the way I see it. :P
Carla was always annoying to the family. Sadly, she did this to herself but yet, she blames everyone. Gotta love those cliffhangers!
She will die. Oh and the punishment she's receive....>:)
I rarely watch anime but the picture itself has got me interested! I'm going to see if it's on Netflix soon.
Nick, please guilt trip Jayne as much as you can. Those poor hobos didn't deserve it.
But unfortunately, it's what the hunger does to vampires, especially those that are like Nick.
Nice touch with the Damien and Penny ship, wasn't expecting that at all and I agree that they're a good couple! Johann is Penny's husband in pie's earlier stories if you didn't know already.