The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited May 2015

    That feeling when you're about to leave work for the night after a hectic day... and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place. Rage mode initiated.

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    Yes, 'tis.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Is your avi of you? And hi

  • Oh your like really pretty :D

    Just saying.

    Yes, 'tis.

  • RIP juice

    Belan posted: »

    That feeling when you're about to leave work for the night after a hectic day... and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place. Rage mode initiated.

  • Oh thank you ^-^

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    Oh your like really pretty Just saying.

  • R.I.P

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    Belan posted: »

    That feeling when you're about to leave work for the night after a hectic day... and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place. Rage mode initiated.

  • I wasn't notified either.

    It's good that you got to know the true nature of someone you thought was your friend. You don't need someone like that in your life. As for the crazy chick, you should really just try to ignore her. She's most likely all talk.

    Alright, hopefully the last update about this, so I'm tagging people who replied to the second update. Again, if you don't care just ignore

  • I never used vine... I also hate social media, but use Facebook a little .-.

  • took you a day lazy ass

  • A dysfunctional family, yes.

    But welcome to this area of the website.

    Good luck.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I've always wanted to go on here because you guys seem really cool and nice. Sorta like a family? Maybe im wrong thats just what i've seen So hi. c:

  • sOOO00OOO R4ND0M!!!!! XD

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    cool story bruh XD



  • I wonder how many Mcdonalds there are on Mcdonald Islands?

  • Hi! :D

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I've always wanted to go on here because you guys seem really cool and nice. Sorta like a family? Maybe im wrong thats just what i've seen So hi. c:

  • I hope your ok :'(

    torkahn808 posted: »

    I was trying to open a can when the lid flew back, gashing the skin of my pinky finger wide open. Hurt like a mother. . Although, I guess I was more shocked at how much blood there was. Me trying to stop the bleeding~

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    Hi and it;s true we all are the best family ever :'D welcome

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I've always wanted to go on here because you guys seem really cool and nice. Sorta like a family? Maybe im wrong thats just what i've seen So hi. c:

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    Not blocked in Ireland the master race :D

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    XD still one of the most badass things I eva seen tho


  • edited May 2015

    What do you think of the new Supergirl?

    I love they have a female superhero :D

    But the writers made it so cheesy and obviously playing to their target market making it so stereotypical like a bad teenage drama but she has superpowers is this what girls want? I think they deserve a whole lot better representation of that character of kara it just feels like another mtv flop show. I think if it's done right this could be one of the best shows on tv tbh :)

    I loved smallvile btw and they had an awesome kara as supergirl in it :)

    But I'll watch and give it a chance the ending was great :)

    Your opinion on the video?

  • NEVER trust a McDonald clown !!!

    McDonald Islands

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    If minecraft had this type of art style, I'd still probably be playing it!

  • edited May 2015

    This sounds awfully familiar to something I was aware about. A few years ago, I left my bonus year at school cuz I felt like I didn't belong there anymore. Things were calm for me when I was gone. But one day my childhood friend contacted me, saying was framed by this girl he liked, she accused him of raping her. Cops were on his ass, the school, students. Nearly everyone. I think I was the only one who believed him. He damn near was close to committing suicide several times, I tried helping for a month but it wouldn't stop. ....Sigh, I gave up and couldn't handle it anymore. He wouldn't listen. He's still alive and things has gotten better for him. As for me I took it as a life lesson, I look back and I hated how I left him like that, so now I'm trying to help suicidal people again, and I don't plan on leaving a person under suicidal problems again. Me and him are still friends, and yes , her too. I suppose it's the merciful side of me that made me forgive her even after what she had done.

    Alright, hopefully the last update about this, so I'm tagging people who replied to the second update. Again, if you don't care just ignore

  • and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place.

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    Belan posted: »

    That feeling when you're about to leave work for the night after a hectic day... and a stack of orange juice boxes (holding OJ gallons) spontaneously crashes to ground, exploding orange juice all over place. Rage mode initiated.

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    Hey, name's Tobi. Nice to meet you. :) Think I've seen you around here before.

    #TeamSarah posted: »

    I've always wanted to go on here because you guys seem really cool and nice. Sorta like a family? Maybe im wrong thats just what i've seen So hi. c:

  • edited May 2015

    God I love watching these guy's videos. I suddenly found a secret love for gmod. I thought it was just something where you make random things for vids but these three (or 4) game modes in particular I WANT TO TRY! OwO

    So uhh.... are these separate from the main game or are they in the game itself? :?

  • I've always wondered, don't Vanoss fans get bored of him and his friends playing the same games? GTA, Gmod, and CoD? Correct me if I'm wrong, but last time I checked his channel that's all I saw.

  • I don't really know. I always have a good laugh watching his vids, I spent a month watching nothing but him. lol In the comment section it's mostly spam where everyone just gets likes (not that I have a problem with that). But if I do want something new I go to other members of his group. I tend to watch Lui Calibre (Squeeker Squad!), H2O Delirious (That laugh tho), and Daithi De Nogla (most random screams evah). I should watch Terroriser's, that Arnold impersonation just kills me! xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I've always wondered, don't Vanoss fans get bored of him and his friends playing the same games? GTA, Gmod, and CoD? Correct me if I'm wrong, but last time I checked his channel that's all I saw.

  • XD these are awesome and so random

  • I've just been looking around my local bookstore and I found this Gem I can't wait to read it I haven't even seen the film yet but I read a bit of this in the store then immediately bought it, it's awesome

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  • TDMshadowCPTDMshadowCP Banned
    edited May 2015

    Question of the Day: How is/was your lunch table? What kind of people do you sit with? What do your friends usually talk about? Any memorable and/or funny moments? Extra: would you say your school lunch is shitty?

  • We don't have lunch at school, so I go eat with my friend in a nearby restaurant after school, mostly. Although there is a cafeteria that sells snacks, and I mostly sit with the same friends.

    Also what do you mean by "How" is my lunch table? What it looks like? lol

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: How is/was your lunch table? What kind of people do you sit with? What do your friends usually talk about? Any memorable and/or funny moments? Extra: would you say your school lunch is shitty?

  • By how, I mean if you enjoy sitting where you're sitting, or you hate it, and you're stuck sitting there.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We don't have lunch at school, so I go eat with my friend in a nearby restaurant after school, mostly. Although there is a cafeteria that se

    edited May 2015

    We don't have to sit there or even go buy something, we're even allowed to leave school at recess as long as we come back. There's a mall nearby, so I go with some friends there or just read something in class.

    I have no idea how it works in America... but I'm glad I don't have to eat those school-provided lunches.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    By how, I mean if you enjoy sitting where you're sitting, or you hate it, and you're stuck sitting there.

  • Recess? Shit, I haven't had that since Elementary school.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We don't have to sit there or even go buy something, we're even allowed to leave school at recess as long as we come back. There's a mall ne

  • Hearing Dinkles in Destiny is probably the best part of the game.

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