Why do I have a feeling that this new episode may hint to the meme "I'm in me moms car"? O_O;; Despite its about driving a car in it. I remember that one sneak peak of Rhys driving away from something as jack holds onto him. Something similar to the start of the second episode. But I cannot quite put my finger on it.
Comapring that with what WE have is really making me sad...I guess tommorow they will get a trailer for ep three and week later the episode while we get another tweet at most of how SOON our Ep will come out....
Telltale should finally give up on this business model. They have more time than most developers, get a huge boost in funds by the folks purchasing the season pass and still they are unable to keep a good pace in releasing episodes.
They clearly lack something (following a list of things I could imagine):
motivation - They already get the big part of the potential incomes for an unfinished product, so why stressing out on finishing it? They clearly lack the motivation of working folks, who only get their paycheck after finishing their job.
dedication - They don't value their customers high enough, only seeing them as money grab bags, which can be thrown away after getting the money out. Their lacking communication with those, who pay their sloth like pace, is even more proof of this.
skill - If they lack the skill to work after a fixed schedule (in this case the quality of the product might contradict this point, but if you give me a hundred years, I can also build a pyramid, without the necessary skills) they shouldn't even think about going into a business.
Telltale should finally give up on this business model. They have more time than most developers, get a huge boost in funds by the folks pur… morechasing the season pass and still they are unable to keep a good pace in releasing episodes.
They clearly lack something (following a list of things I could imagine):
* motivation - They already get the big part of the potential incomes for an unfinished product, so why stressing out on finishing it? They clearly lack the motivation of working folks, who only get their paycheck after finishing their job.
* dedication - They don't value their customers high enough, only seeing them as money grab bags, which can be thrown away after getting the money out. Their lacking communication with those, who pay their sloth like pace, is even more proof of this.
* skill - If they lack the skill to work after a fixed schedule (in this case the quality of the product might contradict this point, but if you gi… [view original content]
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and sometimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
If anyone is interested, I've found a couple of websites that TFTB creators have been busy working on...
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and so… moremetimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and so… moremetimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
My childhood BFF used to have one of those dolls and it terrified me - seriously, this picture has brought back so many horrifying memories...
You also fed it this weird goopy yellow stuff and it would go straight through it and come out the bottom so you could practice changing its diaper - IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT AN ENJOYABLE ACTIVITY FOR A CHILD?!
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and so… moremetimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and so… moremetimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
My childhood BFF used to have one of those dolls and it terrified me - seriously, this picture has brought back so many horrifying memories.… more..
You also fed it this weird goopy yellow stuff and it would go straight through it and come out the bottom so you could practice changing its diaper - IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT AN ENJOYABLE ACTIVITY FOR A CHILD?!
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and so… moremetimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
My childhood BFF used to have one of those dolls and it terrified me - seriously, this picture has brought back so many horrifying memories.… more..
You also fed it this weird goopy yellow stuff and it would go straight through it and come out the bottom so you could practice changing its diaper - IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT AN ENJOYABLE ACTIVITY FOR A CHILD?!
Lmao, sorry to cause you any traumatic relapses XD I guess it would appeal to some people...?
(whispers~ It's crying real tears collected from terrified children)
Yeah! You tell them! Stick it to Telltale! Because I know your statement comes from facts that you can physically present to the forum users and reference using logic from those facts! Man, you should be a lawyer! Shoot, let's fire Kevin Bruner and make you CEO. Just make sure to have your representatives send in your resume of how well you run a business, you ol' genius-of-a-person you!!!
Telltale should finally give up on this business model. They have more time than most developers, get a huge boost in funds by the folks pur… morechasing the season pass and still they are unable to keep a good pace in releasing episodes.
They clearly lack something (following a list of things I could imagine):
* motivation - They already get the big part of the potential incomes for an unfinished product, so why stressing out on finishing it? They clearly lack the motivation of working folks, who only get their paycheck after finishing their job.
* dedication - They don't value their customers high enough, only seeing them as money grab bags, which can be thrown away after getting the money out. Their lacking communication with those, who pay their sloth like pace, is even more proof of this.
* skill - If they lack the skill to work after a fixed schedule (in this case the quality of the product might contradict this point, but if you gi… [view original content]
I bet you are all gonna hate me but it has to be:
You are doing a great job Telltale!
Ah... The irony. It burns. -Greatly o~0;;
If anyone is interested, I've found a couple of websites that TFTB creators have been busy working on...
Make it november and we'll have a whole year game, never took me that long to play 10h something game
GoT fans right now
and here we are waiting for news like
I played TWAU in a single run. My brain would have melted waiting for the second episode of TWAU. Especially after you find Snow White's head.
Don't remind me. That wait was even longer than for Atlas Mugged.
Only by a week.
Smoke and Mirrors took 17 weeks to come out.
Atlas Mugged took 16 weeks.
16 fucking weeks, wow
Don't worry, Crips. Only 7 more weeks til Catch a Ride....
Oh dear lord.
Is it wrong that I root for both?
That was horror..
Yes it is.
Carley, no.
Why do I have a feeling that this new episode may hint to the meme "I'm in me moms car"? O_O;; Despite its about driving a car in it. I remember that one sneak peak of Rhys driving away from something as jack holds onto him. Something similar to the start of the second episode. But I cannot quite put my finger on it.
I'm really happy for all the GOT fans. I wish we had the same amount of news... They even got news for ep. 4 before ep. 3 was released.
Comapring that with what WE have is really making me sad...I guess tommorow they will get a trailer for ep three and week later the episode while we get another tweet at most of how SOON our Ep will come out....
Telltale should finally give up on this business model. They have more time than most developers, get a huge boost in funds by the folks purchasing the season pass and still they are unable to keep a good pace in releasing episodes.
They clearly lack something (following a list of things I could imagine):
Yeah, we've been coasting on that Dameon Clarke tweet for waaay too long.
The comparison is pretty sad:
I miss the 'soons'...
Honestly I'd like to have my pyramid done by 2110 if at all possible.
To be fair at least we have each other..... I... I don´t think I´d have gotten through this without you guys... Thanks for the laughs and sometimes tears... It´s been emotional... and... well Just thanks I suppose... stay strong.. stay positive and my friends... stay loyal to the end... There is light, at the end of this very long quiet tunnel and we are in it together, holding on... holding on the the light that, one day... one day in the not too distant future we will be comparing our choices... wondering why we kept that fucking bullet all the way to the end and thinking....thinking back to these days... wishing... that we were waiting for another episode... so take solice in this my brothers and sisters... we are still here, side by side... waiting for another episode and until the day we see the last credits roll... we are united... united in pain and united in hope..
Oh, no. Even more things to wait for...
We'll get through it... together. (Also, this is just what came up for 'crying gif' in google. 0_0)
Episode will SOOOOOONer than you think, Jackie ^^
My childhood BFF used to have one of those dolls and it terrified me - seriously, this picture has brought back so many horrifying memories...
You also fed it this weird goopy yellow stuff and it would go straight through it and come out the bottom so you could practice changing its diaper - IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT AN ENJOYABLE ACTIVITY FOR A CHILD?!
Let the skyfall...
When it crumbles...
We will stand...together...
For u I make it til 2109
Very expensive too
We'll always have the TFTBL forums...
:whispers: ...and we'll always have F17...
Lmao, sorry to cause you any traumatic relapses XD I guess it would appeal to some people...?
(whispers~ It's crying real tears collected from terrified children)
Aww... so cute!
Such is the power of demon baby
(Damn getting this to work is a pain)
Goddammit, it's like 4am for me and I really need to go to bed - but not with possessed, forum-cursing Baby Born's on the loose...
If F17 is the release date for episode 5 I'll most likely drop dead on the spot.
It's only 7:30pm for me (UK)
Go, rest, but you never know what might have crawled in through the window while you were asleep...
Yeah! You tell them! Stick it to Telltale! Because I know your statement comes from facts that you can physically present to the forum users and reference using logic from those facts! Man, you should be a lawyer! Shoot, let's fire Kevin Bruner and make you CEO. Just make sure to have your representatives send in your resume of how well you run a business, you ol' genius-of-a-person you!!!