The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • WHAT DO YOU MEAN i'm just talking to you am i not :'(((

    papai46 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure the all seeing eyes of Blind Sniper won't like this.

  • What the hell is that supposed to mean?

    papai46 posted: »

    Et tu Brute?

  • Yup and I had ENOUGH of this bullshit. I can't sit around and watch this. This is just cyber bullying now. I know Mark is not perfect.... but fucking hell no one deserves this. It seems like the ones who used to be bullied in thier daily lives became the bullies themselves. People said I shouldn't ruin two people's lives but they're trying to ruin someone else's? Give me a fucking break. Maybe I SHOULD think about becoming a mod. Oh and I won't reply messages on this cuz fuck it.

    papai46 posted: »

    I'm pretty sure the all seeing eyes of Blind Sniper won't like this.

  • i found the new obsession

  • I've seen all the Mad Max films. Feminism is NOT something I associate with it. That's what I meant. Poor phrasing on my part.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ...I genuinely don't understand? The title 'Gone Home' has nothing to do with women, but the game is Also a film doesn't have to be centered around a strong woman for it to be feminist.

  • Why reply to me? I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!

    Yup and I had ENOUGH of this bullshit. I can't sit around and watch this. This is just cyber bullying now. I know Mark is not perfect.... bu

  • Good song.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    i found the new obsession


    Lmao The comments are the best. Hilarious.

  • Question of the Day: Alt text

    Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • Without context, this looks really weird lol but anyways


    Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited May 2015

    a few hours



    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • Yeah.

    ComingSoon posted: »


  • 3 hours

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • Sometimes my taste in music is so diverse that I question my humanity.

  • Watching the full video is disgusting. After the audience fucking laughs at the fact that he jumped, they had the audacity to start clapping. Seriously? They're acting like they weren't the crowd that just started laughing at some guy who had to badly injure himself at the cost of someone else.

    Truly disgusting.

    Markd4547 posted: »


  • You know me too well.

    I picked it I was like "strawberry shortcake with poison in it bc cute af but feral"

  • Alt text

    You're awesome too Leh

    Lehfeels posted: »

    Well yall this month was my 1 year celebration lemme list off the awesome people i met on forums The list of awesome people @Alfmusic

  • Woman hits man: "HAHA lol"

    Man hits woman: "Call the cops!"

    What a load of bullshit.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Yep. This is because women are expected to be emotionally submissive and men are expected to be emotionally dominant. So it ends up being sh

  • They can't even own up to the fact that they laughed at the idea of a bloke going to hospital. 100% cowardice.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Watching the full video is disgusting. After the audience fucking laughs at the fact that he jumped, they had the audacity to start clapping

    edited May 2015

    5-6? I didn't count. Probably more.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • I think @Welcome_to_Woodbury already posted this in the past, I really like this video.

  • I wasn't aware. It's been awhile since I've been on the megathread.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I think @Welcome_to_Woodbury already posted this in the past, I really like this video.

  • 7 hours.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • I hate my life.

  • Very hard to read article, mainly due to the random capitals.I guess as irony it has its merits.

    Also I have to be honest I've never seen feminazi used unironically as a word ever, particularly as an insult, (any article i've seen simply uses feminist) also what are meninists? I mean I think there is a much smaller male rights lobby but I dont think their the same as people who dislike the movie (never seen it, cant really comment on whatever debate is occuring around it)

    Flog61 posted: »

    This is quite a good parody article of the meninists attacking Mad Max atm, made me laugh

  • ...I know?

    Woman hits man: "HAHA lol" Man hits woman: "Call the cops!" What a load of bullshit.

  • Articles don't use feminazi's because they're formal.

    It's not hard to find people using the word in youtube comment sections or on facebook.

    Meninists are people who think that men have it far worse in society than women, and typically attack feminism rather than actually campaigning for men's rights. The equivalent of the organisers of straight pride parades and lobbyists for a white history month in america.

    Very hard to read article, mainly due to the random capitals.I guess as irony it has its merits. Also I have to be honest I've never seen

  • edited May 2015

    Im sure some have I've just never read/heard whatever,

    Also feel I'm gonna piss you off but

    organisers of straight pride parades and lobbyists for a white history month in america.

    Whats wrong with that? Equal rights?

    It would be racist/homophobic if it was the other way round.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Articles don't use feminazi's because they're formal. It's not hard to find people using the word in youtube comment sections or on faceb

  • I held my bladder all day once on a camping trip because I was too afraid to pee in the woods.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Question of the Day: Credit goes to: @AllThatRemains

  • edited May 2015

    I just found out my childhood friend's grandmother recently died and the funeral is today. I don't think he even knows.... I'm going have to tell him.. Darn it.

    EDIT: He actually does know about it. Unfortunaly neither of us can make it, I don't know the time or place, and he's far up north.

  • edited May 2015

    “How could you do this to Sansa?”

    Daenerys Targaryen

    Lollys Stokeworth

    Elia Martell

    Jeyne Westerling

    Countless Ironborn

    Countless Dothraki

    Craster's daughters

    Those are some of the many characters who were raped in the series. Rape is a huge factor, as it plays a role in the whole "burn and pillage" mission of armies in these times. What should it matter if it was Sansa or Gilly or a Meereenese slave? I'm not saying rape is okay in today's society, but in a show about brutal murders and medieval ideologies, it's a little unfair to get your panties in a twist over something natural to this specific time, especially something that's happened before. The comments are the best. Hilarious.

    edited May 2015

    Any attempt to advocate the idea that writers should abstain from "offensive" topics in fiction is preposterous. And the double standards of the people in that article are just silly...

    “How could you do this to Sansa?” Daenerys Targaryen Lollys Stokeworth Elia Martell Jeyne Westerling Countless Ironborn



    He doesn't even hesitate, he just rushes to her side and calls for a medic.

  • I didn't use the bathroom for an entire week once while on a camping trip. I WOULD HAVE HAD TO SHIT IN A BAG AND SHAKE IT AROUND.

    what savages do that

    I held my bladder all day once on a camping trip because I was too afraid to pee in the woods.

  • My taste in music is really diverse too. I'll be listening to death metal one minute and the next I'll listen to this for 4 hours on loop:

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Sometimes my taste in music is so diverse that I question my humanity.

  • I'm watching a movie, Sahara, and Rainn Wilson, in this movie, Rudy, is a big nerd lol.

  • Sahara, I've seen that, What do you think of it?

    I'm watching a movie, Sahara, and Rainn Wilson, in this movie, Rudy, is a big nerd lol.

  • I like the set and acting. IT's pretty enjoyable. Not over yet.

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Sahara, I've seen that, What do you think of it?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I didn't mention it, but yesterday I got my Beginners Licence for driving. Driving school starts Saturday.

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