
I feel like her seeming unimportance to the narrative so far is a means of misdirection for players. She's a requisitions officer who, aside from throwing Loader Bot into the story, doesn't provide much help for Rhys on the grounds that she's being monitored. In fact, there's the suspicious fact that Vasquez is consistently able to hunt down Rhys & Vaughn, which is first indicated in episode 1 where he interrupts Rhys' call to Yvette. Vasquez tries to shift the blame onto Vaughn, but could it be Yvette who's feeding him info?

There's also the revelation that Vallory, who seems to be the bandit Godmother on Pandora, has Vasquez working for her. Maybe Yvette is another double agent.

Does anybody else feel like there's more to her than she's letting on?


  • ...Vasquez is working for Vallory? I'm not sure what you mean by that, I guess I must've missed it. I assumed he was only working with her and her men in an alliance towards common goals of getting a vault, and was not actually working under her command(plus I believe he also tried to cut her out of the vault key deal).

    But yes Yvette does seem like a highly suspicious character in the story. Just because she's not actually there and seems like she's always making up excuses for why she can't help. I kind of feel bad judging her only on that though, because there is an option to ask Vasquez if Yvette sent him and Hugo doesn't seem like he's lying when he says it wasn't her... It's almost too easy to blame Yvette for my liking.

  • edited May 2015

    Yvette sounds very shady in the conversation she has with the boys after they're stranded in the desert... Less like 'Oh! You survived! Yay!' and more 'Oh... You survived... Damn... Um, I mean yay! Totally yay!', but whether it's because she's a traitor looking to profit herself, or Vasquez/someone else from Hyperion is holding a gun to her head... idk.

  • Plot twist: Yvette is the stranger.


  • I'm really hoping we see more of Yvette (and not as a double-crosser, either). The game says she's your "other best friend", so I want to see more of that dynamic, because so far she's not had much of a presence.

  • I have to admit, I've been a bit suspicious of her for awhile now. Vasquez's ability to track them down like that was what initially set off alarm bells. I'm side eyeing the moonshot scene too. I'm still not sure if she's a double agent or not, if only because we know so little about her. It may just be that, because she's being monitored, she is unintentionally giving away Rhys and Vaughn's position just by communicating with them. Then again, it could be that we're meant to suspect Yvette, and then feel awful later when she turns out to be innocent. I can't really say for sure either way just yet, but I've got my eye on her.

  • I think we'll know more about her by Episode 4, since the characters are apparently going back to the moonbase in that episode.

    Ghosthack posted: »

    I have to admit, I've been a bit suspicious of her for awhile now. Vasquez's ability to track them down like that was what initially set off

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