The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • So gay LMFAO

    Green613 posted: »

    ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

    edited May 2015

    WE - We make this world worth saving!

    ARE - Are you prepared to believe?

    KILL - Kill everything that kills you!

    GODS - Live long and die for me!

  • Oh, also, already a mod? How?

    kenjisalk posted: »

    Ramiel is the diamond shaped angel in the picture, featured in the anime 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'.

  • Excellent trailer, loved this game.

  • kys.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    So gay LMFAO


    I was submitted a character on my fan fic, A Game of Domain, and the submitter, instead of putting their name, put this:

    9 letters, 3 capitals, lets see if you can guess

    Anyone know anyone who would read Walking Dead/Game of Thrones fan fictions.

  • I just wanted to post this and see what everyone thought. I for one adore these guys.

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  • Congratulations.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I'm happy to announce that I'm gonna be a father. 01/10/2016 is the date. What a blessing.

  • but do they play Sonic 06

    I just wanted to post this and see what everyone thought. I for one adore these guys.

  • Ayy

    Talimancer posted: »

    but do they play Sonic 06

  • So I just got done re-watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, can someone explain to me how Andy Serkis hasn't won an Oscar yet.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Job and I actually met @kenjisalk at PAX South earlier this year, and got to know him a bit over the past few months. You can definitely expect to be seeing more of him around here! ;)

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    So @kenjisalk joined the forums on May 8, and now, two weeks later, he's already a moderator! That's gotta be some kind of record!

  • You know, I'm getting less and less fond of your existence on this thread. XD Jk man, But seriously, I grew up with Sonic, I played Sonic to help me get through my parents divorce, I have never ending Joy playing this game, surely you've played a game like that, Yes?

    Talimancer posted: »

    but do they play Sonic 06


    So I just got done re-watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, can someone explain to me how Andy Serkis hasn't won an Oscar yet.

  • Andy Serkis deserves like, 6 Oscars, and two Jeremy's! (Lol, Name jokes.)

    So I just got done re-watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, can someone explain to me how Andy Serkis hasn't won an Oscar yet.

  • Because the Oscars are a circle jerk for the hollywood elite.

    So I just got done re-watching Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, can someone explain to me how Andy Serkis hasn't won an Oscar yet.

  • I will one day ;-

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • I have but one question: What is green, it's a pickle and can play low notes?

  • A pickle?

    I have but one question: What is green, it's a pickle and can play low notes?

  • Shrek.

    Nupe but close. I'll give you a hint: Two words when pronounced together sounds like one word... Or name. Certainly is green though.

  • edited May 2015

    Nupe but close. I'll give you a hint: Two words when pronounced together sounds like one word... Or name. Certainly is green though.

    papai46 posted: »

    A pickle?

  • So I recently decided to Replay Zelda: Link to the Past, and I love the game! It's god damn fun, and The Franchise was clearly at it's best during that one. Now, Whilst I was playing, I completely forgot how Difficult this one was, and It was Primarily because I was recently Playing some of the More Easier Nintendo games, So My senses had been numbed.

    Anywho! I played through the Castle Dungeon, it was easy and fun, and I loved going through the Fields... But then I got to the first temple. 97 attempts, and I just wanna say, if any Nintendo staff reads this, IT DOES NOT MAKE THINGS EASIER WHEN I HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING OF THE TEMPLE EVERY DAMN TIME I DIE.

    I beat it at one point, and then I walked outside. I died a few minutes afterwards. Anyway, I'm currently on My way to collect the Next Tri-force Piece. It felt so good to win, and then Bam, Death.

    This Pic explains it all.

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  • Dude, how can i guess which thing it is if i don't even know how i can separate the name so it sounds like two?

    Nupe but close. I'll give you a hint: Two words when pronounced together sounds like one word... Or name. Certainly is green though.

  • I don't think I've ever played a Zelda game in my life. ._.

    So I recently decided to Replay Zelda: Link to the Past, and I love the game! It's god damn fun, and The Franchise was clearly at it's best

  • edited May 2015

    QUICKLY DOCTORS! Get this Man a Zelda game, a CT Scan and A Nostalgia Boner, STAT! I only hope we aren't too late to get to you Young man...

    I don't think I've ever played a Zelda game in my life. ._.

  • Alright. I'll spill it: When you say "pickle" "low" together quickly you get Piccolo. And if you go with green along Piccolo you get this guy:

    Alt text

    You can't miss him, he's green.

    For being unable to answer the question, welcome to Piccolo's Training Camp @papai46 and @InGen_Nate_Kenny! Today's lesson is to

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    papai46 posted: »

    Dude, how can i guess which thing it is if i don't even know how i can separate the name so it sounds like two?

  • guys me and my friends have announced a live streaming animated series/anime website with all series created by us from both original content by us and original stories from pre existing franchises so stayed tuned we will be streaming new episodes on our website so once steve's backstory episode 1 comes out we will of course stream it and after a day or 2 upload it to our youtube for anybody who missed it so stayed tuned the website will be payed for when we are close to releasing the steve's backstory episode 1 so we can stream it live on our near-future website and then upload it to youtube for anybody who missed it to watch so stayed tuned

  • edited May 2015

    You guys should seriously check this website out! it's really interesting and revolves a large collection of facilities(The SCP Foundation) tasked with containing and researching anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena (SCP's) and keeping these things away unknown to the public. And all of the SCP's pages are cool/confusing/insane because they're all written like classified documents. I've been sitting here reading these things for two hours, and hopefully you guys like it too!

  • Alt text

    Why am I laughing I haven't played one either

    I don't think I've ever played a Zelda game in my life. ._.

  • CALLING ALL FORUM USERS I was submitted a character on my fan fic, A Game of Domain, and the submitter, instead of putting their name, pu

  • well i have played ocarina of time and majoras mask but that was when i was young i never beat it it might be time for to pull out my n64 and beat those 2 games

    Why am I laughing I haven't played one either

  • You expected me to know the answer to a weeaboo riddle? You're dead to me Tobi!

    Alright. I'll spill it: When you say "pickle" "low" together quickly you get Piccolo. And if you go with green along Piccolo you get this gu

  • Already know about it. I really like SCP-173. You guys should seriously check this website out! it's really interesting and revolves

  • My favorite is SCP-096 by far, because it was the first SCP I found out about that actually freaked me out.

    papai46 posted: »

    Already know about it. I really like SCP-173.

  • edited May 2015

    Geeze I thought my temper was bad. Calm down will ya? -_-

    I designed the question to be difficult, I wanted to see who would figure it out but no one could figure it out so I answered. I understand if you and InGate couldn't get it, believe me. I had the same trouble answering a difficult question in school. And that whole training camp was just an excuse to use that meme, and I was bored; wanted some fun. I should've realized the amount of dbz fans are low here. Oh well. I can't always get a bullseye on dart board. :/

    And stop it it with the childish insults for christ's sake, I'd rather not argue thank you very much.

    papai46 posted: »

    You expected me to know the answer to a weeaboo riddle? You're dead to me Tobi!

  • Truth

    This right here is the truth.

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