Favorite Character-Defining Moments

By "Character-Defining Moments," I mean moments that gave me insight into, made me identify with, or made me love a character. Any of the above.

Some of my favorite character-defining moments include:


Rhys is now my favorite, but I didn't even like Rhys until maybe 20-25 minutes into the Ep 1. Up till then, Rhys and Vaughn had just gone on and on about how many backs they'd stabbed and how many bad things they'd done just to get a promotion. So, I was actually pretty nervous I wasn't gonna like this game, 'cause it's hard for me to like stories when I hate the main characters. However, as Telltale is wont to do, they made me fall in love with the characters in spite of their flaws.

In Rhys’s case, it happened in the following moments:

  • The moment Rhys kept Rudiger from Vaughn when Rudiger was approaching Vaughn in an extremely threatening, creepy way

Even that early in the story, I knew Rhys was by no means fearless or a good person. Except, apparently, when he's being a kick-ass, loyal best friend. "Ok, then," I thought. "I can root for Rhys."

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  • The moment Rhys tried to take out one of those guards in the abandoned Atlas warehouse

I mean, alright, in Ep 1, I was super weirded out by the violence in this game. In other Telltale games (TWD and TWAU), killing people has always been a big deal. Even if it was more or less justified, Telltale would eventually make you feel bad about it. I kinda liked that, since it encouraged people to try diplomacy before violence. But, in TFTB, Rhys killed a ton of people (and that monster dog thing he hit with the car and left to die slowly when he landed on Pandora sob), and it was no big deal. So, I was like, "Fine, ok. It's one of THOSE games, which is unusual for Telltale, but whatever." Still, I was fairly uncomfortable when Sasha and Rhys tried to break the necks of those unsuspecting/naive/funny guards.

IN SPITE OF THAT, I was laughing my ass off the whole time Rhys was trying to take the guard out. And then...Rhys zapped the guy and actually succeeded at taking the guard out in a rather cool way. And it just put Rhys in that hilariously-but-not-completely-incompetent zone that people like myself live in. So that was another moment I identified with Rhys.

  • Any moment when Rhys acknowledges his own wrongdoings

Rhys calls himself a bad guy when he introduces himself to the Stranger, saying, "I'd spent my entire career up at Hyperion. So I suppose that makes me one of the bad guys in this story. And Handsome Jack, he was the baddest guy of all. I wanted to be just like him." Rhys also APOLOGIZES when Fiona and Sasha catch him and Vaughn trying to steal their van. He doesn't even point out that Fiona and Sasha had just attempted to sell him a fake vault key. The fact that he acknowledges his own wrongdoings and apologizes for them shows that, awkward and adorkable as he may be, he's actually somewhat mature and self-aware.

  • When Fiona (optionally) calls him and Vaughn "friends"

Rhys is kind of the butt monkey of this story. He gets beat up by other Hyperions (Vasquez), betrayed by his friends (Vaughn. Although I truly believe Vaughn wasn't actually going to betray Rhys, Vaughn still betrayed Rhys in a teeny tiny way by SAYING that he'd betray him.), and demeaned by everyone else for being Hyperion (even by nice guys like Scooter and con artists like Sasha). Not to mention the numerous physical bumps and bruises Rhys has received.

And, I think he handles it all with a lot of grace. Has his heart turned hard? Has he become so used to all the cruelty in his life that he can't appreciate the kindness anymore? Nay, I say. Nay. In fact, he may appreciate the kindness even more than he otherwise would. Just look at his face when Fiona calls him a friend! He genuinely, deeply appreciates it!

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D'aww, it's so cute! I love it!

I could go on for days about all the times Rhys’s awkwardness and adorkability gave me major feels, but I'll leave that for another time.


  • The "We're murderers. Great, we murder!" moment

It was just sweet that Vaughn was that freaked out by the death of an animal. I mean, I would be too, but I love animals. Most people aren't THAT sorry for their roadkill. But Vaughn is. Sweet, spunky, nervous, brainy Vaughn.

  • The "I never wanna see someone's brains come out their nose again." moment

I appreciated how freaked out Vaughn was after that battle Rhys and Vaughn had to go through to get to Shade's shop. I appreciated it because I was freaked out by the surprising amount of violence too, as I mentioned before. And I would have been even more freaked out if I had actually experienced it like Vaughn had. So, it was a nice human moment from him.

  • The "I am Vaughn, and I am not afraid!" moment

This moment showed real character development in Vaughn. He went from "I could be tabulating beautiful columns of numbers right now." to "I'm never going back to financial reports. Ugh. Boring!" And I love him for it. As long as brains aren't coming out of people's noses, he's enjoying this adventure as much as we are. I hope if I ever fall out of the back of a speeding caravan, I hope I can see it as an adventure, like Vaughn does. =)


At first, I really didn't like Sasha. Mostly for that hypocritical moment she had where she criticized Rhys for doing ANY kind of job at Hyperion, no matter how innocent. Um, hello? SASHA just conned a guy into loving her so that she could use him for her own purposes. In my book, that's actually among the worst things you could do to someone. Now, August is super dumb and creepy for just ASSUMING that Sasha wants to get back with him after everything that's happened. Nonetheless, the fact that he's still in love with her shows how horrible it was of her to con him like that. I hope that teaches her something in the next episode, but I'm getting ahead of myself. There was in fact a moment that gave me insight into Sasha.

  • The moment Sasha angry-cried over Felix's betrayal

This is the moment that made me understand that Sasha is really young at heart. In her case, being young means she hasn't developed a lot of self-awareness or empathy yet, but it also means she's adorably vulnerable and emotional and has a lot of potential for character development. She was a lot more hurt by Felix's betrayal than I expected her to be. I expected the characters to more or less be over that betrayal by Ep 2, like Fiona seemed to be. But I was glad that wasn't the case with Sasha. She was still upset, and very upset. It humanized her.

Also, there were several moments in Ep 2 that seemed to show that Sasha was getting over her Hyperion bias. She worries about the guys, and calls Hyperions "resilient," and says it was nice of the guys to send Loader Bot for Fiona and Sasha. That gives me hope that she's growing as a person and may even come to realize that she's done some bad stuff too.


I wish I had more to say about Fiona, but I don't. I mean, I can appreciate that she's a caring big sister, wants to get off Pandora, and can simultaneously understand someone and be pissed off at him (Felix). But I just hope Telltale finds a way to make her more interesting in upcoming episodes.

So, those are some of the moments that made me love/understand the wonderful characters of TFTB. What some of your favorite character-defining moments?



  • It's a small thing, but hilarious: Rhys getting bitched-slapped with a Conference Call shotgun at the beginning of Episode 1. To this day it still cracks me up. It really shows how this guy tries to look cool and dignified, with his fancy robot arm and shiny golden eye, and spiffy suit...only to get bashed with a gun like an idiot. xD I can't quite describe it, but it really shows Rhys's character.

  • Awesomely written post. The Rhys defining moment for me was in episode 2, where Rhys told Vasquez to take it all out on him and leave his friends alone. It was very touching and brave.

  • It's pretty small but I loved a certain quote Rhys says in Episode 2: Atlas Mugged, when they are held at gun point by August and Vasquez if you pick 'leave my friends out of this' and he says "Hugo listen to me Fiona, Sasha, even Vaughn this isn't their fault I stole the money I stole the key everything that's happened up to this point has been about me trying to screw you, so let's you and me work it out okay?" (I may have gotten the quote wrong I don't remember exactly how it goes)

  • Um, hello? SASHA just conned a guy into loving her so that she could use him for her own purposes. In my book, that's actually among the worst things you could do to someone.

    This is a great post but I'm a little confused as to how screwing over one guy is just as bad/worse than an entire company literally trying to destroy/enslave an entire planet.

  • That's exactly who Rhys is, and I love it too! He tries to be cool but fails in adorable, hilarious ways. XD The moment you're talking about is his...um, whatsitcalled...intro with his name plastered across the screen, right?

    fayescarlet posted: »

    It's a small thing, but hilarious: Rhys getting bitched-slapped with a Conference Call shotgun at the beginning of Episode 1. To this day it

  • Aw, thanks. =)

    I loved that moment too. Although, it actually kinda made me sad. The touching-ness and vulnerability of that moment made it seem that much more brutal when Vasquez punched Rhys in the face. =(

    Awesomely written post. The Rhys defining moment for me was in episode 2, where Rhys told Vasquez to take it all out on him and leave his friends alone. It was very touching and brave.

  • As I told Dave, I love that moment too, even though it makes me sad. It was super self-sacrificing of Rhys. And as Handsome Jack himself knows, self-sacrifice is part of being a hero. ;) But seriously, it is.

    Also, it's pretty amazing that Rhys still considers Fiona and Sasha friends, no matter how Fiona replies to that sentiment in Scooter's garage. =)

  • Well, I think that directly hurting someone is always worse than indirectly hurting someone. Sasha directly broke August's heart, but she was criticizing Rhys for indirectly hurting Pandora. She said something like, "No matter what you do up there, you contributed to the pain here." So, obviously, she doesn't even know what he does at Hyperion. He might be the official origami folder, for all she knows. But she's criticizing him for indirectly causing harm by doing any job at Hyperion. Which, sure. He did indirectly cause harm by doing any job at Hyperion. But Sasha directly caused harm by tricking August into falling in love with her. And I think that's worse. (Not necessarily worse than all the backs Rhys has admittedly stabbed, but worse than just ANY old innocent job at Hyperion.) So it's hypocritical of her to criticize Rhys.

    chordati posted: »

    Um, hello? SASHA just conned a guy into loving her so that she could use him for her own purposes. In my book, that's actually among the wor

  • Lol yes. It was a great way to introduce Rhys.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    That's exactly who Rhys is, and I love it too! He tries to be cool but fails in adorable, hilarious ways. XD The moment you're talking about is his...um, whatsitcalled...intro with his name plastered across the screen, right?

  • I think it's a matter of prinicple. I do not think what Sasha did was worse or that she was hypocritical. She did con and hurt August, but August is also no saint. He's a bad dude, and will con, kill, and fly off the handle too. He was a target that she probably shouldn't feel remorse over. It was small in the grand scheme of things.

    Rhys, while he probably hasn't done harm directly (other than with his stun baton), has worked for a company and idolizes the guy resposible for millions of innocent deaths on Pandora. Handsome Jack and Hyperion caused pain to the whole planet, and their track record and reputation is more than enough to warrant caution from Pandorans. WE know Rhys is harmless, but Sasha doesn't. Sasha has a right to be aggressive with him for his affliliations, at least until she knows Rhys better as a person. And she already did seem like that in Episode 2, showing concern for Rhys and Vaughn many times like you said, and laying off the accusations.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Well, I think that directly hurting someone is always worse than indirectly hurting someone. Sasha directly broke August's heart, but she wa

  • To Sasha, being a Pandoran, meeting someone working for Hyperion and idolizing Handsome Jack is the same as being a Jew meeting a Nazi. Imagine that. Because that's what Hyperion did. It may be a videogame and the violence doesn't seem real or like it affects anything to us, but Handsome Jack LITERALLY killed who knows how many innocent people, burned towns to the ground, laughed as he scooped a man's eyeballs out in front of his children, and in general tried to exterminate the people of Pandora through the Warrior because he thought he could make a better society out of the ashes. Sasha is disgusted and horrified by that, and let's be perfectly honest, when you meet a supporter of the Nazi regime the first thing you think about them isn't going to be, "Well they're human too, I shouldn't judge them, I mean I'm sure they didn't DIRECTLY kill anyone."

    Now compare "Nazi supporter" to "girl who pretended to love a blackmarket salesman for money" and who seems more evil?

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Well, I think that directly hurting someone is always worse than indirectly hurting someone. Sasha directly broke August's heart, but she wa

  • Godwin's Law? Really?

    Come on, this is a quirky fictional world in which a corporation does its best to exploit for profit a planet populated primarily by people who murder each other on a regular basis. Sure, some less trigger-happy people who just try to get by get caught in the crossfire, and that's bad, but comparing Hyperion to Nazis is a bit much... Besides, if anything, employees like Rhys and Vaughn are in fact the 'Fionas and Sashas' of Hyperion - just people trying to get by in the environment they find themselves in, and at no point do I remember them threatening the girls with violence or death for any reason.

    mirashade posted: »

    To Sasha, being a Pandoran, meeting someone working for Hyperion and idolizing Handsome Jack is the same as being a Jew meeting a Nazi. Imag

  • Actually I did feel bad mentioning "that party" in the attempt to put Hyperion in a perspective where you can understand how Sasha felt, but after a quick google search Gearbox themselves have described Handsome Jack as "basically space-Hitler" so in the end I really don't think it's an unfitting comparison haha. Still feels gross, but-- C'mon, he was totally space-Hitler. I see complete reason for Sasha to have bias, and if I have to relate my favorite character to a Nazi in order for you to understand the situation then by glory I'll do it! ...And feel sorry about it still. My will is not as strong as I wish it to be.

    But of course Vaughn and Rhys wouldn't threaten the girls, they are low on a corporate ladder where fetching the wrong brand of coffee will get you strangled or thrown out of an airlock, and they don't really have too much experience with killing. Sasha and Fiona were raised in a kill or be killed environment in a more literal sense. They have to be careful and they know Hyperion can't be trusted, so they make sure the boys know they aren't to be messed with. Even if you don't like the Nazi comparison it's important to understand that despite the humorous nature of the series, Hyperion does mean something horrible to Pandorans, and that's all I was really trying to get across.

    Godwin's Law? Really? Come on, this is a quirky fictional world in which a corporation does its best to exploit for profit a planet popul

  • Hey, yeah, I get it, and Jack is Jack and a separate... issue. It's just that, considering what life on Pandora was and is like even outside of Hyperion's influence, I don't feel like Pandorans really occupy some kind of moral high ground in the conflict. Everyone in this universe is out for profit and ready to push others under the bus for it, so the comparison to a historical situation with such a clear oppressors vs. victims division doesn't seem fitting to me. Say, if I'm a crook then the police probably mean something horrible to me, but that doesn't make me the victim, right? And no, I don't mean that as an analogy to the TFTB case, though Jack would probably find it accurate ;)

    mirashade posted: »

    Actually I did feel bad mentioning "that party" in the attempt to put Hyperion in a perspective where you can understand how Sasha felt, but

  • edited May 2015

    I think it's worth mentioning on top of what everyone else said that Sasha's not a fan of flirting with people just to get on their good side, which is why I don't think that she used the "gross flirty routine" (I think that's what she said) with August, and he kinda just started liking her on his own accord. Don't get me wrong I totally get that August is upset (as he should be), and I do feel like Sasha should acknowledge this fact, but completely blaming her for all of August's romantic feelings is kind of a stretch.

    And I don't think Rhys just had any innocent job? I mean, he set up some sketchy eridium mine deal with Vaughn (and Yvette I think), and we know from bl2 that the runoff that's produced from mining polluted quite a bit of Pandora. I know there's no way for Sasha to know about the deal yet but try seeing things from her perspective. Rhys was never forced to work for Hyperion. Every job in a company, no matter how innocent, directly contributes to the work flow and the end products they put out. It's like a machine, a screw might seem harmless and useless on it's own, but it's still an important part of the bigger picture. Bigger picture aka all the pain and harm Hyperion caused to the citizens and wildlife of Pandora.

    Besides it's good for Rhys to know just how bad companies like Hyperion are to Pandora. It contributes to character growth plus, on the remote chance that he does end up going back to Helios, Rhys can bring back the knowledge and the stories of Pandora that would prevent Hyperion from (hopefully) making the same mistakes again in the future.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Well, I think that directly hurting someone is always worse than indirectly hurting someone. Sasha directly broke August's heart, but she wa

  • edited May 2015

    Ok, guys, regarding Sasha's hypocrisy:

    imageImage and video hosting by TinyPic" alt="Alt text" title="Optional title" />


  • I know, right? Rhys and Vaughn are indeed the Hyperion counterparts of Fiona and Sasha.

    In fact, that's the only reason I used to suspect Yvette of betrayal. I mean, she's basically the equivalent of Felix. (Yvette is the only girl in a group of three, and she provides mostly technical support. Felix was the only guy in a group of three, and he provided mostly technical support.) But I don't suspect her anymore after the response Vasquez gave if you asked him if Yvette sent him. Vasquez knows you're talking to Yvette and he tells you that he knows, so if she was secretly working for him, he just totally gave that away and ruined any chance of her continuing to be a double agent. So there's no way she was being a double agent... I think. I didn't explain my reasoning very well, but whatever.

    I like that there are a lot of parallels between the two playable characters and their group of friends, since it sort of keeps you from favoring one group over the other too much. But I'm also glad the parallels stop at a certain point. Otherwise, it would get too predictable. Anyway, this concludes my random spiel on the parallels between Fiona's and Rhys's groups. =)

    Godwin's Law? Really? Come on, this is a quirky fictional world in which a corporation does its best to exploit for profit a planet popul

  • It was. =)

    fayescarlet posted: »

    Lol yes. It was a great way to introduce Rhys.

  • Vaughn says that he has nightmares/can't sleep at night about the stuff he did for Rhys to get a promotion, or something along those lines. It's a throwaway joke but also establishes right off the bat that our Hyperion protagonists are assholes. Funny, but still not exactly good people.

    chordati posted: »

    I think it's worth mentioning on top of what everyone else said that Sasha's not a fan of flirting with people just to get on their good sid

  • Fiona

    Taking money from a dead guy. More pragmatic than amoral.


    "Grease Face." Some smug well-dressed representative of the corporate power that'd waged war on Pandora decides to insult a shady bandit cooking some suspicious-looking meat in the middle of a town of vile thieves and killers. It's hilarious, but also shows how woefully out of his depth Rhys was - he has to rely on a magic robot in order to keep himself from ending up on Grease Face's menu.

  • Hahaha, yeah, that's part of why I love Rhys. He is out of his depth. But he's "figuring it out. That's kinda his thing." =) But it is interesting that you could play him as REALLY out of his depth or just somewhat out of his depth. Obviously, "Grease Face" is the dumbest thing to call ANYONE you intend to ask for directions. Talking politely to them would give you better chances, even if it's not smart for you to be asking them anything at all. So, basically, you can play Rhys as dumb and really out of his depth...or just naive and somewhat out of his depth.

    Bokor posted: »

    Fiona Taking money from a dead guy. More pragmatic than amoral. Rhys "Grease Face." Some smug well-dressed representative of the

  • 'Work it out?! I'll work you over you little shit!'

  • *little asshole (sorry to correct you)

    That part was pretty amazing too :p

    'Work it out?! I'll work you over you little shit!'

  • Loader bot. Rhys and Vaughn are in bad situation. Vasquez is about to finish them off by running them over with his car and our of no where Loader Bot superman's his way to the two in the nick of time to save them. A true loyal bro with a heart of gold...and iron.

  • Oh, yeah! Loader Bot. =) I left him out of the original post because I was lazy, but I was hoping someone would bring him up. I love his superman moments too. The moment that first made me love him, though, was when he gave the thumbs up to Rhys and Vaughn, closely followed by his "Why must the universe punish the good?" line. What a delightful surprise Loader Bot was. I mean, the "robot with a personality" has certainly been done before, but Loader Bot was just, like, born special. He didn't learn the thumbs up thing from any human. He just knew it! And that's how I knew Loader Bot was an extra special, not to mention sweet and philosophical, robot. ;)

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Loader bot. Rhys and Vaughn are in bad situation. Vasquez is about to finish them off by running them over with his car and our of no where

  • I just love Loader Bot. He was awesome in episode 1 and he got ever more awesome in episode 2.

    I felt touched and teary when he have this exchange with Rhys.

    Loader Bot: "I missed you."

    Rhys: "I missed you more." (It was exactly what I was thinking at the moment. :D )

    DoubleJump posted: »

    Loader bot. Rhys and Vaughn are in bad situation. Vasquez is about to finish them off by running them over with his car and our of no where

  • Aww, that part was adorable. =D

    I just love Loader Bot. He was awesome in episode 1 and he got ever more awesome in episode 2. I felt touched and teary when he have this

  • Actually, "Grease Face" attacks you already, so knowing he's suspicious, and Pandora's bandits react to violence, he may be trying to intimidate him, by acting like he owns this place and has Hyperions backup. And he's actually devastated bandits with ONE simple robot, so his arrogance is at least partually justified.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    Hahaha, yeah, that's part of why I love Rhys. He is out of his depth. But he's "figuring it out. That's kinda his thing." But it is interes

  • yeah, I suppose that may have been his thought process.

    Gapaot posted: »

    Actually, "Grease Face" attacks you already, so knowing he's suspicious, and Pandora's bandits react to violence, he may be trying to intimi

  • edited June 2015

    All the recent talk on the forums about Fiona has gotten me thinking harder about her, and I have indeed come up with some moments that made me like her!

    • The moment Vaughn fell over on his motorcycle and Fiona helped him get out from under it

    Not only was this moment hilarious (you know, the intense intro leading up to derpy moment XD) but it also made Fiona seem decent. She obviously didn't LOVE Rhys and Vaughn at that point, but she was totally down to help Vaughn get out from under a motorcycle when he needed it. (Unfortunately, however, the good feelings that gave me toward Fiona were somewhat negated a few minutes later when she implied that she would let the Psycho eat Vaughn if it wasn't for the fact that there was a bomb in a case linked to Vaughn's bio-signature...or whatever.)

    • The "Catch a riiiiide" moment

    It was just a cute, rare, awkward moment from Fiona. I love awkward characters. =)

    • The "...You want your boot back." moment

    She kept his boot and guessed that he wanted it back without him having to say so. Another decent moment from Fiona. =)

  • RHYS

    • The moment the Rhys and Sasha, Fiona and Athena left Vaughn behind in the dome

    So, I was super touched by Rhys’s moment with Vaughn before going into the dome. The hug was really sweet, but the way Rhys said his whole “It’s you and me forever” line made me suspicious, although it was sweet and I liked it. Then, Vaughn did sort of get left on the curb again and Rhys did nothing to include him and I was like, “What are you doing, Rhys? Invite Vaughn!”

    But it had to be Fiona who would help to make Vaughn feel cool and needed, which…maybe was better for Vaughn because now he can’t possibly feel he was only included because Rhys felt sorry for him. But even if Fiona treats Vaughn like he’s 12 years old, Rhys does nothing to step in and defend Vaughn. So that moment before the gang left Vaughn in the dome made me realize that Rhys is actually a pretty thoughtless friend.
    There’s no doubt in my mind that Rhys cares a great deal about Vaughn. I know he does, for instance, from the way he worried about Vaughn at the end when everyone was captured except Vaughn, who was nowhere to be seen. Nonetheless, Rhys can be a jerk to Vaughn in this episode, much like he could be a jerk to Vaughn at the start of Ep 1.

    I guess I’m glad Telltale isn’t just forgetting the fact that Rhys was a smug jerk back on Helios, even somewhat (potentially) to Vaughn. And Vaughn said he knew it was just an act on Rhys’s part, but sometimes Rhys doesn’t seem to know it’s just an act.
    I now see this as a potential area for character development in Rhys, and I hope it gives you the option to reconcile with Vaughn in later episodes like it allowed you to do with Loader Bot if you blew him up.


    • The moment Vaughn confessed to Rhys his feelings of being his “nerdy little best friend”

    Awww. =) Vaughn always seemed fairly confident and highly spunky to me, and that just made it even more endearing when he divulged one of his deepest (I assume) insecurities to Rhys. And it always seemed to me that Vaughn was the cooler, more competent one of the two. I mean, with his tracking of the case of money, his badass motorcycle-racing antics, his use of a frying pan to attack a rakk, his utter enjoyment of the adventure (“I am Vaughn, and I am not afraid!”). But that’s because it’s easy to end up comparing your own “blooper reel to everyone else’s highlight reel.”

    Because I identified more with Rhys, I thought less about the times he was cool and competent and more about the times he was a dork. Whereas, with Vaughn, I mostly noticed the times he was cool and competent. So, I wanted to be like, “Oh, Vaughn. Sometimes, I feel like I’m YOUR nerdy little sidekick.” But it seemed to go to Rhys’s head when Vaughn called him the “cool guy.” And so, actually believing that idea, Rhys could not really empathize with Vaughn. (Which is an opportunity for character development in Rhys, kind of like I said above.)


    • Any moment Sasha seemed to acknowledge that she had caused August pain

    I said in the original post that I hoped that Sasha would start to develop into understanding that she had really hurt August, and I was not disappointed. In my canon playthrough, she said that she could see in August’s eyes that he wasn’t going to shoot her, and she seemed sad. That indicates to me that she now realizes that she tricked August into actually loving her. And she betrayed him. Then, she said that “August was a mark. Nothing more, nothing less.” and then acted weird about having said “nothing less.” Then, she was not amused when Rhys imitated August saying, “You should never lie to me, Sasha.” And there are variations on most of those lines, but they all indicate to me that she’s starting to feel sorry for what she did.

    • The “I thought you corporations were all about mass-market destruction” moment

    I also said in the original post that I hoped Sasha would grow out of her hypocrisy regarding Hyperion employees like Rhys, and she does now seem to be more open-minded about corporations, so that’s a good sign.


    • The moment Fiona told Vaughn to search the Atlas computers and he was all like, “YES! I’m important!” [OPTIONAL]

    When Fiona’s being nice to Vaughn, I really like the dynamic between them. I’m not sure why, but it’s fun. I liked it in Ep 1, and I liked it here. Maybe it’s just that Fiona gets to be nice to someone to whom it actually makes a difference, and Vaughn gets to hang out with someone who actually is kind of cool (as opposed to Rhys, who only thinks he’s cool). Telltale should have more interactions between Fiona and Vaughn.

    • The moment Fiona gave Rhys and Sasha an awkward double thumbs up

    The rare, non-determinant awkward moment from Fiona. She’s adorable when she’s awkward. =) She can be cool most of the time if that’s who she really is (and it does seem to be), but having intermittent awkward moments helps give her depth. It was also nice that she was being so encouraging to Rhys and Sasha.

    • The moment Fiona told Athena she had only one, kinda lame (in Fiona’s opinion) skill

    It makes me think that Fiona still feels like a little kid underneath all of her 29-year-old confidence. Like a kid who doesn’t know what her skills are or what she wants in life. It gave Fiona some depth.

  • Haha yes that is something really cool about borderlands. Ya know, if you haven't played the other borderlands games, I'd really recommend borderlands 2 and the pre sequel. Borderlands 1 at this point is kinda outdated to the point where you'd have to be a real fan of the series already to pick it up and play it.

    TWDGFTW posted: »

    That's exactly who Rhys is, and I love it too! He tries to be cool but fails in adorable, hilarious ways. XD The moment you're talking about is his...um, whatsitcalled...intro with his name plastered across the screen, right?

  • Loader Bot summed up in one line:

    Alt text

  • All the different versions of the conversation between Rhys and Jack on the caravan's rooftop are pretty amazing. I love how Trusting Jack/Not trusting Jack and Trusting Fiona provide more insight into Jack's character.

  • edited July 2015


    The moment he gets fucked over by Vasquez and decides to screw him over in the same time by planning to secretly take the deal instead. ->showed me that Rhy is a man who doesn't let others fuck with him and is willing to get them back for it. A character with guts. I like my characters with guts.


    Liked him right from the moment we were on Pandorra. He is freaked out and excited about everything and has the same worries a nerd normally has. Especially being left behind by their friends in the end. (which he only showed later in EP3)


    "Fatality." Instant-like


    I think I started liking her when she and Rhys were seperated from the others and had to fend for themselves. I like how Sasha and Rhys kept trying to impress each other, thinking that they are better than the other one. It's that sort of friendship through rivalry thing which can be very amusing. I think by the time she shared a pinky promise with Rhys, I was already quite in love with her.


    Fiona, sadly, still is the most boring character of the group and while I don't necessarily hate her, not a single reason as to why I should like her comes to mind, either. It's sad because she is one of the two playable main characters and we are already three episodes in. But I guess not every character can be awesome.

    Handsome Jack

    Okay, he doesn't really count since I already knew him from Borderlands 2 and he was my favorite character there by far. I already had a huge nerdgasm when I first saw his hologram in the trailer, so yeah. My favorite scene with him still is the "Hail to the king, baby!" scene when you choose to trust him. The Jack-apedia alone is already worth the decision. And hey, we also get Derpy.


    The moment she got activated. That thing is just too damn cute.


    When he talks to Rhys down in that Atlas facility. He comes across like the villain who doesn't really want to be a villain but has to since he is living on fucking Pandora on which you ether grow some backbone or you get it ripped out of you before that happens. I quite sympathized with him and felt sad when he died right after that in the next episode.


    Same as with Vasquez. When he talked to Fiona down there, I kinda started liking him more. It showed his more human side. While he is an ass by nature, he also has human worries to him Plus, after getting conned like that, I cna somewhat understand why he is such an ass towards them. If I had had a girlfriend for a while which I started to love, only to find out she only attempted to rip me off, I would probably turn into an August myself. That's just a low blow.

    Bonus: Finch

    I like the way he talks. Lee's voice actor knows what he is doing

    I think I got all charactes, eh? I basically love them all with the exception of Fiona. Sorry, I guess.

  • You forgot the spoiler tags.D :

    Rhys The moment he gets fucked over by Vasquez and decides to screw him over in the same time by planning to secretly take the deal inste

  • edited July 2015

    You heard me say "ahh". You saw me lookin' at you

    For a guy who is basically Thug 1 Finch is amazingly written and voice acted.

    I'm sad though, that no one seems to like Fiona. Besides the fact that I love her character design, I think she makes a fantastic foil to Rhys, I love watching them bicker. And her interactions with Sasha are pretty good too. Everyone keeps bringing up how Rhys defends Vaughn but there's also the moment before the Death Race where Fiona can pep talk Vaughn, and all through that section, she can be totally cool with him (or alternately be a total asshole). And the way she gushes over Gortys, AND her plan totally worked out fine, although I sent the boys straight to Old Haven so I already knew what her plan was. She's also a great smooth talker, unlike Rhys, although I felt just a little bit guilty about hustling Scooter so hard :P

    Rhys The moment he gets fucked over by Vasquez and decides to screw him over in the same time by planning to secretly take the deal inste

  • Good list, I like! :)

    Rhys The moment he gets fucked over by Vasquez and decides to screw him over in the same time by planning to secretly take the deal inste

  • edited July 2015

    The moment Fiona told Vaughn to search the Atlas computers and he was all like, “YES! I'm important!” [OPTIONAL]

    When Fiona’s being nice to Vaughn, I really like the dynamic between them. I'm not sure why, but it’s fun.

    Agree! I think they would be nice friends, their interactions are always really natural. In my game I chose the 'Get some rest' option, and Vaughn looked so grateful and Fiona was genuinely concerned ;-; I dunno, they cute.

  • "You heard me say "ahh". You saw me looking at you" was said by Kroger (the white dude) not Finch (the black dude)

    McCrabby posted: »

    You heard me say "ahh". You saw me lookin' at you For a guy who is basically Thug 1 Finch is amazingly written and voice acted.

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