I really don't like Fiona. Do you? (EP 3 EDIT)



  • I get the feeling we're not in the minority overall; it's probably just the demographic on this forum. I'm gonna try making a similar thread on steam in a bit and see what happens.

    I have to admit I too feel like there is little warmth about her and she's way less interesting than Rhys. I think I expected her to be a bi

  • edited May 2015

    And Clementine is not a "female character", she's a "child character".

    Female child actually. Your logic makes zero sense.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't call you anything. I'm talking about the pattern here. And Clementine is not a "female character", she's a "child character". As,

  • Fiona and I would get along quite well.

  • If you're unable (or rather pretend to) to understand "my logic" even after I explained what I meant above several times, don't bother to comment. Because it also doesn't makes sense.

    J-Master posted: »

    And Clementine is not a "female character", she's a "child character". Female child actually. Your logic makes zero sense.

  • I like her...I just like Rhys a whole lot more, which means that every time I'm playing as Fiona instead of Rhys I get a bit impatient and end up caring a lot less about her segments.

    Plus Handsome Jack is only visible to Rhys and he's my favourite sooo....( ಠ◡ಠ )

    Yeah, obvious bias opinion right here.

  • None of the characters are likeable. They are crooks, liars and ambitious careerists, depending on your viewpoint. We sympathize with them because we are allowed to see their side of the story (and to be fair, the villains are mostly hilariously evil). Since they're technically telling the story a third party, all the likeable bits could even be ingratiating lies.

    Welcome to Pandora!

  • You didn't do a great job explaining why that was other than you just stated there was a difference between the two.
    Therefore, I find your logic BS.

    DeityD posted: »

    If you're unable (or rather pretend to) to understand "my logic" even after I explained what I meant above several times, don't bother to comment. Because it also doesn't makes sense.

  • And I find your comment bs. I guess we're even.

    J-Master posted: »

    You didn't do a great job explaining why that was other than you just stated there was a difference between the two. Therefore, I find your logic BS.

  • I agree with that too, Fiona's voice can be very awkward at times, like she's got a stick stuck in her throat or something.

    Piggs posted: »

    I have to admit, the voice is what off puts me the most. I've never liked Laura's performances

  • edited May 2015

    Okay, so you're not even going to explain other than there's a difference?

    Yeah, alright.

    DeityD posted: »

    And I find your comment bs. I guess we're even.

  • I don't see the point because you're already quite hostile and already decided everything for yourself, so you just want to argue. And I don't own you anything. It's that simple.

    J-Master posted: »

    Okay, so you're not even going to explain other than there's a difference? Yeah, alright.

  • In my opinion, Fiona sadly got the short end of the stick. In terms of personality, Rhys is a far more interesting character and he is connected with a Handsome Jack AI. He is also one of the most relateble protagonist I have played yet. He is NOT a fighter or a badass, which makes it refreshing because we are used to play badasses. He is a nerdy guy. He can be shy. He can be bro-like. And he can be charismatic at times. It is far easier to place ourselves in his position, because he is basically what we will experience if we players, came to Pandora. Also, his character gives us a unique chance to play a person who is suppose to be a bad guy as a relatively nice guy to mostly everyone.

    However, I do like Fiona. She is badass and a capable fighter. I feel her part of the story will impact more in the next episode. She is attractive (I am not just saying this because I am shipping Rhyiona) and I love Laura Bailey who is voicing her. At best, she is a charming and tough protagonist. At worst, she is a passable protagonist.

  • Give some proper explanation if you're going to state something that ludicrous. I don't agree with it and you're not helping yourself by avoiding it.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't see the point because you're already quite hostile and already decided everything for yourself, so you just want to argue. And I don't own you anything. It's that simple.

  • Can you guys stop? I agree with you, J, but you're just stirring the pot. Neither of you are going to agree on anything, we're done.

    J-Master posted: »

    Give some proper explanation if you're going to state something that ludicrous. I don't agree with it and you're not helping yourself by avoiding it.

  • I don't hate her, but she is my least favorite of the four main characters, even though I play as her.

  • I don't feel strongly about Fiona in any way. I might be as annoyed by her as you are, if I cared enough about her. On the other hand, I might love her as much as some people do, if I cared enough about her. As things stand, though, I see her good qualities (and I think her design -- with her scar, super green eyes, and asymmetrical coat -- is pretty cool), and I see her bad qualities (such as everything you mentioned). Her good qualities endear her to me a little. And her bad qualities annoy me a little. So, yeah. I like her a little, and I dislike her a little. But we're only two episodes in. There's plenty of time for her to come into her own and really make an impression. Hopefully a good impression. =)

  • Honestly, I can't really understand your perspective here. Not only do I disagree with everything you said, I can't even comprehend it. It's almost like we're playing two different versions of the game. It's cool if you don't like her, there's plenty of characters I don't like, but I think it's a shame. It's hard to play a game when you don't like the playable (or one of the playable) characters.

    And in contrast to what most people in this thread have said, I like Fiona better than Rhys. Oh I love Rhys, but it's easier for me to care about Fiona. And I don't really see how Rhys is so much more interesting than Fiona, even if Rhys is getting the lion's share of the narrative attention. Either way, I'm definitely playing the game in her favor over Rhys'.

  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Rhys is far cooler I'll admit. I love it when the protagonist is a complete smeghead. And Rhys passes the test of being one with flying colours.

    Fiona and Sasha are fine. I like them but I do prefer the male heroes far more. Rhys' and Vaughn's bromance alongside the hilarous sidekick Loader Bot and having a far more entertaining scenario thanks to Handsome Jack being in Rhys' head makes Rhys' portions far more entertaining and most importantly, funnier.

    Also, Vasquez (Rhys' antagonist) is hilarious. Just like every character the mighty Patrick Warburton voices.

    I really am digging Fiona's gameplay mechanics with her money and one-shot revolver though.

  • I like Fiona. She's actually kind of a foil character to Sasha, who seems to be the perfect girl (which is kinda why I hate Sasha so much). The thing is, Fiona has the most potential to become a hero, coming from nothing and rising to greatness, whereas Rhys, comes from pretty high on the food chain (albeit, janitor position's not that great, but he's at Hyperion, which is a huge step ahead of Fiona, who lives in the slums on a bandit-ridden wasteland), and he is more likely to become the antagonist.

    I mean, Rhys probably has a lot of room for development, but Fiona does too, as we haven't really dealt with a lot of her personal issues yet. Rhys has had run ins with both Vasquez and Handsome Jack, and I expect Fiona to become a little more engaging once Vallory and Athena really come into play.

    But I understand she's a little bit of a gruff character, which is maybe why I like her so much. My favorite expression of hers so far was when she was scooping out the eyeball and she tells Sasha to stop talking to her. I know she's not the character for everyone, but I would take Fiona (and Laura Bailey) over Sasha (and Erin Yvette, whose voice just irritates me) any day.

    Seriously though, I hate Sasha. I am definitely killing her the first chance I get.

  • Let's do a poll for sasha, too.

  • I really like Fiona. Tbh, just about every description in the OP can describe Rhys too: smug, arrogant, snarky, with a hairstyle that wouldn't look out of place in Grease. But then I find that pretty endearing about the both of them, and entertaining. The extent to which they act like that also depends on your choices. You could have Fiona making snide comments about Vaughn at the death race, or you can have her say that she'll protect him. She can promise to get Sasha off Pandora, be kind to Scooter, express concern about the guys, and call them friends when reunited. You can even be nice and supportive to Athena when she was trying to attack you earlier. You can definitely go for a softer and friendlier Fiona if you want one. On the flipside, if you choose then Rhys can call the first Pandoran he interacts with "Grease Face." (Way to make friends, Rhys)

    As for her storyline being boring... personally I really enjoyed her parts of the death race in ep1, the confrontation with Finch and Kroger, plus everything with Scooter, Springs and Athena. The only part where I think her story falls down is that Vasquez is a far more entertaining nemesis than August atm, so her final scenes at Old Haven weren't as good. Plus, she doesn't have Handsome Jack in her head.

    I can understand not liking her personality for whatever reason, but I don't think that makes her poorly written. Hell, I liked Kenny less and less over the course of TWD, but he's definitely a great character.

  • no need. What's there not to like?

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Let's do a poll for sasha, too.

  • Oh man, don't do it.

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • Back away bro, back away

    Alt text

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • [removed]

  • What, because she's a pragmatic criminal rather than an incompetent one?

    Piggs posted: »

    I wrote the OP a little poorly, but I'm writing from the perspective that she was written in such a way that she comes off as an irritating character with no redeemable qualities that I care about. That's not good for a lead role.

  • Haha
    I actually play Rhys as the nicer guy and Fiona as the badder gal in my main playthrough. At times I referred to her as the 'bitch character' even though it was me.

  • Why? Because of Rhys? Rhys is a funny asshole. Fiona is an annoying asshole.

  • Consider: what if Fiona and Rhys traded places. Would you still feel the same way about Rhys if he had Fiona's backstory and personality instead of the one he has now? And vice-versa for Fiona?

    Piggs posted: »

    Why? Because of Rhys? Rhys is a funny asshole. Fiona is an annoying asshole.

  • I dont like it when Sasha throws things Im watching or gets mad at my plan and then uses the same plan as her own

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • When first screenshot with Rhys and Fiona was released, I was pretty sure I will like Fiona and tought that she will be my favorite chracter, and Rhys he was just some male character. But after playing game it was the exact opposite. I loved Rhys from the first time I've seen him and did´t hated Fiona from beginning. She´s just got personality that is hard to like for me. I don´t find her cool, just rude and arrogant and as bonus she didn´t like Rhys which makes me even more displeased with her.

  • When did I say that? At all?

    Bokor posted: »

    What, because she's a pragmatic criminal rather than an incompetent one?

  • Tough decision. Rhys has a cooler character design, and a great voice actor. Fiona's voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me, and her character design is kind of dumb.

    If Fiona had Rhys' personality, Rhys' outfit, Rhys' sense of humor, and Rhys' mannerisms, I'd probably be able to look over the voice acting and kiiiinda like her. As for Rhys? Whew, would he be dressed as a cowboy with a white fedora or something? I don't think I'd like him.

    chordati posted: »

    Consider: what if Fiona and Rhys traded places. Would you still feel the same way about Rhys if he had Fiona's backstory and personality instead of the one he has now? And vice-versa for Fiona?

  • I don´t find her cool, just rude and arrogant and as bonus she didn´t like Rhys which makes me even more displeased with her.

    And... why should she like him? It makes sense for us to like him, because for us he's a harmless clown. But for the people around him he's an asshole and not really that likeable at all.

    LoneSoul posted: »

    When first screenshot with Rhys and Fiona was released, I was pretty sure I will like Fiona and tought that she will be my favorite chracter

  • Well, for starters, everything?

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • edited May 2015

    Even though I ship Rhysha, she's, uh... w h e w. She isn't too good either.

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • I like her, but I feel like I can relate or at least sympathize with the way she was brought up, which helps. I'm kind of a sucker for character backstories and psychology. A cocky attitude is a pretty good defense mechanism on a world where people will skin you alive if they can smell fear or weakness on you. If you play her more timidly you see some of her self-reservations and see more that her attitude is partially a front to appear fearless and possibly to help convince/remind herself of her own strength.

    Honestly, compared to almost every other criminal on Pandora, Fiona and her sister are pretty friendly. Yeah, they try to throw the guys out of the caravan... but anyone else would have shot and dumped them (or eaten them) right away without hearing them out first. Yeah, she punches Rhys in the neck at one point, but I can't help but suspect that they're pulling one over on the Stranger and need to keep up the appearance that they absolutely despise one another. Their fighting seems too over-the-top... like sibling rivalry gone to the max.

  • Plenty of things. Humans aren't perfect.

    no need. What's there not to like?

  • I like the cut of her jib...

    I definitely think Rhys is more endearing as a character, whereas Fiona is a lot more cold and aloof - but if anything that's good writing, not bad.

    You also have to remember that for the most part of the game we are seeing these characters how they see themselves. They're telling this story to a kidnapper and both make choices of how they're going to portray themselves. Rhys seems to go for the charm offensive "oh, look how bumbling and adorable I am - nope, I'm not a threat here at all", whereas Fiona paints herself as tough and stoic "I do what I have to do to survive - but I will survive - do not underestimate me". I think it actually demonstrates not only the differences in the perceptions of their respective genders, but also their class/home planets.

    We see these tiny little glimpses of Fiona's humanity, but for the most part she keeps The Stranger (and therefore the audience) at arms length - even though we play as her we still don't get the full story. I do hope that somewhere in a future game we get a more pure glimpse of Fiona's true personality - beyond the emotional armour that she protects herself with. But even if we don't I think that she is still a phenomenally written character. This won't be the case for everyone, but I find her incredibly relatable. She is a really good personification of a person's need to adopt a tough guy/gal exterior in order to survive. She's clearly been through a lot - I mean, just growing up on Pandora is the very definition of hardship - but without parents? And having to take care of her younger sister? I think her relationship with Sasha is the main reason why she is the way she is. She needed to appear bulletproof to protect and reassure her - I can't imagine her ever wanting to appear vulnerable in front of her.

    Also, I absolutely adore Fiona's design. It really stands out amongst the ladies of Borderlands' designs (Sasha's is much more atypical), but at the same time remains true to the general aesthetic of the game (layering, asymmetry, cool accessories). I also think it really drives home the point that this is a character that is not dressed for battle - she's a grifter, not a mercenary.

    And finally, as far as the Rhys vs. Fiona thing goes - Rhys has Handsome Jack literally inside his brain, that's just not fair competition!

  • Yeah, Rhys is basically two characters now. :P

    I like the cut of her jib... I definitely think Rhys is more endearing as a character, whereas Fiona is a lot more cold and aloof - but i

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