I don´t find her cool, just rude and arrogant and as bonus she didn´t like Rhys which makes me even more displeased with her.
And...… more why should she like him? It makes sense for us to like him, because for us he's a harmless clown. But for the people around him he's an asshole and not really that likeable at all.
No matter how much you've tried, they won't be as popular anyway. It's just the way it works.
That's wrong.
Lilith is the most popular borderlands 1 main character, as an example.
Last official character popularity contest had Lilith, Torgue, Tiny Tina and Moxxi as winners, Lilith even won against Handsome Jack, the one character that singlehandedly carried borderlands 2.
I kinda like Fiona btw, not my favourite charcter but i don't dislike her.
Not Lilith tho, i really bloody hate her. She's even the only female character i dislike, i even quite liked Janey Springs from the pre sequel, Sasha from tales, Jack's fascist puppy-strangling girlfriend from BL2 and Steele too was kinda fun, but holy shit, do i hate Lilith.
Must've been the pre sequel, she's basically the main villain in there.
Well, that's what you get by adding female characters as the main heroes of the story. No matter how much you've tried, they won't be as pop… moreular anyway. It's just the way it works.
Speaking about Rhys, even though I like him, but he's far less believable and realistic than any other character in series. Yes, very likeable and all that, but so far it seems he doesn't really have a backbone, and almost no personality. He's just funny and unlucky, a perfect clown. And doesn't really fit in the series at all, but I ain't even mad, cause you know. Funny.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towards girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it. Also pretentious? I do not understand how Fiona was pretentious? At worst she seemed to put on a show of over confidence which you could easily read as a front, and even if it was real shes a 29 year old con artists, shes allowed to have a high opinion of herself. Much like how Rhys thinks he's that fast talking cool guy and tries to dish out comebacks and snappy quips. You can have Fiona fuck up just as much as Rhys, the only difference is Rhys messes up more (because he's had more screen time) and sometimes he falls flat on his ass. (literally)
Like really? You hated Fiona for smiling about doing a good job? She was conning Hyperion out of money, and considering what the company has done to the people of Pandora damn right she had every right to be like 'lets throw them out who cares if they die?' I mean it's Pandora! The sisters probably see people die all the time. They don't know Rhys or Vaughn, they got no reason to trust them or give two craps about them at the start of the first episode.
Also I...never found Rhys getting punched by Vasquez funny? Wait people thought that was funny? When Rhys got smacked in the face again and then later gut punched in the Atlas Facility, I just felt bad for him. I think the only time I found him getting punched funny was the failed headbutt scene because Hugo got hurt to, and when Fiona punched him in the neck in the present, mainly because of comedic timing and because for once it didn't knock him on the ground or make him bleed.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towards girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it.
Yep, it's pretty ridiculous when people bash on one character and like another while describing them both literally with the same qualities. It's even more ridiculous when they don't want to even consider to admit it. I mean don't get me wrong, everybody's free to hate or love any character and any person but when you're trying to make it look rational the double standards are showing. Feelings don't have to be rational or even justified. But this is another matter entirely.
Also I...never found Rhys getting punched by Vasquez funny? Wait people thought that was funny? When Rhys got smacked in the face again and then later gut punched in the Atlas Facility, I just felt bad for him. I think the only time I found him getting punched funny was the failed headbutt scene because Hugo got hurt to, and when Fiona punched him in the neck in the present, mainly because of comedic timing and because for once it didn't knock him on the ground or make him bleed.
Heh, well I never thought it was funny. I was pretty scared for Rhys in ep2 actually... though scratch that, I was concerned even in ep1 when I gave him rather bold answer and he punched Rhys for the first time. It wasn't funny. It was pretty creepy and wrong. I think everyone just think it doesn't matter because it's not real-real, like it's just a joke or even (and this is creepy too),a sign of interest of a sort.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towar… moreds girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it. Also pretentious? I do not understand how Fiona was pretentious? At worst she seemed to put on a show of over confidence which you could easily read as a front, and even if it was real shes a 29 year old con artists, shes allowed to have a high opinion of herself. Much like how Rhys thinks he's that fast talking cool guy and tries to dish out comebacks and snappy quips. You can have Fiona fuck up just as much as Rhys, the only difference is Rhys messes up more (because he's had more screen time) and sometimes he falls flat on his ass. (literally)
Like really? You hated Fiona for smiling about doing a good job? She was conning Hyperion out of money, and considering what the company has done to the people of Pandora damn right she had every right to be … [view original content]
oh? He can get punched in the office at the start of the game? I must have choose an option that spared Rhy getting decked there...freaking hell Hugo what is wrong with you?
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towar… moreds girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it.
Yep, it's pretty ridiculous when people bash on one character and like another while describing them both literally with the same qualities. It's even more ridiculous when they don't want to even consider to admit it. I mean don't get me wrong, everybody's free to hate or love any character and any person but when you're trying to make it look rational the double standards are showing. Feelings don't have to be rational or even justified. But this is another matter entirely.
Also I...never found Rhys getting punched by Vasquez funny? Wait people thought that was funny? When Rhys got smacked in the face again and then later gut punched in the Atlas Facility, I just felt bad for him. I think the only time I found him getting punched funny was … [view original content]
Yep, if you tell Vasquez "I'll make you regret this" and(!) if you stay silent. I literally just started the game and chose the silence option (knowing nothing about Borderlands' universe at the time) and it was just... wow.
It seems he really admires Rhys. Kinda. In his own creepy way. Remember, he thinks that Jack punched him because they had something special? God, this is so wrong and creepy and funny at the same time. But despite that, he wants to break him and teach him "his place". That's why it's so revolting.
oh? He can get punched in the office at the start of the game? I must have choose an option that spared Rhy getting decked there...freaking hell Hugo what is wrong with you?
Yep, if you tell Vasquez "I'll make you regret this" and(!) if you stay silent. I literally just started the game and chose the silence opti… moreon (knowing nothing about Borderlands' universe at the time) and it was just... wow.
It seems he really admires Rhys. Kinda. In his own creepy way. Remember, he thinks that Jack punched him because they had something special? God, this is so wrong and creepy and funny at the same time. But despite that, he wants to break him and teach him "his place". That's why it's so revolting.
oh jeeze...why ain't Psychological evaluations a thing in the future?!
But yeah back on track, I found Fiona had her charming and funny moments...did know one else die laughing at the spork scene? Also I think scooping a guys eye out is pretty damn badass...even if you think he's dead.
Yep, if you tell Vasquez "I'll make you regret this" and(!) if you stay silent. I literally just started the game and chose the silence opti… moreon (knowing nothing about Borderlands' universe at the time) and it was just... wow.
It seems he really admires Rhys. Kinda. In his own creepy way. Remember, he thinks that Jack punched him because they had something special? God, this is so wrong and creepy and funny at the same time. But despite that, he wants to break him and teach him "his place". That's why it's so revolting.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towar… moreds girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it. Also pretentious? I do not understand how Fiona was pretentious? At worst she seemed to put on a show of over confidence which you could easily read as a front, and even if it was real shes a 29 year old con artists, shes allowed to have a high opinion of herself. Much like how Rhys thinks he's that fast talking cool guy and tries to dish out comebacks and snappy quips. You can have Fiona fuck up just as much as Rhys, the only difference is Rhys messes up more (because he's had more screen time) and sometimes he falls flat on his ass. (literally)
Like really? You hated Fiona for smiling about doing a good job? She was conning Hyperion out of money, and considering what the company has done to the people of Pandora damn right she had every right to be … [view original content]
For me spork scene was quite traumatizing. xD I liked death race thingy more and I liked her interaction with Vaughn. Btw, I think it's pretty cool she can "speak psycho". Part of me even wants TftB to have Krieg in it just to see what'll happen.
oh jeeze...why ain't Psychological evaluations a thing in the future?!
But yeah back on track, I found Fiona had her charming and funny m… moreoments...did know one else die laughing at the spork scene? Also I think scooping a guys eye out is pretty damn badass...even if you think he's dead.
Tough decision. Rhys has a cooler character design, and a great voice actor. Fiona's voice is like nails on a chalkboard for me, and her cha… moreracter design is kind of dumb.
If Fiona had Rhys' personality, Rhys' outfit, Rhys' sense of humor, and Rhys' mannerisms, I'd probably be able to look over the voice acting and kiiiinda like her. As for Rhys? Whew, would he be dressed as a cowboy with a white fedora or something? I don't think I'd like him.
Fiona's a hardened criminal from Pandora, not a sheltered corporate goon. Even so she still tries to set herself apart from the more murderous bandits by dressing more fancily and abstaining from gratuitous violence - so far in the first two episodes you only need to shoot one person, non-lethally to boot (the bounty hunter voiced by Dave Fennoy).
Methinks people like the OP feel threatened by women like her.
I like the cut of her jib...
I definitely think Rhys is more endearing as a character, whereas Fiona is a lot more cold and aloof - but i… moref anything that's good writing, not bad.
You also have to remember that for the most part of the game we are seeing these characters how they see themselves. They're telling this story to a kidnapper and both make choices of how they're going to portray themselves. Rhys seems to go for the charm offensive "oh, look how bumbling and adorable I am - nope, I'm not a threat here at all", whereas Fiona paints herself as tough and stoic "I do what I have to do to survive - but I will survive - do not underestimate me". I think it actually demonstrates not only the differences in the perceptions of their respective genders, but also their class/home planets.
We see these tiny little glimpses of Fiona's humanity, but for the most part she keeps The Stranger (and therefore the audience) at arms length - even… [view original content]
Fiona's a hardened criminal from Pandora, not a sheltered corporate goon. Even so she still tries to set herself apart from the more murder… moreous bandits by dressing more fancily and abstaining from gratuitous violence - so far in the first two episodes you only need to shoot one person, non-lethally to boot (the bounty hunter voiced by Dave Fennoy).
Methinks people like the OP feel threatened by women like her.
You might think the color yellow is striking and bold, but I might think it's blinding and tacky. You might like cats, and I might like dogs. People work that way.
Fiona's a hardened criminal from Pandora, not a sheltered corporate goon. Even so she still tries to set herself apart from the more murder… moreous bandits by dressing more fancily and abstaining from gratuitous violence - so far in the first two episodes you only need to shoot one person, non-lethally to boot (the bounty hunter voiced by Dave Fennoy).
Methinks people like the OP feel threatened by women like her.
It was so traumatizing but I love black humor, everyone's reactions were priceless. XD Fiona speaking Psychonese is great, I have to wonder how a 'chat' with Krieg would actually go.
Maybe it's a thing... Just not in Hyperion.
For me spork scene was quite traumatizing. xD I liked death race thingy more and I liked her … moreinteraction with Vaughn. Btw, I think it's pretty cool she can "speak psycho". Part of me even wants TftB to have Krieg in it just to see what'll happen.
It was so traumatizing but I love black humor, everyone's reactions were priceless. XD
Ok it was slightly awesome... But I don't want to see someone's eye being scooped out with a spork like that ever again - me and Vaughn, probably I almost lost it for a second when I thought TftB came down to this and took a more dark turn than in ep1.
Fiona speaking Psychonese is great, I have to wonder how a 'chat' with Krieg would actually go.
I want to see her talking with him or other psycho and understanding (or pretending to understand, it's even funnier) them while the others just being wtf at the background. That could be a gold scene.
It was so traumatizing but I love black humor, everyone's reactions were priceless. XD Fiona speaking Psychonese is great, I have to wonder how a 'chat' with Krieg would actually go.
It was so traumatizing but I love black humor, everyone's reactions were priceless. XD
Ok it was slightly awesome... But I don't wan… moret to see someone's eye being scooped out with a spork like that ever again - me and Vaughn, probably I almost lost it for a second when I thought TftB came down to this and took a more dark turn than in ep1.
Fiona speaking Psychonese is great, I have to wonder how a 'chat' with Krieg would actually go.
I want to see her talking with him or other psycho and understanding (or pretending to understand, it's even funnier) them while the others just being wtf at the background. That could be a gold scene.
I like Fiona. She's got an awkward side to her and a calm/cool personality trait just like her male counter-part. Fiona can say some weird lines, like a cool person talking like a dork. "Catch-a-riiide" "I got a need for speed" and "poop trains". Plus the girl takes no shit from no one, unless it's part of the con or for her family.
Are you kidding me? Sasha, "perfect girl"? I fail to see how a blood thirsty seductress with readily apparent rage and abandonment issues is "perfect".
I get to each his own, but i feel that as far as characters go. Fiona is the weakest link in this game. Shes completely dull to play as and has very little personality, which understand is necessary for a choice based game.(you have to fill in the gaps yourself and all that). But seriously if they can write pretty good development for Rhys, Vaughn and Sasha over two episodes. Why not the same for Fiona? I shouldn't feel like im back at the start of episode one everytime i take over her, which, unfortunately, I do.
I feel like this blandness of Fiona comes from what I've mentioned before - she only seems to have one mode, and it's 'flippant'. No matter which option you choose, she'll be flippant. Rhys can be a jerk, or friendly, or out of his depth, or pretending to be a tough guy - he has a wide range of emotions and options. Fiona will always be kinda 'eh' about every situation. That's rather boring, to me at least. I get that it's consistent with her character, or image, but it's just not very fun to play.
Also, I agree about Sasha. Although I have to say her being presented as a seductress always baffled me... maybe it's just me, but I see absolutely zero sex-appeal in her. It feels like this whole 'seductiveness' is an informed attribute, because if anything her character design and mannerisms scream 'tomboy' to me. But like I said before I find it irritating that she's allowed to be irrational, mean and threatening towards Rhys and it's played off as funny, but Rhys being mildly mean to her is him 'being a colossal jerk'. That's a double standard.
Are you kidding me? Sasha, "perfect girl"? I fail to see how a blood thirsty seductress with readily apparent rage and abandonment issues is… more "perfect".
I get to each his own, but i feel that as far as characters go. Fiona is the weakest link in this game. Shes completely dull to play as and has very little personality, which understand is necessary for a choice based game.(you have to fill in the gaps yourself and all that). But seriously if they can write pretty good development for Rhys, Vaughn and Sasha over two episodes. Why not the same for Fiona? I shouldn't feel like im back at the start of episode one everytime i take over her, which, unfortunately, I do.
We have seen more vulnerable and angry(ish) sides to her. I just feel like they're way too few and far between to really matter.
The whole seductress thing Sashas got going is definitely informed attribute, to the max. While its established that that's, usually, her role in the sisters schemes. We only ever see her use it on that simpleton Scooter, who'd probably fall for a skag in a dress and wig if it was turned away from him. Though, if August is any indication, she's pretty good at it.
I know it's a lame excuse but I'm pretty sure that their excuse for letting the girls get away with abusing Rhys and Vaugh is because they're Hyperion. The way, i assume, the audience is suppose to see it is as Pandorans picking on Hyperions. Regardless of sex.
I feel like this blandness of Fiona comes from what I've mentioned before - she only seems to have one mode, and it's 'flippant'. No matter … morewhich option you choose, she'll be flippant. Rhys can be a jerk, or friendly, or out of his depth, or pretending to be a tough guy - he has a wide range of emotions and options. Fiona will always be kinda 'eh' about every situation. That's rather boring, to me at least. I get that it's consistent with her character, or image, but it's just not very fun to play.
Also, I agree about Sasha. Although I have to say her being presented as a seductress always baffled me... maybe it's just me, but I see absolutely zero sex-appeal in her. It feels like this whole 'seductiveness' is an informed attribute, because if anything her character design and mannerisms scream 'tomboy' to me. But like I said before I find it irritating that she's allowed to be irrational, mean and threatening towards Rhys and it's played … [view original content]
Ha, I guess I've been subliminally indoctrinated by Handsome Jack or something, because 'Pandorans' to me equals 'mostly bandits and murderous midgets', so despite (or because of?) playing both BL2 and TPS I just can't view the plot as a black vs. white conflict... It's 'greedy corporation' vs. 'greedy savages' to me, so I guess I'm seeing the girls being given more leeway from a different standpoint.
On topic, I do like some scenes with Fiona, but the thing is, I only usually like the one option... like, with Felix, I'm only satisfied with shooting him/letting him blow up. 'Choke on it' feels in character for my Fiona. That's one moment where her personality feels strong to me. But, yea, she gets few options like that. Rhys is just more flexible.
We have seen more vulnerable and angry(ish) sides to her. I just feel like they're way too few and far between to really matter.
The who… morele seductress thing Sashas got going is definitely informed attribute, to the max. While its established that that's, usually, her role in the sisters schemes. We only ever see her use it on that simpleton Scooter, who'd probably fall for a skag in a dress and wig if it was turned away from him. Though, if August is any indication, she's pretty good at it.
I know it's a lame excuse but I'm pretty sure that their excuse for letting the girls get away with abusing Rhys and Vaugh is because they're Hyperion. The way, i assume, the audience is suppose to see it is as Pandorans picking on Hyperions. Regardless of sex.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towards girls for being cocky than guys...
I agree with you 110% on that! Traits people find attractive in males are often seen as bitchy or undesired in females, and it drives me insane. Also, wait, people find it funny when Rhys gets punched? WTF? I cringed every time it happened.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towar… moreds girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it. Also pretentious? I do not understand how Fiona was pretentious? At worst she seemed to put on a show of over confidence which you could easily read as a front, and even if it was real shes a 29 year old con artists, shes allowed to have a high opinion of herself. Much like how Rhys thinks he's that fast talking cool guy and tries to dish out comebacks and snappy quips. You can have Fiona fuck up just as much as Rhys, the only difference is Rhys messes up more (because he's had more screen time) and sometimes he falls flat on his ass. (literally)
Like really? You hated Fiona for smiling about doing a good job? She was conning Hyperion out of money, and considering what the company has done to the people of Pandora damn right she had every right to be … [view original content]
I think the reason that I personally find Rhys to be more endearing is because I play him as a total underdog, and I really have a thing for underdogs. I adore them. I do love Fiona, just not in the "awww so useless and cute" sense, more of the, "yeah, she's awesome!" sense.
I like the cut of her jib...
I definitely think Rhys is more endearing as a character, whereas Fiona is a lot more cold and aloof - but i… moref anything that's good writing, not bad.
You also have to remember that for the most part of the game we are seeing these characters how they see themselves. They're telling this story to a kidnapper and both make choices of how they're going to portray themselves. Rhys seems to go for the charm offensive "oh, look how bumbling and adorable I am - nope, I'm not a threat here at all", whereas Fiona paints herself as tough and stoic "I do what I have to do to survive - but I will survive - do not underestimate me". I think it actually demonstrates not only the differences in the perceptions of their respective genders, but also their class/home planets.
We see these tiny little glimpses of Fiona's humanity, but for the most part she keeps The Stranger (and therefore the audience) at arms length - even… [view original content]
I never said that Fiona´s hate toward Rhys doesn´t make sense. Pointing at this fact was just example for my reasons why I don´t like her. That´s all.
That's wrong.
Lilith is the most popular borderlands 1 main character, as an example.
Last official character popularity contest had Lilith, Torgue, Tiny Tina and Moxxi as winners, Lilith even won against Handsome Jack, the one character that singlehandedly carried borderlands 2.
I kinda like Fiona btw, not my favourite charcter but i don't dislike her.
Not Lilith tho, i really bloody hate her. She's even the only female character i dislike, i even quite liked Janey Springs from the pre sequel, Sasha from tales, Jack's fascist puppy-strangling girlfriend from BL2 and Steele too was kinda fun, but holy shit, do i hate Lilith.
Must've been the pre sequel, she's basically the main villain in there.
I always get insanely suspicious when someone says they dislike a female character because they're arrogant. People are less forgiving towards girls for being cocky than guys; let's face it. Also pretentious? I do not understand how Fiona was pretentious? At worst she seemed to put on a show of over confidence which you could easily read as a front, and even if it was real shes a 29 year old con artists, shes allowed to have a high opinion of herself. Much like how Rhys thinks he's that fast talking cool guy and tries to dish out comebacks and snappy quips. You can have Fiona fuck up just as much as Rhys, the only difference is Rhys messes up more (because he's had more screen time) and sometimes he falls flat on his ass. (literally)
Like really? You hated Fiona for smiling about doing a good job? She was conning Hyperion out of money, and considering what the company has done to the people of Pandora damn right she had every right to be like 'lets throw them out who cares if they die?' I mean it's Pandora! The sisters probably see people die all the time. They don't know Rhys or Vaughn, they got no reason to trust them or give two craps about them at the start of the first episode.
Also I...never found Rhys getting punched by Vasquez funny? Wait people thought that was funny? When Rhys got smacked in the face again and then later gut punched in the Atlas Facility, I just felt bad for him. I think the only time I found him getting punched funny was the failed headbutt scene because Hugo got hurt to, and when Fiona punched him in the neck in the present, mainly because of comedic timing and because for once it didn't knock him on the ground or make him bleed.
Brave, Piggs, really brave...
For myself, she's alright. Not much to say on this matter
Yep, it's pretty ridiculous when people bash on one character and like another while describing them both literally with the same qualities. It's even more ridiculous when they don't want to even consider to admit it. I mean don't get me wrong, everybody's free to hate or love any character and any person but when you're trying to make it look rational the double standards are showing. Feelings don't have to be rational or even justified. But this is another matter entirely.
Heh, well I never thought it was funny. I was pretty scared for Rhys in ep2 actually... though scratch that, I was concerned even in ep1 when I gave him rather bold answer and he punched Rhys for the first time. It wasn't funny. It was pretty creepy and wrong. I think everyone just think it doesn't matter because it's not real-real, like it's just a joke or even (and this is creepy too),a sign of interest of a sort.
No, I wouldn't want another Sarah situation. Granted she might die in episode 3 but I don't know....
oh? He can get punched in the office at the start of the game? I must have choose an option that spared Rhy getting decked there...freaking hell Hugo what is wrong with you?
Yep, if you tell Vasquez "I'll make you regret this" and(!) if you stay silent. I literally just started the game and chose the silence option (knowing nothing about Borderlands' universe at the time) and it was just... wow.
It seems he really admires Rhys. Kinda. In his own creepy way. Remember, he thinks that Jack punched him because they had something special? God, this is so wrong and creepy and funny at the same time. But despite that, he wants to break him and teach him "his place". That's why it's so revolting.
I like Fiona. She's a pretty cool gal.
The relationship she has with Sasha and the chemistry they have together makes her really likeable too.
That too. xD
Vasquez just want his awesome hair, you know it's good to have options
oh jeeze...why ain't Psychological evaluations a thing in the future?!
But yeah back on track, I found Fiona had her charming and funny moments...did know one else die laughing at the spork scene? Also I think scooping a guys eye out is pretty damn badass...even if you think he's dead.
Oh, yep, you got me. I'm a sexist prick. Great job, thanks.
Maybe it's a thing... Just not in Hyperion.
For me spork scene was quite traumatizing. xD I liked death race thingy more and I liked her interaction with Vaughn. Btw, I think it's pretty cool she can "speak psycho". Part of me even wants TftB to have Krieg in it just to see what'll happen.
Yeah, that's...odd. Laura Bailey's voice is lovely and Fiona's hot & stylish. Not sure what about her is pissing you off so much.
Fiona's a hardened criminal from Pandora, not a sheltered corporate goon. Even so she still tries to set herself apart from the more murderous bandits by dressing more fancily and abstaining from gratuitous violence - so far in the first two episodes you only need to shoot one person, non-lethally to boot (the bounty hunter voiced by Dave Fennoy).
Methinks people like the OP feel threatened by women like her.
Man, I'll be honest, I'd prefer if you accused me of rude shit a little less in this thread. You've already made your point earlier.
Maybe my opinion is different than yours.
You might think the color yellow is striking and bold, but I might think it's blinding and tacky. You might like cats, and I might like dogs. People work that way.
lol, you guys all got so baited. trollface
Wow what a sick meme!
Was the last bit really necessary?
Same, I prefer her to Rhys.
It was so traumatizing but I love black humor, everyone's reactions were priceless. XD Fiona speaking Psychonese is great, I have to wonder how a 'chat' with Krieg would actually go.
Ok it was slightly awesome... But I don't want to see someone's eye being scooped out with a spork like that ever again - me and Vaughn, probably
I almost lost it for a second when I thought TftB came down to this and took a more dark turn than in ep1.
I want to see her talking with him or other psycho and understanding (or pretending to understand, it's even funnier) them while the others just being wtf at the background. That could be a gold scene.
Technically you are insulting your player character which means....Well...Okay.
It's just a game dude
I think it's more likely Krieg will befriend Vaughn by talking about how their pecs have pecs.
You know... this is even better. Now I want both. xD
I like Fiona. She's got an awkward side to her and a calm/cool personality trait just like her male counter-part. Fiona can say some weird lines, like a cool person talking like a dork. "Catch-a-riiide" "I got a need for speed" and "poop trains". Plus the girl takes no shit from no one, unless it's part of the con or for her family.
Fiona is probably one of my least favorite Telltale protagonists but she has her moments. So "eh" she's neither really the best or the worst for me.
Are you kidding me? Sasha, "perfect girl"? I fail to see how a blood thirsty seductress with readily apparent rage and abandonment issues is "perfect".
I get to each his own, but i feel that as far as characters go. Fiona is the weakest link in this game. Shes completely dull to play as and has very little personality, which understand is necessary for a choice based game.(you have to fill in the gaps yourself and all that). But seriously if they can write pretty good development for Rhys, Vaughn and Sasha over two episodes. Why not the same for Fiona? I shouldn't feel like im back at the start of episode one everytime i take over her, which, unfortunately, I do.
I feel like this blandness of Fiona comes from what I've mentioned before - she only seems to have one mode, and it's 'flippant'. No matter which option you choose, she'll be flippant. Rhys can be a jerk, or friendly, or out of his depth, or pretending to be a tough guy - he has a wide range of emotions and options. Fiona will always be kinda 'eh' about every situation. That's rather boring, to me at least. I get that it's consistent with her character, or image, but it's just not very fun to play.
Also, I agree about Sasha. Although I have to say her being presented as a seductress always baffled me... maybe it's just me, but I see absolutely zero sex-appeal in her. It feels like this whole 'seductiveness' is an informed attribute, because if anything her character design and mannerisms scream 'tomboy' to me. But like I said before I find it irritating that she's allowed to be irrational, mean and threatening towards Rhys and it's played off as funny, but Rhys being mildly mean to her is him 'being a colossal jerk'. That's a double standard.
We have seen more vulnerable and angry(ish) sides to her. I just feel like they're way too few and far between to really matter.
The whole seductress thing Sashas got going is definitely informed attribute, to the max. While its established that that's, usually, her role in the sisters schemes. We only ever see her use it on that simpleton Scooter, who'd probably fall for a skag in a dress and wig if it was turned away from him. Though, if August is any indication, she's pretty good at it.
I know it's a lame excuse but I'm pretty sure that their excuse for letting the girls get away with abusing Rhys and Vaugh is because they're Hyperion. The way, i assume, the audience is suppose to see it is as Pandorans picking on Hyperions. Regardless of sex.
Ha, I guess I've been subliminally indoctrinated by Handsome Jack or something, because 'Pandorans' to me equals 'mostly bandits and murderous midgets', so despite (or because of?) playing both BL2 and TPS I just can't view the plot as a black vs. white conflict... It's 'greedy corporation' vs. 'greedy savages' to me, so I guess I'm seeing the girls being given more leeway from a different standpoint.
On topic, I do like some scenes with Fiona, but the thing is, I only usually like the one option... like, with Felix, I'm only satisfied with shooting him/letting him blow up. 'Choke on it' feels in character for my Fiona. That's one moment where her personality feels strong to me. But, yea, she gets few options like that. Rhys is just more flexible.
Or, you know, it's just me and I'm a sociopath.
I agree with you 110% on that! Traits people find attractive in males are often seen as bitchy or undesired in females, and it drives me insane. Also, wait, people find it funny when Rhys gets punched? WTF? I cringed every time it happened.
I think the reason that I personally find Rhys to be more endearing is because I play him as a total underdog, and I really have a thing for underdogs. I adore them. I do love Fiona, just not in the "awww so useless and cute" sense, more of the, "yeah, she's awesome!" sense.