I really don't like Fiona. Do you? (EP 3 EDIT)



  • edited May 2015

    I think you're missing a major point that I've been trying to communicate here. Like, there's some sort of loop we're going in. I'll try to end this particular conversation shortly, but I'll reiterate again very quickly;

    A fourth of the fanbase doesn't like Fiona. That means that, as a protagonist, she's failed to appeal to the vast majority of players, as most protagonists in Telltale have in the past. I think that Telltale should make her do something in future episodes so that she develops into someone more likeable. That way, everyone is happy. Is that manipulative of me to be saying?

    J-Master posted: »

    It's a personal issue with the fourth of the fanbase. Don't try to make your negative opinions objective.

  • she is not 'unlikeable'


    just to you

    Alt text

    Whew. Buddy. 23% of the active fanbase, or 70 people, agree with me. That isn't "just me".

    KatKat posted: »

    Okay, first of all she is not 'unlikeable' at least not according to the majority of players, just to you and secondly, why should they even

  • Hey, yeah, I agree with that... and imagine if the genders were reversed, without any other change... Wouldn't it be great to have a douchebag Jack-loving female Hyperion employee as a protagonist? I kind of think that's where the problem lies... that the 'Rhys' and Vaughns are always guys, and the Fionas and Sashas are always girls...

    DeityD posted: »

    It's just personal preferences, there's nothing to do about it. I feel somewhat like you, but I just like Rhys more than others. Because no

  • I wrote according to the majority of players, that's obviously not the majority..and it's nice how you jump to conclusions just from the results of your poll (were the five choices that basically say the same thing really necessary??), which is not an indicator of anything... but nevermind I don't want to argue about this, it's trivial to me.

    Piggs posted: »

    she is not 'unlikeable' ... just to you Whew. Buddy. 23% of the active fanbase, or 70 people, agree with me. That isn't "just me".

  • edited May 2015

    I wrote according to the majority of players, that's obviously not the majority..

    You said it was "just me", too. This percentage has been fluctuating between 23-26%, both of which are huge chunks of the active fanbase, majority or not.

    (were the five choices that basically say the same thing really necessary??)

    They don't say the same thing; the severity of each statement is slightly different. It was to gauge the extent to which people like/dislike her.

    just from the results of your poll, which is not an indicator of anything...

    I don't get how such a considerable percentage of people disliking a central character isn't an indicator of anything, but alright. Argument's over.

    KatKat posted: »

    I wrote according to the majority of players, that's obviously not the majority..and it's nice how you jump to conclusions just from the res

  • For it to work so smoothly Jack should also be a woman, otherwise it would've destroyed all that Handsome Rhys parallels. And yep, that's where the problem starts. We can have badass female characters in BL (like, so many of them - soldiers, vault hunters, scientists, sirens, now bandit's bosses like Vallory), but they're still can't be the core of the events and the story. It still has to be Jack, still has to be a guy. I know Gearbox and Telltale are trying, but it's still like that. I don't really blame anyone and can't even say why it's like that for sure. All the best parts are still given to "Rhys and Vaughn" guys. It seems it's not something that can be so easily resisted. I'd even say, if they gave those roles to Sasha and Fiona, it would've been even worse. People would've called it "feminist propaganda" and rage even more, like they do with the new Mad Max and DAI. People are literally complaining there are "too many women" and they're playing badass roles which is "not realistic" and they don't like it.

    Hey, yeah, I agree with that... and imagine if the genders were reversed, without any other change... Wouldn't it be great to have a doucheb

  • Well, considering stuff like Mad Max and DAI is being made after all, and making a decent amount of money, things are heading in the right direction despite the resistance. Not too long ago this wouldn't have been possible, and I hear a lot of encouraging words from celebrities these days, so maybe we can expect a female Rhys sometime soon... :)

    DeityD posted: »

    For it to work so smoothly Jack should also be a woman, otherwise it would've destroyed all that Handsome Rhys parallels. And yep, that's wh

  • Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys in the present.) Okay I like Rhys, he's a loser nerd baby and I say that with affection. But Sasha and Fiona are the more savvy survivors of the four man band, and they have more reason to be shitty to the tag along Hyperion. You can have her be nice to Vaughn in episode 1, you can have her save HIM instead of going for the money. Which is probably the most heroic thing anyone does in Episode 1. Then there's the option to warn Felix about the case so he lives? Another completely sincere moment. She can also have Sasha help Rhys with the flying Skaggs instead of herself when they're trying to escape the Rakk Hive. Oh also....did people kinda forget she tried to pull Rhys and Vaughn back into the Caravan at risk of flying out with them?! She kept the guys ugly ass shoe for heavens sake! Just because shes not more obvious with her nice points doesn't mean they're not there. Hell the more obvious one was her throwing Rhys a bone with that 'we're friends' line

    As for people saying you can't play Fiona as 'mean' as Rhys.

    First playable scene with Fiona you can have her rob a dying man.
    In episode one you can hit Shade just like Rhys did, and tell him to get lost when he wants to go through the vent with you. That's a 'dick' option that DOES have consequences because Shade FUCKING DIES if you do that.
    You can go for the money instead of helping Vaughn in the race.
    You can have her not only con Scooter out of giving them a free repair job, but also mooch 1000 dollars out of him, and I'm pretty sure she has no plans to ever race again so yeah that seems pretty low. (we don't know if this will have negative consequences yet but it did say Scooter will remember that)
    You can also straight up tell August he was an idiot for falling for Sasha and rub it in his face at the end of Episode 2.

    It's okay to not like Fiona, it is. I just don't think shes a badly made character, or that it's the writers fault.

    Piggs posted: »

    Can we drop the personal attacks? I was hoping you guys would be mature enough to be civil here, and the thread was starting off pretty well

  • edited May 2015

    Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys in the present.)

    ... No? That's not really what these people are saying, and it's far-off from what I'm saying.

    She can be evil. She can loot dying men. She can murder. Great, that's okay. It's just that there are other elements of her character that disappoint me, and make it difficult for me to relate to her. I tried to make that especially clear in the OP.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention; I disagree with the hatred for her for simply disliking Rhys, but that isn't them hating her because she's rude, it's them hating her because she antagonizes their favorite character.

    EDIT NUMERO DOS: Dang, I also forgot to ask: why'd you reply to that comment? Why not just reply to the thread itself?

    Clause posted: »

    Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys


  • Oh, I agree completely. Though, i will admit, I have chuckled at the guys abuse.

    I play Fiona more subdued but I agree, her personality is at its strongest when she's angry. But i feel like that's a cheap cop out. Most people personalities are at their strongest when angry. So to me, even those moments aren't really satisfying

    Ha, I guess I've been subliminally indoctrinated by Handsome Jack or something, because 'Pandorans' to me equals 'mostly bandits and murdero

  • edited May 2015

    I don't know if either of these comments apply to me, but I was the last to mention I didn't like the way she acted in the present, so I'm assuming so.

    Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys in the present.)

    It's not that she's not nice to people. I play a rude Fiona sometimes, and she can definitely be nice too. In the present I do have a problem but it's less about her being not nice and more about her attitude in general.

    Forgot to mention; I disagree with the hatred for her for simply disliking Rhys, but that isn't them hating her because she's rude, it's them hating her because she antagonizes their favorite character.

    I don't hate her for disliking Rhys (I love Sasha and she disliked Rhys too). I don't hate her at all. It's mostly because I don't know why she's being antagonistic and I'm not very sympathetic to her character in the present. At least I knew why with Sasha.

    Piggs posted: »

    Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys

  • She just can't be cocky about it?

    Andddd I probably clicked the wrong reply button, may bad.

    Piggs posted: »

    Do people really not like Fiona because shes not nice to people? (I'm seeing the examples being mostly her acting antagonistic towards Rhys

  • edited May 2015

    .....Well, she's already likeable to me, sooo.......I don't know, can they?

    Piggs posted: »

    I think you're missing a major point that I've been trying to communicate here. Like, there's some sort of loop we're going in. I'll try to

  • Yeah, that's part of the problem. Playing as Fiona sometimes just makes me anxious to hurry up and get back to Rhys.

    Tolispro posted: »


  • Yes. Because there's more to the fanbase than you for them to appeal to.

    J-Master posted: »

    .....Well, she's already likeable to me, sooo.......I don't know, can they?

  • edited May 2015

    She can be, but the way she goes about it bothers me. Beyond the lines, the delivery/tone of the voice actor probably does a lot of that for me.

    And no, it doesn't have to do with her being a girl. Sasha is fun and playful when she's cocky. Fiona gives the impression of being, well... a tryhard, for a lack of better words.

    Clause posted: »

    She just can't be cocky about it? Andddd I probably clicked the wrong reply button, may bad.

  • [removed]

  • ... Why would they remove a thread because I have an opinion? Holy shit, guys.

  • Because its just a hating on Telltale and causing arguments

    Piggs posted: »

    ... Why would they remove a thread because I have an opinion? Holy shit, guys.

  • edited May 2015

    It's a criticism of Telltale's writing and a request to consider the opinions of certain fans. It's not "hating" on Telltale; would you rather this be some sort of 1984 forum where we're not allowed to say ANYTHING bad about Telltale's content? It's not my fault that people are resorting to insults and the like.

    Because its just a hating on Telltale and causing arguments

  • You know that same characteristics could be placed on both due to how the game allows the player to choose the characters response in certain situations :/

    Anyway, I like Fiona so far; To me she behaves similar to people growing up on Pandora that is not driven completely mad. However, we have not seen the entire game as of yet... so to pass judgement on her character after two episodes that had more Rhys screen-time seems a bit odd.

  • I have only one sentence to say. LONG LIVE FIONA!!! She will take the all the treasure in the vault and live Rhys with nothing. Because he accidentaly kill Sasha. (Yes this is what I think it will happen)

  • nah, fiona is cool.
    I play her as awkward as possible and i love it!

    BUT I do not like Sasha very much.
    she is the perfect girl without any big flaws and personally I think this is reeaaaaallly boring.
    lets see maybe this will change in the next episodes.

  • edited May 2015

    okay from my understanding, the creator of this thread wants them to change a character they personally don't like, ignoring the people that do in fact like her and probably don't want her established personality traits messed with in some weird recon. Seriously what about the people who like Fiona the way she is? Like what if you got your wish and she got all the character traits we like written out of her, then what? Tough beans? As long as you and the other 'certain' fans are happy that's cool? I guess your logic would be 'well those other people liked a badly written character so who cares if they're disappointed.'

    You can't just be 'I don't like Fiona but it's cool if you do' and move on? Instead you gotta make a thread and basically use the most unflattering language to describe Fiona under the guise that she's a badly made character because you personally do not like her? Then come off as completely offended when other people don't agree with your opinions and point out the INSANELY problematic reasoning in your original post?

    Yes your opinion is an opinion, So is mine, they are neither higher or lower in terms of importance. But I generally don't want Telltale to even consider this thread, for the sake of the Fiona fans you are basically shitting on with it.

    Also I like her voice, one of the things I like about the BL series is all the female characters sound dramatically different. If you grew up watching dubbed anime you understand why this is important to me. A laxed voice that sounds like it could come from a 29 year old woman is a nice change from everyone sounding like they're hyper teenagers.

  • Your mother must be proud of you.

  • [removed]

    Piggs posted: »

    Man, I'll be honest, I'd prefer if you accused me of rude shit a little less in this thread. You've already made your point earlier.

  • edited May 2015


  • edited May 2015

    Let's calm down a little here. I don't get why the forum has to take this all so personally.

    There are subtle ways to change her; it's too late to "retcon" her personality, and I NEVER suggested they do that. That wouldn't make sense. At all. It could just be an event that justifies her a bit more, or something to make her less of a gun-toting "badass" and more of a heroic badass. I want something to happen to develop her and make her more likeable. That's all; I'm not saying some DRASTIC change is made to her character. Though the voice will be a perpetual turnoff for me.

    Then come off as completely offended when other people don't agree with your opinions and point out the INSANELY problematic reasoning in your original post?

    I'm not offended. I just don't get why some of you are taking things to personal attacks.

    Clause posted: »

    okay from my understanding, the creator of this thread wants them to change a character they personally don't like, ignoring the people that

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, I see what you're saying. She's failed to fufill my sexual ideals in women like my other favorite female videogame characters have, such as Clementine, the 2nd grader, or Holly, the ten-foot troll, or Lili, the psychic 10 year old. You got me; this was all a part of some patriarchal attempt to shit all over women.

    But seriously, why are you taking this so personally? I don't like the video game character that you like. You're leaping to some weird conclusions, man. I don't get why the community here has to be so toxic when a guy shares their opinion.

  • edited May 2015

    I don't know what makes you think that, with 100% certainty, you understand what's going on inside my head. Makes absolutely no sense. Gives me a good idea of why I should stop talking to you.

    Please stop derailing my thread.

  • Leluch123Leluch123 Banned
    edited May 2015

    Yeah, I see what you're saying. She's failed to fufill my sexual ideals in women like my other favorite female videogame characters have, such as Clementine, the 2nd grader, or Holly, the ten-foot troll, or Lili, the psychic 10 year old. You got me; this was all a part of some patriarchal attempt to shit all over women.

    AHA! I knew that you had an ulterior motive! But now your plans are in ruins because of those meddling kids, You're done for old man Piggs!

    But jokes aside yeah some people here that that way too seriously, when I read some comments I don't know whatever to laugh or cry. People get worked over nothing really but on the other hand the internet fight is amusing as hell so I guess I'll continie to watch your struggle Piggs

    Good Luck

    Piggs posted: »

    Yeah, I see what you're saying. She's failed to fufill my sexual ideals in women like my other favorite female videogame characters have, su

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned

    "they can threaten the male heroes with death cause they're girls, but if Rhys and Vaughn did that they'd cross the moral event horizon, so they're limited to being petty, and that annoys me."

    I do kinda agree with you. I'm female and I love playing badass female characters, but, like you, I don't feel I relate to Fiona all that mu

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned

    lilith was ment to be a bitch from the first game, so they did a good job. in borderlands 2 it was reduced a bit

    Aaira posted: »

    No matter how much you've tried, they won't be as popular anyway. It's just the way it works. That's wrong. Lilith is the most popu

  • I avoided commenting on this one for a while, because, well, I like Fiona. But I feel like she could be more interesting so I guess I'm glad you said something?

    Fiona as a main character is underwhelming at this point in the story and I really hope telltale can do something with her so she lives up to Rhys' half. Her sections made her seem uninteresting in comparison particularly in episode 2. The scene with Athena and Janey was great, but it's easy to miss because it made more sense to keep the gang together... And honestly, I like Sasha more than Fiona because her personality is more engaging. Fiona in present scenes is also more entertaining to me, I actually like seeing her be angry and sassy because it's pretty funny... But I guess that's an unpopular opinion. Telltale can't easily please everyone, but I think they should give Fiona something more to help her keep up with the other main character. It's not an extreme polarization of interest but it could be improved.

  • Ye i'm replaying BL2 at the moment and she's fine, a bit of a mary sue but otherwise fine. Don't remember much about the first game, tho i recall it barely had any pc development (they were basically all mute).

    clap-tp posted: »

    lilith was ment to be a bitch from the first game, so they did a good job. in borderlands 2 it was reduced a bit

  • edited May 2015

    Fiona is awesome.

    Rhys provides more of the comic relief but Fiona might be my favorite character. It's hard to choose between them though. I think overall Telltale did a great job with the two lead characters.

    I also like Fiona more than Sasha.

  • edited May 2015

    Personally I like Fiona a lot, more than Rhys sure, but I understand why some people might not like her.

    Playing as a not-vault-hunter-Pandorian should be as crazy and interest as the planet itself and yet her story is a bit dull in comparison to Rhys' (Maybe bc because competing with a Handsome Jack hologram is almost impossible for anyone but I dunno). It's almost as if the writers put all their cards on the Hyperion dudes.

    Fiona has wanted posters all over the planet and bounty hunters are after her head and yet we have almost zero back story. We also don't know much about her -she likes money and lover her lil sis, and that's it- I hope this is fixed in future episodes. I still like her, but I agree that she might feel a bit 'meh' at times.

  • We don't shut down threads where people express opinions. That would be intolerant and disrespectful.

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