More GOT then TFTB?

Is it just me or is GOT taking over?
TFTB came out a month before GOT and only has two episodes while GOT has 4 episodes that release almost every 2 months.I don't think they should be working on one game more then the other. I belive that the should cool the GOT train for a while.


  • Is it just me or is GOT taking over?

    No, games don't "take over each other". It's all a matter of which one is getting done first, and currently the GoT team is finishing GoT episodes faster than the TFTBL team is finishing TFTBL episodes.

  • GoT seems to be more prioritized due to having 6 episodes instead of the usual 5.

    Moreso, TFTBL Episode 3 will come out by the 3rd week of June.

  • Look on the bright side. At least Ep3 of Tales'll be out in the next couple of weeks.

  • They have different teams. The GOT team finishes their episodes faster than the TFTB team, so their episodes come out earlier.

  • I don't think they should be working on one game more then the other.


    All their games get an equal amount of attention, have separate teams that work on them, and are released when everything is finished. It just so happens that GOT episodes are finished before Tales, and this may be due to HBO's involvement with the project.

  • It has nothing to do with priority. GoT has 6 episodes because the team decided beforehand that they couldn't fit their story into only 5. Some staff member mentioned as such somewhere on this site (don't have the exact link, but I clearly remember reading it).

    GoT seems to be more prioritized due to having 6 episodes instead of the usual 5. Moreso, TFTBL Episode 3 will come out by the 3rd week of June.

  • I think the reason why GoT are getting a much faster release, it is because they have a strict deadline or something from HBO. Tales from the Borderlands doesn't have that, maybe that's why Tales from the Borderlands takes longer because they can put more time and effort into it.

  • Oh... my bad.

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    It has nothing to do with priority. GoT has 6 episodes because the team decided beforehand that they couldn't fit their story into only 5. S

  • Think of it as a longer wait for a better episode.

  • People are constantly complaining about GOT getting released first and it's getting old it's like complaining about Dragon Age coming out before Mass Effect.

  • Well of course the better game is taking longer :)

  • Some staff member mentioned as such somewhere on this site (don't have the exact link, but I clearly remember reading it).

    They said so over at the official FAQ on the game page (not the unofficial forum FAQ us volunteer Moderators wrote, which people sometimes confuse for the official FAQ).

    Bluebirdo posted: »

    It has nothing to do with priority. GoT has 6 episodes because the team decided beforehand that they couldn't fit their story into only 5. S

  • Heres what I think : In GoT, no matter what you choose you end up in the same result, right? However comma in TFTBL your choices affect where you are and what happens, rather than all choices leading to the same thing. Being real, of course the wait could be shorter. But sometimes things get corrupted, they discover plot holes and patch dem plawt holes to keep us from making incorrect speculations towards the storyline, and maybe even a rewrite of the entire thing to give us the best possible experience. Then with E3 coming up and such, they need to prepare for that as well. Not complaiting (complaining and hating) just speculating. So GoT is way easier to direct/produce than TFTBL.

  • edited June 2015

    Well I think its also good to add borderlands has a lot of comedy. GoT is more serious. Serious is easier to do as jokes and 'randomness' can fall flat. The writers have to consider this a lot more and have opinions and get timing, transitions etc correct to get the reaction they want without it seeming too out of place in a scene. They're not just throwing any whacky line they think of in it for the heck of it.

  • GoT and TFTB are not different when it comes to choices "mattering".

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Heres what I think : In GoT, no matter what you choose you end up in the same result, right? However comma in TFTBL your choices affect wher

  • I actually thought the same thing right after episode 1. I said to myself, "I hope this doesnt take a long to come out because of the jokes and writing."


    Miny77 posted: »

    Well I think its also good to add borderlands has a lot of comedy. GoT is more serious. Serious is easier to do as jokes and 'randomness' ca

  • edited June 2015

    i was translating the game to portuguese, and it seems that game of thrones has more experienced people working on it.

    edit: there are files about characters i never heard of, and a lot about handsome jack just on the episode 1 files.

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    Well of course the better game is taking longer

  • edited June 2015

    Agreed. I don't see choices mattering more in one than another

    GoT and TFTB are not different when it comes to choices "mattering".

  • Well I never said they didnt matter, but I see where you guys are coming from. I just said most choices lead to the same event occurring right?

    Agreed. I don't see choices mattering more in one than another

  • if its seprate teams then tales team is way smaller or the best workers working on goh. game of thrones is better money maker, it gets better attention.

  • It, therefore. has got to be fucking amazing, Based on the wait time.

    Think of it as a longer wait for a better episode.

  • See, they SAY it'll be out by the third week of June... Are you seriously taking telltales word on a release date as some kind of evidence?

    GoT seems to be more prioritized due to having 6 episodes instead of the usual 5. Moreso, TFTBL Episode 3 will come out by the 3rd week of June.

  • Because I trust telltales word on such matters about as much as I trust a bi-polar lion with an eating disorder

    GoT seems to be more prioritized due to having 6 episodes instead of the usual 5. Moreso, TFTBL Episode 3 will come out by the 3rd week of June.

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