I really don't like Sasha. Do you? (Poll)

I really dont like her. It has nothing to do her voice acting but just her in general. I hate her bitchy attitiude and angery triggeryhappyness. What do you guys think?

Poll : http://strawpoll.me/4535412



  • edited June 2015

    EDIT: Aaand it was edited.

    Have a penguin instead.

    Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    Well, there already has been a "do you like Fiona?" thread. This is racist to Pandorans! How could you only like the hyperion bros? there must be SOME love for the fearsome females...

  • edited June 2015

    wow i'm offended

    EDIT: Oh, serious thread now. But uh, ehhh. She's kinda generic, I'd say. I really like her character design, though, and her personality is pretty fun.

    I guess one of my main gripes with her is that the Felix sob story didn't hit me very hard.

  • edited June 2015

    Alt text

    Could you maybe go into further detail about what it is with her that irks you? It's hard to see something through someone else's shoes when there is no context to base it off of.

    And please don't say it has something to do with the post that was made about not liking Fiona. At least reasons for the dislike were listed.

  • I'd agree with this thread if it didn't seem like it was made just to be a complete opposite of the one Piggs made. Lmao.

  • She's okay, like Piggs said I didnt care at all about her sob story about Felix

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    What did it used to be?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    EDIT: Aaand it was edited. Have a penguin instead.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    I like her, she's an interesting character.

    Show me somebody who likes Sasha and i will show you a liar.

  • Show me somebody who likes Sasha and i will show you a liar.

  • edited June 2015

    Just question marks because the original post was a good ol' copypasta from Piggs'.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    What did it used to be?

  • Show me somebody who likes Sasha

    Alt text

    Show me somebody who likes Sasha and i will show you a liar.

  • She has some good moments, but others are meh. I just said that to say something similar to a line in one of my favorite movies

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I like her, she's an interesting character.

  • I love Sasha's character, and I'm certainly not lying about that.

    Show me somebody who likes Sasha and i will show you a liar.

  • I like Sasha. She is a good contrast to her sister and as I said about Fiona; she fits the type of personality of someone living on Pandora that is neither vault hunter or completely insane.

    On other note: I find it strange the TTG allows anti- character threads under the disguise of 'critique' but then disapproves of appreciation threads as 'not offering valued information' kinda hypocritical, you know?

  • I'm all about bitchy girls so no problemos.

    Plus Rhysha

  • You obviously hate her. :)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    She's okay, like Piggs said I didnt care at all about her sob story about Felix

  • Her bitchy attitude and triggerhappiness are the reasons I actually like her. I like characters that have spunk, even if they're poorly written. :P

  • I didn't really like her in episode 1, but seeing some depth in episode 2 really made me rethink my stance on her. Especially her mixed anger and grief at Felix's betrayal, I really underestimated how badly it hurt her. If we can see more of her depth I might really like her more.

  • I like all the TFTB characters. Best set of characters in any TTG. (Except maybe Wolf Among Us)

  • Sasha's my waifu

  • edited June 2015

    TTG allows anti- character threads under the disguise of 'critique'

    Alright, well, if this is a wretched anti-character thread, how would OP go about making a proper critique of Sasha's character?

    I like Sasha. She is a good contrast to her sister and as I said about Fiona; she fits the type of personality of someone living on Pandora

  • Did I call it 'wretched'? No. Don't inflate my words into more than what was said. My point until you had to jump in and twist it around; is how TTG made a rule that bans one form of character discussion while allowing another under false reasons. If people here on the forums could make an appreciation thread, discussing various aspects of their favorite character then I would have no problem with anyone else making a anti-character thread.

    Piggs posted: »

    TTG allows anti- character threads under the disguise of 'critique' Alright, well, if this is a wretched anti-character thread, how would OP go about making a proper critique of Sasha's character?

  • I was trying to simplify what you said. If you're going to take the argument that I'm putting words in your mouth, then, alright. Let's take another look at what you said, and I'll try to make my wording a little clearer.

    TTG allows anti- character threads under the disguise of 'critique'

    You're saying that both this thread and my previous thread weren't critiques, but merely made themselves out to be--that was their disguise. Instead, they were made with the purpose of bashing and attacking a character... I fail to see how that isn't a critique. The character isn't real; any "attacks" on them can't really be taken personally.

    I'm only talking about the negative connotation that you applied to "anti-character" threads. I'm not disagreeing with your stance on appreciation threads. I think they both should have a place on the forum.

    Did I call it 'wretched'? No. Don't inflate my words into more than what was said. My point until you had to jump in and twist it around; i

  • I like her because of a lot of reasons.

    • She has that strong and ruthless attitude that makes you think twice about messing with her.
    • Through that attitude, there's a sense of innocence. For example, the delight on her face when she hears of weapons at the end of Ep1.
    • The chemistry that she has with her sister. Being the younger sibling that does whatever she can to help out her big sis.
    • The chemistry she has with Rhys. Though she hated the evil Hyperion boot-licker she thought he was at the start, she eventually starts to warm up to him when she sees past her agenda, and the pinky swear scene followed by the interaction they have after the stun baton is adorable.
    • She has a very unique character design.
    • She's kind of cute when she's angry.

    That good enough?

  • edited June 2015

    except.. I didn't say you were bashing and attacking the character. Again, with putting words in my mouth that were never said in the first place.

    Otherwise okay, but here is what you replied with:

    Alright, well, if this is a wretched anti-character thread, how would OP go about making a proper critique of Sasha's character?

    Nothing in my post stated OP or yourself had to do a 'proper' critique in order not to be Anti-character threads. Both OP and yourself literally made thread titled 'I really don't like "___" ' then proceed to talk about how neither you like said character with a poll/option for others to agree or disagree with you. How are they not anti-character threads? because ya'll give people the option to disagree with it? regardless, the threads are about not liking a character and seeing if people agree with you/op or not.

    But I digress! This is not what the last half of my original post was about and I would appriecate if you would stop changing the main point of my side note. If you agree and I agree they should both have a place on the forums there is nothing more to talk about.

    Piggs posted: »

    I was trying to simplify what you said. If you're going to take the argument that I'm putting words in your mouth, then, alright. Let's take

  • I like her. She's actually one of my favorites. I like that she has a strong personality, and her normally aggressive behavior makes me find her sweet moments with Rhys and Fiona and her excitement over weaponry to be kinda cute. I think she has a lot of room for character growth and I look forward to seeing her hopefully grow more friendly with the Hyperion boys and accept what happened with Felix. She has a lot of potential.

  • Man, I think you're missing something. I don't get why there's confusion.

    How are they not anti-character threads?

    Sure, they're anti-character threads. I'm not gonna deny that. I feel like there's a bit of a stigma to describing them like that, but sure. But... How are they not critiques? How is this an "anti-character thread disguised as a critique", as you put it? Why can't they be both? I don't understand.

    except.. I didn't say you were bashing and attacking the character. Again, with putting words in my mouth that were never said in the first

  • I love Sasha she's awesome.

  • Now you are reaching for any meaning to continue this conversation. >.< First, you are against the idea of these threads being called anti-character then you admit they could be viewed as such and now you are claiming confusion on particular words. Hmmmmmm...

    To answer you question for the last time: Disguise can also be synonymous to concealing, masking, or cloaking. When I said this originally- no one had admit these were anti-character threads up until now; they have been called everything else but that. What you call critiquing for characters you don't like and making threads with that title and summery in mind, is more or less a layer or mask covering threads are Anti-particular characters. You and OP may view yourselves as critiquing, but you have to also consider you both are being allowed to express your views against a character in completely new discussions w/o mods banning you while others can only express character appreciation through loopholes.

    Piggs posted: »

    Man, I think you're missing something. I don't get why there's confusion. How are they not anti-character threads? Sure, they'

  • Whew. I think there's some sort of misunderstanding here. I didn't really want things to drag on for this long. I'm just gonna stop.

    Now you are reaching for any meaning to continue this conversation. >.< First, you are against the idea of these threads being called

  • There really isn't. But here is the short version: The critique is there; but its used as a reason to justify another bigger underline issue rather than it being a pure form of thoughts for a character's development on a incomplete media. :/

    But w/e- as long as its dropped. we don't have to see eye to eye on certain subjects as long as we agree both sides should be able to post anti/pro threads.

    Piggs posted: »

    Whew. I think there's some sort of misunderstanding here. I didn't really want things to drag on for this long. I'm just gonna stop.

  • Why all the hate for the leading ladies in this game? ;-;

  • You know why. ;-;

    I think Sasha is adorable, and anybody who refers to her as 'bitchy' because she has a backbone or you know, actual opinions, is guaranteed to make me love her so much more.

    HeartOfGold posted: »

    Why all the hate for the leading ladies in this game? ;-;

  • Sasha needs to grow up. She's annoying.

  • Um, no...?

    You obviously hate her.

  • I like her, I get why some people don't like her, but I've pretty much liked Sasha since the beginning. Yeah she tried to kill you by pushing you out of the caravan, but she does seem to warm up to you while Rhys is hacking into the Atlas computer system, that whole entire scene is probably one of my favorites from the game so far. And, as others have said, I like the chemistry that she has with her sister, it really shows how much she cares for her family, and I've always liked that in a character (big reason why I love Kenny in TWD). I even liked how mad she got at Felix, it showed how much she cared about him and how much his "betrayal" hurt her, seeing someone she looked up to like a father try and run off with the money hit her really hard. I think (most of the time) Sasha is a caring individual, especially when it comes to her sister, but also to both Rhys and Vaughn, despite the fact that they work for Hyperion, a company she visibly despises.

  • I like her, she's like my 4th favourite tales-only borderlands character.

    Of course there's only, like, 8 characters in the whole category but 4th place is still something, right?

  • Hes obviously raising a ghosts hand for them.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Show me somebody who likes Sasha

  • Alt text

    Umm... yeah.

  • I speak from some experience...

    You wouldnt like them if they bitched to you..

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