I really don't like Fiona. Do you? (EP 3 EDIT)



  • I find it interesting that you made an OP with a rude, bias tone about a character. Then turn around and use the 'calm down don't take it so personally dear' tactic to defuse the conversation. it's pretty condescending and manipulative.

    If you just want your opinion validated fine, but don't talk down to people for getting 'emotional' it's hypocritical.

    Piggs posted: »

    Let's calm down a little here. I don't get why the forum has to take this all so personally. There are subtle ways to change her; it's to

  • edited June 2015

    There's a difference between talking negatively about a character and talking negatively about a real person. You can disagree. I'm fine with the majority of people here who disagree, it's just that some of you are acting like I'm insulting your family name because I talked shit about a virtual space cowboy. There's no need for the passionate attempts at offending me that I've been seeing here and there.

    Clause posted: »

    I find it interesting that you made an OP with a rude, bias tone about a character. Then turn around and use the 'calm down don't take it so

  • edited June 2015

    Tastes are biased, more news at 11.

    Also what the fuck's "problematic" ? I mean i can see that not liking a co-protagonist might be a problem, but for him, not you, so i guess that's not what you're talking about, or is it?

    Clause posted: »

    I find it interesting that you made an OP with a rude, bias tone about a character. Then turn around and use the 'calm down don't take it so

  • I've made my problems clear in my other posts.

    Aaira posted: »

    Tastes are biased, more news at 11. Also what the fuck's "problematic" ? I mean i can see that not liking a co-protagonist might be a problem, but for him, not you, so i guess that's not what you're talking about, or is it?

  • [removed]

    Piggs posted: »

    There's a difference between talking negatively about a character and talking negatively about a real person. You can disagree. I'm fine wi

  • Your problem seems to be that he disliked two females, which somehow makes him sexist.

    It's actually clear on your other post, you said his tastes "can be read as" sexist, which means it's just your interpretation, but even after the guy clearly stated their problem wasn't their gender (and that the way he presented his opinion sucked) you're still convinced this is a gender issue, because disliking characters with strong personalities is always sexist if they're female.

    I don't agree with that guy's opinion and tastes, but throwing around words like "sexism" and "double standard" while there's little to no proof of it is not a good idea. Unless you want those words to turn into meaningless buzzwords.

    Clause posted: »

    I've made my problems clear in my other posts.

  • edited June 2015

    I doubt anyone here is deliberately trying to offending you

    I'd like to disagree. Mods already deleted a few of the really bad posts that were here.

    you act surprised when people start to defend a character they like?

    You keep saying this, but I really don't understand. You guys are more than welcome to state whether you like her or not here, and I haven't been freaking out at people for stating their opinions. The title itself is a question as to whether or not you like her. Disagreeing with my opinion and favoring Fiona isn't surprising or unusual, it was expected. What DOES surprise me is when people start to accuse me of being ignorant, or sexist, or manipulative. I didn't expect the thread to be aggressive and offensive in that regard.

    it's the reasons why you don't like the character that can be read as, well to be frank; kinda double standard and sexist

    Yep, there we go. Was waiting for you to say that. I'm getting pretty tired of this accusation. I swear, it feels like I can't have a negative opinion about ANY female character without someone claiming that it's due to some sort of underlying sexism. Do you really think it's impossible for me to think poorly of her without it being because she's a woman?

    Man, I'll be honest, it seems like a lot of you are trying to force some "men are inherently sexist" agenda down my throat. It's not too pleasant. If I just lied and said I was a girl, you guys probably wouldn't be making those accusations, and I feel like that makes that entire stance questionable (and perhaps even sexist in and of itself).

    Listen, you're free to keep talking in this thread or stop, whatever. Your choice. Let's just try to make our arguments something other than OP IS SEXIST, THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPLANATIONS.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    If I just lied and said I was a girl, you guys probably wouldn't be making those accusations, and I feel like that makes that entire stance questionable (and perhaps even sexist in and of itself).

    you guys probably

    you guys


    Uh oh, you used the term 'guys' to describe the people here

    you sexist

    (I'm being sarcastic, don't hate me)

    Piggs posted: »

    I doubt anyone here is deliberately trying to offending you I'd like to disagree. Mods already deleted a few of the really bad posts


    Deltino posted: »

    If I just lied and said I was a girl, you guys probably wouldn't be making those accusations, and I feel like that makes that entire stance

  • i don't like Fiona either she just is a really unlikable character but I'm hoping they'll fix this by making her more enjoyable to play as rhys is more awesome to play as and has more abilities (echo eye) and vaughn is quite humourous and he isn't even a playable character.

  • i like her more than most in this mediocre ass game.

  • I love Fiona. She can be rude and snippy and sarcastic but I personally love her character. I do think she's badass too. I've seen lots of male character like this and it's a nice change to have the female version.

  • This is borderlands, she's pretty fine to me.

  • Well I do cosplay Fiona.... so obviously I like her. (more at Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays )
    But that doesn't make her my favorite character. Rhys is actually my favorite character believe it or not... but thats not because I think Fiona is a total pain in the butt compared to Rhys. I mean yeah she could seem rude or sensible depending on how you play her (I've played through the game several times and played her differently each time... so it really depends). I actually like Rhys more because he seems to have more personality than Fiona at this point. Think its easier to see who Rhys really is since he is such a huge comic relief character in the game while Fiona is there keeping her cool (or trying to at the least). Hopefully we will get to see more of Fiona's personality in the next two episodes.

    Alt text

  • Fiona is pretty cool, I don't get the hate.

  • You know, the game isn't out completely, yet... There are like 3 episodes left and a lot can happen in them. Maybe it was her side of story that made her seem boring not the actual character. And she only had Sasha. Rhys had Loader Bot, Vaughn, Assquez, Handsome frekin Jack! Rhys was packed! Her side of story hasn't bloomed yet. With Fiona is like a game in early access, at first is bad or just meh or just an interesting concept, but then there are various changes that make it better. I'm in the neutral zone with Fiona as there is still time for her development.(even thou I ship her with Rhys.. ehem).

    P.S Sasha is awesome at times, but too hot headed for my tastes, but again not too much screen time to actually make my mind about all this.

    Piggs posted: »

    Rhys is a lot more stereotypical in some regards, but I think it gives him some campy personality that makes him fit well in the Borderlsnds

  • edited June 2015

    Their attitude is also in contrast with Rhys' who's kind of an idiot enough to be friendly with everyone.

    I dunno, I guess it depends how you play him... I actually think he's friendly out of fear. I mean you see him right when he gets down for the first time in his life on Pandora. I mean that's a pretty big change in his life, and he's not all goofy and an idiot, there are parts when he truly proves himself(like when he dodges the moonshots? I mean he did used the echo eye but he managed to kill a damn Rakk hive with one of them). And Fiona and Sasha's part of story isn't... much, we know only bits and those are really blurred too. We cannot say anything about the "devs" untill all episodes are out. Then we can judge the story and characters and the staff behind it.

    DeityD posted: »

    I don't call you anything. I'm talking about the pattern here. And Clementine is not a "female character", she's a "child character". As,

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    even the little dialogue she had in bl1 was bitchy

    Aaira posted: »

    Ye i'm replaying BL2 at the moment and she's fine, a bit of a mary sue but otherwise fine. Don't remember much about the first game, tho i recall it barely had any pc development (they were basically all mute).

  • I prefer Rhys to her. She's a good character, but I feel she should be more of a side character and have Rhys be the main character. Most of the stuff that happens to him is more interesting and the characters on his side like Vaughn, Jack, and Vasquez are better in my opinion.

  • Please tell me your Steve friend stays in character the entire time he cosplays and only responds with "heyoo".

    Mangoloo posted: »

    Well I do cosplay Fiona.... so obviously I like her. (more at Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays ) But that doesn't make her my favorite cha

  • Yeah I've been generally nice as Rhys except to Sasha. Her attitude against Rhys just because he's Hyperion is really annoying and in episode 1 I was a total dick to her. In episode 2 she's really irritated at Felix which is also mildly annoying but I don't absolutely hate her. If she is a little nicer to Rhys and Vaughn I might change my mind.

    I feel like this blandness of Fiona comes from what I've mentioned before - she only seems to have one mode, and it's 'flippant'. No matter

  • And there's no possibility the devs/writers really overdo it in this regard? From what I see it happens a lot. This badass cocky/rude type of female character is a poor excuse for a "strong, female character" - it is really getting annoying. Not all female characters have to be strong, neither the male ones. It seems movie and game industry can't think of many more types of female characters than the "traditional" emotional and passive one and the "emancipated" cocky and rude one. Boring.

    DeityD posted: »

    For some reason there are lots of people crying and raging over female characters lately, be it Mad Max Fury road, The witcher 3, DAI and so

  • mediocre ass game.

    Alt text

    i like her more than most in this mediocre ass game.

  • Some could've done this, but TT with Fiona? Seriously? She didn't even do anything special yet. Or that badass, she's not Athena or Nisha or whatever. She's a pretty typical Pandoran native who can ptotect herself and take care of herself, that's all about it. It's actually the other way around, because we also see two Hyperion desk jockeys who should've been dead 10 times by now but got stupidly lucky.

    Not all female characters have to be strong, neither the male ones. It seems movie and game industry can't think of many more types of female characters than the "traditional" emotional and passive one and the "emancipated" cocky and rude one. Boring.

    Well, that's what happens when you only have 2 of them. But it's still just an excuse. We had majority of female characters in the latest Mad Max and people still complaining how they're not realistic even if we have all kinds od personalities here, badass, fragile, kind, determined and so on. And at the same time no one is quesioning characters like Max or Immortan Joe. Funny enough, somehow they're always ok and absolutely not boring or predictable.

    rousseau posted: »

    And there's no possibility the devs/writers really overdo it in this regard? From what I see it happens a lot. This badass cocky/rude type o

  • I like Fiona. Im surprised so many people agree with you because you pretty much trashed her and Laura Bailey's performance.

  • I don’t really have a problem with Fiona. Reason might be that I only played episode one, watched a playthrough of episode 2 and decided the game is not for me, because I don’t share the game’s understanding of humor and this is pretty much what the game relies on. However, the Hyperion characters are well done, you can see they had a concept with them, their stereotypes fit the Borderlands franchise.
    Fiona on the other hand is neither fish nor fowl, an ambiguous indistinct character like hers might be good in a another game but next to the other characters she falls flat. I can imagine the devs sitting there and arguing about what personality she should have, getting nowhere and coming to a compromise like: “Let’s make her flippant and disrespectful, kinda, but not too antagonistic, since she’s a player character. Also laid-back and pragmatic, somehow. Funny too, but not too funny, since other characters are already filling out the funny role. Ah, just give her a mini revolver and let her punch and headbutt people.”

    She's a pretty typical Pandoran native who can ptotect herself and take care of herself, that's all about it.

    She is neither a typical native nor a real bandit, despite her being "Wanted" - the player's not supposed to see her as a criminal, she's "just trying to survive". If she's just a typical native, why isn't she afraid of the psycho bandits? Why is she so overly cool and indifferent towards danger? I think giving her the title of a real Pandoran bandit, instead of this con-artist thing, we are supposed to sympathise with, would have worked better. This way it would be Hyperion guys “vs” Bandit gals. And Fionas coolness and not being afraid of dying, for example in the motorsport scene, would make sense.

    DeityD posted: »

    Some could've done this, but TT with Fiona? Seriously? She didn't even do anything special yet. Or that badass, she's not Athena or Nisha or

  • Fiona on the other hand is neither fish nor fowl, an ambiguous indistinct character like hers might be good in a another game but next to the other characters she falls flat.

    Like I said already in this thread, you can't compete with Hyperion and Handsome Jack. Want it or not, the story began and the story will end with him, or at least with something tied to him. At least it's so for many people. It's not that other characters are that horrible of flat, it's just Jack set an almost impossible standards.

    If she's just a typical native, why isn't she afraid of the psycho bandits?

    Seriously? Maybe exactly because she's native. It's like saying why some hero characters (like Robin or Batgirl) aren't afraid of psychos and maniacs. She knows how to deal with them, otherwise how you imagine people survive there? There's psychos everywhere. You either learn how to deal with them, with dangerous animals, with the heat of teh desert or you will die.

    I think giving her the title of a real Pandoran bandit, instead of this con-artist thing, we are supposed to sympathise with, would have worked better.

    She is a bandit, of a sort. She just doesn't kill people (or doesn't kill them thatoften). And our "Hyperion guys" are also not those cool guys like Jack and his Vault hunters, they're desk jockeys. In that, they're even. They're both came not from the top of the food chain, but from the middle. So we have some lowly Hyperion cogs vs some lowly criminals from Pandora. If that "doesn't make sense" for someone, it doesn't change the fact there's a solid logic here making those characters the way they are now.

    rousseau posted: »

    I don’t really have a problem with Fiona. Reason might be that I only played episode one, watched a playthrough of episode 2 and decided the

  • I remember Laura from Warcraft 3 where she voiced Jaine. She does an excellent job, Fiona is probably the second most funny character after Rhys.

    KCohere posted: »

    I like Fiona. Im surprised so many people agree with you because you pretty much trashed her and Laura Bailey's performance.

  • Okay? I wouldn't really say Jack set an almost impossible standard. In the original Borderlands game Jack isn't someone who stands out that much among all the other characters. I mean he was kinda funny and a magnificent asshole, but there were other original characters, that were equally or more beloved by the fans like Tiny Tina or Dr. Zed or Claptrap. TFTBL characters can live up to this standard (Rhys, Vasquez, Shade), but Fiona doesn't convince me, Sasha is slightly better.

    Seriously? Maybe exactly because she's native. It's like saying why some hero characters (like Robin or Batgirl) aren't afraid of psychos and maniacs. She knows how to deal with them, otherwise how you imagine people survive there?

    From how I reckon her character she's not a person who deals with trigger-happy psychos. She's a fraud, she lives from deceiving and tricking people. Like her wanted poster says: “Grifting, Scamming, Quackery” What has she got to do with meat bicycles, and psychos that want to eat your eyeballs and death races? This "cool attitude" feels false to me, and if this is just another pretension, then the player should at least get a glimpse behind her act. Playing a character that is so detached and superficial is just not very appealing to me.

    So we have some lowly Hyperion cogs vs some lowly criminals from Pandora. If that "doesn't make sense" for someone, it doesn't change the fact there's a solid logic here making those characters the way they are now.

    Ya, okay. Hyperion cogs vs lowly criminals sounds also like a good concept. But this doesn’t stop Fiona from being a bland character.

    DeityD posted: »

    Fiona on the other hand is neither fish nor fowl, an ambiguous indistinct character like hers might be good in a another game but next to th

  • wait she voiced jaine in wc3?

    I remember Laura from Warcraft 3 where she voiced Jaine. She does an excellent job, Fiona is probably the second most funny character after Rhys.

  • I think Fiona is an interesting character. That she is a relatable character. One thing that she a character not like in other games where there is female characters where there for romance option or the big breast in there game. Laura Bailey works really well with Troy Baker. The game would be completely different without Fiona and would be different without Laura Bailey as well.

  • Awesome Fiona cosplay! :)

    Mangoloo posted: »

    Well I do cosplay Fiona.... so obviously I like her. (more at Labinnak & Mangoloo Cosplays ) But that doesn't make her my favorite cha

  • Laura didn't voice Jaina in Warcraft 3. She starts voicing Jaina in World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. She is doing an amazing job.

    I remember Laura from Warcraft 3 where she voiced Jaine. She does an excellent job, Fiona is probably the second most funny character after Rhys.

  • You don't have to be a misogynist or a hard core sexist to let gender shape your opinions on a character.

    Aaira posted: »

    Your problem seems to be that he disliked two females, which somehow makes him sexist. It's actually clear on your other post, you said h

  • You know it XD

    Please tell me your Steve friend stays in character the entire time he cosplays and only responds with "heyoo".

  • The thing is why should she be anything but hostile?

    Hyperion is a piece of shit that was trying to kill ALL Pandorans, even though most deserve it. What you and people like you argue makes no sense at all."if she where nicer to the unkown Hyperion stooge I would've been nicer to her"

    It's like expecting a Jew to make nice with a fucking Nazi.

    Yeah I've been generally nice as Rhys except to Sasha. Her attitude against Rhys just because he's Hyperion is really annoying and in episod

  • edited June 2015

    Ignoring how the guy stated a couple thousand times that HER GENDER IS NOT THE ISSUE, having preferences between male or female characters is perfectly fucking fine, not "problematic".

    You're the one making this be about gender, not him.

    Clause posted: »

    You don't have to be a misogynist or a hard core sexist to let gender shape your opinions on a character.

  • She's my favorite character. I find Rhys to be a bit boring and wish I could play with Fiona and Sasha more.

  • edited June 2015

    Please don't kill me


  • Well unlike most others here iam disliking fiona aswell, but not due to her personality or that stuff. The fact i actually hate: The parts of the story, in which you are forced to play her are boring compared to Rhys´ part.

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