Question people mostly ask: Did I waste $20 on the season pass since episodes aren't being released?

What are your thoughts on this question?


  • To whoever asks these questions. Please be patient the episodes will come out eventually. :)

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  • edited June 2015

    The point of a season pass is to let you buy the whole bulk at a cheaper price and give you access to the episodes when released, rather than buying each individual episode at a higher price.

    Did I waster £20? No. I'm really glad with what I've got so far, and I know that I prefer quality over quanity, like GoT. They have released four episodes, and I way prefer Tales to GoT. This is because of the characters, the brillant writing, the impact of choices, and overall and much more enjoyable experience.

    As I've said before and the last time, the reason Tales takes longer to develop is because of the choices. Surely you've noticed you get a lot more different scenes based on your choices than you do with GoT. The characters on Tales are also going from location to location whereas GoT is normally in the same set locations. This means much more time is needed for Tales to animate, code, write, voice etc..

  • I don't feel like I've wasted that money, but some might, and I don't think that's unfair of them. The estimation that Telltale gave of 4-6 weeks is actually a sizeable pile of fermenting horse manure, even if it's just an estimation. It's a little deceptive to give an estimate that's about three times too small, and then not giving any updates afterwards. Pure silence from Telltale. No promotional content at all, minus a few blurry, no-context images of Sasha and Fiona frowning.

    So basically, Telltale has started to get extremely shitty when it comes to communicating with their community (something that, ironically enough, they used to advertise as one of their perks). It's very frustrating, and that can lead to people questioning their purchases.

  • My thoughts are that anyone who asks this question on the forums gets eaten alive by rabid fanboys.

  • You saved money, which I like, so no.

  • Question people mostly ask

    people asking this are in the minority

  • Did I waste $20 on the season pass since episodes aren't being released?

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  • I dont think that it was wasted, but since basically everybody who plays it bought the seaaon pass, the could atleast keep us more updated beside just telling us new voice actors, and references.

  • MrX1H2MrX1H2 Banned

    Yes, you should never buy a season pass for an unfinished product.

  • i bought the season pass what annoys me is theres never an estimated release date were just left in the dark with cryptic clues on the release date forum but the episodes will be released so still waiting on them until then I've got many other games to play

  • Question people mostly ask

    sorry, no.

    people do not ask that :)

  • I don't mind waiting tbh because this game is awesome no matter what, the only thing that annoys me, is that last time we waited ages and the episode was shorter than the first episode and shorter than any of Game of Thrones episodes. :/

  • Yeah. It'll be out...

    "Soon" lol

    A waste of money? no.
    Deceptive F.A.Q., Poorly promoted after first episode, and Little to no explanation on the slow releases? Yes. Giving us TftBL skins for TPS is not exactly a saving grace. Heck, I'd take mini games - like old school puzzle or shooter at this point :/

  • When people are complaining about the release. I'm sitting here like:

  • I don't think you could argue that you wasted $20 because of the release schedule. Unless you hated every minute of the game, you're still getting value out of playing it. If you did hate it, faster releases won't help.

    However, I do think there's a real argument to be made that the spotty release schedule lowers the value of the product. In my case, ever since TWAU's Episode 2 delay, I have refused to buy a Telltale game before it's finished, and I will try to buy it on sale. If you make me wait much longer than 6 weeks, I'm going to forget things, and it damages the experience. I've struggled to avoid giving in to buy GoT and TftB, but I know that I'll be better off waiting. Seeing what's happened to the TftB schedule makes me very glad that I've avoided it, but I admit that I've come very close to buying GoT.

  • The game is amazing so it would only be a waste if the episodes never came out or if you decided you don't want to play it afterwards it will come out people need to be patient and put an end to their constant whining.

  • edited June 2015

    Let them complain. Just goes to show the prevalent "instant gratification" theme in today's youth. There's no sense in trying to argue that youth today expect everything NOW...

    If you feel this may apply to you and are grumpy at my response and want to argue... instead... since the shoe fits... own up, strap it on, and wear it.

  • Well, I, for one, am flattered you consider me to be a member of 'today's youth'... ;) But the thing is, I'm not even complaining, simply because I've lost interest. I'm maybe a little disappointed. If I have to replay the previous episodes every time a new one comes out, because at my age I'm having trouble remembering the storyline I followed, well that kind of defeats the purpose of, if not buying it, than at least playing through the season pass before the game is complete.

    Either way, I would have liked to have known beforehand the release schedule was going to be 'every now and then'. People wouldn't feel so annoyed then, I believe.

    Sherio88 posted: »

    Let them complain. Just goes to show the prevalent "instant gratification" theme in today's youth. There's no sense in trying to argue tha

  • I'm 90% sure most people on this thread are complaining about being mislead by Telltale games on the release schedule from 4 - 6 weeks apart to 'it'll be here when its here' rather than wanting "instant gratification"

    Sherio88 posted: »

    Let them complain. Just goes to show the prevalent "instant gratification" theme in today's youth. There's no sense in trying to argue tha

  • I don't know. I might be... hehe... a little under the age rating, but I don't think the wait is that bad. I think that if we wait longer and get a good episode with at least some influence created by your choices then that will we good. Of course, a mediocre episode after all this time would be kind of annoying, but the way I see it, the wait will probably be worth it. It upsets me a bit to see people pledging boycotts or venting frustration. TTG released a GoT ep 1-3 summary on youtube. I looked in the comments (I know, a dangerous thing to do), and all I saw was "your choices don't matter!!!!" and "Get a move on with tftb!". I was kind of sad. Even though we're waiting a long time, to put all that effort into a game and then just be bombarded is just hateful. I will wait as long as it takes, because I love the story soooo much.

    [Though I'd appreciate it this year XD]

    Sherio88 posted: »

    Let them complain. Just goes to show the prevalent "instant gratification" theme in today's youth. There's no sense in trying to argue tha

  • eeeh I still think it's not wasting. $20 is not really that much and this game has been amazing so far. I agree that waiting is ridiculous but no, I didn't waste my money.

  • Or rabid skags and stalkers.

    LeFedore posted: »

    My thoughts are that anyone who asks this question on the forums gets eaten alive by rabid fanboys.

  • It's not wasting money since the episodes will be released. You'll get a great product again for the upcoming episodes if you already liked the past two. Patience is a good thing, especially with Telltale.

  • At the rate in which these episodes are getting released, I'll get married, have kids, my kids will have kids, and people will be driving flying cars before the next episode comes out. Seriously, I used to defend TT when it came to delayed releases, but this is really getting annoying. The first episode came out nearly 7 months ago, and we still haven't even gotten episode 3 yet! But I guess this is what I can expect of TT when they're working on like 20 projects simultaneously.

  • Nice hyperbole.

    Also, they aren't working on 20 projects at once, another good hyperbole.

    At the rate in which these episodes are getting released, I'll get married, have kids, my kids will have kids, and people will be driving fl

  • edited June 2015

    If people think this pass is wasted money i shudder to think what they thought of the pre-sequel pass.

    Cus that one was bullshit.

  • To be fair, out of ALL the questions being asked right now, variations of "why isn't it out yet" ARE the majority of the questions themselves.

    We've exjhausted all other topics.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    Question people mostly ask people asking this are in the minority

  • people will be driving flying cars before the next episode comes out.

    Well, that's only October 21st, 2015 so it isn't THAT bad.

    At the rate in which these episodes are getting released, I'll get married, have kids, my kids will have kids, and people will be driving fl

  • I actually spent my money on that too

    Aaira posted: »

    If people think this pass is wasted money i shudder to think what they thought of the pre-sequel pass. Cus that one was bullshit.

  • Are you still going to play the game once all the episodes are released? Then no, you didn't waste any money. Season passes are cheaper than buying each episode individually.

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