A little scenario I thought up for future episodes...

The group gets captured and taken back to Hyperion headquarters, where all the data from the Nakayama drive-including AI Jack-is then removed from Rhys. They are all then imprisoned. Rhys and Vaughn manage to get out of their cells and head for a security room or something-someplace where they will be able to look for an escape route and find where the girls are. There, they learn that some Hyperion staff has found the Jack AI and are planning to use it in less than pleasant ways to enhance their own careers, then delete it. The AI is being kept in that room, and he tries to convince Rhys to redownload him, and the player is presented with a choice of whether or not to do so. They are then presented with a choice to either rescue the girls or escape on their own. Rhys and Vaughn will head to the place where they plan to escape. If they didn't rescue the girls, they will meet them there and be pretty ticked. Regardless, the group will realize they have no chance to escape without help getting past all of Hyperion's advanced security, meaning that they need the Jack AI and will have to go back and get him if they didn't redownload him when given the option. He will be ticked in the case of the latter, but will help to ensure his own safety, perhaps getting one of your friends killed or left behind as payback.

I came up with this scenario after learning about how big a role betrayal played in Jack's transformation. He's based on a very dangerous person and could take over Rhys, but at the same time, he's technically innocent of Jack's crimes-far as we know-and has saved the lives of you and your friends multiple times. I'm really hoping we get some chance to betray him or not.

What do you think of this scenario, and what choices would you make in it?


  • Ouch. Guess no one likes it.: (

  • No! 'Tis a good theory. I think people just like to read theories sometimes instead of making them. After all, if you're reading other people's theories then you may not have many of your own (like me xP), so you won't have much to say.

    Anyway, your theory plays well with the betrayal theme, and actually fits in with the mechanics of the game - having all the choices link up to a similar outcome. Moreover, it makes the player thing they've gotten rid of Jack (for better or for worse) and then brings him back again :P

    Also, I'd save the girls and re-download Jack, of course!

    The_Duck posted: »

    Ouch. Guess no one likes it.: (

  • edited June 2015

    Well, it's not a theory, just a scenario I thought up and wanted feedback on.XD

    I'd do the same things. So far, Jack's helped us out a lot, and it'd be too cruel to just leave him behind. Besides, it's not fair to hold him accountable for things he may not have done.

    I really hope we get a choice like this, because so far, Jack's kind of just been following you around, making witty commentary. It'd be interesting to see how his treatment of you changes if you betray him. Though, I'm not entirely sure the choice would end up mattering as much as I'd like.

    No! 'Tis a good theory. I think people just like to read theories sometimes instead of making them. After all, if you're reading other peopl

  • I'm also trying to get more discussion going on here.

    No! 'Tis a good theory. I think people just like to read theories sometimes instead of making them. After all, if you're reading other peopl

  • I'm guessing Rhys, Fiona, and the Kidnapper find the vault. Rhys gets selected by the most intense game of rock paper scissors to search for "booby traps" When he looks in there, he sees all the treasure. He turns around to call the group and say its clear, but a voice in his head says They don't need to know Rhys stumbles a bit, since he hasnt heard this voice in a while. "But they sort of, helped me get here" Yeah but did you punch yourself in the neck? Did you fire a gun to scare yourself up? "Well, no. But.... Yeah. I didn't do any of that, did I?" Ya sure didnt. let ME take care of this "What? No. Last time you did-" this you put my friends in danger. "Well thats all in the past" Wait. Why am I doing that. HEY! Body! Get back here! Rhys couldnt control his body, and was somehow placed into a familiar hologram. When he looked down, he instantly realized. Handsome Jack. "Rhys" went deeper into the vault, picked something up, and walked to the exit. Wh- what are you doing? "Rhysie, you want revenge, right?" Not that type of revenge "I know how betrayal feels" POW. POW. Screen turns black. It's corny but

  • Theory, scenario, it's all the same ¯_(ツ)_/¯ XD

    But anyway, this is my first experience with borderlands. I just watched ep.1 on youtube. For me, it was ok, but I wasn't too involved (making the wait easy as I'd forgotten about it). However, after I'd seen ep.2 I became so much more involved. I just loved Jack's character! Now I know most of the basic plot of borderlands because Jack made me want to get invested. I need more Jack choices!

    The_Duck posted: »

    Well, it's not a theory, just a scenario I thought up and wanted feedback on.XD I'd do the same things. So far, Jack's helped us out a l

  • I love it

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm guessing Rhys, Fiona, and the Kidnapper find the vault. Rhys gets selected by the most intense game of rock paper scissors to search for

  • Ohhh I just now realized that the swap from normal to italics halfway through is not an error but a signal of his change into hologram form. I see!

    But a great theory nonetheless!

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm guessing Rhys, Fiona, and the Kidnapper find the vault. Rhys gets selected by the most intense game of rock paper scissors to search for

  • I guess it's like the stache. One of the greats.

    I love it

  • Thanks!

    Ohhh I just now realized that the swap from normal to italics halfway through is not an error but a signal of his change into hologram form. I see! But a great theory nonetheless!

  • I was so excited to see so many new replies, but it seems there is some confusion.^^; Like I told the person above, this isn't a thread for people to make up their own theories. I made it to share and get feedback on MY theory, as well as learn what choice people would make in that scenario.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm guessing Rhys, Fiona, and the Kidnapper find the vault. Rhys gets selected by the most intense game of rock paper scissors to search for

  • Oh. Well I got some attention. ._. sorry

    The_Duck posted: »

    I was so excited to see so many new replies, but it seems there is some confusion.^^; Like I told the person above, this isn't a thread for

  • edited June 2015

    So...what's your reply to my idea? What choices would you make?

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    Oh. Well I got some attention. ._. sorry

  • I would get the girls and install HJ. Nice idea, I think something like this will happen.

    The_Duck posted: »

    So...what's your reply to my idea? What choices would you make?

  • Cool

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I'm guessing Rhys, Fiona, and the Kidnapper find the vault. Rhys gets selected by the most intense game of rock paper scissors to search for

  • I want this to happen more than ever. The group is being held prisoner, they're heading to Helios... And since Vaughn is not with the group, he could sneak in and save Rhys, explaining why they're together and how they get free. Plus, it would be nice to test our trust in Jack, considering there was an option to trust him in this episode too.

  • I'm fairly certain that Vaughn is a traitor.

    1. He acts very confused when Vasquez dies.
    2. Vallory seems confused by his attack.
    3. He expresses concern over whether or not Rhys has no need of him.

    Number 3 is important because people often act in unpredictable ways when scared/ people who are used to (for example/this case) betrayal, sometimes will actually betray their friends themselves to avoid it ( better the hammer than the nail).

    I think that Vaughn made a deal with Vasquez and/or Vallory, because he was scared of pandora, and of Rhys betraying him. I think he Attacked Vallory because he was conflicted. Lastly I think how you treat him throughout the episodes will determine whether he goes back to your side or not.

    I could be totally off base here, but to me this is what looks likely.

  • It would explain the abs...

  • I was thinking something along these lines too. Everyone seems to be worried that something terrible happened to Vaughn and that's why he isn't there at the end of the episode, but I can't shake the feeling that it's because he's got some kind of deal going with Hyperion/Vallory to turn in Rhys, Fiona and Gortys. If you trust Fiona, just after he's 'unfrozen', Vaughn seems to really want to stay behind while the others go and do their thing - possibly so that he can contact somebody and tell them their exact location? He might blame Rhys for his getting zapped in the facility, especially as you have the option to tell LB that it was possibly because you didn't "take control of the situation" like you could've.

    Similarly if you trust Jack, you get that dialogue where Vaughn shows his insecurities and you can tell him you'll never leave him behind. Then later, when the group make a plan to get the chassis, they leave Vaughn out completely and it's up to Fiona to give him something to do, Rhys doesn't even seem to notice. So maybe in that case Vaughn decides (no matter what you tell him during the earlier dialogue) that Rhys is not a good friend and he's sick of being in his shadow, so he betrays him? Either way, I like Vaughn but I don't trust him. My suspicions are why I didn't tell him about Jack in ep. 2, I don't want that to come back and bite me.

  • I'd love for all the choices to trust/support Jack to have a big impact on the plot, although it would probably come at the price of friendship with Fiona, Sasha and/or Vaughn. Oh well, I'm playing Rhys as a bit of a selfish douche anyway, so no problem. What I'm afraid of is that TT has to make the game BL3-compatible, and major worldstate-changing events like helping Jack get back on top or deleting the AI would be irreconcilable in BL3... which makes me really worry for Jack.

    Anyway, in your scenario I'd obviously redownload Jack asap... and probably leave the girls to their own devices, like I did in ep.2 when I hightailed it straight to Old Heaven. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • I know. It's bad enough having to worry about them killing him off or making him the big villain again, but then we also have to worry about him being used as a stepping stone to bring Jack into Borderlands 3.

    I'd love for all the choices to trust/support Jack to have a big impact on the plot, although it would probably come at the price of friends

  • Yeah for some reason Vaughn does seem suspicious. If he survies Vallory the next episode, I'm definitely gonna be wary because she killed Vasquez and almost killed Fiona for bringing her Gortys! Lord have mercy on what she would do to someone directly assaulting her by jumping on her back! If he survives, I'll definitely know he's up to no good.

    I was thinking something along these lines too. Everyone seems to be worried that something terrible happened to Vaughn and that's why he is

  • What do you think about my scenario?

    PoopBrown posted: »

    Yeah for some reason Vaughn does seem suspicious. If he survies Vallory the next episode, I'm definitely gonna be wary because she killed V

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