Oh, the credits songs are a whole other kettle of fish (of awesomeness)!
I was actually just talking about the background music for the t… morerailer (like this one), but now you've got me all excited for the new credits song, too.
Gah, ep 3 can't come soon enough...
Friend me on Steam if you're looking to play with someone. I made a thread about this awhile back and got some responses, but the more the merrier. My Steam name is Bluebirdo, same as the forums.
That goes for anyone who reads this response. I'm sure we have enough BL2 and TPS players here to form a full party.
I thought to myself, why not replay episode 2 of tales. All that did was renew my interest in this series... and ugh... this wait.
I'd g… moreo play Borderlands 2 or the Pre-Sequel to try to fill this void, but it's kinda lonely playing those games alone and I'm not very good at them to begin with.
Every day,I come checking this thread for some news and all what I get is some tweets here and there,and when I just go on a trip for 4 days I come back to see the episode classified.You hate me to this degree TellTale.What did I do to you to deserve this?But anyways,it’s news finally so...
P.S. Maybe I should travel more often if I want some real news.
Every day,I come checking this thread for some news and all what I get is some tweets here and there,and when I just go on a trip for 4 days… more I come back to see the episode classified.You hate me to this degree TellTale.What did I do to you to deserve this?But anyways,it’s news finally so...
P.S. Maybe I should travel more often if I want some real news.
It’s okay,the credits song is awesome enough to listen to it again besides,reading the credits themselves is fun (especially the pet names,they’re creative).I also skipped credits in my second playthrough hoping that a determinant future scene happens if you skip all the credits throughout the game
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Trusted Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Tru… morested Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Tru… morested Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Tru… morested Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Tru… morested Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
I mean the percentage changed on episode 2 like on your choices I mean I trusted Jack and it was 35% but now it's at 77% I mean does that mean trusting Fiona is bad cause 43% of ppl brofisted Vaughn but it was at 90% solo yeah their was a big change of ppl switching their choices that's all I am saying
Dude. I got that sh!t on a 1 hour loop!
It's soooo good.
Friend me on Steam if you're looking to play with someone.
I made a thread about this awhile back and got some responses, but the more the merrier. My Steam name is Bluebirdo, same as the forums.
That goes for anyone who reads this response. I'm sure we have enough BL2 and TPS players here to form a full party.
J16. Its just gotta be
Why do you want to leak it?
Oh, please, Telltale, give me just a tiny little screenshot. My mind will speculate the rest.
This guy understands....
Dennis Nedry is working at Telltale? Now we know why the episode is taking longer than usual :P
I've surprisingly got into Just Dance recently to help with the wait. Loved getting 5 stars on this beauty;
That fat bastard.
But what about....
I mean we all now know why 'hold onto your butts' was in Episode 2.
Telltale probably blacked out in the middle of episode 3 development, it's the only explanation :l
Holy crap is this you?
Oh yeah. I dont know the name to that song but it's pretty nice.
OK, OK, all this is punishment from telltale because we skipped the credits !
Every day,I come checking this thread for some news and all what I get is some tweets here and there,and when I just go on a trip for 4 days I come back to see the episode classified.You hate me to this degree TellTale.What did I do to you to deserve this?But anyways,it’s news finally so...
P.S. Maybe I should travel more often if I want some real news.
I haven't skipped any credits. The song were too awesome to skip it.
That's what everyone thought about TWAU and TWD: Season 2 and then BAM!, episodes 4 and 5 were back to back. I'll screen shot this for when I'm right.
"Really again?We can't take this anymore.We will remove the skip" dis is what i am thinking of ep3 credits.
It’s okay,the credits song is awesome enough to listen to it again besides,reading the credits themselves is fun (especially the pet names,they’re creative).I also skipped credits in my second playthrough hoping that a determinant future scene happens if you skip all the credits throughout the game
He's probably trying to troll everyone
I really wouldn't mind the wait at all if telltale at least gave us a release date.
Really? I think it's Telltale's best work to date, and insanely funny. But different strokes for different folks I guess.
You Know I went back to check my choices on episode 2 and....well I'm just surprised I mean I trust Fiona twice in my two save files and Trusted Jack in my other two Save Files soooo I don't know if it's me or maybe this was a big change in the choices page or I don't know can you guys here check your Choices page plz cause I'm not going to say but whoa man that's some new stuff I think I now know why Laura said that your choices will come back to bite you ohhh man i'm soooo excited to play it
Or maybe he just wrote episode 3 instead of 2.
What do you mean? ;o
That is true (possibly)
Do you mean they changed/added those choices? 'Cause they've been there forever.
Choice matters, yo. You'll definitely need multiple saves if you want to see everything in this episode!
I know the choices only work for your first couple of playthroughs. Once you've played it enough times it'll stop detecting any new choices.
I mean the percentage changed on episode 2 like on your choices I mean I trusted Jack and it was 35% but now it's at 77% I mean does that mean trusting Fiona is bad cause 43% of ppl brofisted Vaughn but it was at 90% solo yeah their was a big change of ppl switching their choices that's all I am saying
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)