Every day,I come checking this thread for some news and all what I get is some tweets here and there,and when I just go on a trip for 4 days… more I come back to see the episode classified.You hate me to this degree TellTale.What did I do to you to deserve this?But anyways,it’s news finally so...
P.S. Maybe I should travel more often if I want some real news.
I agree on that i wouldn't mind to wait more than usual if Telltale said a provisional release date, i understand there is some strategy on gaming news to maintain the interest in certain releases more than others *cooff Game of Thrones, but i think people would complain less if the got some kind of schedule
We did not wait this long to not get a trailer!
...I'm actually almost as excited for the trailer as I am about the episode, because it might have another awesome new song like the Atlas Mugged one (which I still listen to regularly).
So where do you live @ZapThroat? Not that I plan on kidnapping you and make you go missing so that we can get episodes 3, 4, and 5 quickly...
Nothing suspicious at all...
That's great but I already knew choices matter and you guys say it everytime. I think the more pressing issue you should be addressing with us loyal fans about the release dates. It'd be great if you guys could abandon the "BI-MONTHLY" thing. Clearly Tales from the borderlands is being released QUARTERLY :P
Tales from the @Borderlands Ep 3 details in the AM! 1st look & release info. Trust me, this one was worth the extra love the team gave it!
Tales from the @Borderlands Ep 3 details in the AM! 1st look & release info. Trust me, this one was worth the extra love the team gave it!
Hey, I don't care what anybody else thinks, I will ship Sculder for life.
Wait, I think I'm on the wrong forum again...
Goddammit, this always happens!
Tales from the @Borderlands Ep 3 details in the AM! 1st look & release info. Trust me, this one was worth the extra love the team gave it!
Tales from the @Borderlands Ep 3 details in the AM! 1st look & release info. Trust me, this one was worth the extra love the team gave it!
Hey, I don't care what anybody else thinks, I will ship Sculder for life.
Wait, I think I'm on the wrong forum again...
Goddammit, this always happens!
Telltale is in the PST timezone, and I imagine they probably start work at like 9 am in their timezone like a lot of other businesses do. However, we have gotten early news before though. I'd wager a guess that the news will probably come sometime around 7 to 9 in the morning, or if not, than around 11 or so.
Telltale is in the PST timezone, and I imagine they probably start work at like 9 am in their timezone like a lot of other businesses do. Ho… morewever, we have gotten early news before though. I'd wager a guess that the news will probably come sometime around 7 to 9 in the morning, or if not, than around 11 or so.
It's 10pm here now. I just got home, having toast for dinner. I'll be up early in the morning too... ready for 7:30am in fact for OH NO REASON
Added a countdown timer up top for y'all.
EDIT: Ok I definitely did the timer wrong or something so I removed it... maybe one of our wonderful mods (aka someone who actually knows what they're doing) can add a working one. But 7:30am Pacific! Be there!
Telltale is in the PST timezone, and I imagine they probably start work at like 9 am in their timezone like a lot of other businesses do. Ho… morewever, we have gotten early news before though. I'd wager a guess that the news will probably come sometime around 7 to 9 in the morning, or if not, than around 11 or so.
It's 10pm here now. I just got home, having toast for dinner. I'll be up early in the morning too... ready for 7:30am in fact for OH NO REAS… moreON
Added a countdown timer up top for y'all.
EDIT: Ok I definitely did the timer wrong or something so I removed it... maybe one of our wonderful mods (aka someone who actually knows what they're doing) can add a working one. But 7:30am Pacific! Be there!
Go on...
Oh OK thanks
Nahh youre good. I know that urge.
So where do you live @ZapThroat? Not that I plan on kidnapping you and make you go missing so that we can get episodes 3, 4, and 5 quickly...
Nothing suspicious at all...
Heck yes!

I guess you won't tell us the possible relase date? You know just a nod that it will be in June would be fine...
Alt text bruh ;_;
I agree on that i wouldn't mind to wait more than usual if Telltale said a provisional release date, i understand there is some strategy on gaming news to maintain the interest in certain releases more than others *cooff Game of Thrones, but i think people would complain less if the got some kind of schedule
Tease us Telltale. Tease us. ;-;
What if the trailer ended with "Guess what? Episode 3 is actually out right now! Go download it!
I live somewhere...where no one can find me...try harder than that.
Or, you know, a YouTube account.: P
I hope this is for real, though, and not just referencing the minor choices and dialogue options. I want to see our choices really effect the story.
The hope is coming back
Poogs... we must hang in there! The thrusters are ready...
Soon Intensifies
That's great but I already knew choices matter and you guys say it everytime. I think the more pressing issue you should be addressing with us loyal fans about the release dates. It'd be great if you guys could abandon the "BI-MONTHLY" thing. Clearly Tales from the borderlands is being released QUARTERLY :P
That was my cousin you threw
Friendly reminder that Rhys gets all the b!tches in Ep3.
In the morning!
Any specific hour, or time range? :P
It's going on 1 AM here. When is morning for them?
It's ok we still love you.
Hey, I don't care what anybody else thinks, I will ship Sculder for life.
Wait, I think I'm on the wrong forum again...
Goddammit, this always happens!
What the fuck's a Sculder?
Telltale is in the PST timezone, and I imagine they probably start work at like 9 am in their timezone like a lot of other businesses do. However, we have gotten early news before though. I'd wager a guess that the news will probably come sometime around 7 to 9 in the morning, or if not, than around 11 or so.
Ugh waking up early already, the day after my summer starts V_V
Whatever, worth it :P
That should've been Vaughn, shirtless and showing off his sick Pythons instead. :P
It's 10pm here now. I just got home, having toast for dinner. I'll be up early in the morning too... ready for 7:30am in fact for OH NO REASON
Added a countdown timer up top for y'all.
EDIT: Ok I definitely did the timer wrong or something so I removed it... maybe one of our wonderful mods (aka someone who actually knows what they're doing) can add a working one. But 7:30am Pacific! Be there!
Enjoy your toast, you deserve it!