I think I heard from someone that they might be trying to recapture Athena after she escapes from sanctuary. I don't know much borderlands so I'm only retelling what I've heard.
I think I heard from someone that they might be trying to recapture Athena after she escapes from sanctuary. I don't know much borderlands so I'm only retelling what I've heard.
Why don't you understand that the interrogation scene shows Athena captured AFTER Borderlands 2, brought in by Mordecai and Brick, who are seen looking at Fiona and Athena in the next episode? It's a perfectly reasonable thing to think.
Why don't you understand that the interrogation scene shows Athena captured AFTER Borderlands 2, brought in by Mordecai and Brick, who are seen looking at Fiona and Athena in the next episode? It's a perfectly reasonable thing to think.
I think that they could both be right. I believe that Athena's story takes place before borderlands 2, but at the same time it could be taking place after TFTB. Pre-Sequel does not tell us how they captured Athena.
I think that they could both be right. I believe that Athena's story takes place before borderlands 2, but at the same time it could be taking place after TFTB. Pre-Sequel does not tell us how they captured Athena.
Speculation until the ep is released. Things aren't always what it seems. Its setting up for bl3 so it is still possible it can be before or after. All im saying is, Brick and Mordecia culd be after Fiona for the Gortys project.6 Zero was looking for it too, so it must be important to them, so it would make sense for lilith to send her best. Maybe Athena was there at the wrong time. Keep open minds or be lead to dissapointment.
Speculation until the ep is released. Things aren't always what it seems. Its setting up for bl3 so it is still possible it can be before or… more after. All im saying is, Brick and Mordecia culd be after Fiona for the Gortys project.6 Zero was looking for it too, so it must be important to them, so it would make sense for lilith to send her best. Maybe Athena was there at the wrong time. Keep open minds or be lead to dissapointment.
Seems like Tales is happening AROUND the Present time of the Pre-Sequel. Episode 5 will probably be happening at the same time that Athena is reciting the Claptastic Voyage story or something.
A lot of people keep confusing what's going down. I hope this means we get to see the mysterious Eridian
Probably not, thatll most likely be Borderlands 3 only
I think I heard from someone that they might be trying to recapture Athena after she escapes from sanctuary. I don't know much borderlands so I'm only retelling what I've heard.
Well that doesn't make sense because in the Claptrap DLC for TPS, Athena is still there telling another story and she seems free and fairly calm.
Thank you. Some people don't know this.
that cant be true because jack is dead.
No, it's true. He's talking about the cutscenes with Lilith, Brick, and Mordecai at Sanctuary.
oh ok, thanks for clearing that up
Good to know. That person may be wrong in their speculation then
Why don't you understand that the interrogation scene shows Athena captured AFTER Borderlands 2, brought in by Mordecai and Brick, who are seen looking at Fiona and Athena in the next episode? It's a perfectly reasonable thing to think.
the pre sequel story told by athena takes place before bl2, the sanctuary cutscene (and echo dialogues obviously) takes place after both bl2 and tales
Bruh you just contradicted yourself, that picture shows that TFTB is before the Now part in the timeline lol
Oh,I didn't think about it that way,now it makes sense,I think I was little confused,sorry.
I think that they could both be right. I believe that Athena's story takes place before borderlands 2, but at the same time it could be taking place after TFTB. Pre-Sequel does not tell us how they captured Athena.
this obviously take play after borderlands 2, sanctuary is in the air and lilith refere to jack as the guy who killed her boyfriend.
Speculation until the ep is released. Things aren't always what it seems. Its setting up for bl3 so it is still possible it can be before or after. All im saying is, Brick and Mordecia culd be after Fiona for the Gortys project.6 Zero was looking for it too, so it must be important to them, so it would make sense for lilith to send her best. Maybe Athena was there at the wrong time. Keep open minds or be lead to dissapointment.
there was hints in TPS claptastic voyage too, i wont be dissapointed if it wont happened i dont really care
Seems like Tales is happening AROUND the Present time of the Pre-Sequel. Episode 5 will probably be happening at the same time that Athena is reciting the Claptastic Voyage story or something.