Who would you prefer? Holo Jack? Vaughn?
Because apart from Sasha (and Jack of course; Rhack ftw!!!) the only other real option is romancing yourself. Which, uh, you know.......gross?
Who would you prefer? Holo Jack? Vaughn?
Because apart from Sasha (and Jack of course; Rhack ftw!!!) the only other real option is romancing yourself. Which, uh, you know.......gross?
what? no! I hoped we got to know more about this "war to come", and not...well, not anything else! of course, the story is awesome, but I really wanted to know more about this upcoming war. goddamnit, now I have to wait for borderlands 3...
Don't worry, InGen! I understand what you're saying!
Tales is AFTER the events of the Pre-Sequel, but is leading UP TO Athena being captu… morered and being forced to tell Lillth and Co ABOUT the events of the Pre-Sequel! Did I do good?
Wish it could have been sooner, but I'm still hyped for it, I wonder what kind of song for the opening intro we'll hear in episode 3, I'm sure it will be awesome like the songs from the previous two episodes.
Oh, don't you worry! I'm almost impossible to offend, and nothing you said was offensive anyway!
Honestly, I don't REALLY care one way or the other whether or not they do romance, and if they do I'm 95% sure it'll be in classic Borderlands fashion, a few jokes here and there, not explored, but leaving the possibility open for future games (kind of a Janey/Athena thing;......................GOD that woman hit on me a lot in my Athena playthrough).
It's just amusing riling up the "hardcore's" (especially when it's so easy; make one "self-love" comment about Rhyiona and you're almost guaranteed to start a war! Heh.), and they pretty much play along because it's a good excuse to bombard everyone with gif's.
But, yeah, Rhack is the OTP. For reals, though..........
Does there really even have to be a romance? I was looking forwards to a more Borderlands- like game, not Mystery Date.
(Sorry if that came off as harsh. No offense intended.)
Steam database has been updated! 1.70 GB for Episode 3. Episode 2 was only 1.17gb. Episode 1 was 1.80gb. I suspect we will be getting a longer episode this time. A little less then episode 1 but more then episode 2. https://steamdb.info/app/330830/depots/
Steam database has been updated! 1.70 GB for Episode 3. Episode 2 was only 1.17gb. Episode 1 was 1.80gb. I suspect we will be getting a l… moreonger episode this time. A little less then episode 1 but more then episode 2. https://steamdb.info/app/330830/depots/
Nick sees something, he seems very happy. C: rofl First the Genius Carlos profile now Danger Nick!
I can't wait for the release on Ep3! I… more wanted to wait till Ep4 is out first to play it but it's been too long so I want to play it once Ep3 is out instead.
Man, one time I post the screenshots before anyone else and the post gets eaten.
Anyway, screens look awesome! Love the reference to … morethe Kingpin at Vallery's splash screen, lol. Loader Bot saves the day once again! And looks like Athena is normal again. I hope she won't be pissed too much that I stole her shield. Also Rhys and Sasha separated from the group again. And that description of the episode.
love is in the air
Oh my.
Seriously, can't wait for the episode!
This. Seems to easy to make it someone we know. If it WERE a vault hunter, I'd want it to be a BL2 hunter. Would like to see more of them. Nothing he's done or said matches any of their personalities, though.
Are the episode stats currently glitched right now or something? Was checking out the stats on PS4 and looks like some of the results are showing up backwards. Like it's saying 72.2% of players sided with Jack. Which would be awesome, if true. :P
Are the episode stats currently glitched right now or something? Was checking out the stats on PS4 and looks like some of the results are showing up backwards. Like it's saying 72.2% of players sided with Jack. Which would be awesome, if true. :P
fiona would be very good! and yes... no romance is good too.
So...who wants to bet that Fiona knocks Athena out in an attempt to get away from Brick and Mordecai?
I am all for Rhack, bring that shit on. Rhys is obsessed with him anyway, so!
what? no! I hoped we got to know more about this "war to come", and not...well, not anything else! of course, the story is awesome, but I really wanted to know more about this upcoming war. goddamnit, now I have to wait for borderlands 3...
Maybe we will have two different songs for the credits based on who we chose...The openings could be different.
You know where to find us.
That feel when you realize that you still need to wait 11 more days
Welcome brother.
Oh, don't you worry! I'm almost impossible to offend, and nothing you said was offensive anyway!
Honestly, I don't REALLY care one way or the other whether or not they do romance, and if they do I'm 95% sure it'll be in classic Borderlands fashion, a few jokes here and there, not explored, but leaving the possibility open for future games (kind of a Janey/Athena thing;......................GOD that woman hit on me a lot in my Athena playthrough).
It's just amusing riling up the "hardcore's" (especially when it's so easy; make one "self-love" comment about Rhyiona and you're almost guaranteed to start a war! Heh.), and they pretty much play along because it's a good excuse to bombard everyone with gif's.
But, yeah, Rhack is the OTP. For reals, though..........
3 1/2
Steam database has been updated! 1.70 GB for Episode 3. Episode 2 was only 1.17gb. Episode 1 was 1.80gb. I suspect we will be getting a longer episode this time. A little less then episode 1 but more then episode 2. https://steamdb.info/app/330830/depots/
puzzlebox already said it was 2 hours ;3
Aside from your offensive comment (Damn you Rhyiona!)
I thought we all agreed to keep that to our threads, didn't we?
Guys.......Here's the REAL question,

Who is in there?
One can't simply wait for the whole season to be out.
A kidnapper, perhaps. Heu heu heu.
For reals though, I suspect it's our buddy Lilith
Rhysha is life
She's deff not my buddy, after the shit she pulled
I'm going with my gut and saying Moxxi
Why would Moxxi want to kidnap them xD
You know where to find us.
I honestly think it's just a new dude, maybe with ties to some other people.
judging from what we've seen this guy do and say, I don't think it's someone very bright
Moxxi could not hide those giant tits under there.
This. Seems to easy to make it someone we know. If it WERE a vault hunter, I'd want it to be a BL2 hunter. Would like to see more of them. Nothing he's done or said matches any of their personalities, though.
Us,lel....we are a robot.Confirmed by voice lines and some script.
My first guess was Zer0, but too many fingers and not enough haikus. So clearly it must be Tiny Tina. Make it raaaain!
You c*nt . be serious
Sorry , i meant : you cant be serious
not enough explosions, not enough madness
The guy with the gasmask is no other then the stranger from Walking Dead Season 1.
Are the episode stats currently glitched right now or something? Was checking out the stats on PS4 and looks like some of the results are showing up backwards. Like it's saying 72.2% of players sided with Jack. Which would be awesome, if true. :P
So episode 3 is June 23rd, Awesome right?