There is only one true "ship"...
...And it's not "Rhysha," nor "Rhyiona," "Rhyaugn," or any other past combo. The one true ship is Gortys and Loader Bot. And you have to say the whole thing. There ain't no acronym. There ain't no short hand way. It's not called "Gorder Bot" or Lortys". It's Gortys and Loader Bot. You say the whole thing, like A Tribe Called Quest. Gortys and Loader Bot: the one true ship, the ship above all ships, the one that truly matters.
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Ah, okay.
Can I go home now?
So Rhys x Fiona or Rhys x Sasha is okay, but Loader Boat x Gortys is meeh? Okay.
I ship it.
Hopefully Claptrap isn't introduced, and turns this into a love triangle.
Doggie Loaderbot is the best!
Gortys seems to be into chicks though.
Definitely the pairing I'm most on board for. They are so adorable.
I have an affinity for cute robots though (can't wait for BB8 this holiday).
I see Gortys more as Loader Bot's little sister. I know she's technically older than he is, but Ashley Johnson just plays her so CUTELY.
Yes, this is the only ship I can get behind. Robo love.
damn, i accidentaly gave you a like
sorry, didn't want to.
You ship Lee and Clementine?
sry, i guess...
"meow" hahah
It's only a bromance for me.
I won't give it back no matter what! It is MINE!
True. I hope it doesn't end that way. But if it did, I wouldn't be mad. They go together perfectly. And Ashley Johnson did nail Gortys' personality perfectly.
First off, welcome to the forums. Tread carefully but adventurously.
Second, congrats on the job with TellTale!!!
Third, please use your powers to influence this ship. PLEASE!!!!
I see them more as siblings rather than couple and it is still cute.
I love how he protects her! It melts my heart.
Thanks! I'm definitely having a blast so far.
And yes I have absolutely made it clear how much I love these adorabots.
But Gortys is a woman...
Hopefully not with a similar ending to lee & Clementine
Can't two characters just have a platonic relationship without it being spun into a ship?
Gortys and Loader Bot should get married by the end of this game XD
Well when it comes to TFTB...Sadly...
Well, I am kind of joking a bit since everyone got all in a fit over the Sasha-Rhys-Fiona relationship fiasco. But... part of me is also serious.