Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • It changes depending on whether or not you asked Fiona for your boot back in episode 2.

    In my playthrough, in the intro sequence, Fiona appears to hit Rhys with her boot when Rhys nearly falls asleep (at least that's what appear

  • Too bad Jack was avoiding me B(

    (You did miss Vaughn being..... unuseful but yeah.)

  • The episode 3 slide is a bit different now. Now it shows redesigned Vallory and the stabbed hand is clearly Finch's.

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  • How I did it was just going to the power box hiding behind the billboard. Got loader bot's thumbs up :D

    I finally found the way to do it Dave! 1. Go to the power box nearest to Vaughn 2. Go to the power box on the roof after climbing the dumpster 3. Go to the power box hiding behind the billboard Hope it works for you too

  • That face got me scared when I noticed it

    Pipas posted: »

    The episode 3 slide is a bit different now. Now it shows redesigned Vallory and the stabbed hand is clearly Finch's.

  • I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to the "Handsome Jack will remember that." as he points to it briefly. I hope I'm not the only one who didnt notice at first ._.

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  • Same, I nearly jumped, her face scared me so much lol

    Crips posted: »

    That face got me scared when I noticed it

  • I noticed that too! hahah so funny

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

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  • edited June 2015

    Oh man, I should've gone with this one instead of [Cut her out of the deal] xD

    (Get it, cause I have an avatar... no...? okay I'll shut up)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

  • Yeah, I didn't get it either. I thought he was staring at something in the distance, haha... ha...

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    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • What happens if you pick that?

    buntingsir posted: »

    Oh man, I should've gone with this one instead of [Cut her out of the deal] xD (Get it, cause I have an avatar... no...? okay I'll shut up)

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    By scanning Loader Bot in both episode 1 and 2, you can find out it's been nine days between the start of the episode and the intro song by looking at his age.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Fiona takes Vallory's knives and slashes her in cartoonish fashion until she comes apart as if in a cartoon.

    Pipas posted: »

    What happens if you pick that?

  • What dojo said

    And also salto

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    Pipas posted: »

    What happens if you pick that?

  • OOOMG I didn't get it, I thought he was looking at something in the front of the caravan xD

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • Ha! That's awesome. At first I was like, eh? What's he looking at? Now I can't stop laughing. I love Telltale.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • During the intro the group can be seen playing Borderlands D&D notice the I need a 20 crossed fingers.

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  • edited June 2015

    The music at the dome's quick change station is the theme to Bosco's Inconvienence from Sam & Max Season one.

    Do you have any.....Nostalgia?

    Bosco: Nope

    Edit: I also noticed the theme from Max's stomach in "The City that Dares Not Sleep" during the preview for the next episode.

  • Yeah I thought he meant Gortys

    sabinas posted: »

    Ha! That's awesome. At first I was like, eh? What's he looking at? Now I can't stop laughing. I love Telltale.

  • Don't forget the claptastic claptrap figure

    During the intro the group can be seen playing Borderlands D&D notice the I need a 20 crossed fingers.

  • i just can't take that chin seriously

    Pipas posted: »

    The episode 3 slide is a bit different now. Now it shows redesigned Vallory and the stabbed hand is clearly Finch's.

  • Jack is becoming self aware.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • That bone thing looks like a blunt too xD (No I don't smoke but in thug life a blunt and shades is common >_<)

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

  • Seems like they made her face a little more angler and added in a stripe of black hair.

    Pipas posted: »

    The episode 3 slide is a bit different now. Now it shows redesigned Vallory and the stabbed hand is clearly Finch's.

  • Kinda like the phallic tower in the shot.

    Janek95 posted: »

    In first look of Hollow Point there is billboard advertising Engorge, which is a male enhancement product presumably sold on Pandora.

  • edited June 2015

    Bunkers and Badasses :D

    During the intro the group can be seen playing Borderlands D&D notice the I need a 20 crossed fingers.

  • Awwww, hahaha. Loader Bot feels our pain.

  • My favourite part about this was Rhys frantically running away in the background. His face...

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

  • If you try to tell Athena that you're talking to Handsome Jack he doesn't allow you and makes you slap yourself with your own arm...

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Alright, so does anyone remember this shot from the Atlas Mugged teaser at the very end of episode 1?

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    Yeah, well I'm almost entirely certain now that this is actually an early version of Cassius:

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    I mean, not only does he talk about having a cat in the game, but the pin-striped suit, the frontpack, and the fact that you can just barely see what looks like a beard at the very top of the first picture leads me to believe that we've finally figured out who this mystery cat-man is

  • So I guess his cat died during the long waits between episodes? :P

    Deltino posted: »

    Alright, so does anyone remember this shot from the Atlas Mugged teaser at the very end of episode 1? Yeah, well I'm almost entirely

  • edited June 2015

    Whenever you scan something, Jack now describes it to you... Rhys's Echo eye now has a Jack-epedia...

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    There are some more fun ones...

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    If you trusted Fiona, when you're taking out August's first minion, if you do nothing she's shot by the turret, if you choke her out you can take her cash.

  • 1.) Trusting Jack, you'll get to interact with Dumpy in the area before opening the Atlas gate. Interacting with it 3 times will make it circle around Rhys with it's... creepy little sounds. Rhys will get kind of freaked out.

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    2.) Talking to Athena is not supposed to trigger the killer plant attack, as had happened to me several times. If you carefully approach her without auto-walking to the side of her near the plant, you can get dialogue about Athena's scarf being given to her by her sister.

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    3.) You do not have to use your eyeball on the retinal scanner and weird Athena out. Interact with the door you are trying to open twice, and Athena will pry it open with her sword. No screenshot for this one.

  • Also heavier make-up (I'm digging the black lips) new scarf/bandanna and those awesome gloves (that in game you can see have claws on one hand).

    Bokor posted: »

    Seems like they made her face a little more angler and added in a stripe of black hair.

  • I only got it on my second playthrough where he physically points at the corner (not sure if I just missed that part during my first - at first I thought he was referencing the biodome in the distance).

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    I found this one funny and didn't catch it until I had to rewind after clicking a wrong button. Jack is saying "What the hell is that?" to t

  • You're the real True Detective, Deltino - I needed this closure, so, so badly!

    Wonder why they ditched the kitty?

    Deltino posted: »

    Alright, so does anyone remember this shot from the Atlas Mugged teaser at the very end of episode 1? Yeah, well I'm almost entirely

  • So I could have avoided embarrassing myself in front of Athena ( though she was right to call me out for carrying around a random dead dude's eyeball)...

    But it was kind of payback after I told her how horrible she was at conversation for bringing up killing her sister when I told her how excited Sasha would be.

    mirashade posted: »

    1.) Trusting Jack, you'll get to interact with Dumpy in the area before opening the Atlas gate. Interacting with it 3 times will make it cir

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