Some thoughts + I can't be the only one...



  • Do you HAVE to pick up the flower anyways?
    Plus, I don't find it that weird to hold on to the flower. It's only weird to us, considering we know what the other option is :P

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    No, but the atmosphere is clearly set up to be shippy so I didn't want to risk it; sometimes in Telltale dialogue options give you something

  • I don't think you have to pick it up but I assumed you did at the time and I felt really bad for keeping it. ;-; What is Rhys even doing to do with a flower, it's going to wilt and die. :P

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Do you HAVE to pick up the flower anyways? Plus, I don't find it that weird to hold on to the flower. It's only weird to us, considering we know what the other option is :P

  • Maybe you can give it to Vaughn as he massages his abs next episode.


    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think you have to pick it up but I assumed you did at the time and I felt really bad for keeping it. ;-; What is Rhys even doing to do with a flower, it's going to wilt and die. :P

  • Damn it, now I'm going to be disappointed if I can't do this.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Maybe you can give it to Vaughn as he massages his abs next episode. WOOPS, SPOILERS~!

  • Reminds me of the intro with Jack's ghost nipple fingers. :x

    Fiona's face was priceless xD

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Damn it, now I'm going to be disappointed if I can't do this.

  • Can you blame her? Jack's hilariously unpredictable. :P

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Reminds me of the intro with Jack's ghost nipple fingers. :x Fiona's face was priceless xD

  • He is also highly handsome :x

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    Can you blame her? Jack's hilariously unpredictable. :P

  • He isn't Handsome Jack for nothing. :P

    Cyanistic posted: »

    He is also highly handsome :x

  • It reminds me of another planet called Pandora.

    Green613 posted: »

    ...That thinks that the telltale Borderlands setting is like.. 5x better than the actual games, right? I mean, geez, Telltale. Kuddos for th

  • edited June 2015

    Not 100% sure, but I think that if you don't choose an option, Sasha will pick it instead.

    Cyanistic posted: »

    Do you HAVE to pick up the flower anyways? Plus, I don't find it that weird to hold on to the flower. It's only weird to us, considering we know what the other option is :P

  • Speaking as an ace+panromantic person, I would have been very pleased with the option for a big, adorable, platonic cuddle puddle.

    Cough Jack, Loaderbot, Gortys, Vault, Fiona, Rhys, Vaughn Cough

  • Found it :D (if it doesn't automatically skip ahead, go to 15:42)

    Echopapa posted: »

    I really want to see a clip of the "Romantic" option.

  • I have to compare the romance in this episode to romance in the first Mass Effect. You have a little choice but the game is clearly tipping in favor of one side.

    My natural reaction is....Alt text

    go against the grain you could say

  • Thank you very much :D

    nursethalia posted: »

    Found it (if it doesn't automatically skip ahead, go to 15:42)

  • Just watching this makes me squeal of joy again~ :B

    nursethalia posted: »

    Found it (if it doesn't automatically skip ahead, go to 15:42)

  • haha that's what I was think about just yet that if they include it give a variety of options from Fiona to Vaughn or Sasha or Felix or LB or what so ever as they are a lot of different shippers and not the two biggest ones :)

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I think Beyond Two Souls had something like that, you could decide if to be in a relationship with that dude guy....person...I never liked him. I just porked him for the trophy XD

  • I liked the episode. It was good. I had some weird camera bugs though. That's the first time I had some real technical issues with a telltalegame on the pc.

    I didn't like the scenes with Rhys and Sasha. I believe that Sasha is a stupid brute only good for carrying weapons. She has in my opinion no interesting aspects. I would definetly prefer to see Rhys and Fiona end up together.

    Little Robot was cute. Please give us the chance to rebuild Loader Bot. Losing him would be saaaad.

    Anyway, good job TTG, but it's weird that you need so much time for each episode.

  • edited June 2015

    I'm glad you liked it too!

    Personally, I only had a few bugs with Vaughn dissapearing from Loaderbot's back entering the dome, but nothing that I can't live with, really.

    For the whole Sasha thing, I adore her character, like I do with all characters, and I'm happy for you that you got the chance to be rude to her :P

    Please give us the chance to rebuild Loader Bot.

    I really -REALLY- doubt they would kill Loaderbot off. He has been a pretty big sidecharacter since the beginning. I guess they will patch him up, or get him in a new body once on Helios. /Pats/ He will live ^-^

    weird that you need so much time for each episode.

    This will most likely have to do with sceduling the voice actors, drawing out the storyboards and animating stuff.
    Just remember! The longer they take, the more time they have to end up with a product that will play with our heartstrings, like they have done with me so far~

    Isterio posted: »

    I liked the episode. It was good. I had some weird camera bugs though. That's the first time I had some real technical issues with a telltal

  • I saw the prompt and I just thought 'Maybe not, I know where this might go'. If you don't pick it Sasha does, and it squirts stuff in her face and they have a laugh about it, then the floaty things go red. They still seem pretty friendly?

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    I don't think you have to pick it up but I assumed you did at the time and I felt really bad for keeping it. ;-; What is Rhys even doing to do with a flower, it's going to wilt and die. :P

  • That... sounds a lot better than expected. I guess not picking one at all is decent.

    I saw the prompt and I just thought 'Maybe not, I know where this might go'. If you don't pick it Sasha does, and it squirts stuff in her face and they have a laugh about it, then the floaty things go red. They still seem pretty friendly?

  • Yeah, you can just remain basically neutral if you go with 'beautiful' and not picking a flower.

    ABigBadWolf posted: »

    That... sounds a lot better than expected. I guess not picking one at all is decent.

  • Oh lol, that's me every time the game suggests to do something. xD And when it said "come on, pick the flower" I instantly was like "I don't want to pick flowers,it's Pandora! That's stupid and dangerous".

    I have to compare the romance in this episode to romance in the first Mass Effect. You have a little choice but the game is clearly tipping in favor of one side. My natural reaction is.... go against the grain you could say

  • I would love them to give us a better scene at least. That one was so sugary it almost gave me diabetes.

    A bunch of people on the forums seem to be a bit let down by the scenes, but I sincerely hope that Telltale keeps this path up. Not just for

    Holy crap, you have no idea how people seem to think there is no way not to be either romantic or an ass xD

    Yeah, you can just remain basically neutral if you go with 'beautiful' and not picking a flower.

  • I thought it was perfect, and I hoped they were going to kiss. There. I said it. Suck on that diabetes lolipop :D

    DeityD posted: »

    I would love them to give us a better scene at least. That one was so sugary it almost gave me diabetes.

  • Alt text

    Cyanistic posted: »

    I thought it was perfect, and I hoped they were going to kiss. There. I said it. Suck on that diabetes lolipop

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