It hasn't released on all platform yet so i would recommend using spoiler tags for around a week or two in this thread but maybe after a week you could start using them less in the rest of the forum.
Sudden thought: If you try and do anything.......let's say untoward.......with her, I'll see, remember? So keep it in your pants! Unless you're into people watching or whatever?
EDIT: Heh. Just saw the Fiona one. Basically, it amounts to Jack saying DON'T TRY AND SLEEP WITH HER, because he feels it would be weird. And no, we shouldn't ask him why. It's just weird. Though he DID give her a 9/10 on the Hotness scale, 'cause he likes hats.
Hehehe. Handsome Jack everybody, crushing shipper's dreams since Episode 3.
I just got off the phone with Xbox and the way he explained it to me is that they don't control when the developer releases the content, only where they put it, like a bulletin board. Hopefully, the game will update soon..
I was always under the impression that Microsoft control their store release, it's possible that Microsoft are passing the buck but i will let someone at Telltale know about this in case it's something to do with them but as it's still early in their time zone it might take a while for them to look into it.
I just got off the phone with Xbox and the way he explained it to me is that they don't control when the developer releases the content, only where they put it, like a bulletin board. Hopefully, the game will update soon..
I was always under the impression that Microsoft control their store release, it's possible that Microsoft are passing the buck but i will l… moreet someone at Telltale know about this in case it's something to do with them but as it's still early in their time zone it might take a while for them to look into it.
I was always under the impression that Microsoft control their store release, it's possible that Microsoft are passing the buck but i will l… moreet someone at Telltale know about this in case it's something to do with them but as it's still early in their time zone it might take a while for them to look into it.
I'm not Telltale staff and i don't play on a console so i don't know the usual release time, other Xbox 360 users are also waiting so it looks like it might be running late as it seems to be avaliabe on Xbox One. I have let Telltale staff know about this as it might be a bug they need to investigate.
I'm not Telltale staff and i don't play on a console so i don't know the usual release time, other Xbox 360 users are also waiting so it loo… moreks like it might be running late as it seems to be avaliabe on Xbox One. I have let Telltale staff know about this as it might be a bug they need to investigate.
It is entirely probable, considering the last time I called Xbox, they told me it was TellTale's fault. It's now 1145 and I'm still waiting for any kind of update. I knew I should have purchased this on the ps4.
I was always under the impression that Microsoft control their store release, it's possible that Microsoft are passing the buck but i will l… moreet someone at Telltale know about this in case it's something to do with them but as it's still early in their time zone it might take a while for them to look into it.
It is entirely probable, considering the last time I called Xbox, they told me it was TellTale's fault. It's now 1145 and I'm still waiting for any kind of update. I knew I should have purchased this on the ps4.
I suspect several someones at microsoft are not doing their jobs. It's pretty much standard for them to say the fault is on the other guy. I had to call them 7 times once when I couldn't pay for my live renewal. They kept saying it was my bank, but it turned out they had mistakenly banned my card. I had to talk to two different supervisors to get that answer.
Either something went wrong in putting it up, or someone forgot to put it up. With their "It's not our fault" policy, it'll take a while for someone to figure out what happened. Wouldn't be surprised to not see it until next week.
A week might be stretching it. I figure it won't come up till tomorrow the earliest and the weekend the latest. I really hope this doesn't happen when Game of Thrones ep5 and 6 launch
Do yourself a favor and just watch a play through, like I'm gonna do.
I strongly dislike spoilers. If I watch a playthrough it'd ruin it for me. I haven't even watched the trailer, scrolled past all the posted pictures. A week probably IS stretching it, but microsoft is like a 5 year old when they screw up. "Nu uh...I didn do iiit!"
A week might be stretching it. I figure it won't come up till tomorrow the earliest and the weekend the latest. I really hope this doesn't h… moreappen when Game of Thrones ep5 and 6 launch
Do yourself a favor and just watch a play through, like I'm gonna do.
Well... This sucks... It's now. 8:04 PM in the UK... Even if it's released now I can't play it untill Friday!!! (Will take a while to download cuz of crap Internet, I want to replay episode 2 again just to be sure my choices are right and I have work in the morning so it's early to bed!)
Thanks a bunch Telltale/Microsoft/Handsome Jack AI/whoever else is to blame!
Machine God rid us of these Glitchwits! Loader Bots truly are the way to go!
Who knows. It was supposed to be out today. There was even a front page ad for tales on the system menu, but it was for the first episode. Somebody fudged, and it probably won't be out until at least tomorrow.
I suspect several someones at microsoft are not doing their jobs. It's pretty much standard for them to say the fault is on the other guy. … more I had to call them 7 times once when I couldn't pay for my live renewal. They kept saying it was my bank, but it turned out they had mistakenly banned my card. I had to talk to two different supervisors to get that answer.
Either something went wrong in putting it up, or someone forgot to put it up. With their "It's not our fault" policy, it'll take a while for someone to figure out what happened. Wouldn't be surprised to not see it until next week.
I found a way to get it online, i went to here… moreailable-for-xbox/?linkId=15098742#comments
then followed the link for the xbox 360 and purchased it there. It's currently downloading and i can update later if it works for sure or not.
It hasn't released on all platform yet so i would recommend using spoiler tags for around a week or two in this thread but maybe after a week you could start using them less in the rest of the forum.
Hometown: Hollowpoint
Occupation: Bandit
Hotness: 8/10
Sudden thought: If you try and do anything.......let's say untoward.......with her, I'll see, remember? So keep it in your pants! Unless you're into people watching or whatever?
EDIT: Heh. Just saw the Fiona one. Basically, it amounts to Jack saying DON'T TRY AND SLEEP WITH HER, because he feels it would be weird. And no, we shouldn't ask him why. It's just weird. Though he DID give her a 9/10 on the Hotness scale, 'cause he likes hats.
Hehehe. Handsome Jack everybody, crushing shipper's dreams since Episode 3.
don't wanna seem daft, but whatcha mean? which cutscenes, and how would it motivate the team to hustle? don't hate, i'm NEW.
Any idea at what hour the episode will be available on 360 (EU)?
it should have be out Since 12pm...but TTG fucked it up...again.
Telltale don't control when Microsoft decide to update their store so it's not Telltales fault.
ohh. Sorry. But it's just Strange, because it's Available on Xbox ONE but Not 360....i Want to Play it so Bad. I already waited nearly 2 months.
I just got off the phone with Xbox and the way he explained it to me is that they don't control when the developer releases the content, only where they put it, like a bulletin board. Hopefully, the game will update soon..
I was always under the impression that Microsoft control their store release, it's possible that Microsoft are passing the buck but i will let someone at Telltale know about this in case it's something to do with them but as it's still early in their time zone it might take a while for them to look into it.
i just Hope it wont End up like TWAU ep 2 were Xbox User Need to wait 4 additional days.
What time is episode 3 out on Xbox 360? Specifically UK timezone.
Thank you OzzyUK.
Hopefully it's only a minor delay.
I know the feeling. Especially when it would be so easy to download it on PS4. Just don't want to ignore my progress.
Please no. My heart cant take much more of this 'waiting'. There might be tears soon.
Someone fetch a tiny violin for the ready, just in case.
OzzyUK by any chance do you know when it will be released on 360?
Maybe its because the hat of her reminds him of his girlfriend Nisha?
I'm not Telltale staff and i don't play on a console so i don't know the usual release time, other Xbox 360 users are also waiting so it looks like it might be running late as it seems to be avaliabe on Xbox One. I have let Telltale staff know about this as it might be a bug they need to investigate.
Ah oops my bad, sorry about that. But thanks for letting the staff know!
I've got you, buddy.
It is entirely probable, considering the last time I called Xbox, they told me it was TellTale's fault. It's now 1145 and I'm still waiting for any kind of update. I knew I should have purchased this on the ps4.
Just out of curiosity, what timezone are you on?
It was meant to be out already, like, hours ago.
But, nope there's nothing.
Thanks anyway
US Central Standard.
So no one knows what time its coming out on xbox
At least they should inform how long this takes. No word in Twitter etc..
I suspect several someones at microsoft are not doing their jobs. It's pretty much standard for them to say the fault is on the other guy. I had to call them 7 times once when I couldn't pay for my live renewal. They kept saying it was my bank, but it turned out they had mistakenly banned my card. I had to talk to two different supervisors to get that answer.
Either something went wrong in putting it up, or someone forgot to put it up. With their "It's not our fault" policy, it'll take a while for someone to figure out what happened. Wouldn't be surprised to not see it until next week.
But I don't want to wait a whole other week its mine and I want it now
A week might be stretching it. I figure it won't come up till tomorrow the earliest and the weekend the latest. I really hope this doesn't happen when Game of Thrones ep5 and 6 launch
Do yourself a favor and just watch a play through, like I'm gonna do.
I strongly dislike spoilers. If I watch a playthrough it'd ruin it for me. I haven't even watched the trailer, scrolled past all the posted pictures. A week probably IS stretching it, but microsoft is like a 5 year old when they screw up. "Nu uh...I didn do iiit!"
Well... This sucks... It's now. 8:04 PM in the UK... Even if it's released now I can't play it untill Friday!!! (Will take a while to download cuz of crap Internet, I want to replay episode 2 again just to be sure my choices are right and I have work in the morning so it's early to bed!)
Thanks a bunch Telltale/Microsoft/Handsome Jack AI/whoever else is to blame!
Machine God rid us of these Glitchwits! Loader Bots truly are the way to go!
When does it come out for xbox 360???
Who knows. It was supposed to be out today. There was even a front page ad for tales on the system menu, but it was for the first episode. Somebody fudged, and it probably won't be out until at least tomorrow.
I found a way to get it online, i went to here
then followed the link for the xbox 360 and purchased it there. It's currently downloading and i can update later if it works for sure or not.
That's why I switched to PS3. Not saying everyone should be PS but i personally prefer their customer support
Update: Looks like i can definitely play it!! =D
It's available on the French marketplace (GMT+1) right now.
Should be the same for UK and mainland Europe (or will be soon).
It's a good way, but only seems to work for people without the season pass
It's out for the US as well now, EST as of 4:23PM EST. BTW, you couldn't purchase it from the store either, that link just got updated as well.
Seems it's all fixed.
Not just yet for UK. But maybe soon if its available over in France? Any UK please say if you've got it up and running.