Did Hansome Jack...
...betray us?When you side with him or not he will still in both gameplays just dissapear,(when Valory comes in 2st time) when you're in trouble,instead of trying to help you (hacking their weapons,etc.) with saying translated from being sarcastic sounded like 'I don't give a f*ck what'll happen right now'.Is this just me,or jack is being total ass,even when you're with him (and I don't even talk about how he screwed you when you were unconcious)or against?
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I doubt it. After all if you die he´s f*cked too. I guess for plot reasons he couldn´t hack those guns.
It didn't seem like he even tried to do something,but I guess you're right about the part that he might die with us
Yeah as I said, Jack is kind of a coward so I guess for plot reasons there was just nothing he could do, so he bailed. It would be stupid of him to do otherwise. He´d die too.
I honestly think it comes down to Telltale not wanting him to become a deus ex machina - it'd be lazy writing if Jack could just save the day every time.
I think the same thing can be said for Loader Bot which is why we often get separated from him (like the Rakks attacking him in episode 2 and him falling off the van, or Vasquez bringing a universal remote).
Yeah,but this time he could help,but he didn't,plus if you'll take in that he took over your body without your permission... I think they're trying to make an ass from him,atleast looks like it to me (not saying he wasn't ass before,but now...)
Maybe there really wasn't anything he could do? I mean, I believe that it was mainly for the plot to progress, but maybe he can only hack Hyperion weapons or something? I'm pretty sure Vallory's bandits (or Vallory herself for that matter) were packing Hyperion tech.
Maybe more like he can only hack high-tech stuff (Atlas and Hyperion) but since everyone seems to be using Jacobs' guns he can't do much?
That launcher looked like the Norfleet that Vallory was holding.. literally the most OP weapon in BL2. and it's (legendary) Malliwan tech. Doubt Jack could've hacked it.
I think Jack is going to be the bad guy in Borderlands 3. So he's going to be a bad guy here as well. I don't want this to happen, but after playing Ep. 3 twice I'm pretty sure he going bad. So I'm going with betrayal.
Again? While I think Jack has become crucial for the Borderlands Franchise I really hope he won´t become the main villain again. I don´t like it when great characters are milked.
It actually makes sense for Jack to only be able to hack Hyperion weapons, so I'm going with that. Atlas drones... well we saw him hack into Atlas stuff all the way back in Ep.1 - remember that hacked Atlas ad behind Grease Face?
As for betrayal - I don't think so. He's picking his battles. Jack hates betrayal. Now, I'm not saying Rhys isn't just a pawn to him, but I do believe he has an interest in Rhys' well-being, for now at least, and besides - look at these, Jack cares about people who are truly loyal to him, in his own way:
He doesn't care about Rhys at all, man. He's clearly bullshitting. He's still going to try to kill Rhys as soon as he's no longer of use.
Haha, I know...
But I'm falling for it. Or at least my Rhys is.
the thing is...as long as Rhys is loyal, there will be no need to discard him. That's what I am going for. Let's see if Jack still fucks Rhys over even if Rhys is a total bro to him. If he does, it would not make any sense and I could call Telltale out on that.