Details that people might forget, don't notice or just don't know about Tales From The Borderlands



  • Well, they certainly planned to fit a lot into Episode 2.

    Deltino posted: »

    Alright, so does anyone remember this shot from the Atlas Mugged teaser at the very end of episode 1? Yeah, well I'm almost entirely

  • Nope

    Janek95 posted: »

    I think they work now. Can you see them?

  • I posted links. It is strange because at first I did not see them, but now I can.

    JackMarco posted: »


  • Damn, I only looked at it.

    Before the flower scene happens with Sasha you have the opportunity to either look or touch one of the beautiful blue floaty thingys. If you

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    You have to get the images by themselves:

    Alt text

    Alt text

    Janek95 posted: »

    So if you tell Vaugh to search for more information about the Vault he will confirm why is called Vault of the Traveler. Link 1 Link 2

  • I missed this in my main, because I was afraid of getting Rhys hurt.

    Pipas posted: »

    Damn, I only looked at it.

  • How does he even make that noise? How does anyone have the voice box to make a noise that cute?

    Lewsblake23 posted: »

    Cutie. Rhys = Kawaii.

  • You know, that moment made me think of that Luke gif with the shades that lower down over his eyes as he says 'they'll just have to deal with it'

    Ah, where'd I put that thing T.T

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Choosing [Make Her Head Spin] causes Fiona to shove a grenade in Vallory's face and blow her head off, Vallory's glasses then land on Fiona and the words' "Deal With It" can be heard.

  • and fiona losing her hat?

    buntingsir posted: »

    Awesome. And it hilariously changes with Vaughn being paralyzed.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Yeah Fiona has to sacrifice her hat to save Rhys and herself if you trust her at the end of episode 2.

    and fiona losing her hat?

  • You know damn well you're gonna find that gif immediatry!

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    You know, that moment made me think of that Luke gif with the shades that lower down over his eyes as he says 'they'll just have to deal with it' Ah, where'd I put that thing T.T

  • The trailer showed this. I was laughing so hard :P

    If you try to tell Athena that you're talking to Handsome Jack he doesn't allow you and makes you slap yourself with your own arm...

  • Robro fist

    dojo32161 posted: »

    If you blew up Loader Bot in episode 1 you can get him to forgive you in episode 3, Loader Bot will also bring up how you forgave Vaughn if you did that in episode 2. You can give him a Robro Fist.

  • For you and Amazing Aura I see Alt text, but for Janek I see the regular pics. weird

    dojo32161 posted: »

    You have to get the images by themselves:

  • Not responding to Rhys after he tells Fiona to throw her hat makes Rhys say that her hat looks stupid and makes her head look big.

    Not saying anything as Gortys drags Vasquez away makes Rhys ask if anyone is going to take this, and says that Vasquez is going to be riding in another car.

  • I changed these pics like 3 times. Maybe they are working now.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    For you and Amazing Aura I see Alt text, but for Janek I see the regular pics. weird

  • [Searches through TWDG folder of fanarts and gifs...]


    Alt text


    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    You know damn well you're gonna find that gif immediatry!


    Alt text

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    [Searches through TWDG folder of fanarts and gifs...] ... IT'S NOT HEEEEEERE!

  • arrying around a random dead dude's eyeball)...

    Technically he's not dead...

    So I could have avoided embarrassing myself in front of Athena ( though she was right to call me out for carrying around a random dead dude'

  • For those who not chose Jack...that is what you're missing XD

    Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    Not sure if this has been found yet, but when you use your Echo Eye as Rhys in the "Dome" you will see Handsome Jack standing behind Vaughn trying to do weird things to him. (Sorry about the pictures being links). - (Jack Getting Your Attention) - (Jack Flipping You Off) - (Jack Trying to Punch Vaughn)

  • caussis or whatever his name is, he is the last atlas worker on pandora.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    arrying around a random dead dude's eyeball)... Technically he's not dead...

  • He said as far as he was concered and Pollux was just in suspended animation.

    clap-tp posted: »

    caussis or whatever his name is, he is the last atlas worker on pandora.

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    this is old dahl stuff from the days they mine pandora for mienerals. its all over pandora, you can see it in bl1 in bl2 and even in tps claptastic voyage dlc

    IRunts posted: »

    I don't know if this is an easter egg bu you can see Bagger 288 in the backround in Ep.3 this thing:

  • that only happens if you trust jack AND tell jack you trust him on the top of the caravan, guess thats how nakayama program him to gain more access to your brain.

    More and more I regret my decision to trust Fiona, trusting Jack gets you some awesome scenes and changes, like the Jack-apedia. EDIT: I

  • Did you guys see Vaugh (bro-)hugs Rhys? Only if you trusted Jack :D

  • clap-tpclap-tp Banned
    edited June 2015

    yeah i know but he probably died from infection or trauma or cutting the thing that connect the eyeball to the brain. its not only caussis says he thinks he is the last, atlas camputer says he is the last too. i think atlas on other planets will know if their general is in suspended animation on pandora. and other then that, athena send the general a massage telling him she is coming to kill him while you see her in the gorty's facility.

    Leluch123 posted: »

    He said as far as he was concered and Pollux was just in suspended animation.

  • I think those cards might be from the Borderlands series deck in Poker Night 2.

    If Rhys does not get his boot back in episode 2 he still will not have it in this card playing scene.

  • Still though, he slapped Sasha on the ass, probably ruined the chance of Rhysha in those people's play through, I weep for them.

    clap-tp posted: »

    that only happens if you trust jack AND tell jack you trust him on the top of the caravan, guess thats how nakayama program him to gain more access to your brain.

  • yeah but my point was that you trust jack and then tell him you dont trust him anymore and it wont happened

    Still though, he slapped Sasha on the ass, probably ruined the chance of Rhysha in those people's play through, I weep for them.

  • But then sasha P_P

    Leluch123 posted: »

    For those who not chose Jack...that is what you're missing XD

  • Don't remind me ehhh but maybe it will turn our to help Rhys get even closer to her

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    But then sasha P_P

  • Well it only happens if you trust Jack on top of the caravan as well apparently. But yeah, siding with Jack pretty much ruined Rhys' chance with Sasha, I weep for those people.

    bigdogg0821 posted: »

    But then sasha P_P

  • There is a point where you can scan Sasha in the hub with the gate that Loaderbot helps you to open. It specifically states that Sasha's hotness is 8/10 LOL

  • I might be reaching here but I think Vallory's nickname "Queenpin" is a nod to the Marvel super villain Kingpin.

  • InGen_Nate_KennyInGen_Nate_Kenny Moderator
    edited June 2015

    Traveler is misspelled in the first image.

    Noticed that in game, now I don't have to dig for a screensot.

    Janek95 posted: »

    So if you tell Vaugh to search for more information about the Vault he will confirm why is called Vault of the Traveler. Link 1 Link 2

  • Kingpin is already a title for a crime boss though right?

    I might be reaching here but I think Vallory's nickname "Queenpin" is a nod to the Marvel super villain Kingpin.

  • If you trust Jack in Episode 2 and in the caravan he will take control of Rhys when he falls and be an asshole to everyone when he comes back. This includes calling Sasha 'Cupcake' and slapping her ass, to which she knocks Rhys/Jack out.

    In a Jack-a-pedia of Gortys, he notes that she's not Claptrap which is good.

    Both 'Catch A Ride' and 'Sons of Winter' from Game of Thrones have a player choice from stopping a female badass (Athena, Beskha) from killing someone who caused them (not so much with Athena, but you understand what I'm getting at) to kill others.

  • Dont forget he calls Fiona sweetie and baby!

    If you trust Jack in Episode 2 and in the caravan he will take control of Rhys when he falls and be an asshole to everyone when he comes bac

  • In the ep 3 start if you trust Fiona, when the bandit takes Gortys from Rhys, you can drop kick him if you click fast enough

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