Anthony Burch? Seriously?

So even though he quit Gearbox Anthony Burch wrote a few scenes in Catch A Ride? Are you serious?

For the love of god and all that is holy and pure in this world Telltale, never ever let him near your games again, and PLEASE do not bring him on as a writer for other games.



  • I think it was confirmed by a staff member on here that he wrote all of the Jack-a-pedia entries which were all great. I don't see what you're so scared about.

  • Was that all that he wrote?

    I'm not scared, I just don't want Tales to become a terrible parade of memes, SJWism, and cuckoldery.

  • I wouldn't worry too much, at most he seems to be writing tidbits, and perhaps being consulted. Otherwise, he really won't have as big as an impact as he would of had in BL2 and BL:TPS.

  • edited June 2015

    Yes, I'm fairly certain that's all he wrote.

    Alt text

    Thread link:

    EDIT: What kind of person doesn't appreciate the vast insight and wisdom that memes are?

    I just don't want Tales to become a terrible parade of memes

    Was that all that he wrote? I'm not scared, I just don't want Tales to become a terrible parade of memes, SJWism, and cuckoldery.

  • I take it you didn't like the original Borderlands games? Since he wrote for them, and they were absolutely terrific.

  • I don't understand the problem with Anthony Burch. I just finished playing Borderlands 2 and thought it was even funnier than TFTBL (even though I prefer Tales over BL2), so him writing stuff for this game, even if it was just the Jack entries, seems great to me.

  • edited June 2015

    fair point about the memes, but BL2 and TPS didn't have much SJW nonsense, just a few things every once in a while

    he doesn't let his... ideology bleed over to his job that much, just think about the Felicity business, or that time where a (female voiced) catch a ride station refuses to let you use it and you melee it until it gives up. seriously, had TPS been more popular i bet some feminist'd have gone full Mcintosh on both of those scenes (which actually happened for BL2), i was genuinely disappointed when i couldn't find Alita or some other muppet rant about how patriarchal and racist either of those were

    i can only think about that cringeworthy Torgue line near the start and Lilith/Moxxy getting kinda mary sue-ish (but then again i hated Lilith so i may be biased) so the writing was kinda shit, but not for SJW propaganda reasons, also keep in mind TPS had 2 lead writers

    Claptastic DLC was GREAT tho, both in writing and gameplay, but he only wrote parts of the finale or something so there's that

    tales 3 had only 1 or 2 memes btw and i don't think there was any sjw bullshit either

    Was that all that he wrote? I'm not scared, I just don't want Tales to become a terrible parade of memes, SJWism, and cuckoldery.

    1. He's an SJW.
    2. He's a cuckold.
    3. He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters.

    Most of the internet hates him.

    I don't understand the problem with Anthony Burch. I just finished playing Borderlands 2 and thought it was even funnier than TFTBL (even th

  • edited June 2015

    that one time he basically put a "kick me gamergate" sign behind his back on twitter was pretty fun but even after that i think most of the people who actually know who he is (he just worked on 2 games, not exactly shakespear levels of popularity) are BL fans

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • I find it hilarious how much he was determined to be targeted by Gamergate, but it never really materialised, probably because there are lot's more influential people in the game's industry that have done far worse things or are just more interesting to target than anything.

    Aaira posted: »

    that one time he basically put a "kick me gamergate" sign behind his back on twitter was pretty fun but even after that i think most of the

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited June 2015

    He's a cuckold

    Can I just ask how, in comparison to the other two things, this is even bad? Or more importantly, why anyone gives 5 flying fucks about it?

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • I like his writing too. To each their own, I guess.

    I don't understand the problem with Anthony Burch. I just finished playing Borderlands 2 and thought it was even funnier than TFTBL (even th

  • Alt text

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • Lol what's your problem? He's the one who made the borderlands games good, he was barely a writer in the presequel and it sucked.

  • Because a certain portion of the internet gets really crass when their egos get dented by others opinions. Now i feel dirty for having given the OP any likes ever.

    Deltino posted: »

    He's a cuckold Can I just ask how, in comparison to the other two things, this is even bad? Or more importantly, why anyone gives 5 flying fucks about it?

  • And do you have some problem against gay/bi people?

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • I am perfectly OK with his writing in Borderlands 2, and in Episode 3. TPS needed lots of work, but it was still mildly engaging.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I like his writing too. To each their own, I guess.

  • edited June 2015

    Hey, Burch wasn't EVEN working on Borderlands 1.

    You know how people criticize him for adding lots and lots of pop-culture references? Well, they didn't do their research. He wasn't on the team, and yet, the game had loads of references. It's supposed to be a parody, for chrissakes!

    Now, when Burch worked on Borderlands 2? The story's WAY better than Borderlands 1. It's more engaging, it's got Handsome Jack, it's got plot twists-it's awesome, alright?

    As for TPS, Gearbox made the gigantic mistake of making it too similar to Borderlands 2. That's why it didn't feel fresh-they reused the same stuff. Basically, Anthony had to write very similar things, so the story felt the exact same.

    Janey Springs? Well, Hammerlock was gay, AND NOBODY GAVE TWO SHITS. Moxxi, Axton, Torgue, Tina, Tannis, Motor Momma and Ellie are all bisexual? Pfft, not a problem. So why do people focus on her anyway? I have no idea, but it's ridiculously annoying.

    And yes, YES, Burch does put his political views into his writing. But here? HERE? HE WROTE THE GODDAMN JACK-A-PEDIA ENTRIES AND WERE THOSE FILLED WITH SJW HELLSPAWN?


    (Jesus Christ, I am in such a bad mood today...and the shipping battles really aren't helping.)

  • The Jack-A-Pedia entries were great, and nothing else in the episode struck me as Burch's politically infused writing. All fine by me.

  • edited June 2015

    people don't have problems with gay characters, people have problems with characters that exist just for the purpose of being gay

    and tina is, like, 12, i think it's pretty reasonable for people to have problems about her expressing sexuality as much as she sometimes did

    the problem with TPS wasn't just that it didn't introuce enough new mechanics but also that it was too short, had other (much worse) decisions made at the start and had a shitty plot which wasn't at all similar to BL2, other han the fact that you got to some valt, it was just kinda shit and boring, it even had a few twists and stuff but it just had a terrible antagonist and Jack (only reason the game was even made) had to be neutered due to the nature of the story, so he lost most of his charm.

    BL2's story isn't way better than BL2, it just has a better antagonist, that's about it

    BL1 didn't have nearly enough memes (not pop culture references in general, memes) as BL2

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hey, Burch wasn't EVEN working on Borderlands 1. You know how people criticize him for adding lots and lots of pop-culture references? We

  • edited June 2015

    people are iffy about cuckoldry because when both you and your wife are of a certain skin color but your children aren't, your children are most likely going to get bullied to hell and back all troughout their lives

    and there's also that "you're not my father!" line that could porribly be a pain

    i don't care what sort of twisted fetish gets people off or how they possibly fuck up their offsprings' lives, but i can see how others might be concerned about that

    Because a certain portion of the internet gets really crass when their egos get dented by others opinions. Now i feel dirty for having given the OP any likes ever.

  • he was barely a writer in the presequel

    source? i know he did almost nothing on the claptastic DLC, and it was the best part of TPS, even better than most of BL2

    Lol what's your problem? He's the one who made the borderlands games good, he was barely a writer in the presequel and it sucked.

  • Now, in your own words, when is a character existing 'solely for the purpose of being gay'? Inquiring minds wish to know.

    As for Tina, we don't like to think about 12 year olds having a sexual identity but they do. I recall the early bloomers of my elementary class starting to go at it at around 12 years old and that was two decades ago.

    Aaira posted: »

    people don't have problems with gay characters, people have problems with characters that exist just for the purpose of being gay and tin

  • None of that has any bearing on that throwing the term around is nothing more than a childish insult used by the witless. It has no bearing on Burch's writing whatsoever.

    Aaira posted: »

    people are iffy about cuckoldry because when both you and your wife are of a certain skin color but your children aren't, your children are

  • people don't dislike writers being cucks, people dislike people being cucks

    not everyone is fine with reading/playing stuff made by people they hate

    None of that has any bearing on that throwing the term around is nothing more than a childish insult used by the witless. It has no bearing on Burch's writing whatsoever.

  • And that makes making an irrelevant personal insult justified how exactly?

    Aaira posted: »

    people don't dislike writers being cucks, people dislike people being cucks not everyone is fine with reading/playing stuff made by people they hate

  • I can back that up-when I just started middle school 4 years ago, some athletic boys already started dating. It was mostly hugging and chatting for a day or so, but it was still kind of weird to the rest of us, who were mostly gaming SF geeks more concerned about war games than girlfriends.

    Now, in your own words, when is a character existing 'solely for the purpose of being gay'? Inquiring minds wish to know. As for Tina, we

  • edited June 2015

    when a character's personality is moastly just him/her being gay, people are going to call that shit writing. some people interpretated Janey's character about being just that. for the record, Moxxy doesn't count because her personality wasn't "bisexual", her personality was "slut".

    how many people do you think are ok with sexually active preteens? sexual repression is BAD, but so are teen single mothers. also pedophilia. i don't personally think you should censor that kind of thing (it would destroy japanese economy, also fuck censorship) but i an see why people would dislike a writer for putting that kind of thing in

    Now, in your own words, when is a character existing 'solely for the purpose of being gay'? Inquiring minds wish to know. As for Tina, we

  • Nvm I mixed it up, I still like his writing though

    Aaira posted: »

    he was barely a writer in the presequel source? i know he did almost nothing on the claptastic DLC, and it was the best part of TPS, even better than most of BL2

  • edited June 2015

    Hey, in my school, the teachers broke that up really quickly, and the parents grumbled too.

    Aaira posted: »

    when a character's personality is moastly just him/her being gay, people are going to call that shit writing. some people interpretated Jane

  • edited June 2015

    "Don't let people add Memes to MUH BURDERLANDS!!!"

    roles eyes

    haven't encountered a single unfunny meme, laughed a lot during Borderlands 2. Dunno what OP is even talking about so disregard him and thread for being an over dramatic drama queen with the thread as his stage of choice

    Alt text

  • i used to like the use of memes like you, then i took an arrow to the knee THREE BILLION TIMES

    "Don't let people add Memes to MUH BURDERLANDS!!!" roles eyes haven't encountered a single unfunny meme, laughed a lot during Borderla

  • edited June 2015

    but cuckold isn't an insult

    if a known pedo were to write a book i'm pretty sure not a lot of people would give it the benefit of the doubt, even if every character in it is a 90 years old giraffe, that's because people hate pedos

    And that makes making an irrelevant personal insult justified how exactly?

  • edited June 2015


    Poor Skyrim NPCs.

    Aaira posted: »

    i used to like the use of memes like you, then i took an arrow to the knee THREE BILLION TIMES

  • Once again, in your own words , when is a character mostly about about being gay? And Moxxy's personality is 'slut' now? Do tell me how did you arrive at this astounding insight in to the single most complicated character in the game while youre at it.

    As for kids with sexuality, no one likes to think about it like i said. But writing a character of that age group with a sexual identy is not a reason to hate the writer. Writing it badly would be.

    Aaira posted: »

    when a character's personality is moastly just him/her being gay, people are going to call that shit writing. some people interpretated Jane

  • complicated my perfectly well shaped ass

    Once again, in your own words , when is a character mostly about about being gay? And Moxxy's personality is 'slut' now? Do tell me how di

  • It's over nine THOUSAAAAAAAND!

    Aaira posted: »

    i used to like the use of memes like you, then i took an arrow to the knee THREE BILLION TIMES

  • I'm surprised Janey gets so much damn flak.

    She's irritating as shit because she regurgitates WAAAAY too much personal information all the time, and a lot of her conversation is her squeezing in "LOOK HOW GAY I AM" whenever she can.

    But it's true to life. I've met so many irritating people just like Janey who keep trying to pummel in how unique they are by throwing their life story at me every other sentence and crap like that. Janey is very much a REAL archetype of a person. And to say she's complete shit and badly written just because one of those things happens to be her sexuality? Something that we shouldn't even be thinking is an issue anymore? Eesh.

    I NEVER hear anyone talking about "Ugh, there's no reason for us to know about THIS part of the character" unless it's their sexuality. I am surprised the industry isn't past this crap already.

  • Too. Much. Information.

    Aaira posted: »

    complicated my perfectly well shaped ass

This discussion has been closed.