Whats ur top 10 favorite boss battles of all time
Post what ur top 10 favorite boss battles of all time are from video games
because there are alot of unique boss battles and i wanna hear ur personal top 10 favs
And it optional but if u wanna ,describe what u like and hate about all the boss battles ur, personal top 10 and what u think is great about em and such in ur, personal opinion u can do this if u want but its optional.
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In no important order. (Spoilers for everything ever)
Gunther Hermann in the Cathedral in Deus Ex. I love this boss fight because it can be avoided entirely. If you made the right choices earlier in the game you can just say a couple words and cause Gunther to explode. You really DO NOT want to fight this guy. He's a fucking cyborg with a flamethrower, he's been chasing you across the globe and he's super pissed off because you killed his partner. Boss fights don't go well for me in Deus Ex because I normally go low-tech/stealth in my playthroughs. This one is extremely bad because Gunter is ready for a close quarters fight with a flamethrower and he explodes when he dies anyway. Just say "Laputin Machine" and be done with it.
Wiegraf/demon in Final Fantasy Tactics. Tactics has a lot of gut checks; fights that you are either ready for or not, and if you're not ready odds are you're going to have to go back to a previous save if you have one or just start over entirely. This fight is probably the worst of them. It starts off a 1 on 1 fight between Wiegraf and the main character Ramza, but after you defeat Wiegraf he turns into a demon and summons 3 or 4 more demons on top of that. Luckily your friends show up to help you out, but this part of the fight is even harder than the duel because now these damn demons are casting dark holy and Wiegraf is summoning Cyclops to ruin your day. I can't think of another boss fight in a video game that has given me such a sense of accomplishment after winning.
Doppelganger in Symphony of the Night. Nothing too special, you're really just fighting yourself. It's a super easy fight, I just really liked the idea of it when I was young.
Nemesis from Resident Evil 3. THIS MOTHER FUCKER RIGHT HERE. I haven't saved in so long and all I have is pistol rounds this asshole is going to poison me, I can't remember the last time I saw a blue herb. If you played this game you probably know the dread that comes when you hear the stomping and that throaty voice "STARS". This mother fucker. If you haven't played this game, then congratulations. You probably still love yourself. Nemesis isn't really a 'boss battle', it's more of a constant threat of horrible, horrible death that you can't really hope to kill(But that didn't stop me my first time playing) but can only hope to slow down as you try to make your way through the ENTIRE game with this mother fucker. At first it's just this big ugly dude in a trench coat that ruins your day outside of the police station. You can fight him and put him down for a while, or run away into the (un)safety of the station, where he will jump in through a window a few rooms later with a god damn rocket launcher. And it just keeps going like that. You fight or run, and he just comes back later even worse than he was before.
Ultamecia in Final Fantasy 8. She's a Sorceress from the future that can send her spirit back through time to possess other sorceresses in the past. Yes, I have played this game enough to actually understand what is happening. This boss battle is cool because as you're fighting her, the background is constantly melting away into formless blobs of color, well part of it at least. Of course it goes into her other forms that have the usual final fantasy type space and void kind of backgrounds. Also I like the lead up to the fight. You go forward to a time where Ultamecia has won and killed everyone that would oppose her, you lose all of your actions besides 'Fight' and have to defeat a series of bosses in order to get all your other actions back. And then you get to the sorceress and your party is randomized.
Hojo in Final Fantasy 7. He's got that creepy twitch/dance like thing he does and that weird CRAzy teXt talk he's doing through the whole fight spouting off madness. He's a fucking scrub though.
Kanji's and Rise's shadows in Persona 4. Basically you're fighting against parts of these character's psyches that they're struggling with. Kanji's shadow is this giant ripped flamingly gay thing, and Rise's is basically a giant stripper.
Not really a boss, but the last chapter of No Mercy in Left 4 Dead. It's my favorite final stage from a left 4 dead game. The elevation changes on the rooftop make it interesting, especially the change from rooftop to street level if you're unlucky enough to get knocked off by a tank. The helicopter shows up on the opposite side of the roof from where most people like to make their stand, so it was usually a mad dash across the roof to get out of there. It really made the name of the game true to the game itself, I would have to make a quick decision whether I wanted to help that person who just got grabbed behind me or just run off and save myself. Lots of math was involved; Did I have a pipebomb or a molotov? Did I have pills to throw at this idiot after I picked them up? How much health did I have? Was one of us covered in boomer bile? Is there a tank? If there's a tank, then no.
And of course Psycho Mantis in MGS. He has telekenesis and he broke the hell out of the fourth wall, especially if you had another Konami game's save data on your memory card. It was pretty trippy at the time.
Also i forgot to say its optional but u can describe in ur top 10 the pros and cons of the boss battles u chose and what overall makes them great boss battles in ur personal opinion its not required or anything just wanted to state it since i forgot to add it into the main post
Ok puhchewychomp im not forcing u to add this on but if u want u can add the pros and cons of the top 10 boss battles in ur list and describe indept details and such if u like u dont have to but u can if u want just wanted to make that clear
Interesting, except for Deus Ex, I did not play all this games that you just mention.
I remember that fight with Gunther. Did you cause him to self-destruct?
I'm on my phone if I ever decide to take 15 minutes to start up my pc I'll type it out.
Oh hell yeah. All but one time I Laputin Machine'd the crap out of him. That one time I didn't though, he ruined me.
No particular order
The Boss-MGS3
Psycho Mantis-MGS 1
Phalanx -Shadow of the Colossus, well actually every single boss battle in this game was awesome
Wheatley-Portal 2
The End- MGS 3
Metal Gear Ray- MGS 4
Hades- God of War 3
Ganon-Ocarina of Time
Metal Kor-Jack 2
Liquid Ocelot- MGS 4
I only have 3.
The Great Mighty Poo and the final boss fight in Catherine and Mad Jack boss fight in Donkey Kong 64
good choices!
I only really have one favourite boss.
Roxas from Kingdom Hearts 2.
I hated that Mafia guy from Hotline Miami.
I love how the battle with Legate Lanius can be completely avoided if you have 100 Speech XD.
Yup, that's it...
Thank you.
1.Phantom Ganon from Zelda OoT
2.Alduin from Skyrim
3.Koume and Kotake form Zelda OoT
4.Krushak from Gothic
5.Andross from Star Fox
6.Hitler from Zombie Army
7.Eredin from Witcher 3
8.Bowser form Mario 64
9.Kain from Legacy of Kain
10.Poseidon from God of War III
no order what so ever
Browser in pretty much any mario game that i played. (dont remember the names, but one was the nintendo 64 game and the gameboy games)
well the final boss for ninja gaiden 2 for xbox 360
thats all i got..
Jamex i wanna discuss with u a couple of ur entries ok spoilers for those who are yet to play these titles um
Spoilers below
Was that demon ur talking about the giant mask face creature that jason has to fight with a bow while small evil mask creatures try to attack him when jason has to prove himself worthy to citra is that the 1 ur talking if so thats a good boss battle
Yeah i have not played much of the n64 game of mario but the boss battle from what i have seen from lets play is pretty decent
yeah yeah, he drink like some magic water and then i think he hallucinates and you hate to fight that demon and it was annoying lol
man i played quite a lot of mario games but i dont remember them, just barely some big details. i know now that it was, one of the games, from the Super Mario Bros. game
David from The Last Of Us
Minotaur from God Of War
Ares from God Of War
Death's head from wolfenstein The New Order
Ustanak from Resident Evil 6
Invisible bitch(I don't remember her real name) from Metal Gear Solid 4
Big ugly monster with her kids from Metro Last Light
Crazy bald guy from Wolfenstein (2009)
Huge Cockroach from Bathroom
Professor Nakayama: Borderlands 2 DLC Sir Hammerlock's Big Game Hunt
Clockwerk ( Sly 1&2 )
Vanitas ( Kingdom Hearts : Birth by Sleep )
Hades (Kid Icarus: Uprising)
(No particular order)