your fav game?

Im not a huge gamer but I love assassins creed, the walking dead,sw snowboarding and the wolf among us. Hbu?


  • Half Life 3 Alt text

  • Both seasons of The Walking Dead (yes, technically they're two games, but they're both fantastic). But I will say that, depending on how Tales From the Borderlands ends, it may become my new favorite.

  • Mine too

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    Puncake32 posted: »

    Half Life 3

  • The Legend of Zelda :Ocarina of Time.

  • Hitman: Blood Money.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Tales from the Borderlands has been really kicking it and if it keeps the same quality or gets even better it'll definitely be cemented as my favorite.

  • TLOU and The Last of Us

  • The Last of Us


    Puncake32 posted: »

    Half Life 3

  • Sly Cooper

  • The Walking Dead Game Season One.

    Runner Up: Heavy Rain

  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

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  • Metal Gear, the whole series

  • Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ! Best open world and story I have ever playedAlt text

  • Zelda Wind Waker:

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    Kingdom Hearts:

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  • edited June 2015

    The Walking Dead and the Mass Effect trilogy.

    I can't decide between these two for some reason.

  • edited June 2015

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    Majora's Mask, there's just something about that game I mean part of it is nostalgia since for a while that game was the closest thing to a friend I had but besides that it really holds up, more in the themes and atmosphere but the dungeon design is great too, the only thing that would make it perfect is if they had gone for the bleak ending of you only saving the world from the Moon and nothing else which is actually what I thought they were going for because before I finished it really felt that way but regardless it's such a good game.
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    That's the first game, while Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne was fantastic too and in many ways superior the first one just had a perfect story, just the right balance of straight up Noire, satire and self awareness and was so expertly pulled off, plus the level design is fantastic and while it got hard really hard I never felt it was unfair and there was always a way to clear a room even without taking any damage, fantastic game fuck the 3rd one though.

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    I just really like the Castlevania series, to be honest this one is simply the last one I played but I love Aria of Sorrow too, I must admit that I haven't played Dawn of Sorrow and Symphony of the Night (I have Dracula X Chronicles but I haven't beaten it and therefore haven't unlocked Symphony of the Night), but eh Order of Ecclesia is good the level design like always is great and I really like the Glyph system more than the Soul system anyway since it's way less grindy due to the fact that most enemies don't have glyphs, also amazing (And hard) Boss Battles.

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    Ghost Trick Phantom Detective, fantastic puzzle game and a fantastic story with fantastic twists that you can totally decypher before they are revealed if you are paying attention to all the little details (Like any great mystery story) with a great sense of humour, also the animations are pretty damn good for a DS game, also if you have an iPhone/Pad/Pod you can actually buy it for that and I would recommend that you do because seriously it's fantastic.

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    Metal Gear Solid 1 Because it's fucking good, I actually played Twin Snakes before I played one and though I appreciate the graphics and the controls, I don't know it was kinda too easy and the voice acting was cheesier and while I don't mind how over the top it was I think the first version had a better balance of that, in any case everybody probably knows why.

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    TimeSplitters Future Perfect, it's just a good shooter, it plays basically like a way more refined version of Goldeneye and it has fantastic level design with varied settings and a pretty good cartoony art direction (Doesn't look at all like the poster) and a story that's also hilarious great game.

    WHAT?! A guy can have more than 1 favourite game since there are tons of kinds of different games and none of the ones I mentioned actually are like the others, not even the 2 shooters on there are similar and I excluded RPGs, racers, fighters, Tactics games and a shit-ton of other stuff I wanted to include, this is basically as narrow as I can leave it.

    Fuck it, Quick list:

    Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis

    Golden Sun & Lost Age (What 1 ends in a cliffhanger and 2 picks up after it, they are practically the same game)

    Final Fantasy VI

    Chrono Trigger

    F-Zero X

    Knights of the Old Repubic 2

    Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast

    Rogue Squadron 1

    Descent: Freespace

    Metal Slug 2

    Fatal Fury: Garou Mark of The Wolves

    The Last Blade 2

    Megaman X


    Knights of the Round Table

    Smash Bros. Melee (Seriously I could keep adding games, I love games, I've played way too many of them, also Melee is probably the game I've clocked more hours in than pretty much any other game that's ever existed, I don't know how I forgot it.).

    All of these are my favourite game, deal with it.

  • No contest for me, although the wonderful worlds of Telltale Games and Life is Strange are creeping on as I wait for KH3.

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  • edited June 2015


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  • edited June 2015

    Tied between Jade EmpireAlt text
    or Pokémon Gold Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    Mass Effect trilogy

    Fallout 3

    Deus Ex: Human Revolution

    BioShock Infinite

    The Last of Us

    Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

    Max Payne 3

    Splinter Cell: Blacklist

    Hitman: Blood Money

    Modern Warfare 2

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