Anthony Burch? Seriously?



  • Yes. Orwell did say that he wrote out of sheer egotism and to get revenge on the people who made your life hell. Yes, he said that outright. No one was too surprised, though, and people understood his motive perfectly.

    Still, though, it was satisfying giving him the gift box.


    Shoogli posted: »

    Also, they hate how he pinches money from your pockets every single time you talk to him. Yes. The devs did that. Lol no way !!! Ha

  • Ha ha that Haiku thing made me laugh...

    Now Orwell ?
    Are we talking 1984 Orwell or is there a BL writer that is called Orwell ?

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Yes. Orwell did say that he wrote out of sheer egotism and to get revenge on the people who made your life hell. Yes, he said that outright.

  • Nah, I'm using him as an example. Great writer, but he also was one of the few to admit that they wrote for their ego and to get back at people they hated.

    Shoogli posted: »

    Ha ha that Haiku thing made me laugh... Now Orwell ? Are we talking 1984 Orwell or is there a BL writer that is called Orwell ?

  • edited June 2015

    I have no problem with Anthony Burch and in my opinion "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" was some of his best work but his comedy style can be very hit or miss. He has that rapid fire comedy style where he is throwing a ton of pop culture and meme jokes at you every couple of seconds and when that style works you get Borderlands 2 but when that style fails you get Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel and characters who are suppose to be funny quickly end up becoming very annoying.

    A prefect example is Janey Springs

    In the pre sequel the entire joke is that she is a gay character who spends a lot of time hitting on Athena and telling you lame jokes.

    In Tales from the Borderlands she never comes off as annoying at all and her relationship with Athena seemed way more natural since Telltale wasn't using her being gay as a Joke

    If anything Its hard to believe that the Janey Spring in Tales from the Borderlands is even the same Janey Spring that was in the Pre sequel

  • ...3 years can do a lot to a person, you know.

    Also, I believe Burch learned a lesson and stuck to no politics in comedy, which is why there are no political leanings in Jack-A-Pedia.

    TommyW posted: »

    I have no problem with Anthony Burch and in my opinion "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" was some of his best work but his comedy style c

  • edited June 2015

    every trait you described is very simple, therefore not complicated

    i don't know nor care where you're trying to move those goal posts, Moxxi is still an uncomplicated character whose main personality traits can be summarized as "slut", with "manipulative" added on if you want to be particularly verbose.

    So you're saying someone who is clearly highly intelligent, can and does maintain a completely separate public personality, has a soft spot

  • outdated ideas that only THEY use now.

    not living near a catholic church must be nice...

    that aside, still better than white knights, at least neckbeards are honest to themselves

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hiding? Hiding? Pah. Look at them neckbeards, so desperate to get a girl that they've degenerated into misogynic bastards who cling onto outdated ideas that only THEY use now.

  • you get the E-Gun if you decide not to follow what he says tho

    he'd have given you some shitty green rarity nade iirc

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I'll be honest, Pickle has a TERRIBLE cockney accent, and...well...Americans didn't like THAT all that much. I can understand. Also, they ha

  • I found her annoying once or twice, but overall I really liked her. She was nice, which is something you don't get very often on Pandora. And since I played TPS very recently, like, two weeks ago, every time she hit on Athena it was just so... heartwarming. Knowing that they get together and that Athena finds some happiness in her life.

    DeityD posted: »

    Am I the only one who don't find Janey annoying at all? Like, what the hell? She's just talking to us and nothing else, it's not like she's

  • ???

    I never felt they used her "being gay" as a joke in TPS. In fact she's the one making fun of the biggots during the first Oz-kit mission with her impersonation of some kind of southern accent. (the "donuts, cowboy, homophobia" line...)

    And I don't recall she ever tells any jokes, at least in the way that she's consciously trying to make a joke, or say something funny.
    Also about her hitting Athena, it's only once in a while and quite rare, like only a handful of times over the span of a few hours of gameplay.

    On the other hand yes, there are funny moments with her and most of them are about all the children stories that she writes and that end abruptly, which are the things that are supposed to be funny : "once upon a time there was a guy, he went to the grocery store, the end !".

    Well I might be biaised since I like all those characters : Janey, Pickle, etc. And i don't find them annoying. Actually I think only Moxxi is annoyed by Janey.

    And to me she's the exact same in TFTB that she is in TPS : a kind person that is oblivious to what's really happening around.
    Because that's what she is really, an innocent and naive person.

    TommyW posted: »

    I have no problem with Anthony Burch and in my opinion "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" was some of his best work but his comedy style c

  • Well I think I'll actually START at Borderlands then. Axton wasn't exactly originally meant to be, but come the Tiny Tina DLC, he was pretty much confirmed as a bisexual. Good chunk of small loud people being angry about that.

    Mortal Kombat X has Kung Jin (I think). His exposition is very, very subtle and hard to catch on to. But it is there, it is a small part of his character and still. I find comments sections of him populated with people asking "why even bother, it's pointless."

    On the more broad, and also more extreme scale, you've got games such as Mass Effect and Skyrim, allowing homosexual relationships, and there was a LOUD chunk of people outraged about it for ... whatever reason.

    Now that you mention Dragon Age, I don't know if this is the same character but there was people raging at the fact that some character of the same sex as your character makes a pass AT you. You can brush it off of course but, people still raged pretty well.

    You have Crispin of the Operation Raccoon City game. The leader of the US Spec Ops unit. Some time after game launch, one of the lead writers came out to say that the character was gay, and that he represents the many homosexual people serving in the military, and he added this detail for human depth. People got in a "why does it matter" anger fest. Or some people... Mind you, that whole GAME totally sucks. But.

    I'm not the best at scraping up examples but that's what I could remember well. And maybe I can't remember much because most companies still don't take many stabs at sexually diverse characters yet.

    Aaira posted: »

    could you post some examples? i remember some people hating Sera (dragon age inquisition), but that was because she was really childish

    1. Anyone who thinks trying to better society is an insult should stop being part of said society.
    2. First of, he's not a cuckold – his wife and he has an open ralationship. Secondly, what the eff does that have to do with anything?
    3. Have you noticed how meme references are almost completely contained to meta-things like Badass ranks and not influencing the story? Or how he also reference things like Shakespeare? And he writes several straight characters, but also quite a few gay ones. Because gay people exist too. None of them are flamboyant.

    A small group of almost exclusively white, heterosexual men hate him. People who like him don't feel a need to shout loudly.

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • This. So much this. I'm always floored when people say that Borderlands 2 was cliched, predictable or outright had BAD WRITING.

    How can they not have enjoyed ANY OF IT?

    Rob_K posted: »

    Yup, agreed. From a writer's perspective, everything's been done before, leading to plenty of stuff being called cliche, which is apparen

  • borderlands 1 had quallity dark apocalypse jokes, not memes. and the jokes was balanced pretty well in a way that you can still take the game seriously.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hey, Burch wasn't EVEN working on Borderlands 1. You know how people criticize him for adding lots and lots of pop-culture references? We

  • memes got annoying in the 2-3th dlc, pretty much every joke was #TROLOLOLOLOLXDDDDSOFUNNY

    "Don't let people add Memes to MUH BURDERLANDS!!!" roles eyes haven't encountered a single unfunny meme, laughed a lot during Borderla

  • These days the vast, vast majority of any relationships in games are straight. For no good reason. And writers are never questioned about it! Why is Rhys hitting on Sasha? Why is Geralt in The Witcher only with women? Do me a favour and look through your game library for any main character, playable or not, with some form of defined sexual relationship. I bet the vast majority of those are straight. For no good reason. The writers didn't decide to make them that way, it just happened.
    That's why we need more who aren't.

    Now go ahead and do the same with other assumptions. Are about half the characters women? How many are non-white?

    Well, it's true, though. These days, homosexuals appear to be added into games just for the heck of it. It feels bland and unnecessary and I

  • edited June 2015

    wow, people complained about mass effect/skyrim? weren't those games released before people started reacting to the sjw nonsense?

    the other cases seem like people are scared of devs pandering to that sort of audience, lest what is happening with comic books (mostly the big 2) spreads out to games

    imho Kung Jin is actually an example of a character whose sexuality plays an important role in his personality without becoming his main characteristic, hell i'd argue that the way that backstory tidbit was presented was almost too subtle

    curious to see how small those groups of complainers were, was this on reddit?

    ActionHank posted: »

    Well I think I'll actually START at Borderlands then. Axton wasn't exactly originally meant to be, but come the Tiny Tina DLC, he was pretty

  • Usually, whatever site I've read the articles on has those chunks of complainers on it. Be that IGN, Kotaku, Game Informer. Wherever really. As small as they were, they attract more loud people of themselves, and the people on the OTHER side of the argument will blow it up to be even bigger anyway.

    Thankfully, it's becoming LESS of that at least. It's hard for me to even think of proper examples at all. Let alone recent ones. So it's calming down.

    Aaira posted: »

    wow, people complained about mass effect/skyrim? weren't those games released before people started reacting to the sjw nonsense? the ot

  • edited June 2015

    You say 'Most of the internet hates him'.

    So what, you're out to try and convert the rest of us with your promotion of ignorant hate? And i cannot for the life of me figure out what his 'alleged' sex life has to do with anything at all or why you think it's your business in the least.

    If you have criticisms of his body of work, that's one thing. But attacking someone for no reason other than to promote hate and ignorance of things you're frightened of is extremely cowardly. And unnecessary.

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • Hipsters/people are cynical pussies.

    ActionHank posted: »

    This. So much this. I'm always floored when people say that Borderlands 2 was cliched, predictable or outright had BAD WRITING. How can they not have enjoyed ANY OF IT?

  • And Athena called her "Sweetie"/"Darling" in Episode 3.




    Rock114 posted: »

    I found her annoying once or twice, but overall I really liked her. She was nice, which is something you don't get very often on Pandora. An

  • Even though we were being shot at by deadly turrets when Athena was saying that, I just couldn't stop myself from going "D'awwww," when it happened. This Episode actually turned Athena into one of my favorite Vault Hunters.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    And Athena called her "Sweetie"/"Darling" in Episode 3. TEH FUZZIES. TEH FUZZIES TEH FUZZIEEEEEEESSSSSS

  • edited June 2015

    Huh. OP's not replying here anymore.

    Must be hiding.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    You say 'Most of the internet hates him'. So what, you're out to try and convert the rest of us with your promotion of ignorant hate? And

  • ...Have you played the Pre-Sequel? That's where he's getting his points from.

    Aaira posted: »

    every trait you described is very simple, therefore not complicated i don't know nor care where you're trying to move those goal posts, M

  • yes i did

    LawmanZero posted: »

    ...Have you played the Pre-Sequel? That's where he's getting his points from.

  • edited June 2015

    I never paid much attention to the story in Borderlands 2, honestly. Could be because I played through the campaign with 2 - 3 friends though, so there wasn't much chance to pay attention. Didn't find it particularly bad though, and besides, the story/writing fit the game. You know, I didn't go in expecting a great, emotional story. It was certainly amusing in some parts at the very least, anyway. (Haven't played it for ages so my memory is a bit off)

    But yeah, touching on the bad writing thing further. . . There is often no line between 'I didn't enjoy it/it wasn't for me' and 'bad writing/lazy writing' etc., which is what annoys me. Unless something is 'really poor', as in not subjectively so, and it's full of typos, I'd never pull the bad writing or lazy card. For instance, there is one self-published author I know of, not personally but just their work, who's been in the 100 top sellers on Amazon. I looked at the reviews and checked a few things out in the sample. A character's dress can change between one line and the next, plus the way a character's name is spelled could change (or maybe the actual name itself, not just the way it's spelled). That is, no matter how you slice it, bad writing and/or lazy. It's not like the person couldn't afford an editor either with being in the top 100.

    ActionHank posted: »

    This. So much this. I'm always floored when people say that Borderlands 2 was cliched, predictable or outright had BAD WRITING. How can they not have enjoyed ANY OF IT?

  • stirpicusstirpicus Telltale Alumni

    Yeah Anthony wrote the awesome Jack conversation on top of the caravan, as well as a bunch of the Athena/Fiona scenes. He did a great job and was a blast to work with!

    I believe Anthony also wrote (at least) some of Jack's scenes because Dameon Clarke posted on Twitter that he recognised his writing during

  • edited June 2015

    He's an SJW.

    Yeah, and so were Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Alfred Nobel, Mother Theresa, even Jesus H. Christ himself. You say it like it's a bad thing.

    He's a cuckold.

    And I like BDSM and prego porn, but I don't see how that has to do with writing, per se.

    He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters.

    After playing the first Borderlands and Borderlands 2, the first game seemed to have more references to memes than BL2. Yes, there are some memes in BL2, but most of them are relegated to side missions and not part of the main mission line.

    And though Handsome Jack is pretty damn flamboyant, he's not flamboyant in an homosexual or bisexual way. Hell, non-heterosexuality is mostly alluded to in BL2, and can easily be missed if a player were not paying attention. Janey Springs, however, from TPS is much more open and in-your-face about her gay-ness.

    Most of the internet hates him.

    Yeah, as though opinions on the Internet really are worth a damn.

    Really, if one hates a person's writing so much, then that's a valid opinion. However, to justify one's opinion by attacking the writer with irrelevant or even untrue statements is just damn petty and ignorant. Let's just be honest here, okay? Here's an example that might fit the bill:

    I hate Anthony Burch's writing because:

    1. I don't enjoy references or allusions to contemporary social issues.
    2. I'm a little homophobic and gay/bi characters make me feel uncomfortable.
    3. I'm ignorant and I want to stay that way but this writing is forcing me to think beyond my perspective.
    4. I want to follow the bandwagon and go mainstream like all the cool kids so I hate what they hate as well.

    Now, I could be wrong if these statements do not apply, but at least the above statements are valid reasons to hate Burch's writing, without having to attack the writer himself. Hey, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. Just be ready to accept any disagreements and not be douche bag about it.

    * He's an SJW. * He's a cuckold. * He only writes memes and flamboyantly gay/bi characters. Most of the internet hates him.

  • complicated my perfectly well shaped ass

    Pics or it didn't happen.

    Aaira posted: »

    complicated my perfectly well shaped ass

  • edited June 2015
    Yeah, and so were Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Alfred Nobel, Mother Theresa, even Jesus H. Christ himself. You say it like it's a bad thing.

    that's like comparing Brianna Wo to fucking Emmeline Pankhurst

    SJWs ARE the social issue

    SpiderTeo posted: »

    He's an SJW. Yeah, and so were Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Alfred Nobel, Mother Theresa, even

  • maybe they banned him? wouldn't be unreasonable, he did go quite overboard

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Huh. OP's not replying here anymore. Must be hiding.

  • always thought the joke about her character was more about her being sexually frustrated and desperate than her being a lesbian

    TommyW posted: »

    I have no problem with Anthony Burch and in my opinion "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep" was some of his best work but his comedy style c

  • Thing is, on the Internet if you so much as hint at being personally concerned about social issues like equality and inclusiveness at all, you're automatically labeled an SJW by a certain loud group. The label has lost all meaning.

    Aaira posted: »

    Yeah, and so were Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Cesar Chavez, Alfred Nobel, Mother Theresa, even Jesus H. Christ himse

  • edited June 2015

    while i do agree with you in general, the person we're talking about supports femfreq

    so, uhm, yeah

    Thing is, on the Internet if you so much as hint at being personally concerned about social issues like equality and inclusiveness at all, you're automatically labeled an SJW by a certain loud group. The label has lost all meaning.

  • I admit I have zero knowledge of what femfreq even is, beyond 'there was sth called gamergate' which I never familiarized myself with, so I can't pass judgement on that.

    I just can't take seriously concerns based on the argument that somebody is an SJW.. Please, if you have legitimate issues with an author's work, list them, but today saying 'they're an SJW' means about as much as twelve year olds calling someone 'gay' for beating them at CoD.

    Aaira posted: »

    while i do agree with you in general, the person we're talking about supports femfreq so, uhm, yeah

  • femfreq is basically a website run by people who admitted they don't know much about games to talk about how misogynistic, sexist and patriarchal games are and how this, in turn, turns gamers (who are dead) into sexist/rapists pigs

    there's a few almost reasonable people in it, but it's mostly about as stereotypically "SJW" as a fat rich woman with rainbow hair standing atop a stage where white cis scum isn't allowed entry, screaming about how patriarchal it is for men to sit with their legs spread in the metro, while ignoring the screams of the woman next door being stoned to death by radical minorities

    this is of course a biased opinion so you should probably make an opinion about it yourself, if you like suffering

    I admit I have zero knowledge of what femfreq even is, beyond 'there was sth called gamergate' which I never familiarized myself with, so I

  • edited June 2015

    I dunnow, maybe you're right. I feel different though...

    Now to me she seems kind of teenage-romantic of sort, having crushes on people. And I'm talking about both her trying to get the attention of Moxxi, and later trying to seduce Athena. The thing is, as I see her all naive and innocent (in a Pandora kind of way of course), then it seems to me she couldn't just sleep with just any woman she encounters, it'd have to be someone she fancies, so to speak. I feel she's genuine, as much as I feel they genuinely gave her the "heart of gold" title on her first appearance poster/card in TPS.

    Someone reminds me, even though I did play a little of Nisha, I have no recollection of what happened between her and Janey ?

    Aaira posted: »

    always thought the joke about her character was more about her being sexually frustrated and desperate than her being a lesbian

  • Hmm... I've frequented Shakesville once upon a time, so this seems unpleasantly familiar... Still, I think equating certain real issues with the opinions of their fanatical and unreasonable self-appointed propagators is a cheap and weak way of trying to refute arguments. On both sides.

    Aaira posted: »

    femfreq is basically a website run by people who admitted they don't know much about games to talk about how misogynistic, sexist and patria

  • i played my first playtrough as Nisha, differencies i remember are that near the very beginning when you enter her house after following her as Athena she'd greet you in a flirty way, which doesn't happen if you're playing Nisha, later on when she mentions her scars if you're playing Athena she'd emphasize how they're VEEEEERY sexy, whereas if you're playing Nisha she'd point out that she isn't her type (to which Nisha replies that "she likes them handsome", since half of Nisha's dialogues is basically "IM GOING TO FUCK HANDSOME JACK")

    near the end of the game, on Helios, after Jack airlocks the scientists Athena gets a call from Janey, whereas Nisha gets a call from friggin Moxxi that asks her how she felt about the felicity thing, to which Nisha replies something along the lines of "it got me wet", iirc

    she also got a crush on that one scavenger you save on some side-quest

    Shoogli posted: »

    I dunnow, maybe you're right. I feel different though... Now to me she seems kind of teenage-romantic of sort, having crushes on people.

  • edited June 2015

    Throwing in a meme here, just cause I write like that

    'I can't be the only one' who things that whoever Telltale hires to write scenes or add little personal touches (Jackapedia) into a game is all up to them?
    I don't know this man but I applaud to him for adding to the mix of awesome we call TftB because it's amazing. And no matter what you do or who you are, you should be allowed to produce something that (as long as it is positive) should be showed to the public!
    I mean, come on guys. Can we just wisen up and tilt our hats to this man, purely because he clearly found something he likes doing instead of bashing him because you have different opinions about things?

    I mean, BLEH, guys.. BLEH x2.

This discussion has been closed.