Rhys' potential

Part of me thinks that Rhys isn't fully aware of the true capabilities of his cybernetics, at least not in the beginning of the story.

In episode 1, he is mostly seen using his cybernetics as scanning, map, light, hacking and control. Basic stuff and very useful. Then in episode 2, after AI Handsome Jack enters his cybernetics, the AI is able to enhance his echo eyes to control Vasquez's gun or car. I don't think it is as much as enhancement and more like unlocking the cybernetic's capabilities. Then in episode 3, after trusting Jack and letting him enter his sub-system, Rhys is able take control of the entire facility. And there was a moment where HJ allowed him to control the drones and facility machinery, thus showing that he doesn't need HJ's enhancement, he just need the unlocking.

If my theory is correct, then Rhys is capable of controlling any machinery and cybernetics that he come across. He could take control of the facility, control an entire robot army and maybe control cyborgs. And maybe in the future, he does unlock his true potential, because his echo eye is golden.

Let's just hope that Rhys isn't a villain in the future, because he does seems frightening powerful, if this is proven true.

What do you think?


  • Easy way to take over Helios.

  • I'm really worried for Rhys. Jack is gonna fuck us around Bad.

    I was sooooo scared when HJ took over Rhys' body and then proceeded to be a chauvanistic prick to our friends. He's gonna make them hate us, or hurt them or something! Aaagh! He's so amusing and charming that he almost makes you forget that he's a psychopathic murderer, who wants a body. It's so stressful to me, to try and walk the line between keeping Jack at a safe distance and placating him so i don't piss him off.

  • I know what you mean. In my first playthough, I usually always go against HJ. I don't want him to take control of Rhys and start hurting his friends. My suspicion were vindicated when he took control of the drones and made them attack everyone in the Atlas facility. And when Rhys lost consciousness later, he was able to take complete control of his body.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    I'm really worried for Rhys. Jack is gonna fuck us around Bad. I was sooooo scared when HJ took over Rhys' body and then proceeded to be

  • Ya i have a 'with jack all the way' playthrough, a 'screw jack' playthrough, and then one where i just try to keep everyone happy and alive.

    I have to say though, the 'with jack' one is probably the funniest, i love the 'jack o'pedia'.

    I know what you mean. In my first playthough, I usually always go against HJ. I don't want him to take control of Rhys and start hurting his

  • I definitely love that too. I got two whole different experiences with episode 3. Those Jack-apedia are awesome. :)

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Ya i have a 'with jack all the way' playthrough, a 'screw jack' playthrough, and then one where i just try to keep everyone happy and alive. I have to say though, the 'with jack' one is probably the funniest, i love the 'jack o'pedia'.

  • It makes waiting for the episodes a little easier when you can see how much work went into this one, with such big differences in the choices. I think i'm gonna call it now and say that Tales from the Borderlands is my favorite Telltale Game so far.

    I definitely love that too. I got two whole different experiences with episode 3. Those Jack-apedia are awesome.

  • Rhys can't do shit - accessing Hyperion stuff and hacking Atlas is done by Jack.

  • I just want Jack to make good use of his being in Rhys' body... wow that came out awkward... and take his rightful place as Hyperion's CEO back, with Rhys as his meatsuit chief executive. Then we can play as Rhys in BL3, and have the ability to summon AI-Jack... no wait, that's been done already. So maybe play as AI-Jack with the ability to use Rhys as a meat-shield... Whatever. :P

    Doubt that's gonna happen, but I can dream...

  • Accessing Hyperion, I assume you mean controlling Loader Bot and Dumpy? Rhys is able to do that without Jack's help as proven in episode 1 and episode 3. AI Jack is the one who is unlocking his capabilities. I am just saying that I think Rhys doesn't know the full capabilities of his cybernetics. I think he is starting to know.

    ZeppMan217 posted: »

    Rhys can't do shit - accessing Hyperion stuff and hacking Atlas is done by Jack.

  • I just want Jack to make good use of his being in Rhys' body.

    Oh my...

    I just want Jack to make good use of his being in Rhys' body... wow that came out awkward... and take his rightful place as Hyperion's CEO b

  • I mean we've already seen what he did in like five minutes so yeah more of that.

    I just want Jack to make good use of his being in Rhys' body. Oh my...

  • I feel like Rhys has cybernetics everywhere. Damn robot.

  • I mean accessing Vassquez's car and gun, hacking and controlling Atlas' defenses. Jack was a code monkey at Hyperion, he knows how that stuff works. Rhys just uses his tech they way it's meant to be used.

    Accessing Hyperion, I assume you mean controlling Loader Bot and Dumpy? Rhys is able to do that without Jack's help as proven in episode 1 a

  • Its more of Jack as the one who is doing it instead of Rhys.

  • But Rhys can't fight and is a coward....so

  • I feel that his cowardice lessen and his fighting skills grows as episodes goes. He did punch two bandits in the crutch, riding and jumping with Loader Bot and dangerously tried to save Gortys during the chase.

    But Rhys can't fight and is a coward....so

  • But Jack let Rhys take control of the drones at the beginning of episode 3, if you trust Jack. How is that Jack doing it?

    Its more of Jack as the one who is doing it instead of Rhys.

  • He did say that he is heavy due to the cybernetics, so yeah, he must have tons of that in his body.

    I feel like Rhys has cybernetics everywhere. Damn robot.

  • I feel like Rhys was originally intended to only be able to use his cybernetics for the mundane things, the stuff he'd need assistance with at Helios, but, like the way he hacked into Loader Bot, jailbreaking the bot so it could be more useful and awesome, Jack is probably just doing the same thing to Rhys. So Rhys is just like any old computer that can do stuff and whatnot, but once you hack it, it can be even better. (Not to mention Jack was a programmer back before he was the President of Hyperion)

  • Awesome point!

    I feel like Rhys was originally intended to only be able to use his cybernetics for the mundane things, the stuff he'd need assistance with

  • And Ice creams !

    He did say that he is heavy due to the cybernetics, so yeah, he must have tons of that in his body.

  • Rhys' warantee has been revoked, just like Loaderbot!

    I feel like Rhys was originally intended to only be able to use his cybernetics for the mundane things, the stuff he'd need assistance with

  • Rhys is a hacker as well. He's just not.....Jack. Who is ALMOST as good as he thinks he is.

    ZeppMan217 posted: »

    I mean accessing Vassquez's car and gun, hacking and controlling Atlas' defenses. Jack was a code monkey at Hyperion, he knows how that stuff works. Rhys just uses his tech they way it's meant to be used.

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