Doubt about Borederlands Universe. (Manufacturers
Before anything, I only played TFTBi n the Bordelands franchise, so I don't know almost anything gameplay-wise (outside of the basics)
So watching things like the different types of corporations and how they seemed to manufacture everything in Pandora, Could somebody give me a rundown of all the corporations in Pandora?, as when watching the forum people said things like "That RPG is an bandit one" or "the barrel of Augustus revolver is tediore" and I simply can't spot the difference, so I need help to understand it and why it has importance.
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Here's a really cool wiki with tons of info on the various manufacturers of the Borderlands universe!
There's a lot of really interesting history to each company, including known founders and what information is known about The Corporate War.
Here's a quick recap on how it works for BL2 and TPS (BL1 has a different system) :
Hyperion : Well you know about that company, weapons have reverse recoil, the more you shoot the tighter the spread is.
Tediore : Dont know much about the corporation, it is only hinted at briefly in BL1. Weapons when reloading them in fact you actually throw them and they explode like grenades and then digitize back in your hand fully loaded.
Vladof : a kind of russian style corporation, kind of... Weapons have faster fire rate.
Torgue : the expert of explosive weapons.
Maliwan : exclusively makes elemental weapons (though other manufacturers also have some of their weapons with elements sometimes). By elemental i mean with added effects like fire, corrosion or shock.
Jakobs : Western style high caliber weapons, never elemental (except a couple odities).
Bandit (BL2) / Scav (TPS) : lower quality in all departments (dmg, fire rate, etc.) but huge ammo capacity.
Dahl : burst fire when zoom.
With that said, the body of the weapon determines the manufacturer but the barrel, the grip, etc can come from other manufacturers.
Also see the links in this thread on page 33 by LawmanZero, a bit after his gun identifying list.
EDIT : oh well I don't think he'll be sueing me if I quote him here though
EDIT 2 : Oh wait I forgot about ATLAS : well those were fine weapons in BL1 but don't appear in BL2 or TPS for lore reasons I believe tied to the general Knoxx DLC (probably) and Athena going bonkers against them during that period. So Actually the Atlas SMG Sasha gets in the end of TFTB ep 1 is a collector of sort that prolly has made many BL1 fan drool when seeing it in TFTB
EDIT 3 : Also for example, if you visit the first link above given by LawmanZero and scroll down to SMG you'll see that the first SMG Sasha uses is a Maliwan
EDIT 4 : Thanks to a post from Syberian below : S & S munitions, and I don't remember anything about them since I didn't play BL1 a lot.
Thanks for the info, it's incredible the amout of detail that Gearbox put into the game. I think I'll buy the first one with the bundle.
Also do you know Fiona's derringer manufacturer? By the description you gave I would say Jakobs (High caliber, western style) but the elemental attack, although was a modification postproduction, raise me some doubts.
You forgot S & S Munitions!
They were similar to the Bandit/Scav weapons in that they had the largest magazines.
However, they only exist in BL1.
This one isn't in BL1, BL2 or TPS. It's a special Fiona "gadget". But the way TellTale did it was perfectly fine I guess, I mean as a BL player I wasn't outraged to see it.
Though yeah you could say it's a Jakobs gun indeed. Later outfitted with a Maliwan accessory (the elements).
But yeah, all the weapons they use so far are cannon (lol) to BL2/TPS with Sasha Atlas SMG from BL1 and I can tell you, as a BL player, when I first saw all those guns in the hands of everybody left and right I was really impressed by TellTale, the fact they incorporated all those : it's insane...
But not only that, so many other elements, characters, beasts, nods to this or that event, etc... Seriously for a BL player : TFTB is a paradise.
Fiona's derringer is homemade by Felix and one-of-a-kind.
Oh you're right
Explanation is I mainly play BL2 and TPS and only played BL1 and its DLCs to know more about my TPS main : Athena
So yeah I don't know a lot about BL1, just did one playthrough...
those was teh best guns in borderlands 1, i played it like 4 years ago and i still remember their moto "reloading is something you should do after your enemy is dead" lol
Dude stop talking about things you have no clue of.
Wait... What's that badge after your forum name /leans closer to the monitor : Oh !?
Hmmmm... I mean...
Hey HI ! Welcome ! LOOK SQUIRREL =================================>
Wow, interesting, thanks for the answer, Felix was kind of a genius.