Let's all take a minute to remember *******

Let's all take a minute to remember Rhys' great boss, Vasquez. His voice, his charming personality, his way with words, and of course, his beautiful natural grown hair. Now I didn't him very well myself, but the moments I spent with him, were just amazing. You scratched my balls Vasquez, now I'll scratch yours...

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  • RIP Vasquez

    You'll never feel uncomfortable by Vaughn's abs again...

  • you might want to make the name blank for the people that haven't played it yet.

    I was shocked to see him killed so early in the series. He was an interesting man that's for sure. RIP Assquez ;___;

  • Man, I can't believe Vasquez is dead...I mean, I wanted him dead or to be Rhys' janitor, but now that he is gone, I kinda miss him.

    Any chance of him coming back as some weird zombie thing?

  • I'm actually kind of sad, not because I'm sad that he's dead, but because he actually had the potential to be a very good main antagonist, perhaps even in Borderlands 3.

  • I was actually surprised by his death, but I commend TT for making that decision - he was a memorable and entertaining enough character for his demise to have an impact on players, but not someone whose death would shift the overall mostly light-hearted mood of the game. So, good choice, but I'll miss him. A little. Sometimes. At least whenever I take out my wallet to spend the bazillions of money I'll be making as head of Hyperion.

  • R.I.P Assquez. Will never be missed.

  • Maybe he's just sleeping right?

  • His sleep, is eternal......

    Maybe he's just sleeping right?

  • I never really liked. But it kinda sucks that an employee is betrayed by his/her own boss.

  • I was shocked as well. I absolutely loved Vasquez as an antagonist, which is partly because I love the voice actor, Patrick warbutton. I'll miss him.

  • He is definitely sleeping.

  • No ;__;

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Man, I can't believe Vasquez is dead...I mean, I wanted him dead or to be Rhys' janitor, but now that he is gone, I kinda miss him. Any chance of him coming back as some weird zombie thing?

  • R.I.P. He didn't get a second wind ;__;

  • edited June 2015

    So long dear Wallet-head. May you drive around in the stars in your fancy black car with Jack repeatedly punching you in the face, since that was what you loved.

    It made it just worse when Gortys was cheerfully saying "Oh well I hope you feel better soon!" to a corpse with a hole in the chest and a missing arm. Yeah sorry about that arm. You were a jackass though.

  • Yeah, he was a bastard but... he was our bastard, you know?

  • edited June 2015

    I will miss Vasquez. But I respect Telltale's decision to kill him off. You either die a good and memorable villain or you live long enough to see yourself become an annoying wannabee big bad.

  • RIP Hugo.

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    Scratch those nuts hard in heaven my friend.

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    What a great guy he was! Never forget him T-T

  • The violin video has a mistake : should be in E !

  • I was actually kinda mad, I liked him :(

  • Rip Vasquez, no one was as uncomfortable with Vaughn's abs as you were.

  • Turns out Vasquez actually has a 10 pack

    Rip Vasquez, no one was as uncomfortable with Vaughn's abs as you were.

  • What a fuckin legend... sobs

  • Happened to stumble upon this while listening to "Back to the Top" (intro song from Escape Plan Bravo) and now I'm only ever gonna think of Wallet-Head when I listen to that song.

  • Rest in pieces, Vasquez... (Blame Finch).

  • I wonder if Rhys is gonna pull a Jack and rip off his beard for "keep sake."

  • Rip my Rhys x Vasquez shipping.

  • Vasquez was a great villian sucks to see him go.

  • I guess it was just destiny R.I.P Vasquez.

  • edited August 2015

    goodbye vasquez sad to see you go but blame vallory

  • edited August 2015

    Hugo was my second favorite villain. R.I.P.

  • Not going to lie... there is something about his voice that I like.

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