A message to the shippers:
You BETTER keep the peace, you two navies. The last thing I ever want to see here is a war. Telltale already expected one-show them that we can keep our cool. The last thing I ever want to see is users turning toxic, spitting hatred and vitriol everywhere, blood turning the seas into a painful shade of pink and the fandom splitting into two, like almost every other one. Shipping wars have destroyed so, so many fandoms: Harry Potter, Avatar and Supernatural, for example. I've seen the carnage, the bloodshed, the screams, the soldiers drowning in the mud, trapped in their burning planes or crushed by rubble on a dying battleship.
The war over Jack and Lilith in the Borderlands fandom was already bad and toxic enough. Every controversial subject was brought up to pick a fight-atheism, religion, gay rights, feminism-and it all went to hell from there. It's ended, but people are still bitter and nursing their prosthetic limbs.
Don't let it destroy this forum too. Please.
Rhyiona shippers, I know you're angry, I know you're upset, I know you're feeling that crushing, horrible disappointment that I hate with a burning passion, but have faith. There's headcanons you can make-I've got an entire Borderlands headcanon AU that works very well for me. Perhaps Telltale can install a romantic option there, too.
Rhysha shippers, I'm happy for your success and I send my congratulations, but try to only keep it in the Rhysha lake. Don't spread it across the other waters, or the opposing navy will fire off warning shots.
You might ask, why did I make this thread when there's not even a war yet? Well, tensions are clearly boiling, and it's not long before a fight will break out. And it will escalate. It always does. This is simply MY warning, to try and prevent the damage before it is too late, and I have to watch as people unleash the things that they'd never normally say outside.
I shall end this with a few simple diagrams:
Picture 1: What not to do. EVER.
Picture 2: What should be done
There, see? Just leave the other navy alone. Look at their threads, but don't start fights now.
But if a war happens...I AM GOING TO BE SO MAD.
You all got that? Alright, I shall leave now...but keep my message in mind, please.
Off to home I go...
But... nobody's fighting.
You know we've been at it since episode 1 so it will be exactly the same thing for each episode x)
The shipping leaders have been doing a good job in my opinion.
Sure, there's ALWAYS tension, but I think we don't have anything to worry about.
Well, one day there could be. I'm just making sure. For now, it should be fine.
Both naval commanders have been doing great, though. Keep up the good work.
Yeaaaahhh...just try to make sure it doesn't get too out of hand, OK? Keep it friendly, keep it civil, vent only on the main ships.
They have been doing their jobs very well. I congratulate them. And yes, there's not too much to worry about...at the moment.
We'll all make sure nothing breaks out.
The Rhyshas are good neighbours and we like them.
Good to know, Bigby. Good to know.
Because some of the Rhyiona sailors have been getting...frustrated, lately. Their grumbling worries me.
Kenny and Jane lololol.
Hm, I wouldn't say frustrated... maybe disappointed is the right word?
But don't worry, the spirits have pretty much been lifted and this isn't gonna drag us down. It'll be fine, I'm sure.
Thank you for the good news!
Yes, and that.
Typical day in TF2...
Yeah, we are good, make love not war
Ah yesh, I know of the word disappointment [gazes off at frozen lake] ugh...
I remember years and years ago having a spat with someone over a pairing, but it was more of a 'dude just let me ship this! why'd you go and say that when I was minding my own business, gr, WAR!' likewise we made up later, but I don't like arguing with people over silly things that anyway.
Ship wars are so stupid. Why can't we have a hug war?
I challenge yoooou!
Don't even remind me. ;_; It's been almost a year and I'm not any less bitter...
Shipping wars... been in the middle of them. Not fun. At all.
We're all fighting for the same thing.
Oh come on, we are not like that bitch Lexi Porter.
I'm sure there will be no wars. We're like those two neighbours who fight with each other but in reality they're good friends. So far we haven't jumped at Rhysha worshippers and called them whatever, we've been just dissapointed at TTG, heck, Rhyshas even came to cheer us up (thanks, Pipas). So if there will be #RhyionaConfirmed in Episode 4, we'll likely try to lift Rhysha's worshippers' spirits and hope that they won't jump to our throats.
Who's Lexi Porter?
Ahhh, I kind of miss those days.
Then I remember how it got repetitive for me and I stopped.
I think whats stopping the ships from causing friction against one another is that both Fiona and Sasha are sisters. It would be a little strange to suddenly lash out in front of the one who has to deal with two... Rhys.
You don't have to worry, There's nothing going on.
Man, you people are insane.
Yes, it would be quite strange.
Phew! Thanks, Gary!
It happens in every fandom.
You too. Jesus, this... It's like an art gallery. It's like you posted an art gallery and some sort of anti-war speech on a video game forum.
Shipping wars can get brutal and nasty. And horribly toxic.
Also, those pictures were to emphasise my point. And yes, the first one is a painting.
Lexi Porter was a Cluke (Clementine x Luke) shipper. She was also very aggressive with anyone that criticized her and her shipping choice.
Ah, those types of morons.
I have a friend-Syberian-who ships Rhyiona and posts adorable fanart and I quietly ship Rhysha, but heck with it, we send each other funny headcanons for both ships and I still go and look at the fanart because it's awesome. She posts here infrequently.
Unfortunately, other people just have to get all violent about their ship.
The last thing everyone wants is an all-consuming war that sucks all life, happiness and cheerfulness from the forums.
Y'all should listen to this man. For your own good. Seriously, he's a graduate of Nisha's academy of law-enforcement.
Scary-ass lady, still badass and somewhat politer than Jack. Still, I hope the Vault Hunters buried her deep.
Ironically, I ended up crouching next to her as she filled out the last graduation paperwork while her blood splashed all over the rooftop.
Ironclad sense of law and order warped by space rabies and trauma from child abuse. One of the most tragic characters in the games in my opinion
For me?
Still evil, sure, but much less rude than she was on Elpis. Also, she's actually polite to you, unlike Jack. And yes, tragic as the rest of them.
Except Dave, Dave's not tragic.
Hey! That's not nice.
(I know which Dave you meant.)