I Now Feel That I Want Revenge and Handsome Jack Was Right



  • Yes, watching people die from the comfort of emotional distance seems to be her thing, if what you say is true. Lobbing shots from one ship to another, watching two planetary bodies be destroyed, watching a copy of herself do the killing.

    What's interesting about the copy "option", is that it would create ANOTHER felicity who wouldn't want to kill either. Or maybe she'd say to copy just the military part? "Here, take my training and kill so I don't have to and hope millions don't die in the process"?

    I'm just not buying it.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hmph. Copying took 2 days, specifically, and that would have been too much time for Jack, who was already slipping off the deep end by then.

  • Fair enough.

    Tevix posted: »

    "Eh, we'll agree to disagree."



    Rock114 posted: »

    "Hyperion would like to congratulate Mrs. Smith (Paraphrased) on the birth of her twins, and wishes her luck in choosing which one to keep." And let's not forget how they "Disposed" of people they didn't want in Overlook... Fucking twisted.

  • Dave died

    It was great to do that.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hey, at least Dave died AND they still have the disease, but the worst effects were averted and they can live much longer now.

  • For me, personally, one of the best indicators of character is how you treat people who do right by you. I swear the people who were treated the worst were the ones who "behaved" the best.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    For me, it was the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve, and his treatment of his daughter. His sick, sick treatment of her...

  • Heh heh...Dave. Good times.

    God what an a*hole.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Hey, at least Dave died AND they still have the disease, but the worst effects were averted and they can live much longer now.

  • I actually wanted to kill him myself, but eh, let Karima do that.

    Dave died It was great to do that.

  • edited June 2015

    Yep. Such an asshole.

    Tevix posted: »

    Heh heh...Dave. Good times. God what an a*hole.

  • Technically we both did it.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    I actually wanted to kill him myself, but eh, let Karima do that.

  • Reminds me of the lottery short story I read in middle school. I've always thought that was inspiration for that grinder.

    Rock114 posted: »

    "Hyperion would like to congratulate Mrs. Smith (Paraphrased) on the birth of her twins, and wishes her luck in choosing which one to keep." And let's not forget how they "Disposed" of people they didn't want in Overlook... Fucking twisted.

  • She gave the order, I aimed the cannon, and Dave gets an idea of what life is like in a Michael Bay movie.

    Technically we both did it.

  • I wouldn't doubt it, but I find Jack's version to be more sinister. The grinder is there everyday, the blood of its former victims dried and crusted in the gears, reminding everyone of the friends and family they lost in one of the most horrific ways possible and that sooner or later their number will be up too.

    Tevix posted: »

    Reminds me of the lottery short story I read in middle school. I've always thought that was inspiration for that grinder.

  • Haha...He was a total ass.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    She gave the order, I aimed the cannon, and Dave gets an idea of what life is like in a Michael Bay movie.

  • Didn't Karima's husband die in that church fire, though?

    Rock114 posted: »

    I wouldn't doubt it, but I find Jack's version to be more sinister. The grinder is there everyday, the blood of its former victims dried and

  • The ironic thing is, that's a terrible way to maintain control and establish reverence or even fear. People won't follow your rules if it doesn't do them any good, and all they'll do is hate you.

    It's just absolutely bass ackwards.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I wouldn't doubt it, but I find Jack's version to be more sinister. The grinder is there everyday, the blood of its former victims dried and

  • I remember Dave saying he was fed to the Grinder. I never heard anything about a fire.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Didn't Karima's husband die in that church fire, though?

  • edited June 2015

    I want to thumb this up ten times for the Michael Bay jab alone.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    She gave the order, I aimed the cannon, and Dave gets an idea of what life is like in a Michael Bay movie.

  • Claptastic Voyage DLC. Claptrap messed up, and then Karima sent him to deliver supplies to the hospital.

    For some reason, a fire broke out, and Karima's husband died.

    Rock114 posted: »

    I remember Dave saying he was fed to the Grinder. I never heard anything about a fire.

  • edited June 2015


    But anyway, he may be a rather mediocre director, but always remember that he's not as bad as this guy:

    Alt text

    Tevix posted: »

    I want to thumb this up ten times for the Michael Bay jab alone.

  • Which is pretty much exactly the reason why Overlook ended up rebelling and joining the resistance with Sanctuary. They followed Jack's rules, he tortured them for the lulz. All it ended up doing was making another enemy for him.

    Tevix posted: »

    The ironic thing is, that's a terrible way to maintain control and establish reverence or even fear. People won't follow your rules if it doesn't do them any good, and all they'll do is hate you. It's just absolutely bass ackwards.

  • Really? I could've sworn it was mentioned during the Overlook questline in 2 that her husband had been fed to the Grinder.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Claptastic Voyage DLC. Claptrap messed up, and then Karima sent him to deliver supplies to the hospital. For some reason, a fire broke out, and Karima's husband died.

  • Seriously, though, the man wants to be Big Brother, but if he was, the whole of Airstrip One would be rioting within a week or so.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Which is pretty much exactly the reason why Overlook ended up rebelling and joining the resistance with Sanctuary. They followed Jack's rules, he tortured them for the lulz. All it ended up doing was making another enemy for him.

  • Well, yes, it was.

    Then again, Dave is an idiot, so, yeah. I take that with several grains of salt. And sugar. And sand-NO NOT THE SAND.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Really? I could've sworn it was mentioned during the Overlook questline in 2 that her husband had been fed to the Grinder.

  • I want to torture whoever started the phrase "for the lulz" for the lulz.

    I have to kick myself every time I say it. Makes me cringe.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Which is pretty much exactly the reason why Overlook ended up rebelling and joining the resistance with Sanctuary. They followed Jack's rules, he tortured them for the lulz. All it ended up doing was making another enemy for him.

  • Ok, I have to come clean.

    That mug is not ringing a bell for me.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    "EVERYTHING MUST BLOW UP, INCLUDING A SWIMMING POOL." But anyway, he may be a rather mediocre director, but always remember that he's not as bad as this guy:

  • Sorry man :(

    Tevix posted: »

    I want to torture whoever started the phrase "for the lulz" for the lulz. I have to kick myself every time I say it. Makes me cringe.

  • It's Uwe Boll.

    Tevix posted: »

    Ok, I have to come clean. That mug is not ringing a bell for me.

  • When I walked in on her during TPS in her club's back room, kitted out in her hillbilly gear and using her actual accent........I legitimately thought she was going to beat me to death. I was seriously scared for a second, even knowing full well that I'd just respawn............that woman can be really quite frightening when she wants to be.

    But no, I've always quite liked Moxxi. Roland and Lilith too. And considering how Jack completely messed with their lives throughout BL1, I don't actually see their actions in TPS as being in any way unprovoked or unexpected. I DO think they had a dumb plan, but I can understand why they got involved, and don't blame them for it. I just think they should have done a much better job of killing Jack, because their failure to do THAT is what caused all the horrors of BL2. Even if I'm kind of glad, because Jack is a great villain, and SO MUCH FUN to have in play at any given moment.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, she is a Gold Digger, after all.

  • Well, Roland and Lilith were the one's I played through BL1 with, so I have soft spot for both of them, and Mordecai was the favourite character of one of my friends, so I saw a ridiculous amount of him and Bloodwing ("cries") in coop. Brick.....I could never play as Brick. I just sucked at it. I never used him the way he was meant to be used, and I avoided it. Loved him in BL2 (and laughed my ass off at the sarcastic, slow-clapping member of Brick's gang) though!

    I only used Athena and Clappy in TPS. Because Athena felt like the canon choice, and I liked her, and Springs hit on her SO DAMN MUCH. Seriously, girl's got problems. And Clappy because.........Clappy. So yeah, I kinda got pissed at Brick and Mordecai for grabbing her (mainly because they grabbed her at the EXACT WRONG MOMENT; come on, guys! Really? You REALLY have to kidnap her when she's in the middle of helping semi-good people, and NOT when she's assassinating some random person for the lulz?) but I understood why it had to happen, and actually liked that everything seemed to be coming full circle.

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Well, veteran Borderlands players feel that way. Athena fans and the ones lucky enough to discover Pandora for the first time...don't.

  • Silence, Axton! Nobody cares! Especially not your wife!

    LawmanZero posted: »

    Bu-Bu-Bu-But I shot him in the Sternum! How come she gets the credit?

  • Even Sabre Turret?

    J_E_K posted: »

    Silence, Axton! Nobody cares! Especially not your wife!


    J_E_K posted: »

    Silence, Axton! Nobody cares! Especially not your wife!


    J_E_K posted: »

    Silence, Axton! Nobody cares! Especially not your wife!

  • Yes, and it's a clever framing device.


    J_E_K posted: »

    Well, Roland and Lilith were the one's I played through BL1 with, so I have soft spot for both of them, and Mordecai was the favourite chara

  • I...uh...wasn't scared. No. I...uh...might have gotten distracted.

    I was, however, astounded at Bar-Bot's stupidity.

    J_E_K posted: »

    When I walked in on her during TPS in her club's back room, kitted out in her hillbilly gear and using her actual accent........I legitimate

  • Don't think any of those three had any idea Jack was involved in the events of BL1. And even if they did...He helped them find a vault they wanted to find anyway. Not his fault the hunters didn't have a clue about the value of what they found and left it for Jack to scoop up :p

    But yeah, that scene with Moxxi giving us a flash of her true face......
    "Remember, shallow grave! <3" O_o

    J_E_K posted: »

    When I walked in on her during TPS in her club's back room, kitted out in her hillbilly gear and using her actual accent........I legitimate

  • cassuis is a pretty good guy, thats all i can think of

    jdgjordan posted: »

    That is not the argument we are making of course know one is complete good or evil what were talking about is human morals and the lack ther

  • edited September 2015

    Yes but if you read the post after that he says "Oh, wait, you said "funniest." I thought you meant "tragic, violent, and accidental."" which means he didn't mean to do it, even if he caused the accident, it was still just that, an accident. Accidentally killing your wife would cause some serious mental issues, so yes we can add that to the list of things that screwed him up.

    his wife's death I wouldn't feel too bad about that... He admitted to killing his first wife in his AMA. Now it's not clear how m

  • For me, Jack is an amazingly written character that is extremely compelling whether thought of as a hero or a villain. Regardless of what he's done, I just can't help loving Jack's personality and sense of humor.

  • Handsome Jack is always right.

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