That's what really gets me. It's like she's managed to claw some more control back despite the aforementioned space rabies. Makes you think what kind of a person she could have been without her sickness and having a drunken scumbag for a mother...
For me?
Still evil, sure, but much less rude than she was on Elpis. Also, she's actually polite to you, unlike Jack. And yes, tragic as the rest of them.
Except Dave, Dave's not tragic.
A badass sheriff/bounty hunter who ran another town that sheltered any other Crimson Raiders or Pandorans who couldn't get to Sanctuary, perhaps.
I suppose seeing her boyfriend act like a jerk and killing any employees who criticized him for three years made her go "Hang on a moment, maybe being rude isn't the best idea. Also, we're calling it Lynchwood. New New Haven f*****g sucks."
That's what really gets me. It's like she's managed to claw some more control back despite the aforementioned space rabies. Makes you think what kind of a person she could have been without her sickness and having a drunken scumbag for a mother...
The shipping leaders have been doing a good job in my opinion.
Sure, there's ALWAYS tension, but I think we don't have anything to worry about.
But they're the ones keeping the peace, they're the ones you who designed, built and drive the high-class forum battleships where thousands of you guys now serve as sailors, and both of them are Telltale Admirals. Very, very, high-ranking and highly decorated admirals. Look up to them!
I do believe that if you asked @Pipas, our current leader, he'd say that we all designed it sailed our Rhysha ship through the waters. I can't vouch for Rhyiona thread though
Plus, getting back to the topic, if people would want to spit venom at each other, nobody could stop them. This is the internet, after all (except mods, of course)
But they're the ones keeping the peace, they're the ones you who designed, built and drive the high-class forum battleships where thousands … moreof you guys now serve as sailors, and both of them are Telltale Admirals. Very, very, high-ranking and highly decorated admirals. Look up to them!
I do believe that if you asked @Pipas, our current leader, he'd say that we all designed it sailed our Rhysha ship through the waters. I can… more't vouch for Rhyiona thread though
Plus, getting back to the topic, if people would want to spit venom at each other, nobody could stop them. This is the internet, after all (except mods, of course)
Yeah, I was disappointed as a Rhyiona shipper to not get really anything. I don't hate any shippers, like Rhysha. We all have the same love for the game, just not who we think we make a good couple or not. Hoping Telltale does listen to the feedback and give some moments for EVERYONE SO WE CAN ALL BE HAPPY.
And as I've said previously, there's always the choice of making something optionally canon. (Or not and have everyone be single, will be fine with that too because no one will kill one another)
[gazes off at frozen lake]
Don't even remind me. ;_; It's been almost a year and I'm not any less bitter...
Shipping wars... been in the middle of them. Not fun. At all. We're all fighting for the same thing.
I know some people who ship Rhysha and the few who ship Rhack (Rhys and Jack.) I don't mind them really, as long as the ship isn't incestuous I'm fine with it.
Ah, those types of morons.
I have a friend-Syberian-who ships Rhyiona and posts adorable fanart and I quietly ship Rhysha, but heck with … moreit, we send each other funny headcanons for both ships and I still go and look at the fanart because it's awesome. She posts here infrequently.
Unfortunately, other people just have to get all violent about their ship.
Or, roaming, a more hilarious idea if she was a better person and not infected with space rabies:
As part of Jack's radio announcements:
"And I'm still offering a bounty of over $1850 million for Nisha Kadam, the 'Sheriff' of Lynchwood. Seriously, though, somebody kill her already. That stupid bitch dumped me and she has to shelter any Crimson jackholes not in Sanctuary in the town I bought for her out of my own pocket! GAH!"
That's what really gets me. It's like she's managed to claw some more control back despite the aforementioned space rabies. Makes you think what kind of a person she could have been without her sickness and having a drunken scumbag for a mother...
Kinda have a feeling she wouldnt have been too chummy with most of the vault hunters regrdless of her illness. Law and order doesnt mix well with the usual Pandoran love for anarchy. Ah, well. Rest in peace, Nisha.
Or, roaming, a more hilarious idea if she was a better person and not infected with space rabies:
As part of Jack's radio announcements:
… more
"And I'm still offering a bounty of over $1850 million for Nisha Kadam, the 'Sheriff' of Lynchwood. Seriously, though, somebody kill her already. That stupid bitch dumped me and she has to shelter any Crimson jackholes not in Sanctuary in the town I bought for her out of my own pocket! GAH!"
Kinda have a feeling she wouldnt have been too chummy with most of the vault hunters regrdless of her illness. Law and order doesnt mix well with the usual Pandoran love for anarchy. Ah, well. Rest in peace, Nisha.
She is awesome. We created one of the best Borderlands AUs through 3000+ Fanfiction PMs, and we exhange Faugust and Rhyiona headcanons together frequently.
True friendship!
I know some people who ship Rhysha and the few who ship Rhack (Rhys and Jack.) I don't mind them really, as long as the ship isn't incestuous I'm fine with it.
That's what really gets me. It's like she's managed to claw some more control back despite the aforementioned space rabies. Makes you think what kind of a person she could have been without her sickness and having a drunken scumbag for a mother...
A badass sheriff/bounty hunter who ran another town that sheltered any other Crimson Raiders or Pandorans who couldn't get to Sanctuary, perhaps.
I suppose seeing her boyfriend act like a jerk and killing any employees who criticized him for three years made her go "Hang on a moment, maybe being rude isn't the best idea. Also, we're calling it Lynchwood. New New Haven f*****g sucks."
We already had one war in TWD forums, one in TWAU. Nobody wants another one here
But they're the ones keeping the peace, they're the ones you who designed, built and drive the high-class forum battleships where thousands of you guys now serve as sailors, and both of them are Telltale Admirals. Very, very, high-ranking and highly decorated admirals. Look up to them!
Shipping Rhys and Fiona is normal. Somebody tell that to the asshole that coined the whole 'Cluke' thing.
Lexi Porter, right?
I believe so.
I do believe that if you asked @Pipas, our current leader, he'd say that we all designed it sailed our Rhysha ship through the waters. I can't vouch for Rhyiona thread though
Plus, getting back to the topic, if people would want to spit venom at each other, nobody could stop them. This is the internet, after all
(except mods, of course)
Well, that's surprising. So he helped instead of overseeing the construction...great!
And yes, if worst comes to worst...
That gal was insane. Every shipper on this forum combined into one entity wouldn't be as insane as she was...
I have seen her comments.
Yeah, I was disappointed as a Rhyiona shipper to not get really anything. I don't hate any shippers, like Rhysha. We all have the same love for the game, just not who we think we make a good couple or not. Hoping Telltale does listen to the feedback and give some moments for EVERYONE SO WE CAN ALL BE HAPPY.
And as I've said previously, there's always the choice of making something optionally canon. (Or not and have everyone be single, will be fine with that too because no one will kill one another)
True friendship!
I know some people who ship Rhysha and the few who ship Rhack (Rhys and Jack.) I don't mind them really, as long as the ship isn't incestuous I'm fine with it.
Or, roaming, a more hilarious idea if she was a better person and not infected with space rabies:
As part of Jack's radio announcements:
"And I'm still offering a bounty of over $1850 million for Nisha Kadam, the 'Sheriff' of Lynchwood. Seriously, though, somebody kill her already. That stupid bitch dumped me and she has to shelter any Crimson jackholes not in Sanctuary in the town I bought for her out of my own pocket! GAH!"
Kinda have a feeling she wouldnt have been too chummy with most of the vault hunters regrdless of her illness. Law and order doesnt mix well with the usual Pandoran love for anarchy. Ah, well. Rest in peace, Nisha.
I have a plan... If Rhysha's ashes ever sink to the deep bottoms of the forum, I will ship... Cotter X Potato!
People how play telltale games have to be VERY patient and enjoy storytelling, it's hard for this type of person to start fighting over stupid stuff.
She'd also probably still torture people. But rest in peace anyway, Nisha.
I was wondering where they buried her, but now I remember-that little spot where the Bane used to be.
Nobody's fighting here, but I went to tumblr, and there is quite a bit of bad blood brewing.
...Absolutely no surprise then. I was expecting a nasty war there anyway, with all the toxicity and whatnot.
She is awesome. We created one of the best Borderlands AUs through 3000+ Fanfiction PMs, and we exhange Faugust and Rhyiona headcanons together frequently.