she's my main VH in TPS.. athena is awkward when in conversation. not so much in TPS because she's taking on missions and she has different … moremindset when it comes to her ''Job'' so she's mostly firm and ALL about finishing the mission/objective. but also in TPS when she talks to janey and other people she ''Likes'' and thats important, she's pretty awkward when she talks to someone she likes. thats why i found it cute when she talks to fiona and was awkward at times... anyhow, maybe thats why the stranger is shooting the gun awkwardly, because if she was athena then she either treated this like a mission and didnt sound awkward, OR she sensed that fiona is about to know that thats her especially when sh squinted at the stranger in ep3 lol.. IDK this is just a theory.. knowing athena so much in past games and not TFTBL, i have 50% hints that MAYBE the stranger is her.... maybe i am wrong, but the stranger IS a vaulthunter. that gun is a legenda… [view original content]
Oh man, that's no good, I'm sorry. I hope he didn't scare you by screaming "TASTY EYEBALLS" or stuff like that.
We're pretty talkative a… morend friendly here, yes. And you guys are always welcome!
I'd love to chat with you more, but I'll have to go sleep now, so good night, friend!
Oh snapple, my first forum post ever and it's on this thread.
SO HI GUYS! As you can guess, I'm a fellow Rhyiona shipper. I shipped them … moresince episode 1 cause they were the main characters and had a lovable love/hate relationship...yeah, I DIDN'T EXPECT MY LOVE TO EXPAND TO WHAT IT IS TODAY!
Я не играла в третий эпизод, и не очень волнуют спойлеры, они никогда не портят впечатления, но судя по ору возмущения Рионо-фанов, там много Риши. Вот я и решила вчера компенсировать XDDD
Talking about frustrating language barriers... I'm a very avid writer and I've written a lot of Rhyiona but I have no one to read it... I'm spanish and this game isn't translated so only those people who understand english well enough have played, which is very few. My mom would love this game but can't play because she doesn't understand english... I'm hoping it gets translated when it's complete because I don't know what to do with this material and I have no people to rant about except for you guys. And I'm not even doing that properly because my english sucks ... I wish I could express myself as comfortably as in my native language
Tho you're not missing much regarding my fanfiction to be fair... I mostly write silly domestic things like "The Gang Goes To The Beach, Rhys Forgets To Put Sunscreen On, Fiona Gets Stung By Jellyfish, Sasha Has A Rad Water Pistol And She Shows No Mercy and Vaughn Gets Buried In Sand".
I know what you feel, bro... I recently got a tablet of my own and some of the threads here really put some pressure on it xD
Gortys, swe… moreet summer child... There's no need for you to see the winter yet. Or psychos with winter hats. It would chill her to the bone
Best intro so far IMO
I feel you, it's so annoying not to have anyone to talk to about this.
"The Gang Goes To The Beach, Rhys Forgets To Put Sunscreen On, Fiona Gets Stung By Jellyfish, Sasha Has A Rad Water Pistol And She Shows No Mercy and Vaughn Gets Buried In Sand".
Talking about frustrating language barriers... I'm a very avid writer and I've written a lot of Rhyiona but I have no one to read it... I'm … morespanish and this game isn't translated so only those people who understand english well enough have played, which is very few. My mom would love this game but can't play because she doesn't understand english... I'm hoping it gets translated when it's complete because I don't know what to do with this material and I have no people to rant about except for you guys. And I'm not even doing that properly because my english sucks ... I wish I could express myself as comfortably as in my native language
Tho you're not missing much regarding my fanfiction to be fair... I mostly write silly domestic things like "The Gang Goes To The Beach, Rhys Forgets To Put Sunscreen On, Fiona Gets Stung By Jellyfish, Sasha Has A Rad Water Pistol And She Shows No Mercy and Vaughn Gets Buried In Sand".
THIS IS SO AMAZING I FORGOT HOW TO ENGLISH PROPERLY AND I HAD TO SIT DOWN FOR 20 MINUTES TO NOT JST WRITE NONSENSE IN MY NATIVE LANGUAGE....… more...... CONGRATULATION S....... i am now dead (and i have put this as my desktop wallpaper so i can be dead forever)
Aren't we all.
Also, other people... like who for example?
u wat
Thank you!
He will remain as one of my many virtual husbandos even after Dual Destinies. XD (I have my reasons!)
Oh hey, before I leave and forgot. I'm a bunting... you know... birdy bird?
K, I'm gone for real now, good night.
The thread is so active it made my tablet crash holy shit
Nah, he was pretty friendly. Atleast he seemed so until he tried to cut my lungs out for his meat house...
I know that very well
We can continue this tomorrow
Good night!
I know what you feel, bro... I recently got a tablet of my own and some of the threads here really put some pressure on it xD
Gortys, sweet summer child... There's no need for you to see the winter yet. Or psychos with winter hats. It would chill her to the bone
Best intro so far IMO
But what bird exactly?
gtfo hater
upset that many people thinking of Rhysha like of the canon. :С
Welcome in our family
Я не играла в третий эпизод, и не очень волнуют спойлеры, они никогда не портят впечатления, но судя по ору возмущения Рионо-фанов, там много Риши. Вот я и решила вчера компенсировать XDDD
hahahahhahhaha, wow
yeah, i`m a "perfect" teacher
Just gonna let this here...
Bembiann's draws are awesome!
Her DeviantART:
I don't try to fit in you nope.
Painted Bunting. ;3
Talking about frustrating language barriers... I'm a very avid writer and I've written a lot of Rhyiona but I have no one to read it... I'm spanish and this game isn't translated so only those people who understand english well enough have played, which is very few. My mom would love this game but can't play because she doesn't understand english... I'm hoping it gets translated when it's complete because I don't know what to do with this material and I have no people to rant about except for you guys. And I'm not even doing that properly because my english sucks ... I wish I could express myself as comfortably as in my native language
Tho you're not missing much regarding my fanfiction to be fair... I mostly write silly domestic things like "The Gang Goes To The Beach, Rhys Forgets To Put Sunscreen On, Fiona Gets Stung By Jellyfish, Sasha Has A Rad Water Pistol And She Shows No Mercy and Vaughn Gets Buried In Sand".
It's killing it, I'm trying so hard for it not to crash again. ;-;
If she had bones. :P
Not my favourite song, but best intro visually.
I said fight(=fite)... come on play along~~
trying so hard for it to survive
is that you? :^)
приятно знать))
So cool to know that! thanks!
I feel you, it's so annoying not to have anyone to talk to about this.
I never knew how much I needed this until now.
I made this guys, and I hope to make a Rhys one as well.
Oh, that's so cute. ;-;
I'll edit you!
Wowowowow, what a reaction! Hahah!
Amazing! You rule at art
You`re welcome
that's bugs