The Quick Change machine
So in the quick change part what clothes did you buy and for what characters?
I bought one for fiona and a new arm for Rhys, sadly i forgot the clothes's name so i'll just post pics
If you bought new items for the characters, what was your favorite? And for what characters did you buy for?
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This one is top tier
I only bought the Steampunk Princess for Fiona...I was poor.
I chose the same Arm for Rhys Outfit for Fiona aswell, but then I was broke ;'(
I had previously bought Scooter's Special, so i only had about $800, and since Vaughn needed to feel like we actually wanted him around, i bought him some new glasses. And i bought Sasha her shades too, cuz she's my sister and i knew she would love them.
I still had my hat though, so that definitely influenced me.
I bought a black arm thingy for Rhys, I was too poor for anything else. I really wanted to get the tux for Loader Bot tho
I cri everitiem
Bought the suit thingie for LB but they almost destroyed him completely so.... Yeah wasted my money
I only had enough to buy one thing since I went all out on the upgrades for the vehicle in episode 2 lol. But I bought the Phoenix outfit for Fiona since it looked the best and since everything else was ethier too expensive or just not appealing looking.
I'm gonna replay Episode 2 and 3 when Ep4 comes out to get enough cash for new outfits for everyone,
I didn't buy anything, because I didn't find the Quick change machine.
i cri evrytiem
Loader Bot's tux was REALLLY expensive but I ended up buying Vaughn new glasses and Rhys a red arm. Loader Bot gets no love in my LP. I explode him in Ep1 and I actually missed the option to "Robro" fist him
The Steampunk Princess outfit for Fiona and the Robocop looking goggles for Sasha (I thought they looked cool). Really wanted the Loader Bot tuxedo, but I didn't have enough.
I got Rhys the black cybernetic arm and Loader Bot's tux. Both were very happy!
I bought Vaughn new glasses because I felt sad for his paralysis. He sounded...happy...I think
I would have bought a new outfit for my FAVORITE character- Loader Bot- but I only had $1400.
Loader Bot in a Tux would seal the deal so quickly with Gortys. Loader Bot already has game, but that would be Next Level Swag.
The only thing I bought was the purple visor for Sasha. I didn't wanna spend up everything because I'm sure there will be another chance to buy stuff later on.
Sasha looked 100% more badass with that visor on during the chase scene though. Was not disappointed.
If you get the tux for LB, he gets a little maitre d' moustache on his chassis as well. You really, really should get it just for that.
I bought the Phoenix suit for Fiona, but that's about it
Okay, now I'm regretting my tiger stripes...
I got a new arm for rhys new glasses for vaughn and them techno style goggles for sasha didn't have enough for anyone else the caravan was the reason
so, i'm just gonna revive this thread to ask... where is this machine??
In Cassius' living quarters at the Atlas bio-dome. You get to look around that area before Gortys discovers him - the machine is in between the robots and Athena (to the right of the coffee maker).
Well since this thread is back can I just say that I love that characters actually brought up their new outfits in conversations.
I brought the black cyborg arm for Rhys. It is the coolest.
i got the red and white arm for Rhys,the cyber-style goggles for sasha and them yellow glasses for vaughn
I got the black version of Fiona's outfit because it seemed more muted and hardcore and thus an improvement, although I would have preferred a real "wastelander" getup like Sasha's over the weirdo classy action cowgirl suit. I also got the black and blue arm for Rhys as it fit his color scheme a LOT better than the original colors, because obviously his clothes weren't ridiculous enough already with the silly waist-long tie and the mismatched pant-legs. Didn't think any of the others needed any makeovers until we got to throw Fiona and Sasha into office clothes, at which point I got both the classiest normal corporate suits available. That was a relief, let me tell you, despite the awkward moment where Fiona crawls up to the Pilot's seat, giving everybody else a perfect view up her new skirt. Methinks that little scene was designed with her original clothes in mind.
thanks bro, i'm so dumb, i missed it
Rhys: Red Cybernetic arm
Fiona: The outfit with the hat
I missed it as well on my first time through, and that was after I had already noticed it during the scene just before it gives you control. Don't feel dumb, man, I've already got that covered.
How could you possibly still have your hat by this point? Is there some way to get around throwing it at those turrets that I don't know about?? Because if so, please share!!
You have to trust Jack at the end of episode 2, you get a completely different sequence.
i did spend my money, on rhys and fiona.
i really wanted the ones for loaderboat because they were the coooooolest, but too damn expensive. its either him ONLY or rhys+fiona upgrade
so i chose them
I bought Rhys the blue and black arm. It goes nicely with his blue and black Hyperion suit.
I bought nothing. I think they already look good with their default clothes. Only in Ep.4 I have bought a Hyperion outfit for Sasha , because of this whole disguise thing
Tiger stripes for Loader Bot and the glasses for Vaughn.
Poor Vaughn we HAD to get him something for feeling somewhat responsible for paralysis right?!
Pff, Paralysis on Vaughn? Never had that before. - Every Jack worshipper ever.