Jack and Sasha...

So for those of us who sided with Jack and also tried to get it on with Sasha, has Jack ruined our chances with her? Even if Sasha forgives us and understands it was Jack acting, not Rhys, I imagine that Jack is proooobably going to kill Sasha if he gets back into a new body, thanks to the punching and all. I've got a sinking feeling that neither Vaughnn nor Sasha will survive this journey.



  • That's my suspicion as well - we still don't know why Rhys and Fiona are pissed at each other. I reckon that Sasha & Vaughn may well be dead as a result of player actions (that whole "what would you do if someone killed your sister" was a foreshadowing I think), causing them to hate each other.

    That said... the fact that they don't seem to want each other dead might suggest that neither Sasha or Vaughn aren't dead either (it seems more like immature bickering thus far rather than deep-seated hate) - there is hope for Rhysa!

  • Wow, I didn't think anything about "killed your sister" line. That's very interesting. Damn it where the hell is Episode 4?!

    That's my suspicion as well - we still don't know why Rhys and Fiona are pissed at each other. I reckon that Sasha & Vaughn may well be

  • I honestly don't see Jack killing Sasha just because she punched him. Just got the feeling he'd let it go and kind of realize he deserved it.

  • No, but Jack is selfish and doesn't give a crap about anyone. He's already pissed off the group by his acting as Rhys, he could easily do it again or become a danger if he thinks any of them stand in his way. Just shows how good Telltale are at making you regret your choices lol, trusting Jack at the end of Episode 2 allows him to take over your body in Episode 3 (and presumably for good, though not at will). If you don't trust him however he doesn't - my guess is when you let him take over he fixes it so he can do it more often when you're knocked out (maybe sleeping too).

    The_Duck posted: »

    I honestly don't see Jack killing Sasha just because she punched him. Just got the feeling he'd let it go and kind of realize he deserved it.

  • Do you even know Jack? He kill people just because he wanted to. If he had his Body and she punched him, he would've strangled her.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I honestly don't see Jack killing Sasha just because she punched him. Just got the feeling he'd let it go and kind of realize he deserved it.

  • edited June 2015

    God no, he acted like a shit to his own daughter and didnt see the problem with it.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I honestly don't see Jack killing Sasha just because she punched him. Just got the feeling he'd let it go and kind of realize he deserved it.

  • To be honest (and as non-creepy as possible) he was probably into it...

    We know he likes strong women (and hats!)

    I think he's the kind of guy who respects it when people stand up to him - and I don't think he'd necessarily take it as being against him, because Sasha obviously had no idea and thought she was punching Rhys.

    I think Sasha finding out about Jack is going to be the breaking point of their relationship regardless of which ending you chose - she can forgive Rhys for his connections to Hyperion precisely because he isn't Jack - but the same thing would definitely not happen for the man himself/anyone who was knowingly harbouring him. I think not telling her/putting everyone in danger etc. would be unforgivable to her.

  • I doubt it will ruin the relationship. I'm thinking they'll be an option in Ep. 4 to tell the whole group Jack is in Rhys' head and if you don't tell them he'll somehow find a way out of Rhys' head on Helios anyway revealing that he sharing Rhys' body as in Present day (where episode 5 is set) Fiona already knows about Jack. I think the only way you could ruin the relationship is if you don't tell Sasha about Jack until it's too late.

  • I don't think that if he found a way out he would care about revealing that, I'm betting more on him finding a way to be Handsome Rhys in a permanent way and Rhys getting trapped in his own brain until he finds a way out.

    I doubt it will ruin the relationship. I'm thinking they'll be an option in Ep. 4 to tell the whole group Jack is in Rhys' head and if you d

  • Sometimes i think that they're faking it.

    In the present, both Rhys and Fiona give each other these looks, like they are in on something together. I wouldn't put it past them to be trying to manipulate the Stranger. I mean, Rhys WAS looking for Fiona at the beginning of the story.

    That's my suspicion as well - we still don't know why Rhys and Fiona are pissed at each other. I reckon that Sasha & Vaughn may well be

  • Do you think Jack would even let us tell? Look what happens if you try to tell Athena about him.

    I doubt it will ruin the relationship. I'm thinking they'll be an option in Ep. 4 to tell the whole group Jack is in Rhys' head and if you d

  • I think he's the kind of guy who respects it when people stand up to him - and I don't think he'd necessarily take it as being against him,

    I think we see this in the way the Jack-a-Pedia describes Athena. It's probably the first time I saw Jack respect someone accross all the games.

    To be honest (and as non-creepy as possible) he was probably into it... We know he likes strong women (and hats!) I think he's the kin

  • I've thought that if this should happen, Rhys might in some way use dumpy or whatever that little drone is called.

    I don't think that if he found a way out he would care about revealing that, I'm betting more on him finding a way to be Handsome Rhys in a permanent way and Rhys getting trapped in his own brain until he finds a way out.

  • Ha yes :D ! I Tried that in my 3rd playthrough and it made me laugh a LOT !

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Do you think Jack would even let us tell? Look what happens if you try to tell Athena about him.

  • Since you seem to know the Borderlands history, can you tell me what Jack actually did to Athena? Whatever he referred to in the caravan?

    Pls and thx.

    Shoogli posted: »

    I think he's the kind of guy who respects it when people stand up to him - and I don't think he'd necessarily take it as being against him,

  • People need to realize that despite their similarities, this AI is steadily becoming a very different Jack than the one we all are familiar with.

    Miny77 posted: »

    God no, he acted like a shit to his own daughter and didnt see the problem with it.

  • "Hand---ow ow ow ow ow"

    Shoogli posted: »

    Ha yes ! I Tried that in my 3rd playthrough and it made me laugh a LOT !

  • Well, he was pretty sure Athena would kill them, and she was more than capable of doing so.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Do you think Jack would even let us tell? Look what happens if you try to tell Athena about him.

  • He did nothing to her personally, it just happens she's the only one (the only VH in TPS I mean), even though she works for him, to have principles.
    And every time Jack does horrible things in TPS, she's just disgusted and kinda let him know she won't work for him again.

    Well I take it you're not going to play TPS since you ask details, but still, below are big spoilers, you may read them if you're sure you'll never play TPS :


    So when it starts (TPS) she's employed by Jack and he's indeed a pretty cool guy, so she works for him, which means, and that's important because of the Athena character, that she accepts the mission (more below).

    Then in the middle there is something about moving some AI into a murder machine and in the process erase the AI sentience, so to speak, and Jack has no pity whatsoever. No matter if he's right or wrong because it will help save people, he anyway does it without any remorse. Athena kind of starts to get ticked off.

    Then later on, while on Helios, on the premise of possible far-fetched treachery, he opens an airlock to kill a few nice guys, just to be sure. One of them, like the previous AI btw, we got, as players, to kinda appreciate and like. At this point Athena is really realizing she's accepted a mission for a murderer BUT (as I said above, and that's Athena...) mission above all else.

    She does even tell him, I don't remember when, kind of to warn him, that the loyalty above all is to the mission, not necessarily to the employer. I believe it's at that moment she earns the respect of Jack. Also I think he fears her because she's an ex-Atlas Lance Assassin and that she get Pandora rids of the Atlas corporation almost by herself (she's that badass XD !).

    At the end of the main game in TPS, when the mission is done, she realize how far he's gone to the dark side.
    During the end credit of the game there is even a little picture showing her turning away from Jack and dumping the money he gave her, as reward for the mission, to the wind, in front of him...

    Later on, she needs money (it is said that it's for their rent in Hollow Point : Janey and her) and accepts a last mission for him on Helios (Claptastic voyage DLC) and while during the mission everything is ok, when she finally finishes the mission, and after turning it to Jack, she's sees him betray Fr4g-TP and destroy all the CL4P-TP line of product in a pure gratuitous act of evil and she's even more disgusted...

    Jack knows this, Jack knows she hates him... Hence Jack as an AI slapping Rhys's face so Athena doesn't know he's "in there".

    So hmmmm yeah, I'm very chatty and talkative when it's about Athena because she's my Main character in TPS =D !
    I even did a fan-art (kind of) to showcase her story as a timeline : here. (but well : spoilers ;) !)

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Since you seem to know the Borderlands history, can you tell me what Jack actually did to Athena? Whatever he referred to in the caravan? Pls and thx.

  • I'd heard that he really had no choice with the AI, since a lot of lives were on the line, and there was simply no time to do anything else. Also, I heard he felt pretty badly about it. And you kind of forgot to mention the stuff that made him start to fall towards the dark side.

  • Athena is the only character in the whole franchise (all the RPG-shooters and TFTB) that Jack fears.
    I can't think of anyone else who Jack'd be affraid of.

    The_Duck posted: »

    Well, he was pretty sure Athena would kill them, and she was more than capable of doing so.

  • Yes I said he had reasons :

    No matter if he's right or wrong because it will help save people, he anyway does it without any remorse.

    But I disagree in the fact he felt bad about it : he certainly didn't, he was so happy with his new toy and getting revenge.
    There are indeed a lot of Jack's fans that are trying, left and right, to give him a good name and invent reasons here and there.
    As far as I'm concerned, and as far as i remember, it's pretty clear he doesn't care at all about the AI, and never felt real genuine remorse about that.

    About the stuff that made him start to fall in the darkside, it actually starts very early in the game (TPS) when he realizes he gets a lot of pleasure by killing. BUT also we know he has started doing attrocious things to his daughter during BL1 (we hear about that in BL2). So even though he looks to be a good guy in TPS, he in fact already started his descent to the dark side before that.

    The_Duck posted: »

    I'd heard that he really had no choice with the AI, since a lot of lives were on the line, and there was simply no time to do anything else.

  • Actually I wouldnt be surprised if Jack makes Rhys kill Sasha, maybe Vaughn too, but Jack seems to like Vaughn because abs.

  • I think Jack also likes his loyalty and likes to pick on him too lol

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Actually I wouldnt be surprised if Jack makes Rhys kill Sasha, maybe Vaughn too, but Jack seems to like Vaughn because abs.

  • And he thought he was just a dweeb. But Nooo! He's a buff dweeb!

    PoopBrown posted: »

    I think Jack also likes his loyalty and likes to pick on him too lol

  • Wow, thanks so much for taking the time to type all of that out for me. It's really interesting. :)

    Athena really gets around, hey?

  • edited June 2015

    Does anynone have a screenshot of Jack-apedia about Athena?

    Shoogli posted: »

    I think he's the kind of guy who respects it when people stand up to him - and I don't think he'd necessarily take it as being against him,

  • I don't know how an exercise bike got him that toned in his entire torso, but hey get me one of those!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    And he thought he was just a dweeb. But Nooo! He's a buff dweeb!

  • He's afraid of her because his life depends on Rhys, and Rhys would stand no chance of surviving if she tried to kill him. Jack himself would not be so scared I believe.

    Shoogli posted: »

    Athena is the only character in the whole franchise (all the RPG-shooters and TFTB) that Jack fears. I can't think of anyone else who Jack'd be affraid of.

  • Well I believe otherwise, no big deal though ;) !

    mirashade posted: »

    He's afraid of her because his life depends on Rhys, and Rhys would stand no chance of surviving if she tried to kill him. Jack himself would not be so scared I believe.

  • Well as I said I'm a big Athena fan so wasn't hard ;) so really no problem, you're welcome !

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Wow, thanks so much for taking the time to type all of that out for me. It's really interesting. Athena really gets around, hey?

  • I dont think Jack is afraid of anyone actually

    Shoogli posted: »

    Well I believe otherwise, no big deal though !

  • Especially bandits.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I dont think Jack is afraid of anyone actually

  • Oh well... here's to a 3 month wait to find out what happens!

  • He only hurts Rhys because he literally just told him "don't tell Athena". But I was thinking you'd get the opportunity to tell the group when Jack's doing whatever he does when he disappears and if you do tell he comes back and says something dick-ish like "So, we're making confessions here? Cool, I have something to confess, you're an asshole." Or something like that.

    Arya_Stupid posted: »

    Do you think Jack would even let us tell? Look what happens if you try to tell Athena about him.

  • Alt text

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Actually I wouldnt be surprised if Jack makes Rhys kill Sasha, maybe Vaughn too, but Jack seems to like Vaughn because abs.

  • oh, deep down she liked it, she probably thought "Finally Rhys is flirting with me" lol

  • edited June 2015

    It would be a bad move by telltale to take an iconic character with a distinct personality and slowly make him a 'good-ish' different guy. I know its an AI, but it's still Jack. And judging by the present scenes with the stranger Jack clearly is still an asshole (by Fiona's comments if you choose his routes and Rhys looks upset). He's not changing.

    The_Duck posted: »

    People need to realize that despite their similarities, this AI is steadily becoming a very different Jack than the one we all are familiar with.

  • But he already is. For one thing, at the end of the day you could argue that the AI is still a completely separate character. Also, even the real Jack had some good to him, especially early on. This Jack has a lot of time to think and is unable to act on his more violent tendencies. He's becoming aware of his own flaws in wake of his death and can potentially find a friend in Rhys. I believe there is hope. I will actually be disappointed if Telltale forces him into the position of main villain once more or tries to make all your choices regarding him irrelevant by claiming he was just manipulating you the whole time.

    Miny77 posted: »

    It would be a bad move by telltale to take an iconic character with a distinct personality and slowly make him a 'good-ish' different guy. I

  • I can see that happening.

    He only hurts Rhys because he literally just told him "don't tell Athena". But I was thinking you'd get the opportunity to tell the group wh

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