Questions to TellTale game veterans from a Borderlands player



  • The newer Telltale games (after TWD) have branching choices with minimal puzzles.
    The older Telltale games have linear storylines and have more actual gameplay (i.e. solve puzzles + combining objects), these are considered to be more traditional adventure games.

  • I been thinking about it again...

    And in fact I came to the conclusion that maybe players that only played TFTB and then only played the BL games after could in fact, even though they have been spoiled left and right, find some excitement by meeting and getting to know more about all those characters we meet in TFTB, on top of all the flora and fauna, the various manufacturer, plus many other things...

    Would be nice to know what people that played TFTB before playing any actual BL games thought of that order of playing in the "universe" of Pandora...

  • TWD Season 2 is garbage, though. Way weaker than any other new Telltale game.

    ata95 posted: »

    Well, i am not THAT old but i was here since JAN 2014. TWD is Telltale's best work, or maybe because it was first. In my opinion this is th

  • Not garbage but weaker than the first. Though GOT is weakest, in my opinion.

    Finnisher posted: »

    TWD Season 2 is garbage, though. Way weaker than any other new Telltale game.

  • edited June 2015

    I strongly recommend Sam & Max, if you're into funny games of course. And I am deff not just trying to sell you one of my favorite games of all time! The 3 seasons are based on the S&M comics (Which are awesome). It's one of telltales old games (Their first game even I think) it's a point and click adventure game just like the back to the future game, might not like it if you don't like those type of games, awesome games that is.

  • edited June 2015

    Yo I know you have S&M SO3 stashed away in your steam library

    Green613 posted: »

    I'm not a Telltale game veteran considering I haven't played their older games but I'll try to help you out with what I know about the newer

  • might not like it if you don't like those type of games,

    Well that's the point of the thread actually. I actually don't like the type of games like TFTB and only bought it reluctantly to get more Borderlands lore. And in the end I was so impressed and liked it so much that I created the thread so as to inquire about other TTG games.

    I actually played EP 1 2 and 3 with different choices 3 times, so for a game that I "reluctantly" bought : it speaks volume ^_^ !

    I strongly recommend Sam & Max, if you're into funny games of course. And I am deff not just trying to sell you one of my favorite games

  • I played it for like 20 minutes like 2 months ago, lol

    Yo I know you have S&M SO3 stashed away in your steam library

  • I played it for like 20 minutes

    Why would u do dis. WHY WOULD U DO DIS.

    Green613 posted: »

    I played it for like 20 minutes like 2 months ago, lol

  • edited June 2015

    just wanted to say Hector badge of carnage is absolutely amazing

  • Exactly. Its similar to a "companion series". Set in the same universe as the comics but deals with different characters....aside from of course Glen and Hershel....The Michonne mini series has been announced to so some more comic tie ins.

    Yeah but still, I'll enjoy the game more if I have read the comics before ? Because that's what it's about : enjoying the game more.

  • edited June 2015

    You could always try watching a few minutes of some of the "Let's Play/ Walkthrough" videos that people put up on YouTube, then you could decide which games seem the best fit for you before you purchase.

    Personally, though I would recommend Back to the Future, you can get the lore from the films and you understand the inside jokes that they make.

  • You forgot Alt text

    ata95 posted: »

    Well, i am not THAT old but i was here since JAN 2014. TWD is Telltale's best work, or maybe because it was first. In my opinion this is th

  • I am in episode 1 just yet, so didnt want to comment on something i didn't finish yet. :)

    You forgot

  • It's one of telltales old games (Their first game even I think)

    Actually, Sam & Max: Season 1 was their fifth game ("Telltale Texas Hold'em" was first, "Bone: Out from Boneville" second; "CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder" third and "Bone: The Great Cow Race" forth)

    I strongly recommend Sam & Max, if you're into funny games of course. And I am deff not just trying to sell you one of my favorite games

  • Yeah. Very underrated series.

    Aaira posted: »

    just wanted to say Hector badge of carnage is absolutely amazing

  • Yeah I'll play this one for sure, I so loved all 3 movies.

    You could always try watching a few minutes of some of the "Let's Play/ Walkthrough" videos that people put up on YouTube, then you could de

  • Just thought I would mention that the gameplay is different than in TFTB, as it is an older Telltale game. But even if you end up hating the gameplay the story would be more than worth it. Also the voice actor playing Marty does an incredible job mimicking Michael J Fox and Doc is voiced by the original actor.

    Shoogli posted: »

    Yeah I'll play this one for sure, I so loved all 3 movies.

  • Oh yeah it's all good, I'll be playing it for sure, and especially with the real Doc voicing his character :) !

    Cool !

    Just thought I would mention that the gameplay is different than in TFTB, as it is an older Telltale game. But even if you end up hating the

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