Eh I don't think he's actually being mean he's just suggesting something. I was also kind of joking with my disgusted reply towards him, still not changing the title though :P
You would feel spoiled but it doesn't actually happen though, lol.
There's a lot of things people can get me to do but asking me to change the name of my thread is straight up disrespectful and disgusting. Such bm from you Piggs.
It uh, it did look like you were talking about me a little there. Keep your ship's cannons pointed away, Sinbad. I was just trying to be considerate to newcomers.
I know.
I'm not talking about Piggs. And I didn't mean to be rude.
It was just a moment of explosion bc of tumblr battles and other guys in Rhysha thread.
Oh my Rhyiona! I loved that show! Eustace used to creep me out, and mostly everything else too. That was sick sick cartoon, but so am I (no, I'm not a cartoon, no... no I'm not)
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody (FANFICTION, STORY, words : 2,155) sorry if it sucks
It was just another night for the 'dream team' … moreon the wild Pandora, filled with pretty much snores, some laugh and bad jokes, especially coming from those two Hyperion 'boys' who have just seen what's life on Pandora like. Of course they had a lot of other things to see, but and this was enough to make them feel afraid of their own shadow but also sometimes they'd feel ....alive, if that was the right word. Maybe even too much. They just haven't seen what real life was really like. Vaughn eventually got kind of bored from all those numbers, boring co-workers and the same stuff that was always happening back on the Helios. All this came to to them unexpectedly, but they've met a couple of friends? They've known each other for almost a week, but friends wasn't really the right word, but neither was acquaintances so they were stuck somewhere in the midd… [view original content]
I've eaten too much ice cream, I need Rhyiona to feel better ;__;
It's alright. :c
That show freaked me out but I loved it.
Courage The Cowardly Dog
BEST SHOW EVER 10/10 would get scared again
I know.
I'm not talking about Piggs. And I didn't mean to be rude.
It was just a moment of explosion bc of tumblr battles and other guys in Rhysha thread.
That "you're not perfect" blue bob freaked me out for ages.
Just breathe in. There's Rhyiona everywhere here. :^)
We can not lose hope rhyiona army is to strong to lose hope this ship will sail.
You guys are really mature and polite, thx.
man what the HECK
Goddammit, Ben and Jerry's! -repeatedly take breaths-
Ah, Rhyiona
sweet dreams!
sweet dreams ;D
It uh, it did look like you were talking about me a little there. Keep your ship's cannons pointed away, Sinbad. I was just trying to be considerate to newcomers.
Oh my Rhyiona! I loved that show! Eustace used to creep me out, and mostly everything else too. That was sick sick cartoon, but so am I
(no, I'm not a cartoon, no... no I'm not)
should i go to sleep... nah better draw people sleeping instead
Cuuuuute, I love it so much. ;-;
Feel better yet? :P
Can I be a golden retriever since Asher reminds me of a blonde puppy?
Loader Bot looked up Rule 34, huh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Definitely, buddy!
so adorable! :')
when you believe in the Rhyiona
Yes, I'm posting this to annoy you, @Quiff. :^)
A little, I still feel a bit sick but a side from that I'm okay. The Rhyiona helps :P
Hope you feel better, though, that really sucks.
I should lay off the ice cream tho xD be continued?))
like it
Can it be "specific" : Cat (Fluffy Kitten)
Any cat breed preference?
Well, ice cream is delicious, I can't blame you. :P
I know but I'm starting to regret it tho xD
When you feel bad remember Rhys was too fat because of the ice cream. :P
I wonder what I'll be...