Rhyiona fanfic



  • I'm Sorry....Alt text

  • edited June 2015

    Nearly screaming in pure terror, Sasha shot upright from the couch, eyes buldging out of her sockets for what they'd seen could not be unseen, even if what was seen to be wished unseen was just a dream.

    "Oh g....oh my gawd, ugh! Get out! Get out! Get out!" the young woman said to herself, whacking her forehead in an attempt to forget the nightmare faster. Why, why her!? Why those two!? WHY NOW!?

    It was still dark out, the caravan parked for the night with everybody sound asleep inside; Fiona, Vaughn, Athena, and him, the abomination of a Hyperion slacker with his stupid abomination of an robotic arm. Who the hell did he think he was, snoozing there and drooling on the floor like he drooled over her Sister!?

    That's it!

    Sasha was up, steathily moving by the sleeping forms of the others to the snoring Rhys, and kicked the man in his side.

    "Ow, hey-hrm!hmmm!?" Rhys got out before he pressing her foot down on his mouth, silencing the idiot.

    "Outside, right now asshole!" Sasha whispered through gritted teeth, moving her foot away, "Get up!"

    "What? It's the middle of the night, what are you-ow! Ow! Ow! okay, okay! Get up, I got it," Rhys came out with as Sasha dragged him to the caravan door by his ear. She spotted Athena awake and watching them, before the ex-assassin rolled her eyes, and promptly went back to sleep, so done with this shit after dealing with a week of this group on their road trip.

    Rhys barely caught his balance as he was shoved out the door, bringing up desert dust and dirt that made him start shaking his legs, trying to get it them off his lame shoes. "Alright you mind telling me the what on Pandora is going on with you? What's the big-"

    "What on Pandora? Oh I bet you're so full of it aren't you!?" Sasha said after shutting caravan door. "You pull that trick on everybody!?"


    "Yeah! That's just what I thought!" Sasha marched forward, shoving a finger at his chest. “Well screw it, you can talk all you want but your Hyperion lies aren't working on me, and they're definitely not working on my Sister!”

    “Your, wha Fiona?” Rhys just stared at her stupid, that was as stupid as his stupid long pause. “Is this because of the ugly hat thing? Cause I-OW! Stop kicking me! I BRUISE EASY!”

    “How about YOU stop changing the subject first!” Sasha yelled, kicking him again.

    “Oooow! What subject!?”

    “The one where you don't have fantasies about my Sister at the end of this! That subject!”

    “Fantasies? Look she's hot and everything but Fiona scares the crap out of me!”

    “Oh sure she does! Just admit it! You act all nerdy, but really you're really into that gross bondage stuff and, and disgusting arm upgrades!”

    Rhys stopped hopping on one foot, letting go of his easy to bruise leg. “Now hold on just a second, you're jumping the gun big time, I don't-”

    "That's what you say, but if you so much as look at my sister wrong from now on, I'll break every bone in your puny body and make you regret ever setting foot on this planet,” Sasha warned, staring the Hyperion man down as he crumbled under her fierce gaze. “Do I make myself clear!?”

    “P-Perfectly,” Rhys said pathetically, gulping as he seemed to go a little pale. “Can I just, ask just one tiny thing?”

    “Oh and what's that?”

    Rhys pointed out at something out at the desert behind her, wide-eyed. “Any ideas as to what the hell that is all about?”

    And when Sasha turned, she saw death.

    Death as in Loader Bot having bent his body into the shape of a couch.

    Death as in August stretched out on the Loader Bot couch, posing seductively with a rose in his mouth.

    Death as in Gortys sketching the Augest seductive laying on the Loader Bot couch, the little robot whistling happily before she stopped, and looked at her and Rhys with bright smiling eyes.

    “Oh hi there you two, isn't it just a beautiful night for drawing? You wanna come join us?” Gortys asked cheerfully. And the two sane humans could only stare in horror at the scene before them as if it was something from a nightma....waaaait a minute.

    Sasha's expression immediately sunk to a depressed one. “I'm still dreaming aren't I?”

    Rhys nodded uncomfortably. “Would seem that way.”

    August shot her a flirty wink, and Sasha cringed.

    “Oh mother of...wake me up.”

    “Gladly,” Rhys said and whacked her arm, and like that, Sasha was awake for real this time. She even pinched her cheek and slapped her face a couple times to be sure on that, ignoring the confused and worried glances of her 'friends' and Sister before she went to take a long cold shower...A.K.A dumping a bucket of cold water on her head.

  • edited June 2015

    Literally the only fanfic I've ever enjoyed. Bravo.

  • Perfect

    The-Flix posted: »

    I think it's an accurate reaction of everyone.

  • Alt text

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Nearly screaming in pure terror, Sasha shot upright from the couch, eyes buldging out of her sockets for what they'd seen could not be unsee

  • hahahahah ok you're turned it the other way around, great work! I laughed so hard at this.

    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Nearly screaming in pure terror, Sasha shot upright from the couch, eyes buldging out of her sockets for what they'd seen could not be unsee

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