Whose fault is it really?

So, who's the one that made all the events in the game happen for you guys?

I make this question because when Vallory asked me, i really couldn't say.... (and for that she almost had me shot) So i kinda panicked and said that it was Vasquez fault, but it's really his fault?


  • I said Felix, cuz i feel like, if he would have just told us about Vallory in the first place, things would have gone way differently.

  • Felix. He set up the deal with the fake vault key and he tried to betray everyone getting the money destroyed.

  • Felix

    seriously, what the fuck did he make the vault key out of? recycled clay glued together with snot?

  • Pretty much. It's not Vasquez's fault, because he was just an idiot. It wasn't August's fault, that he got duped into believing he was selling a legitimate Vault Key. The entire thing was Felix's plan, he was the one who orchestrated that crap show in its entirety, he didn't warn the girls about Vallory, and he tried to steal the money (supposedly to try and fix everything with Vallory, but........eh, I dunno; felt like more of a "Crap! Everything's falling apart! Time to bail!" move to me), which got destroyed, which pissed her off even more.

    Felix. He set up the deal with the fake vault key and he tried to betray everyone getting the money destroyed.

  • It's definitely Felix's fault.

    Still blamed August, though.

  • August, because that jackass had to be all "next time fellas' and we couldn't have got it done.

  • Two words, Handsome Jack.

    Going back further none off them would be in the positions they are if Jack wasn't such an A-hole and got killed for it.

  • I wouldn't have picked it on my main playthrough, but it would have been kind of cool to have the option to blame Rhys. If he hadn't snaked the deal from Vasquez, everything would have worked out fine. It would be a fun option for "jerk" playthroughs, and it wouldn't get Rhys killed because Vallory needs them both for Gortys.

    btw, Why did she try to shoot Fiona, if later she reveals she needed them alive? It seems like a plothole to me. Did she only find out later?

  • I tried my best to stay silent because I really didn't think it was any of their fault, but at the risk of being shot I picked Felix. Honestly when trying to think of who to blame the first person to come to mind was Rhys. If he hadn't been at the deal with his crazy cybernetics, nothing would have gone wrong.

  • Rhys

    If he hadn't tried to steal Vasquez's deal, the guy would've gone back to the Hyperion board with a bogus Vault Key and would subsuquently lose his job and his life.

    Vallory would inevitably find out about her son's treachery and beat his share of the sale out of him with heavy physical and emotional abuse.

    Fiona, Felix (unless he'd betray him for it), and Sasha would either skip town too quickly for Vallory to catch up to them or fork over their share if they did (the money being destroyed is why a lot of unsavory parties in the story are so angry and desperate). Even if she killed them anyway out of principle, Rhys, Vaughn, and Yvette would still be kicking back on Helios, free of Vasquez and the reattained opportunity to get Rhys' cybernetic heiney promoted.

    Rhys is my favorite character, but even I have to admit that his actions are what resulted in everything getting as messy and violent as they did.

  • Rhys started the whole game plot by trying to steal from Vasquez.

  • Felix and August are the ones who decided to try and cut out Vallory. But Felix is dead (and still not forgiven for betraying his own daughters instead of explaining the mess they were in to them) and Wallethead had been a bigger annoyance than August so...yeah :D Chose Vasquez because he's a total jackhole.

  • I said Felix, because technically it is his fault, and also I didn't want anyone to die so I told the guy's name who was already dead x) The scene after that hit me hard.

  • I had a little trouble deciding with this choice too and I'm glad Rhys wasn't an option because it would have been tough call between him or Felix, but I did pick Felix. Jerk got greedy (or so it seems) and ruined it for everybody. I did save him so he is still an option to come back 100%, although I believe he'll come back regardless.

  • I chosed Vasquez, because i think it would have least consequences, because he dies after all and would not remember it later like August would.
    If you think about it if Vasquez have put more attention to hide Information about the deal Rhys wouldn`t become suspicious about it.

    It was not Felix fault that somebody with an echoeye is coming to scan the fake key

    Sry for bad english xD

  • It was Felix's fault but I said August because I don't like him and he's a creep.

  • edited July 2015

    Edit: nevermind

  • Then its Vasquez's fault for making Rhys janitor, so that he wanted to get revenge lol

    mirashade posted: »

    I tried my best to stay silent because I really didn't think it was any of their fault, but at the risk of being shot I picked Felix. Honest

  • Felix, he turned the case into complete shit show.

  • Honestly. I chose August in hopes that he'd be killed off so that Sasha would be all Rhys' with no more threat of competition.

    Alt text

  • edited July 2015

    Well it's kinda everyone's fault... Rhys', Vasquez's, Felix's. But since Vallory kills Vasquez anyway I didn't feel the need to name someone else. Though I named August once just to see what his mom would do. xD

  • I was confused when Vallory made me pick someone. Even got shot, because kept being silent and didn't believe in her threats. Now I know that this woman doesn't just joke around...

    Really it's everyone's fault in a sense. But Vausqez was incautious enough to let Rhys hear his conversation with August in the first place, so I picked him in the end. He simply brought it all upon himself.

  • I wouldn't blame a fictional character for being going as it is written to be. I would blame the writers for being but efficient.

  • You, friend, can have my like. For the .gif, I mean.

    Honestly. I chose August in hopes that he'd be killed off so that Sasha would be all Rhys' with no more threat of competition.

  • About Vasquez, I did the same reasoning...

    buntingsir posted: »

    I was confused when Vallory made me pick someone. Even got shot, because kept being silent and didn't believe in her threats. Now I know tha

  • Well, since it's Vallory asking, and being short 10 million, I'd say it's mostly August's and Felix's fault. If Vasquez got to do what he wanted to do August would have the money and she could deal with him and his going behind her back herself. After Rhys screwed over Vasquez, August could have still gotten the money if he didn't get all twitchy about the deal. Finally, if Felix didn't try to steal the money he wouldn't have blown it up like an idiot and Vallory could have retrieved it from the group. So personally I say either Felix or August, depending on the save file.

    In truth, it's honestly Felix's, Fiona's and Sasha's fault for counterfeiting the vault key in the first place. At least the money was real.

    To be fair, Vasquez was actually the one least guilty in this entire clusterfuck. It's kinda a little sad he ended up paying for it the most... Kinda.

  • There's more than one culprit involved. Which means the monumental series of errors rests a little on everyone's' shoulders.

    Rhys did initiate the whole domino effect by going after Vasquez's deal, although I would say Vasquez is ultimately the genesis of all the drama.

  • I think it is Vasquez's fault. If he hadn't stole Rhys' promotion from him Rhys wouldn't have stolen his deal. Or tried to at least

  • for me, it was felix's fault. if he wasn't so greedy the money would never have exploded. so he's to blame.

  • Vasquez and Felix

    Vasquez because he ripped off Rhys' deal and

    Felix because he started the fake vault key scam and stuff

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