Dude, nobody fucking likes Claptrap. Not even the characters in the game. He's the scum of the earth. I tried a playthrough of The Pre-Sequel with a friend, and eventually he gave up because playing as Claptrap made the game too fucking annoying for the both of us. God DAMN.
I'm sure they'll meet in ep 4 or 5 and Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her !
I'm sure they'll meet in ep 4 or 5 and Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her !
Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her !
I wonder how Loader Bot would react to that :P
Gortys, of course. Claptrap is one of signatures of Borderlands, but he's just so damn annoying and obnoxious. I like him too, but in a hatred soaked kind of way
Gortys without a doubt. I love her voice, I love her dialogues with Loader Bot, I love her design - cute tiny mouth and big eyes, that change their expression as if she had eyebrows.
She's just so impossibly adorable, you'd just want to take her on your hands and never let go.
Gortys without a doubt. I love her voice, I love her dialogues with Loader Bot, I love her design - cute tiny mouth and big eyes, that chang… moree their expression as if she had eyebrows.
She's just so impossibly adorable, you'd just want to take her on your hands and never let go.
Gortys without a doubt. I love her voice, I love her dialogues with Loader Bot, I love her design - cute tiny mouth and big eyes, that chang… moree their expression as if she had eyebrows.
She's just so impossibly adorable, you'd just want to take her on your hands and never let go.
Claptrap will initially try to murder Gortys out of jealousy, calling her a "rip-off" of himself and trying to justify it to your Vault Hunter that since she's a robot, it's not technically really murder.
Then he'll realize that if he does kill her, then he'll be killing one of the few entities in the universe that actually likes him in preference to mildly tolerating his screwball existence.
I'm sure they'll meet in ep 4 or 5 and Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her !
That would be weird to me, since Gortys has the voice of a child. I know they're all robots and age doesn't matter to them but it would be a tiny bit....Weird.
I'm sure they'll meet in ep 4 or 5 and Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her !
That would be weird to me, since Gortys has the voice of a child. I know they're all robots and age doesn't matter to them but it would be a tiny bit....Weird.
Easily Gortys.
Yeah I love her innocent view of things. Don't get me wrong Claptrap's vulgarity and general stupidity is funny, but Gortys is just so damn lovable.
Yeah, I actually like Claptrap a lot but Gortys is just the cutest thing.
Gortys. She hasn't tried to murder everyone for one thing.
Not yet, but something might happen on Helios.
Definitely Gortys, I like Claptrap, but Gortys is just too damn cute.
I'm pleasantly surprised by the responses so far. I was expecting more Claptrap because he the original robot.
Gortys. I can't fucking stand Claptrap.
Gortys. Claptrap is awesome, but that was only in TPS. Also, he's not as cuddly.
Dude, nobody fucking likes Claptrap. Not even the characters in the game. He's the scum of the earth. I tried a playthrough of The Pre-Sequel with a friend, and eventually he gave up because playing as Claptrap made the game too fucking annoying for the both of us. God DAMN.
gortys! robot ellie FTW
Gortys by a landslide. She is so cuddly, cute and cheerful in a very positive way.
Claptrap because of this gem
A cute naive little robot vs an annoying catastrofic brat. Ohoho it's easy...Gortys all the way
Gortys easily of course. She's just the cutest thing, I love the voice for her, and she isn't annoying.
Claptrap always got on my nerves. Gortys is way more likeable imo.
I'm sure they'll meet in ep 4 or 5 and Clappy is going to fall in love with Gortys (the reason Gortys is described in her card as a "she") and will try to hit on her
A lot funnier robot and cuter
Yeah, it's really awesome seeing them work together again. It's also kind of a new parenting role, like Joel and Ellie, now it's Rhys and Gortys.
I like both.
vulgar and annoying Claptrap vs. cute and innocent Gortys - they're like Yin and Yang of Borderlands universe
I wonder how Loader Bot would react to that :P
Round 1 : FIGHT !!!
Round 1: Loader Bot: Flawless Victory
Definitely Gortys, I like her spirit so much.
Gortys, of course. Claptrap is one of signatures of Borderlands, but he's just so damn annoying and obnoxious. I like him too, but in a hatred soaked kind of way
Gortys without a doubt. I love her voice, I love her dialogues with Loader Bot, I love her design - cute tiny mouth and big eyes, that change their expression as if she had eyebrows.
She's just so impossibly adorable, you'd just want to take her on your hands and never let go.
That makes two of us
We'll do it in turn then, right, buddy? ;D
I really really REALLY hope that Telltale give us at least ONE option to hug her.
Of course ^^
Claptrap will initially try to murder Gortys out of jealousy, calling her a "rip-off" of himself and trying to justify it to your Vault Hunter that since she's a robot, it's not technically really murder.
Then he'll realize that if he does kill her, then he'll be killing one of the few entities in the universe that actually likes him in preference to mildly tolerating his screwball existence.
Loader Bot will be understandably less forgiving.
Yes! Please, please make it happen TTG.
That would be freakin adorable.
I actually like Claptrap more because I found his comments to be funnier in borderlands 2 than Gortys in TFTB.
Gortys > Claptrap > Loader Bot imo
That is all
gortys is way more annoying then claptrap for me
That would be weird to me, since Gortys has the voice of a child. I know they're all robots and age doesn't matter to them but it would be a tiny bit....Weird.
Oh that's true
But hey you know CL4P-TP